
Home > Horror > Shapeless > Page 6
Shapeless Page 6

by Glenn Bullion

  He was only half joking, and was surprised when Paula smiled and pointed at him before tapping on the keyboard.

  "Perfect. That's a stupid enough thing to make them happy." She printed his review and grabbed it from the printer behind her. Turning it to face him, she marked an X near the bottom. "Just sign and date here."

  He did so, then grabbed the arms of the chair in a motion to stand up. "We good?"

  Paula said nothing, leaving Brady in an awkward position of hovering three inches above the seat. He waited for the dismissal, but it never came.

  "Uh, Paula?"

  She gestured to the chair. "Have a seat."

  He narrowed his eyes, confused, as he sat back down. Paula's brow furrowed, deep in thought, as she stared at him. Twenty seconds passed without a word. Brady began to feel uncomfortable.

  "What are you doing here?" she finally asked.

  "You called me here? Review? Eight percent raise?"

  "How old are you? Twenty-four? Is this really what you want to be doing forever? Walking around the mall, pointing your finger at shoplifters?"

  The line of questioning caught him by surprise. It seemed strange for a boss to critique the position she was oversaw. Brady could have also asked her the same thing. Did she really want to manage mall security at her age?

  "Isn't it a little late for career day at high school?" he asked. "Anyway, I don't always point at them. Sometimes I hit them with my stick."

  "I'm serious. You're a smart guy. What do you want to do with your life?"

  A simple question that no one had ever asked him before. He wasn't sure how to respond. It wasn't easy having life aspirations when just trying to survive foster homes. All he ever wanted was to be on his own, and now he was. Did it have to be more complicated than that?

  He wouldn't mind knowing what he was, but he didn't think he'd get that knowledge by applying to college.

  Brady regarded Paula, who waited for an answer. He had the feeling she didn't have this conversation with all her employees.

  "I don't know," he said. "I guess I'm still working on that."

  "Do you have a girlfriend? A family? What's your home life like?"

  "I'd better go." Brady rose to his feet, hoping he wasn't putting his eight percent at risk. "I've got a lot to do out there."

  She nodded. "Okay. Seriously, though, Brady. Remember what I said. I'd hate to lose you, but I'd also hate to see you here for the next ten years."

  To be secure at the same job for ten years sounded fine to him.

  "Thanks. See you later."

  Brady left the office, glancing behind him as he considered the strange conversation. He tried to dismiss her curiosity as he went about the day, but her question was a good one.

  What did he want out of life? What did he want to be?

  He laughed to himself as he walked the mall. Ironically, he could be anyone. Besides objects and clothes, he could mimic other people. One of the best pranks he ever pulled was assuming the shape of his middle school principal. He convinced their teacher to let class out early for the day.

  Maybe he should look into being a bank robber. It would be easy, and no one would ever see his real face.

  The thought was a facetious one. He'd engaged in his share of mischief, even danced on the line of immorality and good taste in the past. The girls' locker room at his high school was proof of that. But he'd never broken the law, or really hurt someone.

  Paula had thrust a dark cloud over the rest of the day. Thoughts of his future danced in his head. Was he content to simply coast through life? The few acquaintances and girlfriends he had in high school didn't care about his life goals, but high school was a long way behind him.

  He wanted to go back to Paula's office and slap her for ruining his Friday. He smiled when he remembered that it was Friday, though, and after work he could engage in one of his favorite habits.


  "Lily! Hey, Lily!"

  It took several mentions of her name and a hand waving in front of her face to get the attention of Lily Ferguson. She flinched at the large, mustard-stained palm. She'd been staring out the store's front window, watching the cars moving past hypnotically on the highway. Sadly, that was more entertaining than her job.

  "What," she said, blinking back to reality. "What, Bill?"

  "I said I'm heading out. You going to be okay?"

  Lily turned and glanced at Bill's kingdom, his tiny corner of paradise, an adult entertainment store in a rundown strip mall in a small town. The store had been vacant for hours. It usually was during the afternoon, only picking up at night. The only person resembling a customer was a thirteen-year-old boy that wandered in. His goal was to laugh at the surroundings, maybe get a sneak peek at a breast or sex toy, all under the guise of needing change for a dollar. Lily sent him on his way and returned her attention to her smartphone.

  She laughed at his question. Working for Bill the past two years, she had her share of challenges. Perverts, thieves, weirdos, the freaks who tried to get each other off in the dressing rooms. The one challenge she seldom had was dealing with the long line of customers.

  "Yeah." Lily had difficulty hiding her smile. "I somehow think I'm going to be okay."

  "Smartass," Bill said. "You know, if you need company-"

  "I'll be fine," she said, beating him to the punch. The greatest challenge she endured at her job was sexual harassment. She only assumed it was to be expected in the sex industry. "Go home and hang out with your wife."

  "But you're much more fun—"


  "Okay, okay."

  Lily nearly snarled at him. Except for the constant flirting, he was a good boss. She had some struggles over the past few years, and Bill was more than kind in helping her deal with them. She had reservations about working in an adult entertainment shop. But a need for a paycheck overcame whatever hang-ups she had, and it wasn't like she had many options.

  "Hey, why don't you do something useful, and clean up this dump a little."

  She waved him off as she sat on the stool by the register.

  "You're lucky if I don't fall asleep."

  "Hey, speaking of falling asleep. I caught Ed the wino in the dressing room early this morning."

  She frowned at the mention. "Oh, no. Was he—?"

  "Yeah," he finished. "Passed out again with his dick in his hand. So, don't let him in here tonight. Tell him he's had his fill, to spank it somewhere else. Took me an hour to clean the room up."

  "Like he's going to listen to me?"

  "He always does. You're hot. Maybe it's that new ink you're sporting."

  Bill arched his hand back and swung, aiming for Lily's fresh tattoo. He stopped just inches shy of her arm, drawing a gasp and a flinch. It was the fifth time he teased her that day, and the fifth time she ducked and winced in anticipation of the strike that never came.

  "Goddamnit, Bill, get the hell out of here!"

  Bill laughed like he was in elementary school as he bounced by the register, heading toward the front. He gave her a smile and a wink as he held open the door. The sounds of life outside flooded the store.

  "I'll see you later," he called. "Let me know if you need me." He pointed at her arm. "It does look good though."


  Bill was gone, and Lily was alone. She'd forgotten about the pain she was in, but because of Bill's teasing, the ache returned once again. The beautiful dragon started at the top of her right shoulder, working its way down her arm, with the tail wrapping around her wrist. It had taken three sessions to finish, and more money than she was willing to admit to any of her friends. The purple shading in the dragon's body matched the coloring in her hair. It was amazing work, and she couldn't stop staring at it. She'd been wearing spaghetti-strap tank tops the past few days. Not only to give it air, but also to show it off.

  The sun set and the hours passed. Lily browsed the store and picked up here and there, sweeping the floor and dusting the bins. Not bec
ause Bill had told her to, but simply to pass the time. The simple fact that it was Friday night, and all her friends were out getting an early start on the partying and having fun, plagued her once again. She begged Bill for just one Friday off, and he kept promising, but had yet to deliver. Her friends always promised to stop by, but they never did, except for one time to tease her about her employment. So many people, breaking promises.

  Some customers trickled into the store. Lily always wondered if people were embarrassed to be seen in a sex shop, but the customers that came in didn't seem to be uncomfortable. A lesbian couple bought a few sex toys and some lotion, while two men and a woman browsed through the clothes together. The threesome openly flirted with Lily, trying to gauge her interest in a foursome. One of the stereotypes Lily fought was the notion that since she worked as a cashier in an adult entertainment shop that she herself must have been wild and uninhibited. Lily liked to party, but preferred her bedroom parties to be one-on-one.

  A group of six young men entered the shop. Lily smiled and waved politely. It was her job to be nice to customers. Sometimes they interpreted her kindness for something more. One of the group, a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes, fell into that category. He smiled and strained his neck to watch her as the group moved as one. She felt her heart sink as they played and laughed, using the shop for their own entertainment. Two of them engaged in a sword fight with a pair of sex toys while another slipped a lacy pair of lingerie over his head. They would probably buy nothing, and if they did, would be a major pain at checkout.

  It was eleven thirty, a half hour before closing, when she happened to look up from her smartphone and spotted him, walking across the highway.

  A smile crossed her face at the one reliable piece of entertainment she had every Friday night.

  Lily didn't even know his name. She knew he worked at the mall across from the shop. She thought she saw him patrolling the parking lot, so she assumed he was a security guard. Every Friday night for the past year he crossed the highway and entered the store. He would walk to their very small, very embarrassing pornographic movie section. He would buy a movie and pay with exact change. Then he'd walk out without saying a word.

  She didn't know why he fascinated her so much. Maybe it was because the stranger didn't fit the mold of their typical customers. He didn't seem to be a typical pervert, always came in alone, never browsed through any other section besides the movies. As far as she could tell, he didn't even drive a car. Maybe it was the mystery that piqued her curiosity. She enjoyed watching his little ritual, even if it made no sense to her at all.

  He didn't even look at her as he walked into the shop. She watched him, amused, as he disappeared behind the shelves. Her smile disappeared when she noticed the blond man still staring at her. A wave of discomfort washed over her at his expression. She was used to people staring at her. Whether it was her unusual look, her multicolored hair that she dyed often, pale complexion, perhaps her figure, or even her new tattoo. But his smile had turned more into a leer. His eyes traveled up and down her body, and he made no effort to hide it. It made her feel on edge.

  "Uh, hello?"

  The voice startled her. She turned to see her stranger, standing on the opposite side of the counter. He flashed a disarming smile. Lily couldn't recall ever seeing him smile before. She never thought he was particularly attractive. Maybe a notch above cute, a six at best. But the smile easily pushed him close to a seven.

  He pushed the movie across the counter. She held in a laugh as she noticed the title. It was very bad manners to laugh at the customers, or anything they bought. But apparently, the movie was the seventeenth title in a long-running series concerning anal sex. Lily laughed at the thought of the story not being wrapped up after sixteen movies.

  Her eyes went wide as she handed the movie back to him, and he flipped it over.

  The stranger was actually reading the back of the case. The graphic cover must not have grabbed his complete attention.

  "You know," she said. "You actually don't have to buy porn anymore."

  He looked up from the movie to meet her eyes. Turning in place, he glanced behind him to see if she was addressing someone else. His look was that of a deer in headlights, which only made her smile.


  "They have this thing now called the Internet. All the porn you could possibly want." She pointed to the pornographic section, where the group of men were now browsing and laughing. "It's why we don't carry many movies."

  His brow furrowed. "The Internet? What's that?"

  It was Lily's turn for a stunned expression. His face was confused, his eyes curious, as her mouth fluttered for a response.

  Then the stranger smiled.

  "I'm kidding."

  She laughed in relief before opening the register.

  "Ah. That'll be fourteen-fifty-five."

  As always, he pulled out the exact amount from his back pocket. He didn't even count it, as no doubt he knew the price ahead of time. Lily didn't know why she'd changed their ritual by talking, but she figured it was too late to stop now. She was also truly curious.

  "How does that work?" she asked, pointing at the movie. "I mean, you only watch that once, right? Is it even worth buying? Do you go back and look for your favorite scenes?"

  She thought he'd be deterred by the questions. He just seemed to have that quiet, shy vibe about him, easy to rattle. But all he did was tilt his head and smile.

  "Sorry, but I only talk about masturbation with people I know."

  Lily laughed and shook her head. She found herself watching the stranger as she shoved his movie in a plastic bag. He was the exact opposite of the type of person she would even consider talking to. Nothing exotic about him, completely straight-laced. Perhaps even boring. She could imagine him spending his weekends alone, browsing through his porn for inspiration to fill his time.

  "I'm Lillian," she said. "My friends call me Lily."

  He accepted the bag. "Brady," he said, flashing that smile.

  "Okay, now we know each other. About your masturbation…."

  Finally, she got him. His cheeks turned red as his eyes darted about. He looked down at the counter, at a loss for words.

  "Seriously," he said. "You're getting a little personal there—"

  "Relax." She let out a laugh. "I'm joking."

  Brady said nothing, simply nodding with a smile. He raised his movie, as a farewell, before heading to the door.

  "You got me," he said, then gestured to her arm. "I like your new tattoo."

  It was the first time he'd ever hinted that he noticed her before. He'd never even commented on her changing hair color.

  "Wait," she said, stopping him before he could leave.

  Lily turned to see two of the men watching her. The blond was whispering to his friends, and she didn't like the looks they were giving her. Never once did she have an incident at work, or ever feel unsafe. But the thought of closing the store alone, in the dead of night, with a group of men who didn't seem to be in a rush to leave, worried her.

  "Would you mind hanging out for a little bit?"

  Frowning, he followed her gaze to the group of men, before his face lit up with why she was asking.

  "Oh," he said. "Friends of yours?"

  "No fucking way."

  He smiled. "Yeah, I can stay. You close at midnight, right?"

  She nodded, suddenly not wanting to speak any more than needed. She lowered her voice.

  "I'll pay you back somehow." She gestured to his bag. "I'll buy you a movie."


  Lily watched as Brady eyed the security cameras in the corners, drawing a puzzled glance from her. She hoped he'd stay up front at the counter with her, but instead he turned and headed deeper into the store.

  "I feel like I'm at my job," he said. "I work security at the mall."

  "Let's hope you're not a bad employee," she whispered to herself.

  Brady strolled toward the movies once again,
while Lily went about preparing to close. She cleaned up the counter and turned off the front lights. As she opened the register to count the drawer she turned to glance at the men, still laughing and goofing off. One of them knocked over a mannequin and made no effort to pick it up.

  "Hey guys," she called. "I have to close up. You need help with anything?"

  "Yeah, I need some help back in the dressing room. Something big is going on. I could use a hand."

  They laughed and slapped hands over their jokes. Lily searched the store and realized she didn't see Brady anywhere. Her throat tightened at the thought of being alone with the group of men. Did he disappear? She would have noticed if he'd left.

  The group slowly approached the counter. The blond dropped several pairs of lingerie on the counter.

  "Wow, that's good work," he said, reaching out to touch her tattoo. Lily didn't react in time, and his fingers trailed down her arm. He left a line of goosebumps, and not the good kind.


  "What are you doing after you lock up? You should hang out with us, see what trouble we get into." He gestured around him. "Maybe we could put some of this stuff to use."

  "No, thanks. Long day of work. I just want to go home and get some sleep."

  Another spoke, each taking turns. "You can sleep at my place."

  "So tempting." The defensive sarcasm she'd honed over the years was beginning to show. "But, really, no."

  The blond tried to take control once again. He reached for her hand, which she quickly pulled away.

  "Aw, don't be like that." He gestured to the lingerie on the counter. "I'm actually buying these for you. I was hoping you'd model them for me."

  Lily held them up with a finger and slowly shook her head. She hoped humor would send them on their way.

  "I don't think they'd fit."

  "Yeah, you've got some curves on you, girl. How the hell did you fit into those jeans?"

  "Guys, seriously, I've got to close the store. Are you buying these? Or not?"

  The blond pointed at her as the smile left his face.

  "You should be a little nicer. We're just trying to have a good time. You have a problem with having fun?"


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