Home > Romance > PREGNANT FOR A PRICE > Page 53

by Kathryn Thomas

  I tapped through the contacts in my phone and came across the codename Leo used to keep in touch with his hitmen, the name of a Chinese takeout place. He had insisted I kept the number on my phone even after I left; I had thought it stupid, hoping I would never have to bother getting in touch with him again, but he seemed insistent. In fact, it was the last thing he asked of me. And you didn’t say no to Leo, even though I had quit at the time and had one foot out the door, I knew that saying no would only end with me becoming victim to one of my former co-workers. I was pretty sure is was a culpability thing; that I’d be less likely to hand him in when his number was still fresh on my phone. Whatever it was, I had hoped that I would never have to use it again. Every time I scrolled past the number, I felt a little shudder of horror as I remembered all the terrible things I’d done for the person at the other end of the line. And now, here I was, thinking about calling him again.

  I hovered my finger over the “call” button for a moment or two, hesitating. Did I really want to do this? If I went back, it would be even harder to extricate myself, and I had the blood of two of Leo’s men on my hands. I couldn’t be certain that they were Leo’s men. Hell, assholes did asshole shit every day of the month, but it they were, I needed to get on the inside. And besides, if he figured out that I was the one who had put those two assholes in the ground, I wouldn’t be far behind them. It would be smarter to get him back on side before he figured out that I was the one who took the two of them down. If I could gain his trust again, I might be able to drip some poison about someone else into his ear and throw the suspicion off me.

  I pressed the button before I could back out. I wasn’t sure what compelled me to do it, but it happened almost without a second thought. The phone buzzed a couple of times, during which I had to fight the urge to slam it back down, and eventually, Leo’s voice came down the line.

  “Golden Wok Takeout, how can I help you?”

  “Leo, it’s me, Anthony,” I muttered. I could already feel the dark, sticky awfulness creeping up on me once again, lapping around my feet as it had done all those years ago. His voice was familiar, in the way that nasty little voice in the back of your head that hates you and wants you to know it is familiar too.

  “Anthony? Anthony Dorello?” He sounded dumbfounded. “What the fuck are you doing getting in touch with me?”

  He sounded pissed, but then, Leo never exactly sounded full of the joys. He had told me that if I ever wanted to come back, I could, but I knew that would come with some element of groveling. He wasn’t the type who worked on reasonable boundaries; no, he enjoyed twisting the knife, making sure everyone knew why he was the one in charge of this operation. How long had I worked for him? Ten years, maybe? And he still talked to me like I was an affront to his very existence.

  “I… I want to get back in the game, Leo,” I told him. I couldn’t believe the words were coming out of my mouth - not after all the times I’d sworn to myself that I was done, that there was nothing anyone could do to drag me back in there. I closed my eyes, pressing my fingers to my temples. I tried to still my brain, but it wasn’t working. It was begging me to stop, to slam the phone down and write it off as a dumb prank.

  “What in the name of holy fuck are you talking about.” Leo didn’t phrase it as a question. “You serious?”


  He laughed coldly down the line at my accidental pun. He always had had a twisted sense of humor.

  “You best not be fucking with me here, Ant, because I could really do with someone like you on the team again.” His voice was measured and calm, though I could hear the hint of a threat beneath the cool surface.

  “I’m not fucking with you,” I promised. “I need the money.”

  There was a pause down his end of the line as if he was considering my offer. Then, with a small snort, he replied, “I never thought I’d be saying this, but yeah. Come back. You can still find me at the same place… just come by tomorrow sometime. I’ll fill you in on everything.”

  “Okay.” I tried not to sigh. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was going back to Leo, to the Marinos, to everything.

  “Oh, and be careful - some guy’s been asking around after us, apparently, so don’t tell anyone that you’re back with me,” Leo warned before he hung up.

  I tossed the cell onto my counter and ran my fingers through my hair. So, I had already aroused some suspicion. I was off to a flying start, clearly.

  Much as I tried to make light of the decision I had just made, I knew there was no getting away from it. I had gone backward. I had started out taking on jobs for people like the Marinos when I was sixteen, a full-fledged hitman by twenty, and retired and out of the game six years after that. And now, less than twenty-four months beyond my retirement, I was back. Not just back, but aligning myself with one of the most deeply unpleasant men I’d ever had the lack of pleasure to meet.

  And what for? For her. I could tell myself all I wanted that this was out of curiosity or a sense of adventure or whatever, but I would have kept my nose well out of it unless she was involved. Sabrina. I tested her name in my head as if trying it on for size. What was it about her? I stared up at the ceiling and tried to figure out if I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life. Because it felt a hell of a lot like I did.

  Chapter Seven

  Everyone else had cleared out of the restaurant, leaving just me. I felt a little stab of nervousness - this is how it had been the night before when the attack had happened. But one of the chefs had offered to stop by and walk me home if I wanted him to, and I wasn’t planning on wandering the streets late at night anymore anyway. No, I had a plan tonight, and none of it involved leaving this building.

  I focused as best I could on cooking - it was what had got me into this business, after all, and I still loved it after all these years. My mom had taught my sister and me to cook when we were pretty young, and we’d bonded over putting together meals for the whole family. Every Sunday night, everyone - all four of us, plus my grandparents on both sides and my aunts and uncles - would pile into the house and Mom would need help putting together enough food to keep them all fed and happy. The amount my family ate, that alone was a herculean task, and I was usually the one roped into helping her out. But I didn’t mind. I had always loved to cook for people, whether it was the calm peace I found putting together a simple meal for one person or the gloriously messy panic of cooking in a professional restaurant kitchen. Either way, it was my happy place, and I was glad to have the distraction before he got there.

  I didn’t want anything too fancy, just enough to keep him eating for a while so I could ask him all the questions I had in mind. I lit candles, went the whole nine yards. Part of me felt like this was a date - if I was being honest, a lot of me did. That kiss was lingering in my mind, and I couldn’t figure out why. The situation had been so… ugh, the worst I’d found myself in a long time, but being with him as I had earlier that day made me want to do more. There was that mix of attraction and confusion mixed with more emotions than I could get a handle on by myself whenever I laid eyes on him, and I wasn’t sure what to do with them.

  Just as I laid out the plates, a knock came on the door. My head whipped around, and I felt a sudden jolt of anxiety - but it was him. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding, then went over and let him in.

  “Evening,” he greeted me with a half-smile. I nodded towards the table.

  “Your dinner’s ready.”

  As he walked across the room, I realized something.

  “I don’t even know your name,” I called after him, still standing by the door. He glanced over his shoulder, smiling slightly. My heart fluttered in my chest, and I tried my best to keep my obvious attraction off my face for the time being.

  “Anthony. Anthony Dorello.”

  “Well, good to meet you, Anthony. I’m Sabrina.”

  He paused for a moment, waiting for me to join him. I finally made my way over to him, a
nd lit by the candles, his features looked ever softer and sweeter than they had before. He was dressed smart, in a suit jacket and a tie, and he pulled the chair out for me so I could sit down. I did so, and he took his place opposite me.

  “This looks amazing,” he commented, picking up his knife and fork.

  “Carbonara, it’s the house specialty,” I replied modestly. “My mom taught me to cook it. One of the first things I ever learned to make.”

  “I’m starving.” He glanced up at me. “Lucky thing I won this meal tonight.”

  “Yeah, lucky,” I breathed. It was him. I was certain of it. Before, his presence had taken me by surprise - I hadn’t been ready for him. But this time, knowing what I was expecting, there were no two ways about it. I was looking at the man who had saved me, and that only made my attraction to him grow. Why was that? I mean, he would forever be associated with one of the worst things that had ever happened to me, but for some reason, I found myself drawn to him. I realized I was leaning slightly towards him over the table, and quickly checked myself. I was practically throwing myself at him already, and I needed to hold back. After all, I couldn’t forget what this man was capable of, what he’d done to those men. There was a good chance he was seriously dangerous, and I didn’t want that in my life if it might affect me.

  We began to eat, and he asked me about the restaurant - when it opened, how my staff were, and if we had any regulars. Whenever I tried to ask him a question about his past, he deflected neatly, answering in vague half-sentences that didn’t seem to come to much. The more he avoided my questions, the more determined I became to pull some answers from him. I assumed he must have something to hide - people didn’t usually just stumble into having the talents he did by mistake. I wondered what he did to get them. Was he a personal trainer? Some gym nut who decided to play the hero? Or was it something darker than that? I couldn’t shake the questions from my brain, and as we finished up our meal, I simply observed him in silence for a few seconds. I needed to know what this guy’s deal was, but I didn’t know how to get a straight answer from him.

  He dabbed his lips with the napkin and took another sip of the wine I’d opened for us. He let out a small, satisfied noise, and flicked his gaze up to meet mine again. The silence between us felt comfortable but also loaded as if each of us were waiting for the other to do something.

  “That was amazing, thank you,” he smiled at me across the table, and I felt a small flip in my stomach. My scalp began to prickle. I recognized the feelings for what they were - attraction. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been attracted to someone the way I was to Anthony. Generally, my love life went on the back burner so I could take care of the restaurant. I’d had a few boyfriends since I moved to the city, but not many - I guessed I came with too much baggage, what with my sister and the restaurant and everything else. For most of the guys I met, I was simply too independent; I didn’t need anyone to get by, and that threw a lot of them for a loop. They wanted me to need them, and I just wanted to want them. But Anthony… he didn’t seem put off by the fact that I was in control of my own life. And that just made me more attracted to him.

  Here I was, sitting across from a man who had saved my life and who also may or may not have been seriously dangerous, trying my hardest to ignore the fact that all I wanted to do was lean across the table and kiss him again. I touched my fingers to my lips without thinking, trying to recreate the feeling of his mouth against mine, then blushed and looked away. God, I was acting like a teenager with a crush. I had forgotten how to flirt without just crawling into his lap and asking him to take me there and then.

  “You’re welcome,” I murmured, not sure where to take the evening now that he was finished. I needed more time. I just wasn’t sure how to play for it.

  It was then that I felt it - his hand against my leg. I almost jerked it away on instinct, I was so unused to feeling a guy coming on to me. At first, I wasn’t even sure if he’d meant to touch me, but I looked up at him and saw his eyes had softened and his mouth had moved into a gentle smile. I sat there for a moment, not sure how to react. His warm fingers were against my flesh, promising, offering more if I wanted it. And at that moment, I gave myself over to the desire that had been growing between us and parted my legs.

  I spread my thighs as far as my skirt would allow, and my breath hitched slightly as he took my invitation. I shifted the fabric up and over my hips, my legs almost completely bare beneath the table. I thanked the good Lord that I’d warn my pretty panties that evening, and then forgot about everything as I felt him accept my invitation. His hand slid up the inside of my knee, his nails lightly grazing my skin. I closed my eyes momentarily, only the flicker of the candle still visible through my eyelids. I could hear that his breath had grown a little heavier, and I felt a warm, familiar heat begin to spread through the lower half of my body.

  Finally, his fingers found my pussy. He pulled my panties aside skilfully, and I found myself leaning towards him over the table slightly. I just wanted to be close to him, to take every part of him in; my eyes flicked open so I could watch his reaction as his fingers grazed my labia lightly. He was staring into my eyes, obviously enjoying my reaction, and I found my mouth gaping open a little as he slid a finger inside of me, taking his time. I was already soaked - my body had obviously been more open about desiring him than my brain had. He reached his thumb up and used it to graze my clit ever-so-lightly, and I let out a moan. It was so quiet in the restaurant that the sound seemed to hang in the air between us for a long moment, and I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out in pleasure. He pushed another finger into me, and I lost myself to the sensation of it.

  I slowly blew out the candles. I wasn’t exactly sure why it crossed my mind, but suddenly, I wanted to be in darkness. I wanted to be able to focus on nothing more than the feeling of his fingers within me, and that was it. I caught him smiling just before the last one was snuffed out as if he knew what I was up to and approved of it. His thumb pressed suddenly against my clit, sending a sharp shock across my body. I let out a small cry, and he immediately released the pressure as if he was just waiting for my reaction. He let out a long breath, but without seeing his face, I couldn’t know what it meant - whether he was horny or frustrated or wanted me more than he’d wanted anyone else in his entire life. All I knew were that his fingers flexed slightly inside of me, and he twisted his hand around so he was making a come-hither motion inside me.

  I let out a long moan, able to give myself up to him now there was darkness between us. I would have been too self-conscious if he could still see me, but here, I was able to let go. I parted my legs are far as they would go, hiking my skirt up to expose my bare legs, and he took the invitation. His fingers moved with more purpose, his thumb stroking light, teasing circles around my clit. I gripped the edges of the table, eyes closed, breathing heavy, as I felt my body tense up under his touch. My legs clamped together slightly, holding his fingers in place, not giving him permission to stop as I grew closer and closer. And then, finally, it happened.

  When my orgasm hit, I could hear the wood creaking under my fingers - that was how much it shook through my body, forcing me to tense and release, tense and release. How long had it been since I’d come like that? Months, maybe even years? He pulled his fingers out of me but continued to apply light pressure to my clit, simply extending my orgasm as it played out over every inch of my body. Something about not having to worry about how I looked or what he thought of my appearance, something about being in the dark and having only this between us, made it that much easier to let go, and I did so gratefully, as though I might never come again.

  A cry escaped my lips, and before I knew it, he was standing up, feeling for me in the dark, and easing me to my feet. I knew what he wanted because I wanted it too, and badly. I turned around in front of him, the two of us lit only by the dim light of the appliances still on in the kitchen, and flipped my skirt over my hips to expose myself completely.

  He slid one hand over his ass, and I heard him fumbling in his pocket before he ripped open a condom packed and quickly sheathed himself.

  “God, you feel so good,” he murmured, his voice dark and heavy as his hands roamed across my butt and my lower back. I arched myself up so that I was practically on display for him, and he happily accepted what I was offering. He gripped my hips, and slowly slid inside of me.

  Both of us let out a long, sated sigh as soon as his cock entered me. His fingers were one thing, but they were nothing compared to how he felt now. He was bigger than I had expected - well, thicker - and I felt deliciously full as he held himself inside of me for a second without moving as if savoring the feel of me surrounding him.

  Of course, it didn’t take long for him to start fucking me. Both of us were aching for it, desperate, by that point, and I ground my hips back to meet him with every thrust to bury him deeper. His fingers tightened against my flesh, and I became dimly aware that I could hear rain hitting the windows next to us. But I couldn’t have cared less. All that mattered was the steady pace he was building up inside me, the tension that was already radiating through my body again.


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