
Home > Horror > Shapeless > Page 25
Shapeless Page 25

by Glenn Bullion

  Lily raised her arms again, and Brady raised his to defend himself. Instead of another swing, she rushed forward and hugged him. She squeezed so tight Brady lost his breath. He held her, nearly squeezing just as hard.

  "Don't do that again," she said.

  "Do what?"

  The tears flowed freely. She kept her head pressed against his chest, out of embarrassment. She didn't want him to see her bawling.

  "You wouldn't wake up. Shit, I was scared. I thought you might be in a coma or something. Are you feeling okay?"

  "Yeah. Except that I can't breathe."


  She released her death hug and backed away. Brady looked at the trees, the sliver of highway in the distance, Lily's car.

  "I didn't know where to go. It's probably not safe at my apartment, or yours."

  "You're right," he said, nodding.

  Lily opened the passenger's door and reached under the glove compartment. She tossed him a shopping bag from a convenience store.

  "That was all I could get with the money I had on me."

  She tossed him a bottled soda and a box of Pop Tarts. His eyes lit up, and she thought he wasn't going to bother unboxing them.

  "Shit, thanks. I'm starving."

  Brady's hands shook as he tore through pastry after pastry. He sat in the passenger's seat with the door open, his legs out to the side. Lily took two for herself and stole a drink from his soda.

  "The mall," Lily said. "What happened back there?"

  He shook his head.

  "I don't know. The guy said his name was Donovan, that they were using something to hurt me. He wanted to kill us both. I couldn't move for a while." He stopped devouring his food long enough to stare at her. "You saved my life. Thank you."

  Lily met his gaze, and his earnestness made her blush.

  "You're welcome. If it weren't for you, those assholes would have dragged me out of there and left me in a ditch somewhere."

  Brady nodded and smiled. She wished he'd stop smiling. She needed to think, and his smile wasn't helping.

  "How long was I asleep?"

  "Over five hours. I spent my last coin on our feast here. Do you have my bank card?"

  Brady was silent as he retraced his steps.

  "Shit. It fell out of my pocket at the mall when I shifted into a bear."

  "Then all we have is our phones. What the hell do we do?"

  He thought for a moment before his eyes took on inspiration.

  "Paula. We have to find Paula."

  "Your boss? That nasty bitch?"

  "Yeah. And she's not nasty. She knows something."


  "She knows I can change shape. She told me."

  "Okay, well, where is she?"

  "She was shot. Not in the heart or anything, so she should be okay, right? Everton Fields only has three hospitals. It shouldn't be hard to find her."

  "Whoa, you mean, like, calling with our phones?"


  "Brady, that's not a good idea. I turned our phones off. What if they're tracking us? What if we make a call, and fifty people come pouring out of nowhere? What if they're monitoring all the web searches in the area? I just don't think it's safe."

  His lip twitched as he fought a smile. He didn't take his eyes off her, resting his elbows on his knees.

  "What?" she said.

  "I think I love you."


  "Sorry, sorry. It's just that…now you sound like you've watched more YouTube than me."

  "Hey, I'm scared, alright?"

  "Me, too. But seriously, I think we should call the hospitals. We can use a pay-phone if you want." He held up his hand, rubbing his thumb and index finger together. A quarter emerged from his skin. "I always have money on me."

  Lily laughed as she circled the car toward the driver's side.



  Lily found an empty spot and parked in the lot of Everton Medical. Brady was right. It only took two phone calls to find where she was. The most difficult part of the chore was finding a pay-phone. Brady's talents already amazed her, but just when she thought there were no more surprises left, he came through once again. He created coins from his body and shoved them into the phone. After their calls, he simply recalled the coins. They melted inside the phone and seeped through the gaps, merging with his hand. This all happened while they were in the middle of a conversation. It was as natural to him as breathing.

  She glanced at Brady as she killed the engine. He stared at the hospital with a far-away look in his eye. Not even gently shaking his shoulder brought him out of it.

  "Brady? You okay?"

  Nothing. A light punch finally did it.

  "Ow! What?"

  "Talk to me. What's up?"

  "You asked me what planet I'm from. Maybe Paula knows. Maybe I'm finally going to get some real answers."

  She rolled her eyes.

  "You're from Earth, dumbass."

  "Okay, fine, whatever. I'm from Earth. But still…."

  He couldn't finish as he struggled to speak. His eyes were full of emotion, and she thought he might break down. She wanted to hold his hand, but gave him space. Brady looked down at the glove compartment. He wouldn't look at her.

  "I've never been able to talk about this with anyone. Anyone. When I was a kid, I used to think I'd find out one day. That someone would show up at one of my foster homes, kick them all in the nuts, and take me away. I'd learn who I was, what I was, where I came from. But that never happened, and I gave up. I'd never find out. I'd always be a mystery, even to me. Now these assholes show up, and try to kill us. But Paula." He finally looked up at her, his eyes moist. "What if she can tell me something?"

  Lily took his hand, space be damned.

  "I hope so. Hopefully Paula can give you your answers. Or maybe she's just a security guard. I don't know. But listen, either way, you can talk to me. About anything. I'll always look out for you, no matter what shape you turn into. If Paula doesn't help you, when this is all over, we'll watch every video on the Internet, me and you."

  Brady laughed and smiled, and Lily nearly leaned over to kiss him. Restraint won out, and she was the first to climb out of the car. He was a step behind, and together they headed for the hospital.

  Lily found herself lowering her head as they walked through the front door. In a complete reversal of roles, she was the paranoid one. Brady walked with grace and confidence, smiling at people in the halls. Lily wouldn't look anyone in the eye, and nearly stopped when a security guard approached. Brady grabbed her hand and gently tugged, pulling her along. The security guard paid them no mind, going about his own business.

  Not letting go of her hand, he leaned closer to whisper.

  "What's wrong?"

  "What if they're looking for us?" she said, keeping her voice low. "They could be here right now. Just waiting for us to show up."

  "But why? Paula said before I left her at the mall that they weren't looking for her. And I believe her. She's not in a secret government dungeon somewhere being questioned, but here getting better in a hospital. Just relax." He held up their joined hands. "We're just a happy, in-love couple visiting your grandmother."

  Lily frowned.

  "I hated my grandmother."

  "Well, I never had one. So, it has to be yours."

  They retrieved Paula's room number from the information desk and rode the elevator to the top floor. Lily was just beginning to relax. Paula's room was three doors away. A nurse behind a corner desk flashed them a smile.

  Her eyes shot open when she looked down the hall.

  "Turn left!" she whispered. "Right now!"

  "Why? What's going—?"

  She yanked his arm, nearly throwing him off balance. Brady said nothing. He slowed his pace to glance behind them, only for Lily to pull on him once again. Her eyes darted to the left and right, searching for anywhere to hide. A closed door with a bathroom sign was ahead. She swung the door
open, relieved to see it was unoccupied. Shoving Brady inside, she shut the door behind them and locked it.

  "Lily? What the hell—?"

  Lily nearly tackled him against the wall, throwing her body into his. She covered his mouth with her palm and looked him in the eye.


  Brady went still. She didn't remove her hand until he nodded. Her eyes drifted to the door, looking for the knob turning, a shadow under the gap, anything at all. She listened, but heard no one outside. Finally allowing herself to breathe, she tried the door again to make sure it was locked.

  "I don't think he saw us," she whispered.


  "The guy at the end of the hall. You didn't see him? He was at the mall."

  He was doubtful.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Brady, you ass, I'm telling you. Do your little spy thing with the octopus tentacles."

  "Uh, my octopus tentacles?

  "You did it last night in the alley. Shoot yourself under the door. Or something."

  He said nothing. She could tell he was trying not to laugh, and her cheeks turned red at her own words.

  "Just…Can you look around the corner or not?"

  "Yeah, yeah." He dropped to one knee. "Hold on a sec. Let me pull out my octopus tentacles."


  "Sorry. I, uh…Sorry."

  She smiled and bent down next to him, leaning on his shoulder. Placing his hand on the floor, two fingers stretched and merged as they slid under the door.

  "You're forgiven. Can you see anything?"

  "Hold on. I'm not there yet."

  Other concerns poked at her as the seconds passed.

  "Can anyone see you?" she asked. "Are you just exposed out there?"

  "The hallway's empty. But I'm shaping my fingers into floor molding, just stretching along the wall. I blend right in."

  Lily glanced at him while he worked. Her imagination ran away. The ease at which Brady performed some of his tricks made her curious.

  "What trouble have you gotten into?" she asked.

  He was surprised by the question.

  "What do you mean?"

  "It looks like you've peeked around some corners before. What else have you done?" She smiled. "I noticed your couch cushions got lumpy one night when I slept over. Was that you?"

  "No," he said, with a laugh. "I've never spied on you or anything, if that's what you're asking. But I was fifteen once."

  "I knew it. What did you do?"

  "What any other fifteen-year-old that can shape-shift and had access to a girls' locker room did. I…Hold on."

  "What is it?"

  "I can't stretch much further. I can only go so far before my body stops. But…I think I see him. You're right."

  Lily closed her eyes and sighed. It was a relief to have confirmation that it wasn't only paranoia driving her.

  "That guy was there. Different suit, but it's definitely him."

  Brady pulled his mass back and stood up. Lily joined him, pacing slowly back and forth.

  "He isn't in front of Paula's room. It looked like he was guarding someone else. Why?"

  "To throw us off. This is a trap."

  "Shit." She continued to pace. "We have to leave."

  "We have to help Paula."

  "I don't know. What if she's in on it?"

  "She's not. What if they're holding her here? What if she's in trouble? We at least have to talk to her."


  She knew he was right. She was terrified, but it was the right thing to do. If she were in trouble, she hoped Brady would come to her aid. He already had, several times.

  "We talk to her," Brady went on. "If she really does know nothing, we just turn around and walk on out. They have no reason to bother her. They'll never even know we were here."

  "Okay, okay," she said. "I'm on board. But that asshole is fifteen feet away. How the hell do we just walk in and walk out?"

  Brady smirked, almost arrogantly, as his clothes changed. His shorts and shirt shifted, replaced by a surgeon's green scrubs. Even his shoes had protective green covers on them. For a finishing touch, a white cap morphed onto his head.

  Lily wasn't sure she'd ever get used to seeing that. She almost felt silly for asking the question.


  "See? Not a problem."

  "And what about me?"

  "You don't want to just wait here?"

  "No! I'm not staying here by myself."

  "It might be safer."

  "No, it won't. Wherever you go, I go."

  He frowned, but wouldn't speak.

  "What?" Lily said.

  "There is a way. But you're not going to like it."

  "Brady, just…come on, and start talking."

  "You have to take your clothes off."


  Brady turned his head, suddenly embarrassed to look at her. His expression was sweet, adorable.

  "I'm not trying anything here. I promise. Just…trust me."

  Lily did trust him. She smiled at him as she put her hands on her hips. The bathroom was only a single toilet and urinal, with a sink and paper towel dispenser.

  "You want to turn around?" she said. "Not really a lot of privacy in here."

  "Oh yeah. Sorry."

  She pulled her borrowed shirt over her head and kicked her shoes off. Brady said nothing, just shifted uncomfortably as he faced the wall. She unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them down her legs.

  "Can I leave my bra on? My underwear?"

  "You bet."

  "This is the first time I've ever stripped for a guy in a bathroom before."

  "This is my first time getting a striptease in a bathroom."

  She gathered her clothes.

  "Okay, what am I supposed to do with this?"

  He held out his hand, and a briefcase formed from his fingers. Without turning around, he placed it on the floor, opened it, and slid it backwards toward her.

  "You just think of everything," she teased. "You know how to treat a girl."

  She deposited her clothes and shoes and shut the briefcase. Pushing it aside, she took a deep breath, having a good guess of what was coming next.

  Brady reached behind him for her hand.

  "This might feel a little weird."

  "You and weird. No way," she teased. "Will it hurt?"

  "No," he said, insulted. "I'll never hurt you, Lily."

  "I know."

  The ooze spread from Brady's hand over Lily's arm. She gasped, surprised at the sensation. Brady's essence was warm, tickling her as it traveled over her skin.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah. I'm fine."

  He ran over her stomach, hips, and legs. It flowed upward, over her chest and shoulders. It massaged the small of her back. The only experience Lily might have compared it to was a full-body mud bath. She'd never felt closer to anyone. Brady literally covered her, cocooned her, almost from head to toe. It took the word snuggle to an entirely new level.

  "Wow," she said, trying to keep her composure. "This is, uh…." She searched for the word.

  "Gross," Brady finished, sighing. "Sorry. I know it's not great getting slimed and felt up by an alien. Or lab experiment. Whatever."

  "Actually," she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. "This feels…we'll just leave it at good."

  He turned his head, caught a glimpse of her body, and quickly turned back around.


  "Yeah. Have you ever done this with anyone else?"

  "Of course not."

  "Well, don't. This is for me only."

  Brady laughed, and she was glad she could ease his tension. The ooze covering her body changed, took on a shape. Similar green scrubs to what Brady wore. They felt so real. She had to remember that he was touching every inch of her.

  "Do I look okay?" she asked.

  He turned and admired his work.

  "Great," he said. "I promise, I won't look. Although, I did catch a
glimpse of that tattoo on your hip."

  "My first one," she said, smiling. "A lily. Do you like it?"

  Brady picked up the briefcase from the floor, needing to take his eyes off her.

  "Uh, yeah. Very cute."

  "Are you okay?"

  "Sure, sure. It's just that…I can feel everything. A little distracting, I won't lie."

  Lily took a step closer and squeezed his arm.

  "This is fun," she said. "I can think of all kinds of outfits you can help me try on."

  She was only half-teasing.

  Brady took a deep breath, trying to focus.

  "Okay, are you ready?"

  She nodded and tucked her hair under her shirt. A hospital employee with multi-colored hair stood out.


  "Stay close to me. If you go too far—" He let out his smile. "Things will get interesting fast."

  Brady checked the hall before leaving the bathroom. Lily was a step behind. She tried to keep her gaze straight ahead, but as they approached Paula's room, she couldn't help but steal a peek to her left. The man she'd recognized sat on a chair outside another room. His jacket was gone, but he still wore a shirt and tie. He browsed through a phone, only giving a quick glance to what looked like two surgeons visiting a patient. Brady knocked twice and entered the room.

  Lily gasped at the sight of her. Brady simply telling her that his boss had been shot didn't prepare her. Paula lay in a reclined bed, watching a television mounted on the wall. Her leg and shoulder were wrapped up tightly. An IV stand was next to her bed, with machines and cables not far away in the corner. Her hair was a mess, her features pale.

  Paula frowned at them as Brady closed the door.

  "I already told you guys. No pain meds. I'm fine. Just get me out of here as fast as…." Paula squinted and muted the television. "Brady?"

  "Hey, Paula."

  "What the hell are you doing here? You should be ten states away by now."

  Brady approached the bed with Lily at his side, shrugging his shoulders.

  "Where exactly am I supposed to go?"

  "As far away as possible. Anywhere but here. But since you're here, you might as well help me leave."

  "What have the doctors said?"

  "You think that matters?" She struggled to sit up, trying to pull herself with one arm. "If they found you, I can't be too far behind."

  "They're already here." Brady gestured with his thumb. "There's a guy down the hall."


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