Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath

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Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath Page 6

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Unable to hold back his release any longer, Maryann felt Mikel stiffen, felt the ropes of his come jet deep inside her sheath. The pleasure was unbearable and seemed never-ending. Finally, unable to hold herself up any longer, she collapsed onto the bedding, dislodging Mikel unceremoniously in the process.

  Mikel collapsed onto the bed next to her, then quickly took Maryann into his arms as he rolled onto his side, spooning with her. While her heartbeat slowed and the silence spread over them like a warm blanket, Maryann drank in the comfort of his steady strength. She felt like a breathless girl of eighteen once again as she lay safe within the security of Mikel's arms, not the rape victim that The Black Rose had made her. It felt so good to be held so snugly against his side. Turning over, she buried her face against the corded muscles of his chest and took the time to breathe in his scent.

  "Are you okay, Maryann?” he asked.

  Mikel's voice sent another round of ripples through her. Her clit twitched in response. How could she still be horny after he so thoroughly ravaged her body? “Hmm ... never been better,” she murmured, though the strange tingling on her face and the burning in her coochie were giving her second thoughts. What the hell was up with her burning crotch? And why the hell was her the skin around her eye itching? Was Mikel contagious? Was she catching some fishy disease or something?

  Mikel, what the hell did you do to me?

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  Chapter Seven

  Mikel laughed. He couldn't stop the chuckle even though he knew his mate didn't find her current situation the least bit funny. He wouldn't if it were happening to him. How to tell her what was happening were perfectly normal without making her madder than his laughing had already made her?

  Maryann, the only affliction I have is my addiction to you. And what you're experiencing is normal if not a bit uncomfortable. It will pass shortly.

  Uncomfortable. Uncomfortable! You Ass. This is more than uncomfortable. Getting your teeth cleaned is uncomfortable. Wearing thong underwear is uncomfortable. This burns like a son of a bitch. This is more than uncomfortable. What the hell is happening to me?

  Hoping to calm her down through touch, Mikel began making small circles on her back with his hand, soothing her the best he could. “Your body is going through the conversion, Vasha. You knew of this beforehand. The burning in your body is your cells adjusting, forming the necessary cellular changes so that once you're exposed to the Manruvian waters for the first time you'll be able to shift and breathe under water as if you'd always been one of us. The itching around your eye is your mating mark forming. It is how our people will know on sight that you are my mate. No one will doubt it once they look upon you."

  "Well, you should have warned me. It hurts, Mikel. A little warning of what to expect would have been nice."

  "Noted. There won't be any further surprises if I can help it. I plan on having a full partnership with you, Maryann. I saw the damage that Eve suffered when Taliff treated her as less than an equal. I won't do the same with you. You are my other half, the one woman I've waited for most of my life. I won't make the same mistakes he did."

  Maryann snorted against his chest. “No, you'll make different ones."

  Mikel sighed, aware his mate still felt slighted by his lapse. “If my mother had told me of the pain of transformation, I would have told you, Maryann. I regret that I did not ask her when we spoke earlier. But she had much on her mind.” Immediately he could sense her compassion and her sense of shame, quickly followed by regret.

  "No, you were right not to bother your mother over our mating. Your mother's well-being as well as your father and his health and the safety of your people should be your main priorities right now. What's happening to me is trivial in comparison."

  "Nothing about you is trivial, Vasha."

  Maryann must have liked that response because he felt her smile against his chest, felt her happiness through their bond. As Maryann's breathing grew slower, he eased his strokes along her back until he felt certain she drifted asleep. She needed to rest for the coming days ahead. As a matter of fact, so would he. His last thoughts as darkness descended upon him were of his mother and the heartbreak she must be suffering. If anything were to happen to his mate, he didn't know what he'd do, how he'd cope and they'd only been mated mere hours compared to the hundreds of years his parents had shared.

  * * * *

  "Red Alert! Red Alert! All crewmembers report to your designated areas. This is not a drill. I repeat. This is not a drill. All crewmembers report to your designated areas. This is not a drill."

  Maryann woke up gasping, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't have to look to know that Mikel also had woken thanks to the alarms. She could feel it through their bonds. Throwing off the covers, they simultaneously sat up and started for the edge of the bed.

  Mikel held his hand out for her and pulled her to her feet. At that point, it didn't matter if they were on the beach or in his private quarters, naked or fully dressed, she needed answers. Looking up into his eyes, she didn't miss the grim determination and worry she saw there. Swallowing past her fear, she knew The Black Rose was still out there, still kidnapping victims for breeding purposes. She straightened her shoulders. “What's going on Mikel? I can feel you talking to someone even though I can't hear exactly what you're saying."

  Mikel slowly ran his hand through her hair, while squeezing her right hand with the other. “There is a ship approaching at high-velocity and heading to intercept us. The Commander has ordered all crewmembers to ready for battle in case we must fight our way through to continue our trip to the Manruvian home world. It's a precaution just in case The Black Rose or her allies are stupid enough to attack a Royal Manruvian Battle Vessel."

  Running a trembling hand through her hair, she took a step away from her mate, reluctant over ending their time together despite the possible danger. She couldn't keep Mikel from his duties—fighting by his people's side was what he was meant to do and she'd not stand in his way, no matter her feelings. “Oh ... Okay. Then we better get dressed so you can do whatever it is you do. Don't you think?"

  Just then she felt something beneath her skin begin to ripple and move as though something were trying to break free from her skin. Her whole body began to tingle, to burn. Frightened, she lifted her gaze to Mikel, knowing he could feel exactly what she did, that he, too, was experiencing the same sensations. “Mikel, what's going on?"

  Mikel shook his head, his eyes holding confusion. “I'm not quite sure, it almost feels like..."

  Before he could finish his thoughts, the Abacine material they'd absorbed during the binding ritual erupted from the bodies, covering them from neck to toes in a thin silvery material. “Oh no, not again.” Once again, something else could control their bodies and she didn't like that one bit. “Why is this happening, Mikel?"

  Mikel's brows pinched into a frown as he held out his arm, his gaze intent on the material that now covered their bodies, protecting them. She could feel his confusion, his wariness.

  "I think with the ship alarms sounding off and your request for clothing, the suits have decided it might be best to shield us from danger. It's only a guess as no one has been able to actually communicate telepathically with the sentient material."

  She guessed that made sense, but she would have like a little warning about the possibility before it actually happened.

  "I, too, would have liked preparation for this. In all my life, I've never heard of this happening before and I've lived a considerably long time."

  Maryann nodded. Though she'd like to know how the Abacine could rematerialize, now wasn't the time to question it. They may be headed into battle and that was by far a more important matter. Well, at least we have clothes on, skintight though it is, she thought to herself.

  She could feel her face heat under his perusal. Her nipples immediately grew hard under his heated stare. Dropping his gaze, she swallowed, then blew out a long breath. Wiping her palms on he
r thighs, she straightened his shoulders, then raised her head, staring him dead in the eye. “Then perhaps we should find out just who is heading our way so that we can figure out why the Abacine has reacted this way once the possible danger has passed."

  Nodding, Mikel once again clasped her hand in his and, after quickly glancing down the shoreline, as though looking for danger. “Skalldari, please transfer my mate and I to the command deck immediately."


  In not much more than an instant, they found themselves on the Command Deck of the Victory. Maryann could feel the tension in the air like a living thing. The crewmember's faces were grim, determined. With her hand still in Mikel's, she followed him to one of the stations where a female crewmember furiously typed at a very advanced looking computer. The keypads were touch sensitive, not real keys—like something out of a sci-fi movie.

  She could feel Mikel's concentration, his tension, through their bond, and knew he was reading the symbols scrolling across the screen in purple and green flashes. Even if she knew the language, it flickered across the screen too quickly for her to even see what the characters were. What is troubling you, Mikel?

  There are two incoming ships and both are refusing to answer our communiqués. I cannot not think of any good reason our requests for the ships to identify themselves have gone unanswered.

  Behind her, she heard someone shouting orders to raise the shields. Maryann's stomach clenched. Fear ripped through her. The fact The Black Rose may be about to attack had her legs feeling weak and her palms sweating. No. No. She would not cower to that evil woman again. Even if she were taken again, she'd fight back with everything in her. She wasn't a victim any longer. She'd never be a victim again.

  Mikel grimaced, then reached for Maryann's hand again, giving it a small squeeze. All will be well, Vasha. This ship is the finest in the Manruvian fleet. It would take much to damage the Victory. Even if we were under assault by our enemy, I'd die before I'd allow you to be taken from me.

  No. No. If I were taken, you'd live and fight so you can rescue me later on. I couldn't live with myself if you sacrificed yourself for me. Your people need you. Besides, if she didn't break me before, she won't the next time either.

  Rage blasted through their bond. Rage and fear. There won't be a next time.

  Rather than argue with her mate, Maryann shook her head and kept her gaze focused on the viewport. She at least wanted to face whatever headed their way. Better to know what they faced rather than lock herself in her quarters, fearing the unknown.

  Dropping her mate's hand, Maryann walked toward the wall of Transonami that passed as the view screen. The vastness of space seemed never-ending. She could see no stars, no planets, nothing but absolute darkness. Maryann cleared her throat, knowing that getting answers were the top priority right now. “Skalldari, how long before they get here?"

  "At their current speeds, the two vessels will reach us in four point three two minutes."

  Nodding, she turned to Mikel who still had his gaze glued to the computer in front of him. “Any idea yet what kind of ships are heading this way and whether there's a way to determine who is on the ships?"

  Mikel quirked his brows, then tilted his head to the side. After a few moments, a slow smile spread across his face. “Skalldari, as soon the ships are close enough, use the prototype Genome Scanner we'd intended for locating The Black Rose. The database has every known species listed so we should be able to determine just who we're facing."

  "It will be as you ordered."

  "Three minutes until the ships drop out of folded space, Prince Logann.” The Commander's voice held no trace of fear, just iron determination to face whatever headed their way.

  As Maryann's gaze traveled around the Command Deck, she couldn't help but find the Manruvian people impressive. She could feel their courage, their conviction like a living thing. They truly were prepared to die for their people, for the other victims of The Black Rose. She didn't know how she could feel the crewmembers—maybe due to her bond with their prince—but she definitely felt connected to them.

  "Two minutes until contact."

  Maryann could hear the steel in the Commander's voice, the strength in it and knew that this is why the rest of the crew seemed so steady. They were feeding off their commander's own emotions. Tension mounted as everyone waited for Skalldari to discover who was headed straight for them.

  "That should give us enough time to mount some sort of defense once she discovers whom the incoming ships belong to, and what their offensive capabilities were."

  Maryann nodded, feeling oddly calm, knowing deep in her heart Mikel and this ship and their crew would fight to their last breath to prevent The Black Rose from taking any more victims to use as Breeding slaves.

  "One minute until contact, Prince Logann,” muttered the Commander.

  "Arm all weapons, Commander,” ordered Mikel. “I'd rather be prepared if they start shooting right away."

  "High Prince Logann, I have discovered the identity of the ships heading toward us. They are..."

  But before Skalldari could even finish speaking, a familiar voice broke out over their Command Deck's communication system.

  "Gee, that's some welcome. And I thought we were friends."

  Maryann almost laughed when Eve Shi'Lan's sarcastic voice blasted through the nearly silent room. That could only mean that her mate, Taliff Shi'Lan accompanied her. They'd never be apart, especially during times of war as they were both lethal in a fight. Lethal and mated.

  "Prince Logann, you can count on Chantrea as your ally. Permission to transport aboard the Victory? Both the Wanderer and the Vengeance are at your disposal.” That had to be Hunter Shi'Lan. Who else would have the power and the authority to say such but the heir to the throne of Chantrea? And if Hunter were here, that meant that Amy was nearby as well, because like the younger Shi'Lan brother, Hunter would never go anywhere without his mate, not as Amy herself was once a victim of The Black Rose.

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  Chapter Eight

  At the first sound of Eve's voice, the tension that built inside Mikel eased. Then, when Hunter pledged their help, he knew things were looking up. Hunter was his closest friend, his staunchest ally next to his own family members. He knew the ferocity with which the Chantreans would fight to stand by him and knowing he'd have others watching their backs as they approached Manruvia did much to calm him.

  "It is good to hear from you my friends. But why the silent approach?” Mikel knew Hunter and Taliff wouldn't approach in such a way without a damn good reason. They'd not put either their people or the Manruvians at risk without a very good reason.

  After a momentary hesitation, Hunter cleared his throat. “There is much to tell you. Perhaps it would be best if we do so in person."

  Mikel had known Hunter Shi'Lan for many, many years, knew every inflection in his voice. Hunter had deep seated rage hidden behind his friendly tone. The man was pissed so that couldn't bode well for whatever they needed to tell him.

  "Please be welcome, High Prince Shi'Lan. Have your crews transport your retinue to the Royal Quarters. Maryann and I are famished. I'll have a meal prepared and sent to us and we can discuss what's brought you here while we catch up."

  "Sounds good. We'll be there momentarily."

  As soon as Hunter ended his communiqué, Mikel turned toward his mate, then the rest of the crew. After grabbing Maryann's hand in his and giving it a light squeeze, he turned toward the Commander. “As soon as I know what's going on, I'll be sure to let you know. Hunter wouldn't go through these lengths to prevent others from hearing what he has to say unless it was imperative to the safety of our peoples."

  "I understand, Prince Logann. And may I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your mating. We've long waited for you to find the other half of your soul. It's truly a blessing."

  "Thank you, Commander Sutter. If you can have the mess hall send a meal for six to my quarters as soon
as possible it would be appreciated."

  "Absolutely, consider it done."

  Entwining his fingers with Maryann's, he slowly led her out of the Command deck. “Skalldari, transport us to our quarters so we may dress before our visitors arrive. When Hunter, Taliff and their mates are ready to join us, send them directly to our private dining room."

  "As you command, Prince Logann."

  Within moments, they were in their quarters. His gaze strayed toward his bed and he really wished they could retire there for the next twenty-four hours rather than have to put clothes on and entertain—even if it were his closest friends coming to call.

  There's nothing I'd like better either. I have a feeling that once we reach your planet, the time we have to spend with each other—learning each other—will be in slim supply.

  Mikel's heart stuttered in his chest, then sped up. That was the first time Maryann has initiated a conversation with him using their new mate bond, the first time she truly embraced that which connected them and his soul rejoiced.

  "When the others leave, we'll just have to take up where we left off. It will be another day before we reach Manruvia, Vasha.” Knowing if he didn't step away from her, they'd never get dressed and meet with the Chantreans, Mikel let go of her hand. “Well, we better get dressed. I imagine the others will be here momentarily."

  When Maryann sighed and he could feel her disappoint through their mate bond, he almost gave in to his need to take her back to his bed, to make love to her through the long hours left of this trip. Only knowing Hunter wouldn't have shown up requesting a personal meeting unless he had a dire reason kept Mikel from giving in to his need to spend the night loving his mate. And when a flair of arousal from his mate swept through his body, he knew that she'd been merged with him, with his thoughts completely.


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