Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels)

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Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels) Page 9

by Michelle Love

  “And,” I say then give her another long lick up her hot folds, leaving a nip on her clit.

  “I’ll never do it again.” Her body shudders with desire.

  With a smile, I bury my face in her hot pussy. Licking, sucking, and bringing her to the very edge of an orgasm. But as soon as I feel her body tremble, I stop and stand up.

  Her breathing is hard and fills the bedroom. I have to pace back and forth for a few seconds to stop myself from jumping on top of her and ramming my aching cock into her sweet and very wanting pussy.

  “Damn it, Angel! Why? Why did you do this? All I wanted was to make you happy.”

  “I can’t let myself be happy. It’ll end and I can’t take it.”

  My heart stops and I fall to my knees beside the bed. She turns her head and looks at me with tears running over her cheek. Off the side of the bed, they hit the pink shag carpet in large drops.

  Face to face, I look at her crying. “Let them all out, Angel. Let those tears leave you cleansed of your fears. Let the worries go with each one that leaves your body. I am not that man who hurt you. You must trust me. You must respect me enough not to run away. Or we have nothing. And I so want something with you.”

  Her chest heaves as a sob comes out of her. I find it so hard not to hold her, not to try to ease her suffering. But she needs to release it.

  I stay close. So close we are nearly touching, but I stay back just enough so she can begin to gain that strength that will get her over this insecurity she has.

  “Cry as much as you need to.” I reach into the drawer and get the key to the handcuffs. “Cry until you can’t anymore. Let it go, Angel. Let that guy go. Let all that happened go. I’m going nowhere. I’m yours and you are mine.”

  With the click of the cuff releasing her, she lets out a loud sob. The only comfort I give her is the way I rub her wrist where the cuff held it.

  Chocked words come from her, “I thought what he and I had was love. But I was so wrong. I felt nothing for him now that I know what real love feels like. Yet it did break me when he left me. I had done nothing wrong. I kept a clean house. Kept him satisfied in bed. Cooked for him. Did his laundry and paid half the bills. What more could he have wanted? Why wasn’t I enough for him? Why didn’t he want to take me on his amazing journey around the world? Why, Benny, why?”

  I hold her red face between my palms and place one kiss on her forehead. “Because you and he had a nice time together for a while but you didn’t have an all-encompassing love. If he would’ve held onto you for a bit longer, then he’d have stopped you from meeting me. Your one true love, Princess.”

  She kind of eases her crying a bit and her eyes which are red-rimmed go big, and she looks at me with much more clarity in them. “Benny, you’re right! You’re right. I’d never have met you. I’d have been God only knows where and you would’ve never walked into my uncle’s garage. You would’ve never touched me and sent heat and electricity through me. A thing I never knew possible.”

  “Me neither, Angel,” I admit as I caress her red cheek.

  Her eyes go soft as her expression changes to something more like wonder. “You’d never have kissed me and shown me what a real kiss is. Your body would’ve never held mine down with a weight I wished I could feel forever.”

  I give her a half-cocked smile. “You would’ve never let me. So you see not every relationship is meant to last a lifetime. But ours. Well, ours just might. We won’t know unless we give it a shot.”

  “I want to give you a shot, Benny. I want to let the past go and give you all I have. I promise I won’t run again. Can you promise you won’t either?” Her eyes move back and forth fast as she looks for answers.

  I stroke her cheek, softly. “I won’t be running. As a matter of fact, I’d like to make this a lot more permanent. But we can discuss that in more detail after I’ve shown you how much you mean to me. My plans of a lengthy punishment have changed. I think you understand me now. And I think you need to feel my love.”

  She holds her arms open for me. “Come to me, my wonderful master.”

  Her tears have dried up and I think she’s ready to embrace this thing we have and feel what we have for each other, leaving the old relationship behind her.

  I slide in next to her and hold her to me tight as I kiss the side of her head. Then I lie her back and rest my head on my hand and look down at her as I trail my fingertips over her tits.

  “Okay, we’re going to get to know one another much better,” I say as I circle her nipple, making it grow. “My public information I can leave out since I’m sure you have Googled me to find all that out.”

  She giggles and runs her hand up my arm, squeezing my bicep. “I have. So what about what you really want out of life? Because I saw picture after picture of you with your family and guess what I never saw in any of them.”

  I kiss the tip of her nose that’s still red from crying. “A smile on any of our faces.”

  “That’s right,” she says with a tweak to my nose. “And that’s a real shame because that smile you have is beyond wonderful and a thing that should always be seen. I must see it at least once every single day we’re together, my love.”

  “Unfortunately, happiness is a thing my family isn’t big on. Respect, dignity above anything else, and the ever present power that my grandfather thinks comes along with that. And people with power don’t smile. Or so he says, anyway.” I move my hand through her hair as she smiles up at me and runs her hand over my cheek.

  “I’ve heard no word about a grandmother.”

  I shake my head. “She passed away when my father was born. My grandfather raised him single-handedly. Grandfather was a second generation American. His parents came over from England. And they died young, leaving him alone at the tender age of twenty. That’s when he found the woman he only had in his life for a mere three years.”

  Her eyes go sad again. “Benny, how sad. Did he ever find another woman?”

  I shake my head. “He is a bit of a hard ass. Even though he’s stinking rich, he’s never had another woman in his life. And he says he wants it that way.”

  She cocks her head to the side and narrows her eyes. “Maybe that’s why he’s a hard ass.”

  Maybe she’s right…

  Chapter 4


  Warm lips press against the nape of my neck. “Good morning, my Angel.”

  I turn in his arms and see his scruffy bearded face and sleepy blue eyes and feel more than I’ve ever felt before. “Good morning to you.”

  My body begins to wake up slowly as his hands run over it. Each stroke making sensations I was unaware were possible. “I’m taking you to breakfast.”

  “Benny, I can cook.” I rub my eyes and stretch a little.

  “I’m sure you can.” His lips gently touch my cheek. “But I’m taking you to breakfast. So you don’t have to.”

  Suddenly I remember my dog and look around the room. “Where’s Cuddles?”

  “Just now missing her?” He laughs. “I put her out in the backyard last night so you and I could have a little alone time.”

  He rolls over me and climbs out of the bed then lifts me up in his arms. “Benny! I can walk.”

  “I know you can.” He kisses my lips lightly. “But I want to carry you.”

  I can see he’s about to attempt to spoil me. Not an easy thing to do since I don’t allow people to do that much for me. But for today, I guess I can let him have his way.

  Not forever, though!


  Will this last forever?

  I push the thought away so I don’t jinx anything. Running my arms around his neck, I lay my head on his chest. “That was nice last night. I’m glad you came.”

  “Me too.” He puts me down in front of the bathroom sink. “You got an extra toothbrush?”

  I open the medicine cabinet and produce a freshly packaged one I bought just last week. “It’s pink, but it’ll work.”

  Ne nods and t
urns toward the toilet and lifts up the lid. I turn to walk out and give him privacy. “Where are you going?” he asks as he looks back at me.

  “To let you have a bit of privacy then I’ll come and do what I have to do.”

  “Stay.” He looks back at the task at hand.

  “No.” I take another step then feel his hand on my arm.

  He flushes the toilet with one hand and holds me with the other. I look down at his unwashed hand. “Yuk, Benny!”

  His eyes run over his hand. “What? My hand too dirty for you because it just came off my dick? That dick was all over you last night and you weren’t saying yuk then.”

  “For God’s sakes, Benny!” I try to pull away but he holds me tight then grabs my other arm too.

  “Look, Angel, I want us to be a nice normal couple. Couples use the bathroom together.”

  With a shake of my head, I say, “Not this couple. I use the bathroom separately.”

  “I’m not saying you can never use it alone. I’m just saying there’s no reason to be shy with me. I’m not going to let you.” He pulls me to the toilet and sits me down. “Now use it. I know you need to.”

  “Jesus, Benny! I can’t go with you looking at me. At least turn around and brush your teeth.”

  He smiles and turns away and starts to brush his teeth. I’m pretty mortified and it takes me quite some time to get things moving, but I do and hop off the toilet before he turns back around.

  I look up after I flush the toilet as he makes some sound and I see him tapping the mirror with his rinsed off toothbrush as he smiles at me. “I could see you through the mirror.”

  I roll my eyes. “Pervert!”

  “Only where you’re concerned.” He moves past me, grazing his body against mine and sending heat through me. Starting the shower, he looks back. “Climb in here when you get finished brushing your teeth.”

  “Yes, Master Blaze,” I say as I grin at him.

  He winks at me. “And make it snappy, wench.”

  I give him a nod and brush my teeth and listen as he sings, “I’ve got you, under my skin.”

  After I rinse my mouth out, I get in the shower, finding his head and beard full of shampoo bubbles. He’s still singing away as I step in and he moves his finger in a circle, gesturing for me to turn my back to him.

  I do as the control freak wants and find him leaning me back, getting my hair wet. Then his hands move through my hair, massaging shampoo in.

  I want to be mad. I want to hate this. But I fucking love it.

  I’ve never been the least bit pampered. I’m not big on it. Or wasn’t, anyway.

  I could get very used to this.

  After he rinses my hair out, he ends his song and turns me back to face him and kisses me. My body melts in his arms as he wraps me in them.

  Man, he sure knows how to make a shower fun!

  My back’s against the cool tiled wall before I know it and his hands run down my legs, picking me up and just like that he’s inside me and pressing his body to mine as he holds me up like I don’t weigh a thing.

  Our tongues move against the others in a rough fashion as he moves in and out of me. Taking me to a place other than this shower stall.

  I run my hands over his muscular back, the water helping them move smoothly and feeling each muscle that’s tight and moving as he uses them to hold me and stroke me.

  Inside I’m already quivering. My body reacts to his so well.

  His mouth moves off mine and over my neck where he sucks and nips at me. “Baby, I love you.”

  I moan with his words. “That sounds so nice.”

  He gives me a hard bite. “Is that all you have to say?”

  “I love you too, Benny.”

  He groans out, “That’s better.”

  The smell of the coconut scented shampoo, and him is intoxicating. My head feels light and my body is on fire. He moves harder, pounding me with each hard thrust.

  Little grunts make hot air hit my ear as he makes them with each stroke. I can’t wait any longer and my body gives in to his demands. “Benny!” I shriek with the intense orgasm.

  “Yes,” he moans and continues to thrust into me.

  Then he makes a ridiculously loud groan and his cock jerks inside me as he keeps moving until it’s all spent.

  He eases my feet back to the floor. His lips touch the top of my head. “Now, it’s a good morning.”

  I cling to him as my heart is still pounding hard and my legs feel weak. “I agree.”

  After getting dressed, which took some time as he kept grabbing me and kissing me or smacking my ass, we’re on our way out to go to breakfast. I hear Cuddles barking in the backyard and recall I do have a pet.

  “Let me go feed her real quick, Benny. I completely forgot about the poor thing.” I turn and go back in and open the back door where she promptly runs inside.

  Jumping up and down with excitement, she goes right past me and jumps into Benny’s arms. “Hey, there girl. Not mad at me at all for putting you outside, are you?”

  She yaps a little which means she is a little mad but she’ll get over it. I put down the bowl of dog food and fill up her water bowl.

  “How long are we going to be gone?” I ask to decide whether I’m letting her stay inside or needing to put her back out.

  “I’m keeping you all day with me, so you better leave her and her food and water outside.” He moves past me, picking up the bowls and putting them outside on the back porch.

  “All day, huh?” I pick up my dog and give her a big hug. “Bye, Cuddles. We’ll be back tonight.” I place her on the porch and she wags her tail at me. “I’ll bring you a treat.”

  Benny closes the door and spins me around, pressing my back against it. His breath is warm on my cheek as he nuzzles it. “I’d like to give up my motel room. What do you think about that?”

  “You want to move in with me for the remainder of your stay in town?” I ask as he kisses down my neck, sending trickles of heat all through me.

  “I want to live with you from now on.” He pulls back and looks at me with sparkles shooting through his steely blue eyes. “I don’t want us to spend another night apart.”

  My stomach tightens and my body tenses. “That sounds very serious, Benny.”

  “Because what we have is very serious, Pumpkin.” His fingertip moves over my lips, tracing them. “I want to wake up every morning and be able to open my eyes and look at your sweet face. I want to close my eyes each night with you being the last thing I see.”

  My heart speeds up. This is so quick and so unlike me. But when my mouth opens words come out without me thinking, “Me too.”

  “Good.” He steps back, taking my hand in his and leading me toward the door. “And since we’re talking about this, I want us to get something more my speed. A larger place. We can ride around and scout several out and decide what we like.”

  “A larger place? Like you want me to move? I don’t know, Benny. That’s a little, no make that a lot scary. What if we don’t work out? Then I’ll have to move and that’ll be…”

  He stops and pulls me into a tight embrace. His forehead touches mine. “Let’s don’t say things like, if we don’t work out. Let’s keep things positive. I’m not saying this will be some relationship made in Heaven that never has a problem or a rough patch because that’s not reality. We’ll have our fights, we’ll have our troubles, but we will get through them.”

  “I don’t know what to say. This is all so sudden. That’s all.” I pull back and look at him. “We’re kind of rushing into things.”

  “I’ve never been a man who rushes into things. And I know you aren’t one to rush either. But this feels right. You have to agree with that.”

  “I do. It does feel right. But rushing is just stupid.”

  His fingertip moves along my jaw. “Do you want to slow things down? I keep my room and we can act like we don’t want to spend every night together. Deny ourselves that. And for how long would you like to
do that?”

  My body aches with a need for him as only his fingertip moves over my skin. It’s completely insane. “Okay, I know I want to have you in my bed every night. I know it will happen even if I try to slow things down. My body craves you now. It makes no sense.”

  “It does make sense. You and I were meant to be together. We found each other and want to be around one another. Not a big mystery. So it’s settled then. We aren’t going to say we’re rushing anything. We’re merely living our lives together from now on. And someday we’ll decide to make that next step.”

  He lets me go and takes my hand again, leading me out the front door. I follow along mumbling as we go, “Marriage is on the table after only two dates. If you can call them dates.”

  “You can call them dates if you want to, Angel.” He turns back and holds out his hand. “The key please.”

  I hand him my keys and he locks the door. Then puts my keys in his pocket.

  “I need those. The key to my bike is on that keyring.” I hold out my hand and he shakes his head.

  “You’re riding with me.” He takes my hand and pulls me along behind him.

  “No. Benny, I don’t ride bitch.”

  He laughs and looks back at me as he tugs me along behind him. “You do now.”

  “Benny, for real, man. I’ll ride my own bike. I’ve never ridden behind anyone. I think I’ll feel very out of control.” I pull back as he continues to tug me along.

  “Good. You need to let some of that control go,” he says as he picks my helmet up off my bike seat.

  As he’s placing it on my head, I say, “Said the control freak.”

  His grin covers his entire face. “You’re going to have to trust me. And I’m not a control freak.”

  “What would you call yourself then?” I ask as he tightens the chin strap.

  He looks as if he’s pondering then his eyes brighten. “I’m a man who cares about you. So instead of thinking or saying I’m a control freak, you can say I’m a caring man. Who you love.” He tweaks my nose then kisses it.

  I have to laugh as this rugged looking biker man in black leather, sporting a long beard and tattoos is so sweet and no one would believe me if I told them the things he says.


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