The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1) Page 15

by Claire Marta

  “Am I dead?”

  He doesn’t answer.

  I must be. My last recollection was being in the hospital broken and damaged. Now I’m healed.

  It makes sense I would come here if I died. He’s the keeper of my soul after all.

  Panic tightens my chest. I’ve always known I would die young, but now it’s happened I know I wasn’t ready.

  I’ve just got my brother back. I need to make sure Snatch and the rest of my team are ok.

  Resting my forehead on the cool glass, I watch the glow of the lava beyond.

  I feel...defeated.

  “I can see the darkness in you. It paints your soul a marvellous black. We’re more alike than you realise.” Max murmurs behind me.

  Shifting my attention, I watch his reflection. “I’m nothing like you.”

  “Yes, you are. That’s why I can satisfy your every hunger.”

  What is this? Now I’m here he still wants me to be his whore and kill other demons for him on the side?

  “No thanks. I think I've had as much as I can take of demon dick.”

  A mix of annoyance and irritation play across his handsome face. “I will chew you up and spit you out if I have to, Mavi. Believe me, I always get what I want.”

  I don’t doubt that. He’s arrogant enough. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give him everything he wants.

  “If I’m going to work for you we need some ground rules. I don’t mix work and pleasure. No more fucking.”

  “If I want to shove my cock down your throat or into any other hole you have of my choosing you will take my hot seed, whether you want to or not.” He snarls, temper slipping.

  Turning, I lean back against the expansive window. “I’m sure you’re used to getting your own way, but that isn’t going to happen with me.” I need to get smarter. Harder. Have to survive this and find a way to free my soul. “I don’t like you or your games. If I do this, you free my soul with no tricks.”

  “You don’t have to like me, you just have to get the job done.” He spins something on a leather cord.

  Gaze latching onto Gabriel’s amulet, I watch him twirl it from a finger.

  Lunging forwards, I go to take it. “That’s mine.”

  Hand snapping back, he hides it within the folds of his robes. “Something as powerful as this needs to stay out of your reach. I don’t need an Archangel breathing down my neck.”

  My eyes search the room. Grinding my teeth, I storm across towards the bed. I’m done with his manipulations. His fucked-up mind games.

  Rounding the other side of the mattress, I stoop to collect my objective.

  “Are you going to sulk now, Mavi?” He taunts with a sneer.

  “No.” Swivelling, I throw the dagger with practised accuracy.

  Meeting flesh, it makes a satisfying sound as it embeds deep through the layers of his robes.

  He’s lucky I wasn’t closer. I would take pleasure cutting out his evil heart and watching his blood spread over the elegant marble floor.

  With a grunt, Max pulls the dagger lodged between his ribs free. “I’ll remember next time not to leave sharp objects around when you’re pissed off.”

  “If you keep riling me I’ll do the Devil a favour and kill you first.”

  One dark eyebrow raising, he smirks.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat draws my attention. Standing in the open doorway, a hunched green skinned male is bowing low. Short, tawny brown horns poke from the nest of brown curls on his head. Peeking up, his red gaze sweeps over me with interest.

  “Master, they’ve breached the outer walls.” He informs Max in a high squeaky voice.

  Expression darkening, his jaw firms in a scowl. “Call in the reinforcements.” He orders, eyes flashing in displeasure.

  “As you wish.” The green skin replies before scuttling away.

  Crossing the room in purposeful strides, Max comes to a halt before me, the dagger I’d thrown at him still clutched in his grip.

  “Go and take a shower. The bathroom is through that other door. I need to deal with the siege.”

  Confusion threads through me. “What siege?”

  He trails his fingers along my jaw. So close now that it makes my body stir with awareness that his cum still coats my inner thighs.

  “One of the other Generals has decided he wants to take me out before I do the same to him.”

  Arms crossing defensively over my chest, I look towards the window and the chaotic landscape beyond, but see no signs of a battle. “You all double cross the Devil then try to annihilate each other?”

  Forefinger curling beneath my chin, he brings my face back to his. “There can only be one ruler over Hell.”

  “I want my clothes.” I mutter, staring into his bewitching gaze.

  “I prefer you naked.” Leaning down, he plants a gentle kiss on my parted lips before stalking from the room.

  Max’s actions baffle me. He goes from aggressive and dominant, to something softer in the blink of an eye. I don’t understand him. And I’m not sure I want to. He’s my enemy.

  Releasing a deep sigh, I go in search of the bathroom.

  I need to formulate a plan. How the fuck am I going to assassinate three powerful demons to free my soul? There’s no guarantee when I do that I’ll go to heaven. Working for Gabriel was supposed to give me a free pass. Now I'm not so sure that’s the case. What if I’m wrong? It would mean completing the mission and finding my arse still trapped here with the rest of the damned souls.

  Padding into the bathroom I’m pleased to find a walk-in shower roomy enough not to feel cramped.

  A jacuzzi and a deep sunken bath are also a welcome sight. Floor tiles in blue, they’re just as warm to the touch as the bedroom. It makes me wonder if it’s the lava that’s heating them from beneath? Has Max somehow harnessed it?

  Fluffy white towels are neatly arranged in a shelved alcove behind the door.

  Wandering further in, I discover the assortment of feminine bathing products left stacked in an open cabinet.

  I can’t help wondering why Max has them here? Does he have other females he’s holding captive? Maybe a few demonic mistresses he has at his beck and call. The last thought irritates me. Why then use me if he already has whores to keep him amused?

  Selecting a shampoo and conditioner, I move to the shower.

  The need to clean him off my skin only grows.

  Catching the corner of my eye, I jolt to a stop at my reflection.

  My eyes are a darker blue. Deep as the arctic ocean. Red hair now ebony, it hangs loosely around my shoulders as black as a raven’s wing. Pale skin glowing with an ethereal quality, I look otherworldly.

  A fragile looking ghost.

  I’m not me. I don’t recognize who I am any more. Max has done this to me.

  Anger building, I clench my jaw. He has a lot to pay for. I should have cut off body parts instead of just sticking the dagger in his chest.

  Emotions brewing in a storm, I flick on the taps and stand beneath the down pour of water. It’s hot. Scorching, but I take the punishment as it blisters my flesh.

  Working the shampoo into a lather, I forcefully massage it into my hair until my scalp begins to ache. Rinsing it clean under the cascading jets, I reach for the soap. Gliding over every inch, it washes away every hint of Max’s duplicity.

  A noise disturbs me.

  I’m not alone. Hair rising on the back of my neck, my focus shifts to a presence beyond the shower door.

  Reaching out, I turn off the taps, ending the flow of water above.

  Eyes narrowed, I bang the shower door open.


  Shoulder resting against the wall, the lanky soul catcher gives me a sharp grin. His gaze runs over the length of my wet naked body with a gleaming male interest.

  Finding a towel, I quickly cover myself from view. “What are you doing here?”

  “We made a deal, remember?” His voice deep as thunder rumbles out.

>   With everything that’s happened it had slipped my mind. He’d helped me out, sending Nathan and Snatch to the hospital in exchanged for my help. Fuck it. My list of shit to do is just growing by the minute.

  “You want me to fix a problem you have. I remember.” I reply dully, stepping from the cubicle. “What is it? Someone picking on you?” With a spare towel, I begin to rub my hair dry.

  Hopefully something quick so I can get him off my back.

  “I want you to kill Maxius.”

  I stop mid motion blinking at him slowly. “I’m sorry, I think I misheard you.”

  Fritz’s expression is deadly serious. “I want you to end him for me.”

  Well this was unexpected.


  “That’s my business and don’t pretend you’re not itching to do it after all he’s done to you.”

  Humming in my throat in agreement, I rub the towel over my wet hair more vigorously. “I need to figure out if my soul is still stuck here before I can do that.”

  A laugh springs from his cracked lips. “You’re not dead. Is that what he told you? You’re still very much alive.”

  I frown. Max hadn’t answered my question when I’d asked earlier. Not dead means there’s a chance to get back to earth. Back to my brother and my team.

  Hope wells up inside me.

  “Take him out now while he’s distracted. It has to be now. I can’t wait any longer.” With a sweep of his hand, my gun, blessed ammo, and belt, complete with clips, appears on the floor at my feet. “This is a onetime deal. Once it’s done, I’ll take you home.”

  “He’s in the middle of a battle outside.” I point out. “How the fuck am I supposed to find him?”

  “Use your imagination.” Fritz rumbles back. With that, he vanishes, dissolving into air.

  It’s there, all laid out for me. A way to be free. Biting my lip, I kneel to ghost my fingertips over my pistol. I’ve missed her. Yearned to feel the weight of her in my hand. It’s my happy place.

  Checking the clips, I find them all loaded.

  Max won’t be expecting this. A blessed knife might not have succeeded, but a dozen blessed bullets to the brain should stop him from breathing.

  Determination settles over me bringing with it a calm.

  Drying myself off, I gather my things and bring them into the bedroom. Leaving the weapon and ammo on the mattress, I hunt through the wardrobe again.

  Nothing of mine is inside. Growling in frustration, I yank down another one of his shirts. This is ridiculous. It might be warm enough not to need clothes, but I like wearing mine.

  Riffling through a drawer, I steal a pair of Max’s boxers. They’re a little big, but they cover what’s needed. Shrugging into his shirt, I button it up, trying to ignore the smell of his masculine scent wrapping itself around me.

  Strapping my belt in place, I click it closed.

  Without my shoulder holster I have to carry my gun in my hand. Not that I mind.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Slinking out the door, I find myself in a long-polished marble corridor. Passing the closed doorways, I don’t linger to peek inside. I’m focused on my objective. Nothing is going to stop me. I’m the predator and he’s my prey. A coldness I experience when I’m ready to kill envelopes me.

  An opulent grand staircase leads down onto the main floor.

  The place is eerily silent. Not a soul can be seen.

  Scanning below, I keep my pistol ready.

  “Master has ordered you to stay inside.” The high whiny voice speaks the second my foot hits the last step.

  Swinging around, red eyes regard me coldly. Lips curled back over sharp fangs, I’m not sure if he’s leering or grinning.

  Barrel of the gun trained on the demon’s forehead, I crowd his space with intent. “Your Master can go fuck himself.”

  Cringing hands covering his head for protection he attempts to scurry away.

  Taking an arm prisoner, I drag him back.

  “No, no, it burns! Don’t touch me.” He squeals, clawing to get loose.

  His words jar inside my head. They’re so fucking familiar I can’t get the image of Caesar’s similar reaction out of my mind. Before I have time to analyze it an explosion rocks the walls.

  “What’s that?”

  “The battle.” Thin, long tongue flicking out, he hisses the words. Still scrambling at my hold, he’s desperate to get free.

  Throwing him aside, I jog towards the front doors that have been left cracked ajar. The dark skyline I had witnessed from the bedroom window has softened to a darker hue of blue with the approach of dawn.

  Hurrying into the courtyard I look over my shoulder. I take in the black looking fortress I’ve just escaped. The same marble that makes up the floors inside glitters like starlight. It’s surface is pitted and scarred from numerous bombardments it’s endured over time. Perched on top of the hill, it looms like a shadow. This place had been designed with defence in mind.

  Not slowing my pace, I see the mass of slaughter raging at the bottom of the hill.

  The clang of swords and deafening roars reach me even at this distance.

  It’s a perfect chaos.

  Pausing, my gaze fixes on the bodies littering the scene, heads drawn back in the throes of death. Slack faces twisted in their last drawn out breathes. There’s every type of demon in every shape and form.

  Searching the battlefield, I look for Max.

  Lethal and powerful, I see him standing among a bloodbath. The shadows which encase his body whip around his form as he fights. Wielding a katana, he cuts a path through his foes with the sword, his eyes burning red with an unholy light.

  It doesn’t look like I’m going to get lucky and have someone do my dirty work.

  Plotting a course with my eyes, I gauge the best route to reach him.

  He’s near the edge of the mayhem. Most of the soldiers are clever enough to avoid him.

  I could wait, but this battle keeps him distracted. Face to face, he’s far stronger. If I’m careful I can avoid getting crushed in the sea of violence.

  Quickly, I hike down the red stained dirt path.

  Sky growing lighter, I feel the first warm rays of the alien sun brush my skin. Pure scattered light, it decorates everything it touches in orange and gold.

  Taking aim, I take out the first three demons foolish enough to think me a target. I’m far from prey.

  Without mercy, I eliminate another two.

  The sound of wings beat the air. Scanning the horizon, I spot the source of the sound. A man. Black wings stretched wide, he’s soaring like a giant black crow. Lucifer. It must be. So much for it being one of the other commanders attacking.

  Mouth suddenly dry, I falter.

  Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to leave the castle. I don’t stand a chance against him. If I get caught I’ll face an eternity of torture. I pray he doesn’t spot me.

  Edging around, I gingerly stalk my mark.

  When I’m closer enough I take aim.

  Max is unaware of my presence. To wrapped up in disembowelling another assailant. Spilling the demons guts out before lopping off its limbs.

  He doesn’t have to see me.

  It’s better this way.

  The thought of looking into his eyes while I execute him sets my stomach churning. Palms clammy, I release a breath through my teeth.

  Dark head snapping up perceptively, he circles around.

  He doesn’t look surprised. Irises dilated, his nostrils flare as he pants from his gruesome toil.

  “Pull the trigger, Mavi.” Arms outstretched, he leaves himself an open target. “If that’s what you really want to do.”

  Darkness swirls inside my head. The beast I keep caged behind my youthful eyes rattles to escape it chains. Blood. The metallic smell is overpowering around me. It drives the urges inside me higher. Clarity begins to slip away. The beast calls through my veins.

  If I shoot him I get my freedom. Fritz will take me home. />
  A demon is on me before I even realise. Ploughing into me, he takes me down hard. Gun clattering to the floor, I bring my knee up between his legs, catching him in the balls.

  Howling in agony, he retaliates, fist smashing into my face.

  With adrenaline pumping through me I barely feel it.

  Heart thumping wildly, an unfamiliar energy tingles through every nerve ending. It quickens my pulse. Everything inside me reaches fever pitch.

  I clamp my hands around my attacker’s head.

  Palms searing with a power I can’t control they burn with a rhythmic white light. Shrieking, the berserker tries to back track. Beneath my touch it’s green skin bubbles. Squeezing harder, I push down, watching in fascination at its flesh peels away. Using my thumbs, I gouge out its eyes.

  A sick thrill races through me as they pop easily from the sockets. Rolling away, I leave him to scream and writhe.

  I want to play. I’ve never felt freer.

  Embrace it. That’s what I do. Glory in the feeling. I am a force to be reckoned with. Anyone foolish enough to stand in my way will cease to breathe. I was born for this. Max has set something free in me. Something darker, stronger.

  Rescuing a sword out of the cold dead hand of a fallen solider, I hack and slash my way through the heaving throng. There’s no sign of the Devil. No ominous shadow in the sky.

  Demons scurry, fleeing from my fury. Limbs thud to the blood-soaked ground.

  A hand catches my arm, halting my destruction. “You’re blossoming, my Flower. Flourishing as I knew you would. This is what you were born for.”

  My body instantly becomes aware of Max’s proximity.

  Expression intent, he pulls me into the haven of his chest, twisting the sword from my grasp.

  Our lips fusing, we kiss with ferocity, carnage all around us. He tastes of corruption and lies. Instead of being repulsed by his touch, I crave it. With Max I have no control.

  I want him to hurt me. Use me in the filthiest ways. I desire the pain. Need it to know I’m alive. That my heart has never stopped beating even though I’m trapped in Hell.

  Each delicious kiss of his heat sizzles through me. I want him so much it’s like the need to breathe. Without it, I know I will die.

  Sinking into the bliss, his fiery touch scorches through my skin. I lust for this. For him.


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