Rakes and Rogues

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Rakes and Rogues Page 16

by Boyd, Heather

  At first, she stood stiffly. It took a few moments before she softened, curling against him with a stifled sob. He stroked her back, comforting her as best he could. He wasn’t surprised by her tension. Most people in her situation wouldn’t have held up under the strain as well.

  After a minute or two, she pushed him away. “I need to get ready for Anna’s visit.”

  “Of course, I’ll be waiting for you both outside.”

  Mercy drew in a shuddering breath. “You cannot stay with me while Anna is here. I should like to be alone with my friend.”

  If Leopold had felt like a dirty little secret before, he was drowning in muck today. So she did not want her friend to see him at all. He should have known his only use was in her bed. He spun on his heel. “I will await the moment for you to dismiss me then, Your Grace.”

  “Leopold,” she called before his hand had touched the doorknob. “Will you keep Edwin with you during her visit? Anna has no interest in children.”

  He might not be wanted, but apparently he did have his uses. Minding the child would be no great hardship. He just hoped he didn’t fret about Mercy’s safety the entire time they were apart.

  ~ * ~

  “Oh, my darling,” Anna cried. “You do look under a dreadful strain. Is this Randall chap very vulgar and forward with you? Shaw tells me you couldn’t send him away.”

  Mercy patted her friend’s hand. “It’s been an interesting week, Anna, but Mr. Randall has been very polite and agreeable.”

  “Yes, well. I do wish you had written me yourself. It is dreadfully sad when your brother knows more about a dearest friend than you. I must reconcile myself to that future pattern, no doubt. He said you had a cozy tête-à-tête yesterday. Are you coming to London with me next week?”

  “Next week?”

  Anna leaned against her side and winked. “The change of scenery will do you good. We can go to the theatre, dancing, and my brother can court you as you deserve.”

  Mercy shuddered. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Lord Shaw. But how could she tell her best friend that her brother’s advances left her cold? There was no way to do it without offending the woman.

  “Maybe another time. There is so much here to do just now that I could not possibly leave.”

  Anna drew back, a frown marring her features. “Are you afraid this Randall chap will take over the abbey in your absence?”

  “Of course not. What a thing to suggest.” She laughed, remembering she had done everything in her power to make him stay this long. The idea of Leopold wanting Edwin’s inheritance was ludicrous, even more so if her suspicions had any truth to them.

  Anna shrugged. “I have not slept easily since hearing of his return and I’ve spent many an hour wondering what he is about. Why has he come at last?”

  Mercy wasn’t sure she should confide in Anna about Leopold’s missing siblings. Leopold deserved a little loyalty and certainly his privacy. “The news of his cousin’s death did not reach him till recently and he’s come to pay his respects. Since he’d traveled so far, I invited him to stay awhile. He is otherwise engaged at the moment, but it has been nice to have him here.”

  “Nice.” Anna bristled. “Only you would call such a man nice. I should have liked to take a peek at him. A gentleman would have made himself known by now. It speaks poorly that he’s skulking about here and has not been seen outside the abbey recently.”

  There were several good reasons why Mercy didn’t want to have Leopold meet Anna today. The first, of course, was the threat to her son. Edwin needed protection more than she did. The second, she was still tremendously angry with Leopold. And third, sadly, she didn’t know if she could hide how much she admired the blasted scoundrel. Even in her current temper, she found it hard to look away from him.

  Anna would see her interest and could never be counted on to hold her tongue.

  Her scrutiny would make Leopold uncomfortable— not that he didn’t deserve a little discomfort today. He’d likely known he’d bedded the Duchess of Romsey five years ago. He must consider himself quite accomplished to fool her. And, knowing the current duke was likely his child, he’d still returned to the abbey and pretended they’d never met.

  Well, maybe she could give him a small concession. She hadn’t known her midnight lover’s name either. The room had been black as pitch, they’d not spoken above a whisper, and even then the most they had uttered were gasps and moans. She had never seen him clearly and he may not have seen her either. She shuddered. Remembering. Feeling her emotions conflict inside her.

  Damn him.

  “Lady Venables,” Wilcox intoned, standing aside so Blythe could join them in the drawing room.

  Blythe’s face was drawn and pale, so much so that Mercy leaped to her feet and caught up her sister’s hands. “What has happened?”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I never should have—” the rest of her words died on her tongue as she spotted Anna across the room. “Forgive me? I didn’t realize you had company already.”

  Mercy forced a bigger smile to her lips. “Anna came a while ago but I am very happy to see you. Will you stay and take luncheon with me? I’ve missed you so much these last few days.”

  When Mercy embraced Blythe, the hug was returned lightly. “Of course, Your Grace. I’d be happy to join you.”

  Since they hadn’t seen each other in days, Mercy captured her sister’s arm and steered her toward the settee opposite Anna. Anna looked a bit put out when Mercy didn’t resume her spot at her side, but she ignored it all in favor of keeping hold of Blythe. She didn’t look at all well. When Anna was gone, she would speak privately with her sister.

  “And how do you get along, Lady Venables?” Anna asked with a touch of condescension tingeing her words.

  “Very well, thank you,” Blythe replied. “And you, Lady Barnet?”

  Anna turned a bemused smile on Mercy. “I find Her Grace’s situation vastly unsettling. Imagine the strain she is under by having that man reside here?”

  Blythe frowned. “What man?”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “Why that presumptuous Randall fellow, of course. He is staying here, under this very roof, no doubt plotting to do the poor child in and steal the title for himself. We’ll likely need to have Shaw come and remove him by force, I expect. What an outrage to find him encamped here.”

  Blythe’s glaze flickered around the room. “Is that true? Is Randall here now?”

  Mercy smiled, cursing Anna under her breath at the same time. “Of course he is here. He is family, after all. How else can one get to know new family without seeing them frequently?”

  Blythe frowned. “I’d like to visit with Edwin, if I may.”

  Mercy patted her hand, but inside, she quaked. Blythe would be difficult about Leopold being here, and about him being alone with Edwin without her supervision. “Perhaps we could go together. Shall we?”

  Mercy stood, and since Blythe did too, Anna had no choice but to follow them. When they reached the hall, Mercy could hear her son laughing at the top of his lungs. Blythe’s frown grew and her step quickened, dragging Mercy along with her.

  Her sister didn’t bother to knock on the door. She simply barged right into the playroom without knocking.

  But if she hadn’t, Mercy would never have seen the look on her son’s face as he played with Leopold. The pair was across the room, Leopold lying flat on his back. But Edwin was perched atop his raised feet, arms spread wide as if he were flying. He was having a grand time with his new playmate and Mercy’s heart did little somersaults at the sight.

  They looked to be having so much more fun than she was. They were becoming fast friends.

  “Put the duke down now,” Blythe shouted.

  At her request, Leopold placed Edwin on his feet carefully, and then rolled to his feet, tugging hard on his coat and waistcoat before turning to face them.

  Edwin raced forward. “Aunty Bly, Aunty Bly. Did you see me? I was flying.”

Blythe bent over him and checked his arms, face and hands. “I saw you. But that is too dangerous for you, Edwin. You must remember you are a duke.”

  Edwin ignored her and crashed into Mercy. “I flew, Mama.”

  Mercy brushed her fingers over his flushed cheeks. “Did you thank Mr. Randall for the pleasure?”

  Edwin’s face fell. He turned slowly and then flew back across the room into Leopold’s legs. “Thank you.” It was like watching a whirlwind. Edwin was giddy with joy.

  Leopold bent to whisper in Edwin’s ear and her son ran off to play with his toys.

  Anna, ignored by Edwin so far, swept past Mercy toward Leopold. “Now I see why my friend was in no great hurry for us to become acquainted.” She boldly held out her hand. “Lady Barnet.”

  Leopold’s gaze flickered to Mercy then at the hand held out to him. He caught it briefly. “Leopold Randall, at your service.”

  When Anna eyed him appreciatively, Mercy ground her teeth. That was quite enough of that sort of thing. Mercy knew that look. It was the same one that crossed Anna’s face when she saw something she wanted to have. She wanted Leopold. Her Leopold. The hot sting of jealousy burned through her breast. She caught her sister’s arm and drew her forward. “You remember my sister, Mr. Randall, don’t you?”

  Leopold stepped away from Anna. “Of course. It’s a pleasure to see you Lady Venables. Her Grace has missed your company.”

  Blythe nodded, but didn’t speak to him. However she watched him just as carefully as Anna did, her gaze wary and full of distrust. Poor Leopold appeared decidedly uncomfortable. Mercy quashed her pity. He’d duped her into liking him. He was nothing better than a cad, a philanderer, and a scoundrel.

  Thank heavens this situation was so tense that he wasn’t smiling. Because if he did smile, or laugh, Anna and Blythe might notice he and Edwin had matching dimples. She’d been a fool not to notice the likeness from the very beginning. Her son was undoubtedly of Leopold’s making. Dear God, she was so foolish to have invited him to stay with them. But what should she do now?

  “Well, then. I’ll leave you ladies to spoil the lad.” Leopold stopped beside her shoulder. “He’s been asking after you. I’ve just sent the maid to the kitchen in search of a treat for him.”

  A quick smile eluded Mercy’s control as she watched her son at play. “I’ll see you at dinner, Mr. Randall. Enjoy your afternoon.”

  “Of course, Your Grace.”

  The tone he used, so reminiscent of their first meeting, made Mercy’s heart skip a beat. She might be angry with him for his deceit, but she didn’t want too great a distance to spring up between them. She thrust her hand out as he passed and brushed her fingers across the back of his hand. The touch sent a short spark of lightning along her nerves. Mercy held herself rigidly in place as the desire to follow him, fling herself into his arms, grew. She couldn’t do that while Anna and Blythe were here. But she had to sort through her suspicions before she embraced him again.

  The door shut with a soft click.

  “Well, no wonder you will not come up to Town.” Anna fanned herself with her hand. “What a lover he’d make.”

  Mercy did not like the sound of Anna’s speculation. Although she wanted to stay mad with Leopold, she didn’t want to share him either, which meant that she’d already forgiven him for not revealing his knowledge of their past association.

  Wearily, Mercy turned for a chair and sat. She was very much attached to the dratted man, and it had only taken three nights in his arms, including their first night when she didn’t know him at all. If she spent more time with him, would she ever let him go?

  “You’re not seriously suggesting that Mercy should pursue him,” Blythe asked, shock evident in her tone. “He’s an upstart.”

  Anna laughed. “Lady Venables, you are simply too naïve. A man with a presence such as that is perfect for a diverting, temporary dalliance. A grateful man is always the most willing to give a woman pleasure.”

  Mercy’s heart revolted at her friend’s words. How could she say such things about Leopold or about any man? She’d have to stop this conversation or they might not remain friends. She cleared her throat. “You are speaking of my family, my son’s family, Anna. I would appreciate it if you kept such thoughts to yourself.”

  Blythe gasped.

  Anna smiled. “Of course, Your Grace. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. But you must admit, he truly is delicious to look at. If only he was a man you could trust, eh?”

  Mercy licked her lips, suddenly afraid of Anna’s quick apology. Had she guessed by her quick defense of him that she and Leopold were already lovers, and that Mercy had no intention of turning him away should the opportunity arise? She smoothed her skirts, suddenly self-conscious. “I think I shall have luncheon brought forward. Are you both hungry?”

  “Not me,” Anna replied quickly. “If you will excuse me I have another call to make today.”

  “Of course, Anna.” Mercy rose and kissed her friends cheeks. “Thank you for your visit. Do come again another day.”

  “I’ll make a point of it, you can be certain of that.” Anna swept out and then it was just Mercy and Blythe alone, with Edwin playing quietly at their feet.

  Blythe leaned forward. “Tell me you had no choice but to have him stay here?”

  Mercy shook her head. “That wasn’t how his invitation came about, Blythe, but I do need him here. There’s been another letter since I saw you last. I’ve confided in Leopold and he believes trouble is coming for Edwin. I must protect him and Leopold is willing to help me do that.”

  Blythe scowled.

  Mercy clasped her sister’s hands and squeezed. She wanted peace between Blythe and Leopold more than anything. “You saw them together. Leopold is no danger to my son. There have been many instances where he could have harmed the boy and he’s done nothing more than play a harmless game with him. Now that Leopold is aware of the threat, he has promised to do everything he can to protect Edwin. He is part of Edwin’s family, after all.”

  “That may be so but who will protect you from him.”

  “Oh, Blythe, you worry too much. I don’t require protection, only Edwin does. I cannot do this alone anymore. You have no idea how often I have lain awake at night fretting over it all. Constantine scoffed at the first letters and will not come. I need a man I can trust. Leopold remains at Romsey Abbey.”

  Blythe rocked back a little. “Sister, I can see a disaster coming. You know your own character. You will become besotted with him within a week and then what will you do?”

  Too late for that warning. Too late by five years. It had only taken one night for Mercy to crave Leopold Randall. Five years to know who he really was. She would have to hide how she felt from Blythe better. She would have to make sure no one ever suspected Edwin was not her husband’s true offspring. She would have to keep the secret of his conception forever locked away, even if it broke her heart to do so.


  Leopold pushed off the low stonewall as Allen’s two sons disappeared into the stables on an errand. The Romsey stables, a mammoth domed building of brick and glass, were quiet at this time of day. Only Allen labored at chores in the yard, rubbing down a gelding that had recently been exercised. His cousin worked with single-minded intensity, barely glancing up when Leopold joined him.

  He had intended to wait until Allen was done with the task, but the man seemed in no hurry to engage in conversation. The old duke had done that in his day, too. He would pretend not to notice someone and make them wait or—heaven forbid—interrupt him so he had an excuse to be annoyed. Just how much like the old duke was Allen? Although he searched his memory, Leopold couldn’t remember what Allen had been like as a younger man.

  He crossed the yard and approached Allen as he changed sides. The gelding fidgeted a bit, but Allen soothed the beast with firm strokes and soft words. “The building is still grand, isn’t it?” Allen said without preamble.

  Leopold looked up at
the fanciful turrets that no one could enter and grimaced at the extravagance. “The old duke did love to house his horses in luxury.”

  Allen straightened, patting the horse. “Not that they care or notice. Like this fellow here, all he wants is a rub, food and water, and to gallop as often as he can. The stables need a bit of work done around the back. I hear you’re the man to go to if something needs fixing.”

  “I am for the moment. The duchess will be hiring a new steward soon, but I will make a note of your concerns and see they are attended to.”

  “The walls could do with a lick of paint and a couple of panes of glass cracked last winter.”

  Leopold nodded. That wasn’t too bad in the scheme of things. Some of the other outbuildings were in a sorrier state. “I’ll see that it’s taken care of.”

  “Much obliged. The horses don’t care for the draft.” Allen glanced at him sideways. “But that’s not why you’re here. What brings you to me, Mr. Randall?”


  Allen shrugged. “Nothing unusual there for a Randall.”

  “No,” Leopold said quietly. “We were an unruly bunch in the past. However, in this instance, I have good reason to be concerned.”

  “Concerns your boy then?”

  Leopold ground his teeth and then forced his jaw to work again. “It concerns the duke, yes.”

  Allen chuckled. “Don’t get on the high ropes with me. You sounded just like your father when he was in a snit. Anyone with eyes and a good memory can tell that boy wasn’t of the fifth Duke of Romsey’s making. He’s not a sickly child, is he? He looks like you.”

  Damnation! Was the resemblance that obvious?

  Allen looked around, spotted his eldest child waiting in the stable’s shadows, and then led the horse toward him. Once the beast had been passed over, and the youth had disappeared, Allen came back.

  Leopold crossed his arms over his chest, determined to ignore the comment about Edwin’s parentage. “Do you know what’s been going on around here?”


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