Visionary Awakened (Paranormal INC Series Book 2)

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Visionary Awakened (Paranormal INC Series Book 2) Page 20

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Christian turned his head. I stared into his eyes, which showed a flicker of anger. "One night, it was really cold and the area we were staying in suddenly lost heat. Everyone ended up walking to the town square where a fire had been built to keep us all warm. Those with higher magic capabilities worked to make a shelter that could keep the heat in until morning, when we'd be able to figure out what had happened. None of us knew it was all a setup." He bit his lip and I lifted my hands to rest atop his. He smiled, gripping my hands tightly before he continued.

  "Vampires were known to work with Realm One because King Aspen paid their covens lots of money for their loyalty. Not all vampire shifters were bad, but a good 80% of them were willing to work with Aspen, same with the bear shifters. To them, it was easy money in exchange for money, food, and for the vampires, blood. It was easy when you thought about it. King Aspen's experiments would always provide a dead body or two, and he'd extract all the blood from them. I later found out he had an area just for that, keeping shifters alive solely to take their blood, which was payment for the vampires’ loyalty."

  He took another breath, looking down at my hands. "That night, they targeted our entire town, which was supposed to be a safe haven for us shifters. We...tried to fight, but it was just before winter and many of us had just settled in. Those who were compliant were kidnapped and taken in for experimentation. The rest were deemed as resistant and were to be killed.

  Christian closed his eyes before he continued. "A fight broke out as they were planning to board the vehicles that would take the compliant shifters to the experimentation centers, which we now call facilities. One thing led to another, and it became a mass slaughter. The vampires decided it would be more torturous if they took our blood. Then those who survived the change would be taken in and used for whatever purposes they deemed fit. Males would be given to bear shifters, those who were into men, while the women would be taken to the coven to be used as sex slaves. We fought hard and my family and a few others were able to escape...but, we fell into another trap by trusting the wrong people,” he whispered.

  He blinked a few times before he swallowed. His Adam's apple moved up and down. When he continued, his voice was shaky. "The group that attacked us...Haslam and his friends, they were the ones who were supposed to take us to safety. My parents trusted them and paid a ridiculous amount of money to ensure we were safe, especially my sister and I. We reached a little village and that was when our group was attacked. My parents were both powerful, but there’s only so much two individuals could do against five vampires and three bear shifters. They were captured and..." Christian cursed as he blinked back tears, looking away.

  " don't need to continue," I whispered, already guessing how the story ended, but he shook his head.

  "I want you to deserve to know. The others don't know...about everything...but I don't want to hide it from you." He met my gaze once more with his tear-filled eyes.

  I nodded, slipping a hand out of his hold to brush his cheek, wiping away a tear that escaped. "Okay," I whispered, and waited for him to continue.

  "Haslam took joy in biting me and drained me till I was barely conscious. After that, they...took my sister. They first bit her...and then...they...the bear shifter..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence as he choked back a sob.

  I bit my lip, but decided I'd only be able to find out by seeing it myself. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to ignore my fear of seeing what left Christian unable to finish his story. I slipped my other hand from his grasp, placing both hands to cradle his face.

  Let me see thy past that haunts you.

  * * *

  The world around me shifted, and in seconds, I stood right at the scene.

  * * *

  There was Christian, lying on his back on the muddy ground. I noticed the bite marks on his neck, as well as wounds and cuts all over his body. It looked like he'd been whipped and tortured recently.

  His eyes were barely open, but his concentration was focused on a little girl, who was barely moving. She was in a purple dress, the color reminding me of Christian's eyes, but it was dirty with mud, and blood covered the left half of the poofy material. She looked to be barely conscious, tears in her eyes as she quietly sobbed for her parents. They were only a few feet away, chained to the ground with two large men behind them, ensuring they stayed still and witnessed what was happening to their children.

  I noticed a pile of bodies to the far left of where Christian was. It looked like there were five children, and the rest of them were adults, all of them dead.

  "Please! I beg you. Please...spare them!" the woman cried. Her eyes were bright red and filled with grief and sadness. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her silver-white hair was drenched from the rain that poured down.

  "Haslam! Please. I'll pay anything. I'll do anything. Please, let my children go. Please..." The man looked so similar to Christian. I realized it must have been his father. His red eyes were pleading, desperate for a different outcome.

  I turned to see the man named Haslam laugh as he handed the girl over to his male partner next to him.

  "Sorry, dear friend, but you couldn’t pay me enough to save your pathetic children. If only your daughter was older, she could have been more of use to us. As for your son, it looks like he'll die before the change kicks in. Sucks really. He had potential. Now, watch as their fates end," he declared, snapping his fingers.

  My eyes grew wide as a large bear walked into view from behind the stone building. His savagely large teeth were in full view, with him growling as he approached us.

  "NO! NO!!!" Christian's mom screamed in utter hopelessness as she fought against her chains, but I could tell she'd reached her limit and couldn't conduct a spell. I turned to see Christian's father with wide eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks.

  I looked back at Christian who tried to reach out to his sister, but his hand fell to the muddy ground, too exhausted to move. Haslam laughed as the little girl noticed the bear, her little weak eyes growing wide with fear. She began to struggle, fighting to get out of the man's grip, but I knew there was nothing her little body could do to overpower him.

  With a swing, her body went flying into the air; her high pitch scream echoed as thunder rang through the sky. I watched in horror as the bear caught her in his mouth, and began to rend her little body to pieces.

  Christian's parents screamed. Haslam laughed as the little girl's screams of agony became increasingly weaker, till her little head was crushed in the bear's mouth, blood splattering everywhere.

  Everyone was silent, the only sounds came from the rain hitting the muddy ground and the teeth of the large bear shifter who began to walk away, satisfied with his actions.

  "Ah...Silence. Now, then. Why don't we dispose of you two? I don't see the point of keeping you alive after you've witnessed such a beautiful scene," Haslam hummed with a malicious grin.

  I watched the next events in a blur. The bear shifter proceeded to rape Christian's mom before killing her, forcing Christian and his father to watch everything. After that, they tortured Christian's dad until he could barely breathe.

  "Now, before you die, dear friend, I'll kill your son. Then you can explain to the gods what a pathetic father you were for being unable to protect your family," Haslam whispered to him, then began walking towards Christian.

  * * *


  I could hear Christian's voice in the back of my mind, clearly trying to pull me out of the vision, but I wouldn't be drawn away. I needed to see the end.

  * * *

  Haslam pulled out a gun, aiming it at Christian's head. I braced myself as he turned off the safety and began to pull the trigger. Something jumped up and bit Haslam's hand hard, making him hiss in pain. Haslam flicked the creature to the ground next to Christian.

  It was a black cat with purple eyes, who quickly recovered from the impact and hissed, ready to jump at Haslam in order to protect Christia
n. But then, the gun went off; the bullet hit the cat, who fell to the ground and began to twitch in place.

  "Fucking cat!" Haslam roared, aiming his gun again at Christian, whose attention was on the little cat lying in a pool of blood. I noticed a little gold bell around his neck, which was slowly being drenched by blood. I heard Christian's quiet whimper.

  "Mo..ko," he cried, tears rolling down his cheeks.

  Haslam pulled the trigger. I waited for the loud sound of the bullet, but heard a “clack” instead.

  "Fuck...stupid cat used up my last bullet. Pathetic,” he huffed. He took a look at Christian and shrugged. "Guess your son will just have to meet you up there in the stars in a few hours then, dear friend."

  "HASLAM! Demon shifters are coming!” a man called out, running towards us.

  "We can take them just fine."

  "The Queen is with them! Sir, we won't stand a chance." The man looked terrified.

  Haslam cursed, rolling his eyes as he looked at Christian, and then his father.

  "Well, we got to go. Don't want to deal with the Queen of Demons. Heard she can be a pain in the ass and I'd certainly like to live another day. Good luck with judgment, Sir Ross. Sorry I couldn't be quite as dear of a friend as you have to me." He hummed, before signaling the bear shifter with a slashing motion.

  I watched in horror as the bear lifted Christian's father up by the head. I watched his red eyes slowly turn to purple, the color identical to Christian's. He stared at Christian and gave him a sympathetic look.

  "I'm sorry, son. I love you...forgive." He whispered the final word. Then, a blade went through his neck, leaving his head hanging.

  Christian was silent, his weak eyes looked horrified at the sight of his father’s death. I was just as shocked.

  * * *

  I felt something grip my shoulders, but I fought even harder to linger as I heard the sounds of hooves hitting the ground.

  * * *

  "We have to go!" a man shouted and the others began to run.

  Haslam paused, turning to look at Christian with a wide smile. "I'll make sure to come back after our little run to claim your corpse, Ross. That way I know your whole family line has been killed by my hands. Say hi to your family for me,” he mocked. Then he laughed and ran off, dashing into to the woods up ahead.

  A few seconds later, five horses came into view. A white horse in particular caught my attention. I noticed a little girl wearing a red cape sitting on the white horse with a woman seated behind her, keeping her in place.

  "Steady, Vinzent," the little girl ordered. My eyes grew wide seeing a familiar set of eyes on the elegant horse.

  Even with the rain that continued to pour down, his beauty was mesmerizing and hard to ignore. The older woman leaped off the white horse named Vinzent and reached out to take the little girl's hand.

  The child accepted it and was helped off the large horse to the ground. Her small red heels touched down on the mushy wet ground that was stained with blood.

  "Go after the others. Catch as many as you can,” the little girl declared, her voice sounding hard and stern.

  "Yes, my Queen!" the three men on horses responded. Within seconds, they were running into the forest, leaving one male guard behind, as well as the older woman. She had long blonde hair that was in loose curls and bright blue-green eyes.

  The little girl took in the scene slowly, her face covered by the red hood that sheltered her from the pouring rain. However, her long curled blonde locks weren't able to avoid the wet droplets, but that was least of the girl's concern as she walked towards Christian.

  "This is horrible..." the remaining male whispered. The older woman followed the child, but nodded in agreement.

  "With everything that's going...I doubt we'll be able to get any justice for this," the older woman seethed, anger laced her words as she clenched her fists.

  The little girl reached Christian's side, and she knelt down beside Moko's corpse. She stroked the dead cat’s fur and slowly removed the bell from its neck. She moved to Christian and placed the bell in his hand before she looked at him.

  Christian looked like he was struggling to see who she was, his eyes squinting as if to get a better view. The girl rose before she pulled off her hood, the rest of her blonde locks falling down her back and familiar red horns on the top of her head.

  I gasped at the sight, the familiar green-blue eyes slowly turned red and the little girl looked over her shoulder at the woman.

  "Mom...find them. I do not care about the laws. Capture as many as you can and bring them in to receive their punishment for slaying OUR people. I will not tolerate failure,” she declared, her red eyes filled with anger.

  "Yes, my Queen." Her mother bowed her head. In seconds, a portal formed and her mother vanished within in.

  "What shall I do, my Queen?" The guard stood at attention.

  "We will take him with us. He'll survive. He must. I won't let that man win. Inform the others to prepare him a room and prepare for blood treatment,” she ordered.

  "Yes, my Queen. I'll be a moment,” he assured. Then, just like the other woman, he was gone.

  The white horse trotted up to the little girl and with a bright glow, a little boy appeared in its place. He was tall for his age, looking to be about eight or nine. He stood next to the girl, who appeared to be six or seven. A black cloak materialized around him, covering his naked body right as he reached the girl's side.

  "Won't they kill him?" the boy asked innocently, the tone of voice made it sound like he was referring to a different group of people.

  "No,” the little girl stated. "I won't let them."

  "Who...who...are you?" Christian fought to get the words out.

  The girl smiled and her red eyes turned back to their blue-green hue.

  "I am now your Queen. I will protect you, shelter you, and ensure you survive after what you've witnessed today. In return, I ask for loyalty, for betrayal of my kindness results in death. But I can tell you will never disobey me."

  She smiled sweetly, her expression showing how young she truly was. It made me realize that this little girl had seen things no child should. She was immune to the sight of death, yet still held a level of sympathy that showed in her vibrant eyes.

  "My name is Cece Alexandra Rose. I am the newly appointed Queen of Demons and you will serve me until you find someone who accepts this broken side of you."

  * * *

  I finally allowed my mind to be pulled back into reality and with that, darkness claimed me.

  "She saw everything, as in?" Cece prompted, sounding like she was freaking the fuck out. I mentally sighed, trying to go back to sleep, but my best friend instincts worried about Cece's panicked voice.

  I was half awake, going in and out of consciousness, but I decided to ignore my exhaustion and prepare myself mentally to wake up. Then I would deal with my freaked out best friend and whoever else was in the room.

  "Does she know what I am?" I heard Vinzent ask. He didn't sound panicked at all, his voice a cool calm.

  "I don't know. If I knew you'd freak out, I would have called Michael," Christian mumbled.

  "Of course I'm freaking out! I wanted to tell her myself! Now she's going to hate me. I haven't even told her about Jake yet ‘cause of this stupid fire outbreak shit, as well as the other shit we're dealing with. Don't even get me started on the clan shit that's brewing on the other side of the fucking world in Japan,” she huffed.

  "Meow." I felt something soft brush my cheek before loud purring rumbled by my left ear. I knew I was in someone's lap, but it was nice to hear Moonlight's gentle purrs.

  "Scar?" Risuki's soft voice entered my mind, his concern very prominent in his gentle voice.

  Hey. Sorry, did I worry you?

  "Yes...but I think it's good you saw what you did." He spoke quietly and I could feel Moonlight rubbing his head against my cheek. After seeing Moko's death, it made me wonder about Christian always taking Moonlight's doll. Is that why Ch
ristian takes your Nighty doll?

  "He likes to take the doll because it reminds him of Moko. Especially the bell," Risuki replied, his voice sounding a little sad. "The times before Aspen's War were chaotic, and even as gods...we couldn't do much. Then one day, none of us could take it anymore. Nightmare was the one to stop the madness. If she hadn’t, I would imagine the realms we worked so hard to create would be no more by now."

  I mentally nodded, understanding his words. Even as gods, I realized they had limits and only Mother Destiny had the final say of what happened in her galaxy.

  Even if it meant blood had to be shed, I imagined she still had to watch as the galaxy she cherished ran its course with little interference, for that's the only way anyone can learn what's good, bad, and the consequences for their actions. So you don't dislike Christian?

  "No. He's annoying for taking my doll, but I know why he does it. He has nightmares sometimes...and dealing with flashbacks on his drives. I just stay with him so he doesn't do something stupid," Risuki revealed.

  I couldn't even imagine how Christian turned out to be the person he was. He always gave off the impression of being calm and in control. Adding in his job that dealt with driving around shifters, and balancing that with our crime fighting, made me amazed as to how he'd been able to hide such a dreadful past. he dead?

  "Yes. Ethan killed him," Risuki assured. I was silent for a long moment, tuning out whatever was being said in the room. He should have received a more painful death.

  "I agree, but I promise you Lucifer will have his fun. That means an eternity of pain for him," Risuki disclosed.


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