Electric Storm (A Raven Investigations Novel)

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Electric Storm (A Raven Investigations Novel) Page 11

by Brutger, Stacey

  “Raven, can you hear me?” She blinked and found herself face to face with Taggert. Her gaze flickered toward the form spread out along the floor, and her throat ached at his absolute stillness.

  “Did I kill him?”

  Dominic snorted. “Nothing a little bump on the head won’t cure. What the hell was he doing to you?”

  She winced at his tone, rubbing her temples at the recent assault. “He wanted the truth, no matter how he got it.”

  “By ripping it from your mind? It could’ve killed you.” Dominic looked ready to wake Durant so he could hit the man again.

  Taggert cupped her elbow, nearly lifting her off her feet in his effort to help her stand. She noticed the bruised and bloodied knuckles and felt ashamed. “I was supposed to protect you.”

  “Things are a little more complicated than that. You take care of the pack, and they protect you from any threat.” Dominic opened his mouth to continue when everything went ominously silent in the other room.

  She staggered closer, using the wall for support and gently knocked on the door. “Rylan, is everything okay?” The door swung opened in the middle of her question. She peered inside when she saw no one at the door.

  Dominic brushed by her, entering first. Taggert hovered over her with Jackson bringing up the rear. She almost bumped into Dominic when he stopped abruptly.

  From his ashen expression, she expected the worst. When she turned her head, the girl they once knew as Cassie greedily drew on Rylan’s arm.

  “Sleep.” Cassie instantly closed her eyes and slumped. Rylan extracted his arm, then rolled down his sleeves. But not before she saw the chew marks that made his forearm nothing more than hamburger.

  “Will you be alright?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He avoided her gaze.

  He didn’t look fine. His energy was dangerously low, and she pushed when she would normally remain silent. “You need to eat.”

  He stilled completely at her comment, his back to her. “I’ll be fine.”

  Raven shook her head. She stepped away from Taggert and stumbled. She would’ve fallen if Rylan hadn’t whirled and caught her arm. As she met his gaze, she saw his fangs extend, saw his eyes darken to that wonderful blue that revealed his troubled soul.

  “Don’t touch her.” Dominic’s demand thundered through the room.

  “I have no intention of hurting her. What happened?” As careful as a glass doll, he righted her, then pulled away, never removing his gaze from hers. His brows lowered. He raked his gaze over her, his hands curling into fists. “You’re in pain.”

  She shrugged. “Like you, I’m fine. There was a little dispute. It’s settled.”

  “That jackass tried to break her shields.” Jackson didn’t even finish, and Rylan was already moving. Faster than humans could track, he crossed the room and disappeared out the door.

  She hurried past the others, hauling ass, but not quick enough. Rylan had Durant by the throat, dangling the unconscious man off the floor. With his fangs fully extended, the vampire hissed in fury.

  As if he understood the threat, Durant slowly opened his eyes but otherwise, didn’t move.

  “Rylan.” She shrugged off Dominic’s arm when he tried to restrain her. “It’s okay. He was worried about his friend.”

  “He wouldn’t have a friend if it weren’t for you. Is that the way he repays a favor?” The grip of his hand tightened. Beads of blood trickled down Durant’s throat where Rylan’s nails dug deep. The big cat tensed, and his attention panned to her.

  “My apologies. It won’t happen again.”

  “You’re right.” Faster then she could blink, Rylan sliced his hand down Durant’s chest. Blood gushed from the wound. Durant raised his arm to retaliate, and Rylan caught it mid swing.

  “Don’t.” She didn’t think he’d listen, but Durant stopped moving and allowed himself to be half dragged toward her.

  “Take it.” Rylan kicked Durant’s legs out from beneath him. Grabbing his shoulders, Rylan righted Durant until he knelt at her feet.

  Raven stared at Rylan in disbelief, shaking her head. “Don’t do this.”

  He only stared at her, his eyes uncompromising. “Either you take his blood, or I kill him.”

  “What the hell’s going on here?” Dominic stepped forward, and Rylan narrowed his gaze.

  “He’s trying to protect her.” Taggert was the one who spoke. Then, surprisingly, he stepped in front of Dominic, blocking him.

  What the hell was wrong with the men in her life?

  “Get the hell off me.” Durant jerked away and shifted to stand.

  Rylan stooped, bringing his face next to Durant. A deep snarl rumbled from Durant’s throat, but Rylan only bared his fangs. “I’d say we’re even in our strength. We can tear into one another, possibly kill each other. But know this. Raven will not let me die, but your little girl in the other room has no such guarantee.”

  Durant’s gaze met hers, and she tried not to flinch at the judgment there. He lifted his chin. “Do it.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  Durant didn’t move. “I understand. You’re a vampire like him, just a different variety.”

  “That’s not fair. I–”

  “I don’t care. Take what you need so I can get the hell away from you.” The callused words robbed her of breath. Durant winced when Rylan gouged his fingers into the tissue of his shoulder.

  Pain funneled into rage at being forced into this situation infuriated her. “I refuse to let you die. I refuse to fight my friend for you. Tell me, Durant, where does that leave me?”

  When he didn’t answer, Jackson spoke. “What do you gain by taking his blood?”

  Raven met his gaze, surprised not to see suspicion there. “I get an enemy.”

  She could feel Rylan’s gaze on hers but refused his silent entreaty to understand his reasoning. Damn it, she didn’t need anyone protecting her. They would only get hurt.

  “A vampire’s answer is always slavery.” Durant shook off Rylan’s restraining arm and rose.

  Rylan tisked. “Not this tired argument. Let’s not forget the benefits the breeds received. Things weren’t as one sided as they try to make you believe. Wolves were our daytime protection. Our blood strengthened them, creating faster, stronger, better shifters. They were virtually indestructible.” He walked around and came to a stop at her side.

  “You hear about the horrors we supposedly perpetrated on them. But do you hear about the other side? The stories of vampires drained of blood, where a group of wolves hunted and tracked vampires for sport, slaughtering them for the blood. But when the vampire dies, the power of their blood fades as well, so they have to do it again and again. They don’t tell you how vampire blood can change a normal shifter into an alpha.”

  Awareness hovered at the edges of her mind, the bodies at the crime scenes drained of blood. Then she lost her train of thought when the men’s argument increased in volume. Durant and Rylan circled one another. She stepped between them, praying neither man would take off her head. “Enough.”

  Taggert stepped next to her when the two men pressed closer. “I don’t understand the problem. She’s not a vampire, so she can’t control him. The only benefit is to Raven. Protection from him. Could she control him?”

  No one said anything. Raven cleared her throat. “No, his blood won’t allow me to control him. I’m not a vampire.”

  “You hesitated. Why?” Durant crowded closer, but Rylan pushed against her back when she tried to retreat.

  “I’m not exactly normal.” She licked her lips, hating the way his scent curled around her, the way his heat invaded her body. She didn’t want to give up her hurt that easily. “What should be a routine process usually backfires when I’m involved.”

  Durant relaxed slightly. “What do you think will happen?”

  “I think it will connect us.” Raven didn’t need any more connections to anyone. Connections generally got her into trouble. She looked at each ma
n in the room and realized she was the only one protesting anymore.

  “Have you tasted anyone else’s blood?”

  “Not on purpose.” That froze Durant. She could tell he didn’t expect her answer. “I guess it all comes down to trust. I can’t trust you. This is the second time you’ve tried to break my shields. After you asked for my help, been welcomed in my home, you attacked me. Tell me, Durant, if the situation were reversed, would we even be here talking? Or would you’ve killed me right out?”

  A new, more horrifying idea came to her. She slowly stepped away from the men. She felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. “Dominic, I have tiger DNA. If I accept blood from him, we’d be pack.”

  Panic tightened her throat, and she looked at her friend for guidance. Did she have enough cat in her to be alpha? She was afraid that since her shields held against him that she did.

  The expression on Dominic’s face didn’t change. “Yes.”

  Chapter Twelve


  “No. Hell, no.” She shook her head and backed away, a deep sense of betrayal slicing through her. They were supposed to be her friends, the only family she had left.

  Rylan swiftly blocked her exit. “It needs to be done.” He gently brushed at her hair, always fascinated by the streaks and ragged silver-tipped ends. This time the gesture didn’t offer her any calm. “If you were alpha, he wouldn’t dare attack you.”

  “Unless he challenges me.”

  “A male can’t replace a female leader. If he oversteps his bounds, you have the right to kill him.” Rylan smiled, his fangs showing a little too much. “He can petition the council at the conclave to be released from your pack, and the council will cast judgment.”

  She didn’t trust that smile, and her stomach somersaulted in her throat. “But?”

  “The council has never reversed a female claim.”

  “But he’s an alpha. Not only are you asking him to refute his ability to create his own pack, but also the possibly of finding his Consort.” Raven had to talk sense into them. She looked at the others for support, but they just met her gaze without a word of protest.

  “I believe what they’re trying to tell you is once we’ve mated, I won’t care.” Durant crossed his arms. “As for creating my own pack, I won’t. It’s one of the concessions to owning my business within pack territory. Cassie doesn’t count as she is human.”

  Raven blinked when his words registered, and she barely heard the rest of his explanation. “No one said anything about mating.” Panic tightened her chest, breathing became difficult. “Why aren’t you fighting them?”

  “Are you saying you’re a fate worse than death?” Durant shrugged, his focus unwavering and intense, seeing something in her that solidified his decision. “There are few of my kind living. The chances of me finding a Consort are slim.” He shook his head. “And there’s something about you that my beast wants. I noticed it at the club, and when I arrived here.”

  “Yeah, that’s why you tried to kill me.”

  Rylan nodded, ignoring her as if everything made sense. “It’s why he came to you for help.”

  The longer she stared at Durant, the more unsettled she grew. Something didn’t fit. “You want this.” The accusation erupted from her. Then she made the connection. He’d stopped protesting the instant her cat DNA was mentioned.

  “I didn’t plan it, but I’ll accept it. It could be beneficial to us both.” Durant stepped toward her while Rylan held her in place.

  “Raven, the girl will wake shortly. She’ll need to be fed. You have to decide. Either you take them or they die.” Thunder rumbled in the distance, and her heart slammed hard against her ribs. The storm would be upon her within the hour, and then there would be hell to pay. She had to decide now.

  If she accepted them, it would be her job to protect them. It would be her job to find out who attacked Cassie. The idea of escaping the house sounded good to her, even if she had to face the storm and a killer.

  She felt Rylan’s grip through her clothes, the slight shake in his fingers, the need in him. He ached. And she knew he’d never ask her for help. “Rylan–”

  “You need to do this. This man can protect you when I’m not available.”

  Raven jerked away from him. The bastards were building a pack around her, whether she liked it or not. “That system is archaic. I’m not in danger. I don’t need protection. I can take care of myself.”

  Rylan reached out for her but dropped his arm without touching her. “The pack system works. You insist on working a dangerous job. Your powers are changing. You’re vulnerable alone.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” What had she done to bring suspicion on herself?

  Durant stepped forward, drew his nail across his palm, drawing a welt of blood. “I offer myself freely.”

  “It’s all a lie.” Her lips felt bloodless.

  “It’s what we make it.” Those green eyes turned golden.

  She could feel the pressure inside build as the storm worsened. The urge to hide, run away from the truth and fight the cravings grew in her. If she did what they said, she could be free. Still she fought.

  The blood slowed, the wound healing. “Why is claiming you different than claiming Taggert? Why–”

  Durant smiled. “Tigers are a different breed from wolves. No one can make a tiger do something they don’t desire. You claimed Taggert. This will be a mating that brings money and power to the pack.”

  The tone of his voice, the cadence, resonated in her.


  She shook her head to try and clear her thoughts. “You’re doing it again, trying to influence me. You’re trying to seduce me.”

  A small smile tugged at his lips. “It’s a privilege of being packmates.” His face might have been smiling, but his eyes were dead serious.

  “Never.” Raven gulped, trying to find where the oxygen disappeared to when she desperately needed air. Durant bit his lip until blood welled.

  Her heart slammed painfully against her ribs when he tipped his head toward hers. The warm scent of leather swirled between them.

  “Taste.” Durant murmured the words against her lips. “I can feel your hunger beat at me.”

  “I don’t trust you.” He’d changed his mind much too fast for her to be convinced he didn’t want something. Then his lips brushed hers. When she pulled away, he cupped the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

  Instead of blood, she tasted power. It curled through her, drugging her body. His aura fluctuated, melding a little with hers. His desire consumed her. The world fell away, and the threat of the storm vanished. Everything she needed was in this kiss.

  His hands tightened painfully in her hair, dragging her back from the edge and the pool of power just beyond her touch. She wanted to reach deeper and brush up against the cat she sensed so near the surface.

  When he pulled away, she met his gaze and licked her lips. The taste of blood broke through her euphoria. Durant’s chest heaved with exertion, all the scheming she’d seen in his eyes had vanished. He shuddered, looking as confused as her. “What happened?”

  Rylan snorted. “Raven happened.”

  A movement in the other room jolted them into motion. “Cassie’s awake.” Rylan nodded to Durant. “You’re needed.”

  When Durant took a step, he staggered as if drunk. Surprise plastered his face as he quickly straightened. Those golden eyes of his met hers, and she knew he wouldn’t forget what they’d shared. She just wished she knew what he planned on doing with the information.

  She followed and watched him cradle Cassie. He winced when she grabbed his offered arm with two hands and pulled it toward her mouth. As his orphan fed, Durant’s gaze locked on hers.

  Raven turned away from the intimate moment, unable to bare the close exam from his too perceptive eyes. Only to find herself faced with four men. Jackson crossed his arms, a pinched look on his face. The fury in his eyes took her aback. “Jackson?” />
  “He might buy that excuse for now, but he’s going to want the truth. What the hell happened?”

  Rylan stepped between them. “Just what I said.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you.” Jackson closed the distance until the men stood toe to toe. “What did you do to them? What vampire tricks did you use?”

  Suddenly tired, Raven rubbed her temple. “Jackson, he didn’t do anything. I told you I was different. I accidentally reached inside the core where Durant holds his power. I’m not sure how it’s possible, but he must have felt some of mine in exchange.”

  “Your hands glowed.” Taggert stared at her hands, and she resisted the urge to hide them behind her back.

  Rylan gazed at her, questions in his eyes. She wanted to ask if he saw anything, but couldn’t open herself up to more scrutiny. Not when she didn’t know the answers. “This whole thing wasn’t necessary.”

  “We’ll have to agree to disagree.” Though Rylan’s expression was pleasant, she detected an underlying emotion in him that made her nervous. She couldn’t help but feel she’d disappointed him in some way. That he needed something from her that she failed to understand.

  “You need to feed.” Rylan didn’t move, just continued to gaze at her.

  “You’re going after them, aren’t you?” He pursed his lips. “I think I’ll accompany you.”

  “No.” The last thing she wanted was to be in the company of a hungry vampire. Especially Rylan. He read her too well and would ask questions when she had no answers to give. She needed time and space to regroup. “She nearly drained you. You let her take too much.”

  “I could taste you on her.” He murmured the last words. “It’s enough.” Though it should’ve frightened her, the warmth in his words brought heat to her face.

  “Until you crash in the middle of a fight.” She wouldn’t be responsible for his death.

  “Then we’ll split into two teams. One person has to stay here to watch over Durant and his charge. The rest of us will go.”

  Raven conceded defeat. If she left without him, he’d just follow. “Fine. Taggert will stay–”


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