Don't Make Plans

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Don't Make Plans Page 17

by Ava Armstrong

  “Paige, you have needs, you deserve happiness, too.”

  His mouth covered hers instinctively. Her lips were soft and full and he tasted the saltiness of her tears. He needed the kiss as much as she did, but this wasn’t the time or place. His face brushed against her long hair, tangled and damp with perspiration, but she smelled so good. Kent wanted to kiss her for hours and tell her how much he loved her. Instead, he whispered in her ear.

  “I’m here. I want you. Marriage is what I want. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  Cars were zooming by and a few curious onlookers stared at the couple in the truck, but Kent did his best to ignore them.

  “Okay.” Paige sniffed, and he handed her a tissue.

  “Is that a yes to my proposal? Because I’m serious, Paige. I want to marry you like now – right now. I don’t have much to offer you except my heart. But, it’s yours.”

  “Let me think about it. This would be a burden for you.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I’m divorced, I have a child. I hate my job, my life, I’m going to lose my house if I don’t figure out something soon. Why would you want me?”

  “I could tell you were perfect for me the moment I met you that first day.” Kent exhaled. “I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you. I wanted to make sure you were ready. I love Justin like my own. He needs a father and I’m happy to be there for him. Sort of like Gramps was there for me when I was growing up. As for you being unhappy in your job – change it. When life hands you something you don’t want, you’re free to do something different. Gotta put one foot in front of the other and just move forward with a positive attitude – go after what you want. We’re only going through this life once, Paige. When you get a second chance for happiness, it’s a blessing.”

  He drove the truck back to the barn and Paige slid out of the seat and winked at him.

  “Let’s continue this discussion tonight.”

  Kent saw her smile and she helped him load the truck up again. The next time Justin wanted to ride to the dump and the two of them waived to Paige standing next to Gramps.

  “He’s something, ain’t he?” Gramps murmured.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “He’s serious about you, Paige, but then you probably already know that.”

  “He told me he wants to get married. It’s so sudden.”

  “Is it, really?”

  “Well, I’ve only known him for a short while…”

  “What you see is what you get with Kent. He’s sure of himself. There’d be no worries about him. I know one thing. I’ve never seen him so focused, and happy. He’d be a good husband, a great father. But, you take your time. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.”

  * * *

  Paige trekked back to her house to get a few things to make sandwiches. As she approached the driveway, she noticed a woman standing there – a frail looking blonde. When the woman turned around to greet her, she realized it was Sasha.

  “Hey – were you looking for me?” Paige touched her shoulder.

  “Yes, there are a few things I need to tell you, Paige.”

  “Come in. Let me get you a drink.” Paige opened the door. Sasha looked emaciated and thirsty. She was dressed in a long pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt with a scarf around her neck. Paige rarely saw her like this, casual, disheveled.

  As she handed Sasha a lemonade, she noticed her knees protruding from the shorts as she sat down. She seemed weak and tired.

  “Paige, I have to tell you this. I’m dying of Anorexia. You might find this shocking, but I’m going into the hospital and don’t know if I will ever come out.”

  Paige sat next to her and took her hand. It was cold and frail, as delicate as a bird.

  “You will be fine…”

  “I want you to handle my estate if something happens to me. And, before I do that – I want to give you a little gift to tide you over. You have been a wonderful friend to me all my life.”

  “Oh – Sasha, you don’t have to…”

  “No – Paige – I want to do this. You must know something. This is horrible. I’ve always been envious of you. That’s why I lied about Kent. I put photos on Facebook leading people to believe we had a fling. I’m a self-centered, rotten bitch.”

  “It’s all right, Sasha – I know nothing happened.”

  “But, I lied – and I owe you so much, Paige. You have always been a devoted and loyal friend when others have not. I trust you. I’m alone, Paige. All the guys, the girlfriends, they all disappeared once they realized I was sick, and unable to maintain my status as a super-model. They only wanted to be with me because I was successful, rich, famous.”

  “Oh Sasha, I’m sure there are some…”

  “No – You’d be surprised how quickly they vanished. I know because it surprised me. But, now I know exactly why they were with me. But, not you, Paige. You have always been the same person and you often stepped aside and let me take center stage. Even in high school and college, you did my homework for me and cheered me on when I most needed it. This is important for me to tell you.”

  Paige waited as Sasha took a deep breath and swallowed some lemonade. She seemed to be weak and tired. She wasn’t wearing make-up and her face seemed different, much older, and the animated smile was gone. Sasha’s hand reached into her huge purse and fished out a bundle. She put it on the kitchen table, then slid it toward Paige.

  “Here – it’s cash. Put it into the bank, only a few thousand at a time so you don’t draw too much attention. It’s a gift.”

  Paige felt the heft of the bundle in her hand. When she peered inside, she noticed thousand dollar bills. Paige took one out and looked at it.

  “I’ve never seen one of these before. Oh, Sasha, I can’t…”

  “There are 250 in there. It will help you out for now. Upon my death, you will receive more. I have no siblings, my parents are gone, no real friends except for you. You’ve always been like a sister to me. I’m going to the hospital now. I’ll be there for a long time, Paige. My driver is outside, he just sent me a text. I gotta go.”

  Sasha stood up and kissed Paige on the cheek. Paige embraced her emaciated friend. Paige heard her whisper, “I love you, dahling.”

  “Thank you. I hope you get stronger, Sasha. You can’t go this way, you know. Not you. You’re a fighter.”

  “This has been going on for a long time. I’m going into a different program, this time, Paige – and I need a contact on the outside. I gave them your name. My living will is in this envelope.” Sasha handed the paperwork to Paige. “You’re my medical power of attorney. Read this and please honor my wishes. Goodbye, dahling.”

  Paige watched her walk outside and disappear into the waiting limo. Within a few seconds, she was gone. Paige went inside and stashed the bundle of cash under a loose floor board in the broom closet. She kept some other things there and knew the money would be safe, for now.

  As she read Sasha’s wishes, she wiped her tears away and hoped she’d never have to make these decisions. She put food items into a canvas bag – roast beef, mayo, bread, cheese. She grabbed a bottle of milk and a half gallon of lemonade and walked back to Gramps.

  “Food – finally! What took you so long, mom?” Justin wailed.

  “Okay, I’ll have this ready in a hurry, guys. You thirsty? I have lemonade, too.”

  Kent helped her make sandwiches and she smiled watching Justin with Gramps. The older man was full of humor and he truly enjoyed her son’s company.

  Kent whispered, “What took you so long?”

  “I had an unexpected visit from Sasha.”

  “Oh no. Not her again…”

  “It was a nice visit. I’ll talk with you about it later.”

  Justin had been scheming something with Gramps and spoke excitedly.

  “We’re having a checker tournament tonight, mom!”

  “Oh, are we?”

  “Yes, at the VFW – you wanna come?�


  Paige noticed Kent’s eyes light up. “Yes?”


  Kent waited as Paige ran home to change. She was only gone for a few minutes, but she’d changed into a fresh T-shirt and a denim skirt. He loved it when she pulled her hair back and pinned it up showing the graceful curve of her neck. She looked gorgeous even though she’d worked in a dirty, hot barn all day. He noticed she highlighted her mouth with lipstick and imagined kissing her again – in fact, that was all he could think about whenever he looked at her.

  Gramps wanted to drive the truck to be returned to one of his VFW friends. Seeing as it was close by, Kent agreed. Paige sat next to Kent in the Chevelle and Justin hopped into the backseat. Paige seemed upbeat tonight, as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

  “I love this car…”

  “I’m taking my girl to the VFW.”

  “Hey, is there something I don’t know?” Justin asked.

  “Maybe.” Kent chuckled.

  “Wow, really?”

  “Yes, really.” Kent nodded. “We keep secrets from you.”

  When Gramps pulled the truck into the parking lot at the VFW, a few of the guys waved as they walked into the building. He noticed Gramps was in a good mood, too.

  Kent leaned over to whisper to Paige.

  “He’s happy right now. See that smile?”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “There’s a big smile on your face, too.” She whispered.

  “Come on. Let’s go inside. After the checker tournament, these guys toss back a few and they have this old jukebox in there.”

  “Yes, I saw it when we did the remodel. It’s part of the place.”

  “What’s a jukebox?” Justin asked as they walked inside.

  “Come on, we’ll show you.” Paige giggled.

  Kent’s attention was focused on remembering every vet’s name. There was Buster, Jed, Doc, and Chester. They all called Kent “Squirt” once they found out that’s what Gramps called him. He’d gotten used to it. A pretty lady like Paige had all eyes on her. Kent kept his arm loosely draped across her waist. Any excuse to touch her.

  After the checker tournament, and a few beers, the guys began stirring meals that had been simmering in crock pots and serving up Charlie’s special chili. The last time Kent had it, he needed to drink water to cool his tongue. It was spicy, but good. Gramps had brought a few loaves of Italian bread.

  Kent noticed Gramps and Justin at the old jukebox. Justin seemed mesmerized with the robotic device that would play whatever you chose with push buttons. Kent noticed a few more women had joined the crowd for happy hour. One was Bernadette and another was Maggie. He remembered them from earlier visits.

  Kent wasted no time choosing his song request. He swept Paige onto the old wooden dance floor and twirled her around, then held her close to his chest. It was the perfect song, because it expressed everything he’d wanted to say to Paige since the moment he met her.

  “You’re a good dancer, Kent…”

  “You think?”

  “Excellent.” She whispered in his ear, causing a tingling sensation to move through him.

  “Hold on. There’s one I want to play for you – okay?”

  Kent felt everyone’s eyes on him as he moved from the jukebox and wrapped Paige in his arms again. She moved gracefully with him across the dance floor. In slow motion, Kent couldn’t stop himself from kissing her neck, inhaling her scent. He had waited so long to get close to her like this again. He knew tonight was the night. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had to let Paige know he couldn’t spend another night without her.

  All the crazy things that happened seemed insignificant at this moment. His prosthetic, Sasha, Jeremy, Paige’s fears – everything melted away when he held her like this. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

  As they finished dancing, Kent noticed Paige’s face was flushed. Was she blushing because she felt something for him? He knew she did. But she wasn’t like the girls he’d met before and that’s precisely why he wanted her. This was the real thing. His feelings for Paige were much deeper than mere physical attraction. There was something enigmatic about her. She knew his thoughts, his emotions, his deepest fears – and loved him, in spite of them all.

  Kent watched her wave to Justin across the room with Gramps.

  “You want to go home now?” Kent leaned in.



  “A little, yes.” Paige whispered. “Got to let the dog out.”

  The four of them walked into the parking lot. A glorious starlit summer evening welcomed them. As they said goodnight to the others who’d walked outside with them, Kent rolled down the windows and let the breeze blow through the Chevelle. As he cruised out of the VFW parking lot, the guys were applauding and waving. He’d be back, for sure. The remodel was underway. Every moment he was with them, he felt this was where he belonged.

  Once in the yard, Kent squeezed Paige’s hand.

  “Want me to stay?”

  When Paige’s eyes connected with his, he felt like a schoolboy with his first crush. He kissed her goodnight, pulled her into his chest, but restrained himself with her young son observing every move. Her answer was exactly what he wanted to hear.

  “Yes. Stay.”

  “Let me get a few things. I want to walk Gramps home.”

  As he strolled across the lawn and onto the sidewalk with Gramps by his side, he turned around and walked backwards. The lamp came on in the kitchen and Kent could hear Thor barking – it was a happy bark – he was excited to be on his dog run. He imagined Justin was tossing the ball for him a few times, as he usually did. How he wanted to be a part of that picture, permanently.

  “You two were quite an item on the dance floor tonight.” Gramps huffed.

  “You think?”

  “Oh yeah. Heck they’ll be talking about that for days. Everyone noticed how you fit just right with Paige. She wants you, Kent.”

  “I’d like to hear her say it.”

  “Be patient, squirt. Things will happen, especially now that she’s ready.”

  “How’d you know she was ready?”

  “I have my ways.”

  Gramps unlocked the door and ran his hand through his gray hair. “There’s something I want to give you Kent…and now is the perfect time.”

  Kent watched as Gramps unburied the large envelope on the kitchen table. He fished out a key and removed a painting from the kitchen wall. Kent had been in that kitchen a thousand times and never knew the wall safe behind the picture even existed. When Gramps unlocked the safe, he reached in and removed a small blue velvet box, the type jewelry came in.

  “This was your grandmother’s. I had it worked on, improved, you might say. Go ahead. Open it.”

  Kent took the box in his hand and opened it. He didn’t know what to say. He was surprised Gramps had saved this ring for him. It was as if he knew someday he would need it.

  “Wow, Gramps.” Kent swallowed hard. “I’m stunned. This is beautiful. You sure you want me to have this?”

  “Oh yes, I’m sure. Now, get your things together and go give that to Paige tonight. The time is right. Tell Justin he can bring Thor over here for the night and camp out. It’s a good night for camping.”

  Kent felt the old man’s hand on his shoulder. He took it as his cue to go into his bedroom and find a robe. Damn, he didn’t have one. But he found pajama bottoms and a T-shirt – that’d have to do. He put his toothbrush in his pocket and grabbed a roll of mints.

  He hugged Gramps before he closed the door to the farmhouse and walked in the darkness to Paige’s house. Roses were blooming, he caught the heady scent as he passed through Paige’s garden. He’d weeded and nourished the soil earlier in the season – and now it was paying off.

  Paige met him at the door
. She was nervous, he could tell, as she pulled him inside.

  “Hey – oh good – you brought your pajamas!” She giggled.

  “Yes, my toothbrush, too.”

  “Listen – Kent – I know this sounds crazy, but do you mind sleeping in the spare bedroom?”

  “Gramps wants Justin to bring Thor over for camp night…”

  “Oh gosh, he will love that…”

  Kent sat in the living room watching TV, or pretending to, as he heard Justin’s happy voice. “Oh goody – camping! Come on, Thor!”

  As Justin collected his things, he said goodnight to Kent and raced outside with Thor on the leash.

  As soon as the door closed, Kent swept Paige into his arms. With his finger beneath her chin, he tilted her head up. “Will you marry me, Paige?”

  “Yes, I want to marry you, Kent. But, I want to make sure you’re ready for all…this. You know, a ready-made family, a woman seven years older.”

  “Stop it…you’re gorgeous, perfect for me.” He kneeled in front of her and opened the blue velvet box.

  “Marry me, Paige.”

  “Oh god, it’s beautiful.” Her fingers touched the ring.

  Kent stood and slipped it onto her finger and it fit.

  “This was my grandmother’s. Gramps gave it to me. Look – it fits your finger as if it was meant to be yours.”

  * * *

  Paige couldn’t speak because she was crying. She didn’t want to cry, it just happened. It touched her heart to be wearing Kent’s grandmother’s ring. It was sweet of Gramps to save it for him. She wondered for a moment if Gramps was clairvoyant or something.

  “Yes,” She managed to say the word as Kent stood and pulled her tightly against him. She sensed he was crying, too.

  She heard his heart beating and whispered, “Two unexpected gifts in the same day…it’s mind blowing.”

  “What do you mean, two gifts?”

  “Sasha. She isn’t well. She gave me $250,000. Yes, I know. It sounds crazy. She has no family. She checked herself into an Anorexia program. I couldn’t refuse her gift. It came with a lengthy explanation. It meant a lot to her.”

  “I had no idea…”


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