Nobody’s Child (New Life Tabernacle Series Book 1)

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Nobody’s Child (New Life Tabernacle Series Book 1) Page 14

by LaShonda Bowman

  If all that weren’t enough, they posed for pictures.

  Robin had given her iPhone to another lady for that sole purpose. The woman snapped pictures throughout the ceremony and took some posed shots at the end.

  Makayla couldn't believe any of it. She looked at Robin only to find her beaming. First chance she got, Makayla nearly ran down the aisle and back to her seat. If she’d known what was going to happen next, she would've run straight for the door.

  The longer Evangelist Fleury spoke, the lower Makayla sank in the pew. The woman had already been up for over an hour and Makayla wasn't sure how much more she could take.

  Robin and the rest of the congregation seemed to feel otherwise. They were jumping up and down, stomping their feet and getting happy every which way but Wednesday. And the louder they got, the louder Evangelist Fleury got.

  "Listen, you don't know what God's setting you up for. That man, that woman, that mother, that father, that brother, that sister—they may have meant you harm, but God—”

  She stomped her foot and shook her head back and forth.

  "God has something else in mind. They think they're digging your grave. Baby, they're digging your foundation! God's about to build you up. Don't be dismayed!

  “You may say, but Evangelist Fleury, you just don't know. The hole I’m sitting in is deep. Well, let me tell you what I do know: the deeper the foundation, the higher the building. I'm talking skyscraper, honey!”

  All over the building, people jumped up and down and waved handkerchiefs through the air.

  “You been saying, ‘God, why You let this happen to me? Why You let them do me that way?’ But you can't see what God sees, baby! Lord have mercy! You don't know what my God knows.

  “You think it made sense to Joseph that God let his brothers throw him in a pit? Sell him as a slave? You think he understood why God let him go to prison for a lie somebody told on him? You think it made sense to him to be left there and forgotten by the man he’d helped? No! But yet—“

  The congregation shouted back. "But yet!"

  "But yet! Glory to God! But yet, he stayed true. He didn't hold it against his brothers. He didn't hold it against his accusers. He kept his heart before God and set his face like flint. And what did God do? He raised Joseph to a place he couldn't even imagine.

  “Don't you tell me God's forgotten about you. Don't you tell me you’re alone or without help. Because the God I serve—“ She spun and jumped up and down. “Ooh Jesus! The God I serve is a miracle worker! The God I serve can take you from the pit to the penthouse. From janitor to CEO. From orphan to most favored child. From brokenhearted to beloved!"

  She waved her white, lace edged handkerchief at the crowd. "Oh, y'all aren't hearing me today. My God! My God! Does anybody know what I'm talking about? Well then, praise God if you believe it!"

  The building erupted in thunderous praise.

  She descended the steps from the podium, using the handkerchief to pat her face. "Listen, listen, listen: beloved, you need to let go and what?"

  "Let God," the congregation replied.

  “That’s it, church. Let go of the hurt. Let go of the blame. Let go of the pain. If you only knew all that He wants to give you, it would be so easy. But in order to take what He’s giving, you’ve got to put down what you’re holding.”

  Evangelist Fleury made her way down the aisle to where Robin and Makayla were seated. Makayla thought about making a quick dash for the door, but before she could move, Evangelist Fleury put her hand on her shoulder.

  Looking out at the congregation she said, "God has something in store for you. The Bible says, eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the good things God has prepared for those that love Him.

  “You know what that means? No one's seen anything like it. No one's heard of anything like it. No one's even been able to imagine the wonders He’s set up and prepared for your life. Say, good things!"

  "Good things," the congregation shouted.

  "No one knows all the good things God wants to do for you, but—turn to your neighbor and say, but."

  The congregation complied.

  "You'll never experience any of it if you won’t trust Him. You'll never get to where God wants to take you as long as you try to do it in your own strength. If you don't get nothing else from me today, get this: Forgive. Let go. Trust God.

  ‘But Evangelist, he—’

  Naw, forgive.

  ‘But you don't understand, I just can’t—’

  No, let it go.

  ‘But how will I—‘

  Trust God.

  “There's nothing—no thing—too big that the grace of God can't help you do it. Whatever's been done to you, whatever trial you’re facing, whatever problem you can’t figure out, baby, I promise you this: God is greater.”

  She looked down at Makayla briefly before patting her shoulder.

  “Amen? Amen. Did God bless you today? Then give Him some praise."

  Chapter 27

  Though Makayla was able to get Robin out of New Life and to the car before Trey approached them, it gave her little relief. All she’d done was delay the inevitable and she knew it. But Trey was the least of her worries.

  She’d been calling and texting Bree at every available opportunity for the past three days, to no avail.

  Makayla tried to persuade herself not to worry. She argued there was a reasonable explanation. She told herself Bree was just out of town for the weekend. Or perhaps she’d misplaced or lost her phone.

  But no matter how many excuses Makayla manufactured, she couldn’t convince herself Bree’s silence was anything other than intentional. Despite that, Makayla wasn’t willing to give in and face it. Not yet. There had to be a way to stop the on-air ambush before Robin arrived for the interview in the morning.

  Whatever Makayla did, she had to do it soon. And not just for Robin’s sake. The stress and pressure bearing down on her was taking its toll. She hadn’t slept a full night since Thursday. She was out of food at her apartment, but had no plans to ask Robin to stop at the grocery store. What was the point? She hadn’t had an appetite for days.

  "What's the matter?"

  Robin glanced at Makayla for a second before looking back at the road.

  Makayla bit her lip. What was she supposed to say? Some preacher lady I don't even know just called me out and I'm feeling guilty because you're about to walk into a disaster tomorrow, courtesy of me?


  "Could've fooled me. Been staring out that window since we got in the car. Not a peep, either." Robin turned off Sirius and set her sunglasses on top of her head. "You think I haven't figured it out?"

  Makayla looked at Robin, her heart caught mid beat.

  "You're mad I made you get up in front of all those people, aren’t you?”

  Relief swept over Makayla and she released the breath she was holding.

  “I don’t even know why you’re asking. I can tell by the look on your face you think it’s funny.”

  Robin pulled her lips in, utterly failing to hide her smile.

  "I looked dumb."

  "You did not look dumb."

  "I did," Makayla said, folding her arms. "Christenings are for babies."

  "Aww. You are a baby. You're my baby." She reached over and pinched her cheek.

  Makayla turned her head to hide the smile that pulled at her lips. "Haha. You're so hilarious."

  "My, my, my…” Robin shook her head. "That evangelist sure did preach, didn't she?"

  Makayla arched an eyebrow and shrugged. "I guess."

  "You guess? Were we at the same service?"

  “She wasn’t being realistic, if you ask me.”

  "Okay, now I know we must’ve been at two different services, because I don't even know what you're talking about, little girl."

  Makayla tugged at her seatbelt and turned toward Robin. "All that talk about forgiveness? That no matter how bad it is, if somebody wro
ngs you, you should forgive them? I'm sorry. That makes no sense."

  "God forgave us our sins and we, in turn, forgive others."

  "I ain't God."

  Robin smiled. “Anything can be forgiven. I know that for a fact. And ‘forgiven’ doesn’t mean ‘forgotten’. Nobody’s saying you have to pretend like it never happened. And God knows it isn’t easy, but it is possible."

  "But if you let them get away with it, then you’re saying it's okay. That don’t seem right.“

  "Who says they're getting away with it? God’s not blind. Let Him handle it. That’s not my job. I don't need to let anger and revenge eat me up. That's only hurting me."

  Makayla shook her head. Unbelievable. It was like it was Crazy Day and everyone decided to be certifiable.

  "So you're telling me I could go out tomorrow and purposely ruin your reputation, destroy your career, wreck your entire life and you'd forgive me? Just because you're supposed to?"

  Makayla knew Robin would say yes. She had to after the day’s sermon and her own speech on forgiveness.

  "Yes. Yes, I would. Not just because I'm supposed to. I'd want to. Because I love you."

  Tears blurred Makayla’s vision and she turned to the window so Robin wouldn’t see her attempt to blink them away.

  What bothered her the most was, she knew Robin was telling the truth. At least, she knew Robin believed she was telling the truth. It was easy to claim love and forgiveness when the situation was hypothetical. Reality was a lot harsher.

  Robin turned the key in the ignition and reached behind Makayla's seat to get her handbag off the floor. Makayla hadn't even realized the car had stopped.

  "Get out the car, baby girl. It's time to celebrate."

  Makayla looked out her window at the pristine, tree-lined street and the stately homes that dotted the large, manicured winter lawns. It looked like she’d just been dropped in the middle of a movie location.

  She looked at Robin, who’d gotten out of the car and was about to close the door.

  “Where are we?”

  Robin leaned in the open car door and smiled. “Home.”

  Chapter 28

  To Makayla, it was like stepping into the pages of one of the home and garden magazines she’d sold to customers at the gas station.

  Robin's house was gorgeous.

  It was the absolute opposite of every home Makayla had ever been in. Open and airy. Brand-new looking. Expensive.

  Floor-to-ceiling windows let in light from all directions. Fragrant bouquets of fresh flowers on the tables made the space feel like mid-spring instead of late fall. Comfy, overstuffed chairs surrounded a round, mahogany coffee table. Richly colored rugs covered sections of the satin-finished hardwood floors.

  And that was just what could be seen from the entryway.

  Makayla stood in the archway to the great room, mouth open, looking every bit the "country mouse."

  Robin set her handbag, hat and keys on the entryway table and came up beside her. "I take it you approve?"

  Makayla blinked. “Well… It's all right,” she said, shrugging.

  Robin laughed and grasped her forearm.

  "Well, maybe I can impress you with what I've got upstairs."

  As they ascended the grand staircase, Makayla let her hand glide along the polished wood banister that matched the floors.

  She rarely saw neighborhoods that had houses like this. She’d certainly never been inside one. She never wanted to leave.

  She followed Robin along a skylight lit hallway, where they stopped in front of a door at the very end. Robin clasped her hands, clearly about to explode with excitement.

  "Now look, if you don't like it, just say so. We can start over. No problem."

  Since Makayla had no clue what she was talking about, she offered no argument.


  Robin put her hand on the doorknob.


  Makayla was amused at the sheer depth of Robin's giddiness. "Sure."

  Robin turned the knob and let the door gently swing open.

  "I hope you like it."

  Makayla’s hands flew to her mouth when she looked through the door. For a moment, she actually considered pinching herself. With the encouragement of a gentle nudge on her back from Robin, she entered the room.

  In the middle of the space was a queen-size bed with the kind of abundant and luxurious bedding she’d only seen in fancy hotel ads. The duvet and various throw pillows were covered in high luster ivory, royal blue, purple and gold fabrics.

  The rolled top tufted headboard was in an ivory fabric that shimmered under the light from the teardrop chandelier hanging above. Over the headboard, on an area of wall framed out by crown moulding, was an Impressionist style oil painting of a majestic peacock.

  Another wall was taken up by two huge built-in bookcases. Between them was a large bay window with a royal blue, upholstered window seat.

  Everywhere Makayla turned, there was something even more incredible to see, but her absolute favorite was the eggplant purple armchair by the door. In the corner of its seat was nestled a gold, mini rosette pillow. It was as far as one could get from a rusty, old folding chair.

  Robin came up behind her and whispered in her ear. “What do you think?"

  Makayla had to fish for the words for a few moments before anything resembling a sentence made its way out.

  "Is this where I'm sleeping tonight?"

  Robin dropped her head to the side and cocked one eyebrow.

  "No. I'm putting you out in the garage! Of course, this is where you’re sleeping tonight. Actually…”

  She took Makayla's hand and led her to the bed where they sat. "I have an idea I want to run by you. But keep in mind, it's only an idea. If you're not comfortable with it or feel like I'm invading your space, just say so and I'll never mention it again, okay?"

  Makayla nodded.

  “Well, I know your winter break is coming up and, without classes to attend, you don't really need to be so close to campus. At least, not until the next term starts, anyway. And well, as you can see," she said, motioning around the room, "I have plenty of space. So… What if you spent your break here?"

  Makayla felt her heart stop.

  "And then, when school starts back up, you can go back to your apartment. Or if you wanted…" Robin lifted one shoulder in a half shrug and slightly squinted her eyes. "You could just stay?"

  Everything Makayla had forgotten since walking into the house—the radio interview, her lies about college, the pamphlet she found and what it meant—came rushing back. A wave of vertigo swept over her and she leaned back, afraid she'd fall off the edge of the bed.

  Robin misinterpreted her movement away as discomfort and exhaled. "I'm being presumptuous, aren't I?"

  She stood, tugging at the hem of her jacket. "You're probably going home for the holidays, aren't you?" She shook her head and went to the door. "Just pretend I didn't say any of that." She waved her hands in the air. "I'll go get dinner started. Come down when you're ready."

  She turned and quickly made for the door. Makayla couldn’t stand to see her so embarrassed. Makayla was the one who should’ve been hiding her face. She’d already told Robin so many lies. What was one more? Especially if it made her feel better?


  She peeked back in from the hallway.

  "You—you aren’t being—whatever it was you said."

  Robin smiled. "Presumptuous?"

  "Yeah, that. You aren’t being presumptuous. I don't really have any plans for the holidays. At all. So since you do have the room, maybe I could spend them with you."

  Robin leaned her head against the doorframe.

  "I'd like that. I'd like that very much."

  "I just have one question."

  “Okay," Robin said, coming back into the room. "Shoot."

  "Well, last time I hung out with Mr. Jones, he warned me never to eat your cooking. I promised him I’d speak up if I ever felt unsafe.”
  Robin pursed her lips together in an effort to suppress her smile.

  "Is that right?"

  Makayla feigned complete innocence and nodded.

  "Well," Robin said, putting her hand on her hip. "For your information, it's catered. My ‘cooking’ this afternoon consists of turning on the oven and letting the food heat to the required temperature. You feel better?”

  Makayla put her hand on her chest and lowered her head in mock relief. ”I do.”

  “Uh huh…” Robin grabbed the gold rosette pillow from the chair and tossed it at Makayla. Leaving the room, she called out, “You may end up in that garage yet, little girl!"

  Makayla went to the door and listened. She waited until she was sure Robin was downstairs and completely out of earshot. Quietly, she closed the door and took out her phone.

  Maybe it wasn’t too late to turn the lies into truth. All she had to do was make some changes. She could enroll in school. She could keep the secret and just be Robin’s goddaughter. She’d figure out what to tell Trey. And maybe, just maybe, everything could stay as it was.

  But first, she had to get a hold of Bree.

  It can be fixed. I still have time…

  Time to stop what was turning out to be the biggest mistake of her life.

  Chapter 29

  It wasn’t supposed to feel like this…

  In just a few hours, Makayla would finally have everything she’d wanted for the past five years. She will have decimated a woman's life, publicly humiliated her before thousands and ruined her reputation forever.

  It would be the culmination of years of hard work. Years of carefully planning every detail, devoting all her time and meager resources, anticipating every possible outcome.

  And now her work was finished.

  She must have imagined the moment a thousand times. It was her food and water. Sometimes the only thing that kept her going when all she wanted to do was die.


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