The Money Talks

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The Money Talks Page 10

by Cherry Kay

  Once the plane landed, Mark had to admit that he was sporting a buzz. He hid it well though and made it down the plane’s steps without falling over the railing and onto the tarmac. Once he was in his car with his usual driver, Paul, in the front, Mark took a few deep breaths and pulled out his phone to call Rose.

  While Mark scrolled through his contacts, he came across Clarissa’s name, simply seeing her contact information speared him. His craving for her poked its head out and roared loud. Mark wanted Ari. He grit his teeth and forced himself to forget about her, pushing all thoughts and memories of her to the outskirts of his mind. Soon she’d become a sweet memory and then a dream. Soon Mark would be able to return to normal for good.

  Mark dialed Roselyn’s number to let her know that he would be arriving at her apartment soon. Of course she exhibited all the proper motions of being excited and even lamented a little about how she missed him. Why couldn’t she just be straight? They both knew this marriage wouldn’t be for love, so why try and fake it? At least then they could have tried to make a friendship out of it and Mark could have tried to have a little respect for Roselyn.

  Paul pulled up to Roselyn’s building on the Upper East Side and Mark thanked him before getting out and heading up to the top floor. He wanted nothing more than to go home, but he had to deal with this first.

  “Mark!” Roselyn’s breathy voice exclaimed as she welcomed him into her place with a tight hug that lasted way too long for Mark’s comfort. She made sure to press her body flush against his. “Welcome back, how does it feel to be home?” she asked while she took Mark’s hand and led him past the foyer and to the left toward her dining area. The table was set for two, one across from the other. Mark wished she would’ve set the table so that he was sitting at the head and she at the foot, more space between them.

  “Well, it’s uh… less humid, I suppose,” Mark said, sounding almost glum. Roselyn tilted her head at him and gave an odd smile.

  “You’re sad about the lack of humidity?” she asked with an almost derisive chuckle.

  “I really love an ocean view, being near the beach was nice.” Mark felt as if he was making a betrayal by telling Roselyn the same secret he shared with Ari.

  “Oh, I can only imagine. We should go on a nice vacation somewhere tropical, it’d be incredibly romantic don’t you think?” Roselyn asked with almost too much innocence as she gestured for Mark to sit at the table.

  “Tropical vistas often are,” was all he said in return as he lowered himself into the chair. Mark watched as Roselyn sat across from him, he noticed what she was wearing for the first time, a short red dress that clung to her subtle shape, it made her cleavage appear to overflow and was supposed to display what curves she had. That dress wasn’t made for someone like Roselyn, she obviously wanted his attention tonight and she was going to lengths to get it.

  “So… what are we having tonight?” Mark asked and Roselyn perked up when the awkward silence that settled between them was over.

  “I had the housekeeper make skirt steak, along with some asparagus and roasted baby potatoes.” For some odd reason Mark was upset that Roselyn didn’t cook like she said she would. She went through the trouble to get him to her apartment and she didn’t even cook in the long run? They could have gone out if that was the case.

  “Do you not like asparagus…?” Roselyn asked with faux concern in her voice, he knew she didn’t really care one way or the other what his tastes were like for food.

  “No, it’s fine… I just thought you were actually going to cook for me,” Mark said and Roselyn laughed.

  “Of course you did, you’re such a man. Mark, you honestly wouldn’t want me to cook for you, you’d either get sick or end up eating toast… or both I suppose.” She laughed at her own joke, Mark snorted to appear as if he found her funny. If she could pretend then he would have to also.

  “So how was work down south? Did everything run smoothly?” Roselyn asked, her tone suggestive and her expression annoyingly suspicious.

  “The groundbreaking went according to plan, but day one into building, the construction crew came into a few issues we had to address with the architect. I had to approve a completely new design for the ground floor and parking garage.” Mark ignored her subtle prodding and just as she was about to reply the housekeeper served the meal all at once, laying out salad and the main course, before she retreated to the kitchen.

  Mark was hungry and at least he knew Roselyn didn’t lace his food with anything since she wasn’t the one who cooked it.

  “Well, that’s terrible to hear, I hope you were still able to get something close to the design you had intended.”

  Mark nodded while chewing a piece of steak. The housekeeper really knew how to cook. It reminded him of the Latin inspired food of south Florida.

  “The architect I hired is really good at his craft, he was able to configure something extremely similar.” Roselyn made some vague comment, pretty much acknowledging that she heard what Mark was saying. They ate in thick silence for a while before Roselyn thought of something to say.

  “My parents wanted to set up a dinner with the both of us soon, my mother was thinking maybe Friday we could get together?” Roselyn didn’t exactly pose this as a question to Mark, more of a statement with a questioning undertone.

  “Friday’s are usually hectic for me, but I will try my hardest to keep my schedule open for you. Around what time do you think your mother would want to have dinner?”

  Roselyn positively beamed when Mark phrased that he would keep his schedule open for her and not open in general. There, that should appease her for at least a week.

  “Well, we usually have cocktails at seven thirty and dinner at eight, it would be okay if you missed cocktail, but I’m sure my father would keep you late for a cigar and brandy after dinner,” Roselyn said with a smile in her voice. Mark thought that, underneath all of Roselyn’s fake outward appearance, she could be really fond of the lifestyle she was brought up in, the routine of her mother having cocktails at seven thirty and dinner at eight, her father having a cigar and brandy afterward; entertaining the occasional business partner.

  Mark understood she wanted the security of that lifestyle; she wanted the security marrying him would give her. She didn’t care if there was no love shared in the marriage that would allow her dream to happen. Mark almost shook his head. His mother would probably castrate him for even thinking about marrying for gain instead of love, let alone actually going through with it.

  “You still with me Mark? Thinking about work?” Roselyn asked, seeming a little paranoid, Mark thought.

  “Yeah, being back in New York means back to my busy schedule. I put off a lot while I was down there so tomorrow will be hectic at the office to say the least,” Mark answered, using the out Roselyn gave him.

  “Oh, I can only imagine, so you probably won’t have time to get lunch tomorrow then?” she asked, probably hopeful that Mark would throw her another bone and make an exception in his schedule for her.

  “I’ll have a little time for lunch in the office, if you want to stop by around eleven-thirty then feel free,” Mark said, leaving the invitation open for her reluctantly. Roselyn gave him a wide smile, immensely pleased that Mark was sticking to his word this time and starting some sort of relationship with her.

  “Oh, of course, I’ll be free by then,” she said happily and Mark found that he was genuinely curious to know what she did with her days. On the two dates he had been on with Rose, she mentioned going to Columbia and studying political science.

  “What do you do with your days Roselyn?” Mark asked and she smiled, seemingly relieved conversation was picking up between them.

  “Well, I started working for this start-up non-profit charity in SoHo, they specialize in eco-friendly and innovative advancements in underdeveloped regions of the world, whether it be for technological advancements, economical, educational, that sort of thing. It’s a large organization, but it has really tak
en off.”

  Mark couldn’t help but see Roselyn in a new light. At least she didn’t plan socialite events all day and shop like he thought she did.

  “Wow, that sounds really interesting. What do you do there?” Mark asked, genuinely curious.

  “I plan fundraisers and benefits.”

  Mark almost laughed out loud. Well, at least she planned parties for a good cause. It wasn’t like she needed the salary.

  “That’s honorable Rose, for your next event, be sure to put me on the guest list,” Mark said, still holding back his laughter. R

  “Oh I will, don’t you worry about that,” she said and Mark smiled, unable to help himself. At least she planned parties to raise money for charity and that truly was honorable. Roselyn surprised Mark today and it wasn’t a bad thing. Maybe this arrangement would work after all. They seemed to be having a good conversation, a polite conversation…

  “So how about dessert?” Roselyn asked when it became apparent that they were both done with their meals.

  “What’s on the menu?” Mark asked and instantly regretted it when a heated gleam flickered in her eyes.

  “Well, we have ice cream and freshly made brownies. Don’t worry about the calories though, those can be worked off in no time,” Roselyn said brazenly, smiling at him with clear meaning written all over her face as to what she was really alluding to. Mark wondered if she would let him out of her apartment without taking him to bed first. As soon as sex came to mind, Mark instantly thought of Ari and pictured her perfect body laid out on his sheets.

  He needed to stop this already; Mark forced a slow smile and made direct eye contact with Roselyn. He heard her breath hitch and saw the excitement in her eyes. He would forget about Ari, even if it drove him a little insane.

  “Well, how about it then? I’m dying for something sweet,” Mark said, his voice low and suggestive. Roselyn all but jumped out of her seat.

  “Okay, I’ll just go and get it then, the housekeeper will have already gone home for the evening,” Roselyn said breathlessly before disappearing through the door that led to her kitchen. So Roselyn even gave her housekeeper the night off in hopes that she and Mark would end up indisposed.

  Mark sighed. He wished Roselyn had served something much stronger than wine, he needed to be numbed by the alcohol tonight. Mark drained his glass of wine and poured himself another just before Roselyn returned with two dessert plates filled with a brownie and dollop of vanilla bean ice cream on top.

  “I hope you like vanilla, I heard it was your favorite,” Roselyn said and Mark almost choked on the wine he was drinking. He looked up at her and she smiled innocently.

  “Vanilla was my favorite, until I tried this really good chocolate flavor on my trip, I have to say I missed out on a lot. It’s good though, that you have this brownie at the bottom,” Mark said as she set his plate down in front of him.

  “Well, in any event, the better flavor is on top.” Roselyn smiled and she actually batted her eyelashes at Mark before taking a seat and digging into her dessert. Mark took three silent deep breaths before eating his dessert, leaving the ice cream on his plate for good measure, and drinking the rest of the bottle of wine.

  “You can’t possibly make it to your car after drinking so much wine, Mark,” Roselyn said softly once they were finished and Mark made to stand up, a bit unsteadily. Mark managed to stand and looked at Rose. Her gaze was hot on his unfocused one and she reminded him of some sort of predator; a vampire, ready to suck Mark of all his life and energy, leaving him as nothing but a shell.

  Roselyn wasn’t the type to give, to share, and to fill Mark’s heart like Ari did; no, Rose would keep, hide, and empty Mark’s capacity to love. If they went to Rose’s bed right now, Mark had this gripping fear that he’d truly begin to lose his soul and he just wasn’t ready for that.

  “I can, I have a driver… I did drink too much and I’d hate to be a burden on you… I’ll see you tomorrow Rose, dinner was wonderful.” Mark only slurred his words a couple of times before leaving Rose at the table, looking a bit crestfallen. When Mark was safely descending to the ground floor in the elevator was when he started laughing. He laughed at how ridiculous this entire situation was, then his mirth sharply fell and he had to force himself not to cry.

  Mark needed to go home, not to his townhouse—that was too big and empty for him to handle at the moment—he needed to go home, to Brooklyn, to his parents’ house. Mark wanted to see his old dog, Ignacio, who was living well beyond his years. Mark needed the comfort of home, not the cold emptiness of the life he built for himself.

  Once Mark made it downstairs, Paul was waiting for him and he told Paul to take him to his parents’ house, that he’d be spending the night. Paul didn’t ask any questions; he simply got Mark safely into the car and safely to his parents’ house across the bridge.

  Mark walked up the few steps to his old front door and quietly let himself in, it was nearing midnight and his mom and dad would be well asleep by now. He made it inside and locked the door behind him. Ignacio, the sturdiest beagle Mark ever knew, padded into the front room. Ignacio wouldn’t bark at this hour unless there was someone at the door he didn’t know. Ignacio was happy to see Mark and Mark bent down to give the old dog much-needed affection.

  “Hey old man, kept my room lived in for me?” Mark whispered before walking through to the family room and up the steps to the second floor. His parents had the entire third floor remodeled into a master retreat when Mark went off to college; at the time he thought it was gross, but as he grew more mature he realized it was for times like these when Mark needed to come home at all hours of the night so that he wouldn’t wake them.

  Mark carried Ignacio to his room with him, not wanting the old dog to overexert himself. Ignacio curled up right in his old spot, the pile of laundry near the bed still on the floor from his last visit. The room wasn’t too small, but of course it wasn’t big, after all they did live in the city. It was your standard room, a full sized bed, a desk to the right of it, the window looking out to the street over the desk, across the room a dresser with TV stationed over it, and next to that his closet.

  Mark wondered if his mom washed the few suits he left here, he might end up at work in the same suit he flew in. Mark collapsed onto his old bed and curled up under the blankets, his eyes closing before he was even aware of it.



  Getting through the weekend was hard for Ari; she had to admit she was heartbroken over Mark having left her behind. It’s not that she wanted to go with Mark. No, she had her life and her business here, but she had to eventually admit to herself that she wanted a relationship with him.

  Then again, she had to admit to herself that a relationship with Mark was irrational and just plain wouldn’t work. So Ari went through the motions: she got out of bed, she went to work, hung out with Brooklyn or her sisters. Ari only saw her mom once because the woman was just too perceptive and Ari couldn’t bring herself to answer any of her mother’s questions.

  Ari sat at her favorite coffee house with her e-reader and an iced coffee. Today Brooklyn was forcing her to spend it doing things she liked to do: read, get her nails done, pamper herself. Ari had been going in to check on me more frequently lately and according to Brooklyn, she was worrying the staff, not to mention driving them crazy with her micromanaging.

  So here she was, forcing herself to get back into the swing of things. She kind of wished she hadn’t chosen a horror novella to read. She was trying to stay away from happy endings, but Ari thought she could use one right now, maybe even a romance with a happy ending. It was time she started moving on and that meant being able to sit through romantic comedies at the movies while behind a stupidly sweet couple on their third date.

  Ari was looking through the selection of novellas on her tablet, wondering what to check out, when she glanced up and saw him. Darrel was sitting at the table across from hers and he was simply staring at her. He didn’t sa
y a word and neither did she. A waiter came out with Darrel’s coffee and scone and Darrel thanked the guy before simply pretending as if he wasn’t sitting in front of his ex-fiancée that he’d been calling non-stop for the last week and a half.

  Ari wasn’t going to subject herself to being near this man if she had no desire to even hear his voice, let alone see his face. Ari put her tablet into her purse and grabbed her coffee; she stood up and left without a second glance in his direction.

  Just when she was finally ready to move on from Mark, this one shows up. It could just be a coincidence. Ari and Darrel had been there many times before when they were still together. Ari couldn’t really blame Darrel for having breakfast, plus he didn’t even say anything to her. Ari was probably just being sensitive.

  Ari got into her car and decided she’d move her mani-pedi up to this morning instead of later in the afternoon. Hopefully, she’d be able to relax after she pampered herself a little bit.

  Ari’s phone rang as she was getting into the car and she answered it without checking who was calling.

  “Ari.” Darrel’s voice surprised her and she actually paused while pulling on her seat belt, not knowing what to do. “Ari, I know you’re there, I can see your car. I just want to talk to you.” Ari didn’t look around for him; she clicked on her seat belt and hung up on Darrel, nearly speeding from the parking lot of the coffee house.

  When was he going to get it already? They were over, Ari didn’t want anything to do with him and he should accept it and move the hell on. Goodness knew Ari had, and now she was trying to move on from moving on. Ari sighed, feeling better the farther she got from the coffee house and Darrel. It sucked that she wouldn’t be visiting her favorite coffee spot for a while.


  Ari felt marginally better after getting her nails done and joking around with the skilled, yet funny, Korean man who gave her the mani-pedi. Ari decided to go home for a quick nap before heading out again. She was supposed to meet her sister Sandy for lunch. Ari had the suspicion that Brooklyn enlisted her sisters’ help again to keep her preoccupied and away from me for the time being.


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