Embracing Love (Once Broken Book 1)

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Embracing Love (Once Broken Book 1) Page 22

by Alison Mello

  “Remington Bennett,” I hear called out, but I have a hard time standing. She calls my name again, and I look over to her. “It’s okay, come on,” she says, sensing my nervousness. I slowly stand to walk toward her. “Follow me,” she adds as we walk down a hallway. She checks my height. “You’re five feet nine inches,” she says, looking at the wall chart I’m standing in front of.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I confirm, stepping away from the wall.

  “All right, on the scale please.”

  I step on the scale and she nods her head jotting down my weight. “All right, you can step down and follow me.” She walks me into a room and tells me to have a seat. “The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.” I thank her, and she leaves me by myself. I’m looking at the pictures around the room. It’s a small room with some cozy chairs and a small desk, where I assume the doctor will sit to take notes on our session. I found it weird they took my height and weight at first, but now, thinking about it, they probably did it for meds, which I want no part of unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  There’s a knock on the door, then it opens. A tall, thin male walks in with his hand out to me. “Hello. I’m Dr. Neilson, and I’m going to be working with you.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I shake his hand.

  “So tell me a little about yourself.” He takes a seat across from me.

  “You mean like me personally?”

  “Yeah, tell me about your family life and things like that.”

  “Okay. My mom’s a teacher, and my father’s a doctor. I have three siblings. My older brother is also a doctor like my father, and he works at the family practice with him. I’m next in the line of children. I had decided at a young age that military life was what I wanted. Then it’s Keaton, who owns his own construction company, and my baby sister, Brooke, who works at the local veterinarian clinic and is going to school to be a vet.” I shrug, not knowing what else to say.

  “Are you a close family?”

  “Very close,” I answer.

  “Are they supportive of your decision to join the service?”

  “Oh yeah, my parents are extremely proud of me.”

  “Good, so how many deployments have you been on?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I lost count a long time ago. The last two were the toughest though. I was injured during them both.”

  “Can you tell me about them?” He continues taking notes as I go into the story of my last two deployments. I tell him my first injury and what happened the day I had to meet with a general to deliver intel. Then I go onto the latest deployment. I explain how everything was going smoothly until we were about to leave and we were fired upon. “That was the day we lost Slater,” I say in barely a whisper.

  “What are the nightmares about?”

  I sigh, rubbing my tired eyes. I start to speak but a yawn slips out. “It varies,” I tell him, closing my eyes as I replay that day in my head.

  “Captain Bennett, I’m going to be honest. I think your nightmares stem from many places. First, you’ve been through a lot during your time in the service. Second, you lost someone this time, and I think deep down you feel guilty about that.” He puts his pen down and adds, “But to be perfectly honest, I think you need to start talking about them and how they’re affecting you.”

  “It’s affecting my relationship. I left my girlfriend’s house this morning and told her I couldn’t spend the night any more until I had some control over this.”

  “Why can’t you stay with her?”

  “I’m afraid I’m going to hurt her.”

  “Physically or emotionally?” he asks, picking his pen back up.

  “Both. I snapped at her yesterday, and I could see the hurt in her eyes. I’m not worried about physically hurting her while I’m awake, but what if I do something in my sleep?”

  “Have you ever been caught sleepwalking or anything like that?”

  I shake my head and go back to wiping my clammy hands on my shorts.

  “I don’t think you would physically hurt her. If you have no record of sleep walking or moving around in your sleep, I don’t think it’s likely you would start now. You would have been already doing it.” He puts his pen back down. “I do think you need to talk to her instead of pushing her away.” He moves the mouse around on his computer. “I want to see you again tomorrow so we can get more into the heart of these nightmares, and see if simply talking them out will help you.”

  “What if that doesn’t work?”

  “Let’s take this one step at a time,” he says to me. I nod in agreement. “I’ll see you tomorrow at ten-thirty.”

  I stand, shake his hand, and walk out the door.

  As soon as I’m in the car, I let out a deep breath. That felt like a really quick forty-five minutes. I already feel a bit better knowing he doesn’t think I’ll hurt her, but I’m not sure I can talk to her yet.

  I’m about to start my car when my phone buzzes.

  Kenzie: I hope your appointment went well.

  Remy: It was okay. I have another appointment tomorrow. Heading back to my parents’ for lunch. I’ll talk to you later.

  Kenzie: Okay.

  Chapter 25


  It’s been four days since I’ve seen Remy. We’ve been talking over the phone a lot, and he’s met me for our morning run each morning, but once he kisses me goodbye at the end of my driveway, I don’t see him again until the next morning. I’m proud of him, though, because he’s looking better and better each morning. He told me he’d even slept through the night last night.

  Tonight, I’m going to get to see him for the New Year’s Eve party his parents are throwing. This morning when he kissed me goodbye, he told me he had a surprise for me and he couldn’t wait to see me. I’ve been wondering all day what this surprise is, but he wouldn’t even give me a hint. I’m really looking forward to some fun tonight. Nana has been having a tough week. She and Emily are getting along fine again, but yesterday she didn’t even get out of bed. I fear my time with her is coming to an end, so I’ve been trying to visit more often until school starts again. Since my aunt and uncle don’t have any big plans for tonight, they’re going to Nana’s to spend some time with her and then put her to bed. Part of me feels bad leaving it on them, but I’ve spent most of my school break visiting with her and watching her become a bit worse each day. I need this break.

  I did manage to see Lilly on Wednesday for lunch. Apparently, she and Keaton got into a bit of a tiff, because she saw him and his ex-girlfriend in town. He was flirting with her and when she approached him to ask what was going on, the bitch told Lilly to take off, that she planned on taking back what was hers. Lilly has real trust issues, so that was enough for her to tell Keaton they needed to take a break. She told him when he figured out who he really wanted to be with to call her.

  My phone chirps, and when I pull it from my back pocket I see it’s Remy.

  Remy: Can I pick you up for tonight?

  Kenzie: Does that mean you’re coming back to my place?

  Remy: Do you want me to?

  Kenzie: I’ve been hoping you would. Is that part of my surprise?

  Remy: If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. See you in a bit.

  I giggle as I put my phone down and head off to get ready for tonight. I’ve got my clothes all laid out and ready to go. Excited, I run down the hall, like a teenager thrilled to be getting ready for her first date.

  A short time later, there’s a knock on the door, and when I answer it I find Remy standing there in true Remy fashion, with flowers in his hand. “You’re beginning to spoil me with all these wildflowers you keep bringing me.”

  He steps in the door, pulls me close, and plants a soft, sweet kiss on my lips while looking deep into my eyes. “I enjoy spoiling you, and I hope you plan on getting used to it because I’m not going anywhere.”

  My smile grows. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

p; “I sure am.” I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and grab my keys from the hook by the door. “Let’s go.”

  When we pull up at the Bennetts’ house, there are a ton of cars in the driveway and along the street. “Wow, your parents really like throwing parties, huh?”

  “What gave that away?” he asks jokingly. I shake my head, and we make our way inside. We’re instantly greeted by Brooke and Dr. Bennett. We say a quick hello and make our rounds saying hi to his entire family and the few close friends they’ve invited.

  It’s been really warm for the end of December, so the slider to the back deck is open, and there’s wood set up by the fire pit. There’s music playing on their surround sound system, and the snack bar is lined with tea and punch, both with alcohol and without. “You have to try this eggnog,” Dr. Bennett says to me.

  “What’s in it?”

  “Well, that’s a secret, but I can tell you that if you have more than a glass you shouldn’t plan on driving.” He winks at me and walks away.

  “Go ahead, sweet pea. I’m not going to drink.” Remy kisses me on the temple.

  I grab a glass and the ladle, pouring some of his dad’s special eggnog. My lord, it is delicious. “Remy, this is so good.”

  He grins at me. “I know, but be careful. It’s one of those drinks that will kick you in the ass.”

  “Kind of like the tea they served at the Fourth of July party.”

  He burst into laughter. “Yeah, like that.”

  We make our way to the back deck to get some fresh air. Remy looks a bit nervous. I’ve noticed he keeps wiping his hands down the front of his pants. I’m not sure if it’s all the people or the surprise he has for me, but I’m trying not to pressure him, so I pretend not to notice for now.

  When we step outside, we find Keaton sitting on the deck by himself with a beer in his hand. He already looks like he’s got a bit of a buzz on. “Hey, Keaton,” I lean over to give him a hug.

  “Hey, pretty lady. How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay, how are you holding up?” I ask, noticing he’s looking down.

  “I’m all right, I guess. I’m still trying to figure out how to convince Lilly that I want to be with her. The woman is driving me crazy,” he says through gritted teeth.

  “What happened?” I want to hear his side of the story before I lay into him about him and his ex-girlfriend. He starts telling me how Chelsea approached him, and he was in the process of telling her he was dating someone. Chelsea didn’t want to hear it because she wants him back, so she started rubbing her hands up his chest. That was when Lilly tried to ask him what was going on. Chelsea went into bitch mode and upset Lilly. Keaton sighs. “Now Lilly won’t even answer my calls. She says she’s heard about my player ways, and isn’t sure she can be with a man like me.”

  I feel bad for the guy, but I’m not sure he can fix this. “Listen, Keaton, I’m sorry to say this, but Lilly is pretty stubborn. If you want her back, you’re really going to have to fight for her. I don’t know how, but you will need to figure out a way to show her that she’s the only one you want. She has a real issue with trusting people, and right now she feels like she can’t trust you.”

  “I get that, but it’s figuring out how to get her back that’s killing me.”

  Remy taps him on the shoulder and says, “Dude, I hate to say it but I warned you about this happening.”

  “I know, but I’m not giving up. I’m telling you, that girl is something special.” Keaton takes another swig of his beer.

  The door slides open, and Brooke, Dawson, Kayla, and Remy’s parents join us on the deck. “You guys having your own party out here?” Remy’s mama asks.

  “Nah, we’re just trying to cheer Keaton up a bit.” Remy slaps his brother on the leg.

  “I warned this boy that it was time to grow up.” Mama narrows her eyes at Keaton.

  “Oh, Mama, he doesn’t need to hear any more lectures. He’s learned his lesson,” Remy says, and it makes me smile to see him stick up for his brother.

  His mama shakes her head and looks to me. “How’s your nana doing?”

  “Not good, actually. She’s spending more and more time in bed, and she lost it on the nurse the other day. Thought she was a stranger in her home. I calmed her down, but I fear we will have to move her soon.”

  “Bless her heart. It has to be hard living life not recognizing the people around you.”

  Dr. Bennett jumps in. “Does she have any symptoms?”

  I shrug. “I don’t think so. I think she’s depressed and lonely, even though we visit with her. I feel like not remembering who we are is making her sad.”

  “I’ll stop in and check on her this week,” he says, trying to ease my concern.

  “Thank you. Now, this is supposed to be a fun party, so let’s not talk about any more depressing topics,” I tell them, plastering a smile on my face.

  “Yes, it’s New Year’s Eve, and with the new year brings new beginnings and fresh starts,” Remy says, rubbing my back.

  “That’s right, and I’m so proud of the strides you’ve already made since Monday.” I press my lips to his cheek.

  “Thank you, sweet pea,” he says before he kneels in front of me. “That means a lot to me. I’ve worked hard talking with the doctor so I could be sure it was the right time for me to tell you just how much you mean to me.” He takes my hands in his. “I love you more than life itself. While I was away, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and dreaming about you. I prayed every night I would make it home safely so I could fill your life with wildflowers and happy times. Kenzie, I made a promise to your nana and I intend to keep it. I told her that I would spend the rest of my life making you happy and taking care of you. Please allow me to do that. Please be my wife,” he says with his hand shaking as he pulls a box from his pocket. He opens it to reveal a stunning round diamond. It’s in a white gold band that’s lined with smaller stones.

  Tears are running down my face. Never in a million years did I expect this to be my surprise. It takes me a minute to realize as I stare down into his bright green eyes that I’ve yet to answer him. “I’m sorry, yes! Yes! I will marry you.”

  A huge smile spreads across his face as he slips the ring on my finger. He jumps up, wrapping me in his arms and spinning me around in a circle. “I love you so much,” he screams out. I burst into laughter as he slides me down his body. Our lips meet, and we kiss passionately.

  Keaton screams out, “Okay, that’s enough.” We both laugh and everyone begins congratulating us.

  “Eeek, I have a new sister,” Brooke squeals with excitement. Dawson and Kayla both congratulate us and give us a hug.

  Keaton stands from his seat, and places his arm around my shoulder. “Welcome to the family, pretty lady.” He kisses the top of my head.

  “Thanks, Keaton.”

  That’s when, to my utter surprise, Aunt Kenderly and Uncle Jasper come walking out onto the deck. I gasp. “What are you guys doing here? Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine. This was all part of Remy’s plan. He called me and asked for your hand in marriage. He told me he was proposing tonight and invited us over to celebrate.”

  I wrap my arms around Uncle Jasper and thank him. He hugs me tight.

  “Will you give me away?” I ask him with tears again streaming down my face.

  “I would be honored.” He kisses me on the forehead.

  Aunt Kenderly hugs me and says, “Congrats, sweetie.”

  “Is Nana okay?”

  “She’s just fine, fell asleep early. We told her we were leaving to attend the party and watch Remy propose. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.”

  My uncle and future father-in-law get busy lighting the fire pit while we go inside to grab some drinks and something to eat. When we walk through the door, Remy shouts, “I’m getting married, y’all!” Everyone erupts into hoots and hollers, patting him on the back. I can’t help but laugh at how happy he is as people con
tinue to congratulate us.

  I grab another glass of eggnog and take a sip. Remy grabs me by the waist and says, “Thank you so much for making this the best day ever.” I smile, and he adds, “At least until you say I do, because that will certainly be the best day of my life.”

  He plants his lips on mine. “Thank you for including my family tonight. It made the night even more special.”

  He wiggles his brows and says, “Surprise.”

  I burst into laughter and he chuckles along with me.


  It’s been a really fun night, but I’m glad that it’s finally almost midnight. I’m ready to make this a private party for two. The party has dwindled down to just our two families, and we’re now all hovering around the living room watching the news as they cover the party happening at Times Square in New York.

  The ball is lit up, and they are finally counting down. As I glance around the room, I smile. Everyone is sitting in couples, except for Keaton and Brooke. They’re side-by-side, offering each other silent support as the only two without a significant other at the party.

  Everyone starts to count. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. “Happy New Year!” we all say, and Remy locks lips with mine. We stop kissing only for a second to smile at how happy we are in this moment. He kisses me again, his hand slipping into my hair as he deepens the kiss.

  I get up to wish everyone a happy New Year, and then head into the kitchen to help clean up the mess from the party. Mrs. Bennett comes in and tells me to leave it.

  “I’m not going to leave you with this big mess.”

  “You sweet girl, this is supposed to be a night you celebrate, not clean up. But thank you,” she says, chipping in so I can get going. Brooke joins us, and in no time we have the leftovers put away and the kitchen cleaned up. I’m grabbing the dish towel to dry my hands as Remy comes in the room.

  “Mama, if you’re all set, I think we’re going to get going.”


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