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Reunion Page 44

by Jennifer Fallon

  She hadn't dared imagine such an opportunity existed.

  Hayley pushed open the heavy glass door of the ORM office and walked up to the reception desk, trying not to look too overawed by the glitzy, modern office. There was nobody at the desk when she reached it, just a phone ringing incessantly.

  She looked up and down the hall, either side of the desk, but there was nobody there. The phone kept ringing.

  Hayley wondered if she should answer it.

  "Are you the new girl?"

  She turned to find a young woman shouldering her way through the glass door, carrying a tray of coffee in one hand and a cardboard tray full of pastries in the other. Hayley hurried to the door and held it open for her.

  "Thanks," the young woman said. "My name is Teagan. You're Kaylee, aren't you?"

  "Hayley," she corrected. "Can I help you with anything?"

  "Take these," she said, offering her the tray of pastries. "We'll put them in the conference room."

  Hayley followed Teagan past the reception desk and the still-ringing phone to the double doors at the end of the hall. She opened them to reveal a long conference table surrounded by twelve, deep leather chairs. Hayley put the tray on the table and turned to Teagan. "Will I be collecting stuff from the bakery in future?"

  Teagan let out a short laugh. "Seriously? This is a modeling agency, sweetie. Nobody here eats anything. These are for a special occasion."

  "What's the occasion?"

  "The new boss is arriving."

  "What happened to the old one?" Hayley cringed when she realized how that sounded. "I mean ... I thought Marie-Claire ... Well, I just wondered ..."

  "And I'd tell you if I knew," Teagan said, opening the door of the credenza. She pulled out a serving platter, peeled the clingwrap from the top of the cardboard tray and began arranging the pastries on the platter. "All I know, Marie-Claire is gone and someone named Charlotte is coming to take her place."

  "Is she ...?" Hayley began, but she hesitated, not sure if Teagan knew about the Matrarchaí, although working here, she couldn't imagine she didn't know about them.

  "Were you going to ask if she's from here?"

  There was enough emphasis on the word "here" for Hayley to have her question answered. She nodded.

  Teagan shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know, and I've learned not to ask."

  "Are you ...?"

  "From here?" Teagan said. "No. But my sister's missing. Without her, I'm just an office girl."

  "That seems harsh." Hayley began to help move the pastries onto the platter. Menial and insignificant a task as it was, it made her feel useful.

  Teagan didn't seem unduly bothered by her sister's disappearance. "I'm just grateful she's alive somewhere. Maybe she'll turn up, someday."

  "But the Matrarchaí gave you a job in the meantime."

  "They like to keep an eye on their investments," Teagan said. "After we're done here, I'll show you around and organize for you get a computer log-in. Is your mother one of us?"

  "My mother's dead. My stepmother is, though ... I think. And Kiva Kavanaugh is her cousin."

  "Well, that explains what you're doing here."

  They both turned to the door at the unexpected comment to find a tall, elegantly suited woman standing in the doorway. She smiled at them and stepped into the conference room like she owned the place. "I always like to see the next generation doing their part."

  Hayley didn't know who the woman was, but she seemed very familiar. After a moment, she realized why. This woman was blonde and Marie-Claire had been dark-haired, but the two were almost identical.

  Was this Marie-Claire's sister? Or was it just a different version of her from another reality?

  Is there another one of me out there somewhere? Is she starting work today, too? Or did none of this ever happen to her? Maybe she's having a perfectly ordinary life.

  "Charlotte?" Teagan asked, although she must know who this was, given how much like Marie-Claire she was.

  "You're Teagan, yes? And who is this?"

  "Hayley Boyle, miss ... ma'am."

  Charlotte smiled at her awkwardness. "You may call me Mother. What time will the others be here?"

  "Everyone is usually on deck by nine," Teagan said.

  Charlotte frowned. "Well, that will have to change. We've too much work to do to have people wandering in here mid-morning to start work."

  "What work?" Hayley asked, guessing Charlotte wasn't talking about rounding up a posse of models for a runway show.

  "Why, Partition of course," she said, looking at Hayley as if she should have known the answer. "We've had something of a setback, but there are seers among us who can see the future. All is not lost."

  "Setback?" Teagan asked. "What setback?" She glanced at Hayley with a questioning look, but Hayley didn't know any more about it than Teagan did.

  "Nothing you two need to worry yourselves about," Charlotte said, with a wave of her hand, as if that put an end to the subject. "But rest assured, my dears, we are far from done. Somewhere out there the children we need will soon be born.

  "Trust me, my dears, in your lifetimes, we will achieve Partition."


  The world of the Undivided and the Faerie

  Proper names are in bold type

  A Mháistir (a MAW ster) Master.

  A Mháistreás (a MAW stress) Mistress.

  A Stóirín (ah stor-een) Term of endearment. Roughly translates as "My love".

  Aintín (ann-teen) Faerie word for Aunt.

  Airgead sídhe (AR-gat Shee) Faerie silver.

  Airurundo (air-RU-run-doe) Japanese name for Ireland in the ori mahou reality.

  Amergin (aw-VEER-een) Vate of All Ireland until his death. Trása's father.

  An Bhantiarna (on can-teer-na) Lady.

  Aoi (ow-ee) Eldest daughter of the Ikushima clan.

  Arigatou gozaimasu (ah-ree-gah-tou Go-zai-mah-su) Thank you very much.

  Banphrionsa (ban frinsah) Princess.

  Bealtaine (byawltuhnuh) Summer equinox.

  Beansídhe (ban-shee) Faerie with long hair and red eyes due to continuous weeping. Their wailing is a warning of a death in the vicinity.

  Brendá (BREN daw) Queen of the Celts. Mother of Torcán.

  Bríghid (breed) Celtish princess. Niece of Brendá. Cousin of Torcán.

  Brionglóid Gorm (bring-load gurm) Roughly translates as "Blue Dreams". Magic powder used by the Druids to induce instant unconsciousness.

  Brithem (bree-them) A Druid judge or an arbitrator. They specialise in lexichemy - magic using the spoken word.

  Broc (brok) Undivided heir.

  Brógán (BRO gawn) Druid healer.

  Brydie Ni'Seanan (BRY dee nee SHAR nan) Celtic princess; niece of Álmhath; cousin of Torcán.

  Cainte (KIN-cha) Master of magical chants and incantations.

  Cairbre (CAR bry eh) Undivided heir.

  Chishihero (chee-she-here-oh) Japanese sorceress in charge of the kozo plantation in Dublin. Head magician of the Tanabe Clan.

  Chūchō (choo-cho) Middle Kingdom. Alternate name in the ori mahou reality for Japan.

  Ciarán (KEER awn) Ciarán mac Connacht, Warrior Druid.

  Cillian (KIL ee an) Half-Faerie/half-human sídhe.

  Colmán (KUL mawn) Vate of All Eire. Amergin's successor.

  Comhroinn (KOH-rinn) Name of the sharing ceremony that transfers knowledge between Druids.

  Daiko (dy-ko) Japanese drums.

  Daimyo (die-mee-oh) Head of the clan.

  Danú (DA nu) The Goddess worshipped by both Faerie and Druid alike.

  Daoine sídhe (deena shee) "People of the Mounds". Refers to the Faerie race as a whole. Also known as the Tuatha Dé Danann.

  Darragh Aquitanina (DA-ra) Druid prince. One half of the Undivided.

  Éamonn (AY mun) Elimyer's latest lover.

  Eblana (e-BLAN-uh) Druid name for Dublin.

  Eburana (eb-oo-rah-nah) Japanese name for Dublin/Eblana in the ori mahou reality.

p; Eileféin (ella-phane) The alternate reality version of oneself.

  Elimyer (ellie-MY-ah) Trása's mother. Leanan sídhe who becomes Amergin's muse.

  Farawyl (farra-will) Druidess and High Priestess of the Barrows.

  Futagono Kizuna (foo-tah-goe-noe-kee-noo-zah) The Undivided.

  Gochisosama (go-chee-sosah-mah) Thank you for the meal.

  Hai (HI) Yes.

  Haramaki (ha-ra-ma-kee) Belly protectors, containing chain mail or articulated plates of iron, made of silk and lined with various materials.

  Hayato (hi-AH-toe) Head of the samurai charged with protecting the Tanabe Clan's kozo plantation.

  Hayley Boyle (Hay-lee Boil) Daughter of Patrick Boyle and his first wife, Charlotte. Stepdaughter of Kerry Boyle.

  Higan No Chu-Nichi, (hee-garn-no-choo-nee-chee) Autumn equinox in the ori mahou reality.

  Iie (i-ee) No.

  Ikushima (ick-ISH-oo-mah) One of the clans of Airurundo.

  Imbolc (im-bolk) Spring equinox.

  Isleen (iz-lean) Empress of the ori mahou realm.

  Itadakimasu (ee-tah-dark-eemar-soo) I gratefully receive.

  Jamaspa (j'MAS puh) Djinni. One of the lords of the Djinn.

  Jotei (joe-tay) Title used when addressing the Empresses.

  Kabuto (kah-boo-toe) Samurai helmet.

  Katsugi (ka-tsu-gi) Lightweight drum played while carried by a strap.

  Kazusa (kah-zoo-sah) Youngest daughter of the Ikushima clan.

  Konketsu (kon-ke-tsu) Humans with Faerie blood able to practise folding magic.

  Lá an Dreoilín (lah-ahn-droh-il-een) Also known as Wren Day. The winter solstice. Celebrated on December 26.

  Leanan sídhe (lan-awn shee) A Faerie muse of exquisite beauty who offers inspiration, fame and glory to an artist in exchange for his life force.

  Leathtiarna (lah teerna) Half-Lord.

  Leipreachán (LEP-ra-cawn) One of the lesser fairies.

  Liaig (lee-aj) Druid Healer.

  Lughnasadh (loon-a-sah) Autumn equinox.

  Mahou tsukaino sensei (mah-hoo-tsooo-ky-no-sen-say) Magic master.

  Mara-warra (MA ra WOR ra) Sea-people also known as the Walrus People.

  Marcroy (MARK-roy) Lord of the Tarth Mound. Elimyer's brother.

  Máthair (mahar) Mother.

  Merlin (MER-lin) Head Druid in Britain. Second only in power among the Druids to the Vate of All Eire.

  Namito (na-mee-toe) Head of the Ikushima clan.

  Niamh (neev) Druidess.

  Oceanus Britannicus (o-she-AR-nus-bree-TAN-ee-eoos) Roman name of the English Channel.

  Ori mahou (oree-mah-hoe) Folding magic.

  Orlagh (OR-la) Queen of the Faerie.

  Ossian (Ocean)

  Prionsa (frin-sah) Prince.

  Ráth (rar) Ring fort consisting of a circular area enclosed by a timber or stone wall with a ditch on the outside called a cashel.

  Ren/Rónán Druid prince. One half of the Undivided.

  Rifuto (ree-foo-toe) Rift.

  Samhain (sow-en) Winter equinox.

  Shàngqing (shang-ching) The Supreme Pure One - One of the three Chinese Faerie Elders who make up the Brethren.

  Shillelagh (shil-LAY-lee) Short, gnarled club usually fashioned from a tree root. Commonly made with a knobbed head, they often serve a secondary purpose as a walking stick.

  Shime Daiko (shee-meh dy-ko) Small Japanese drum. Has a short, wide body with thick rawhide on both sides and is tuned by either rope or a bolt system.

  Sí an Bhrú (shee-ahn-vroo) Traditional home of the Druids.

  Sídhe (shee) Common name for the Faerie race in general.

  Siũillinn a (shool-leen ah ) "Walk with us..." Druid ceremonial chant invoking their gods and goddesses.

  Sorcha (shore-shah) Druid warrior.

  Stiofán (stee-farn) Tuatha Dé Danann refugee living in Tír Na nÓg in the ori mahou realm.

  Tàiqing (tie-ching) The Grand Pure One - One of the three Chinese Faerie Elders who make up the Brethren.

  Tanabe (tan-ah-bee) One of the clans of Airurundo.

  Teagan (tee-g'n) Empress of the ori mahou realm.

  Tír Na nÓg (tear-na-knowg (with a hard g)) Land of Perpetual Youth. The traditional home of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

  Torcán (TURK awn) Prince of the Celts. Son of Brendá.

  Trása (TRAY-sah) Trása Ni'Amergin. Half-Faerie/half-Druid offspring of Amergin and Elimyer.

  Tuatha Dé Danann (tua day dhanna) Commonly known as the Fae.

  Faerie or Fairy. Also known as: Children of the Goddess Danú, the True Race, or the Daoine sidhe.

  Uncail (UN cayl) Faerie word for Uncle.

  Vate (VART eh) Druid. Second only in power to the Undivided. Acts as regent when the Undivided are not yet come of age at their ascension to power.

  Wagakimi (wa-goh-kee-me) My lord.

  Yabangin (ya-bahn-gin) Savage, feral.

  Youkai (yo-kigh) Faerie.

  Yukata (yoo-kah-tah) Informal, unlined cotton kimono tied with a narrow sash (obi).

  Yùqıng (yoo-ching) The Jade Purity - One of the three Chinese Faerie Elders who make up the Brethren.

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  Other titles available on Kindle

  Writing as Jennifer Fallon:

  Second Sons Trilogy

  The Lion of Senet

  Eye of the Labyrinth

  Lord of the Shadows

  * * *

  The Hythrun Chronicles

  Wolfblade Trilogy

  Demon Child Trilogy




  Treason Keep



  * * *

  The Tide Lords

  The Immortal Prince

  The Gods of Amyrantha

  The Palace of Impossible Dreams

  The Chaos Crystal

  * * *

  Writing as JJ Fallon

  The Rift Runners Trilogy

  The Undivided

  The Dark Divide


  * * *

  MacReadie v The Love Machine

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

sp; Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61






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