The Money Talks

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The Money Talks Page 15

by Cherry Kay

  Mark couldn’t help but chuckle. Ron was certainly a character. “Yes, it has everything to do with her. I met the love of my life on these sandy beaches and I intend to spend every day with her for the rest of my life,” Mark answered truthfully.

  Ron smiled sentimentally as he thought about his own wife.

  “I completely understand that motivation and I say good for you Mark. Most men aren’t man enough to admit when they need a good woman.”

  Mark smiled, he was one of those men, but thank God he came to his senses.

  After lunch with Ron, Mark decided to check on his new hotel’s progress. The foreman reported that everything was running smoothly and that they could look forward to opening on time. After checking on his new hotel, Mark did some actual work. He video conferenced some of his executives and caught up on his e-mail correspondence.

  Mark managed to get back to me to check on Ari again; she was busy the entire night. Mostly making sure her performers were taken care of and that things ran smoothly on stage. Mark loved watching Ari be in charge while at work. He noticed that other men liked watching her, too, and Mark had to constantly remind himself that Ari was a beautiful woman and other men would always lust after her. It didn’t mean they’d have her and Mark could live with that.



  Ari had to admit that having Mark back was pretty fantastic. He was the perfect companion and the perfect lover; she couldn’t have asked for more in him. Even her business, which was doing pretty well all on its own, was doing better with his frequent visits whenever Ari went in to work.

  “Girl, you look like a fool in love, look at that smile,” Lisa teased Ari and shoved her shoulder playfully.

  “Yeah, well… he’s pretty perfect,” Ari said dreamily. Lisa laughed at her and sat back on Ari’s couch. Lisa was over for a surprise visit; apparently, Lisa had something to tell Ari. Ari was patiently waiting for Lisa to get to whatever news she had to share with Ari.

  “So do you read tabloids?” Lisa asked Ari, throwing her for a loop. Ari looked at Lisa, befuddled.

  “Um, no… Why?” Ari asked and Lisa shrugged delicately.

  “No reason, it’s just that something popped up about you and Mark recently.” Lisa pulled out an Our magazine and flipped through the pages. She handed the magazine to Ari and watched as Ari read the circled paragraph on the marked page.

  “Aww…” Ari said, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “He’s just so sweet!” Ari said as she read the short quote someone overheard Mark say while he was at a business lunch the other day.

  “You’re the love of his life! He wants to spend the rest of his life with you and he’s moving his executive offices to Florida for you! I didn’t know you guys were that serious,” Lisa said excitedly, happy for her sister and Mark.

  “Yeah, he’s moving his offices here and he told me he wanted to be with me forever. I’m a lucky girl,” Ari said happily, her voice still thick with unshed tears, she didn’t know she could continue to fall in love with Mark, but he claimed her heart more and more each day.

  “I’m so, so, so happy for you, baby girl, you deserve love and happiness. Anyway, that was secondary to what I really came here to tell you.” Ari sat up, eager to hear what Lisa wanted to tell her. The suspense was killing Ari.

  “Well, what is it? I’m dying here,” Ari said and Lisa smiled, her cheeks seeming like they would fall off her face with how wide she was smiling.

  “You really are my best friend and I wanted to tell you before I told anyone else… I’m pregnant.”

  Ari’s heart stopped with the amount of happiness and excitement that flooded her chest for her sister.

  “Ohmygod! You’re pregnant! Lisa, I’m so happy for you! I’m going to be an auntie!” Ari exclaimed too excited to contain her reaction. Lisa’s own joyful smile turned into a sly one as she sat back and crossed her legs.

  “Yes and you know what that means don’t you? I won the bet, I’m giving Mom her first grandchild and now you owe me those red pumps we created the bet over,” Lisa said smugly.

  Ari’s jaw dropped.

  “You remember that bet? We made that stupid bet like five years ago! Plus, your feet are going to get fat, you’ll never fit in my shoes!” Ari said before sticking her tongue out at Lisa.

  “I can fit in them now and after I lose the baby weight! Cough them up Ari; you might have snatched the last pair of those limited edition, red bottom, Louboutin pumps, but now they are mine,” Lisa said victoriously.

  Ari simply shook her head at her sister in mock disgust.

  “How dare you use your unborn child as leverage for stealing my shoes,” Ari tried to lay on the guilt, but Lisa wasn’t having it. Before Lisa could come back with a retort, there was a soft knock on Ari’s door.

  “Doesn’t everyone who knows where you live have a key to your place?” Lisa asked Ari as she stood to go and see who could possibly be at the door. She knew Brooklyn was working today, Mark had to take care of some stuff at his new office, Sandy was at work, Lisa was here… maybe it was Ari’s mom and she lost her key.

  “Could be Mommy,” Ari said as she peeked through the peephole. There was no one there and she slowly unlocked the door and peeked out into the hall. There wasn’t anyone in the hall, but there was a small box on the floor addressed to Ari. Ari’s blood ran cold as she clearly recognized the handwriting on the brown cardboard box. It was taped closed and Ari wondered if she should pick it up or leave it, or maybe throw it away without looking inside.

  “What is it? Who is it from?” Lisa asked, she tiptoed over to Ari and was peeking over Ari’s shoulder.

  “I don’t know, but it’s Darrel’s handwriting. It could be a bomb; go away, you have more than yourself to worry about now.” Ari tried to bat Lisa away, but Lisa sighed and shoved around Ari to pick up the box. Lisa shook it and they heard the rattling sound of maybe another, slightly heavier box inside.

  “Okay, we’ll open it carefully. I don’t think it’s a bomb. If it was, it would have exploded already,” Lisa said while taking it into the kitchen and setting it down on the counter. “Plus, we can use it as more ammo for the restraining order against this psychopath,” Lisa said as she rummaged around for a knife to cut the tape open with.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to open it, Lisa!” Ari scolded her and took the knife from Lisa’s hand so that Ari could open the box herself. If it exploded, then Ari would get the blast and, hopefully, Lisa would be safe. Ari opened the box and found a small jewelry box inside. It was the same blue ring box Darrel had surprised her with when he asked her to marry him.

  Ari opened the ring box and found the impressive engagement ring inside. The same one she had left on Darrel’s pillow before she left him.

  “Oh shit, Ari, he’s really obsessed with you girl,” Lisa said and Ari put the ring back in its box and the jewelry case back in the cardboard box.

  “I know… should I call the cops for this? Do you think he’s still around the building?” Ari asked Lisa and Lisa shook her head.

  “I don’t know, it’s up to you. He’s not necessarily banging down your door. Plus this isn’t out there enough to count as harassment. I mean it’s kind of creepy, but just speaks to his heartbreak more than maybe an unsafe obsession.” Lisa took the box from Ari and started looking for places around the condo to hide it. “We can’t let Mark see this, he’ll probably hunt Darrel down and murder him.”

  Ari had to agree with Lisa on that one.

  “Yeah… Mark more than doesn’t like Darrel. He’d flip if he saw it,” Ari said before she helped Lisa find a hiding place under the kitchen sink. Mark wouldn’t need a reason to look down there. Once Ari and Lisa got over the surprise of what happened, they continued their afternoon and decided to go out.

  Ari was now paranoid over Darrel, wondering if he was following her or watching her.

  The fact that he knew exactly where she lived now freaked her out and she hated that sh
e was letting Darrel get to her. Ari had to make herself focus on the Food and Wine festival coming to Las Olas, and what often came with food and wine was good music. Ari had managed to secure quite a few celebrity guest performers for the Food and Wine weekends so she had to make sure everything went without a hitch.

  It was the first weekend of the festival and me was on the list as a place to visit thanks to Brooklyn’s good eye in hiring a great chef who also happened to be a big wine buff. me had great selections of wine as well as dishes that Chef Andrew created specifically to complement his favorite wines. Friday night was packed with locals, as well as tourists, and Ari was glad she had hired that extra security for the weekends.

  Ari was happy with her choice of security, too; they kept the entryway clear and commotion-free while people waited to get inside. Then, thankfully, the wait staff and kitchen were turning tables over like mad as they worked in overdrive. Ari wondered if her bringing everyone espresso shots before they opened had anything to do with their productivity. Nevertheless, she’d be bringing everyone espressos until the festival was over.

  Ari couldn’t be happier with me’s early success; they quickly rose in prestige since their opening weekend and now me would get amazing publicity with the festival. Ari was sure her stellar staff could keep up with the demands of their success. Ari checked her watch, it was nearly ten at night and Mark hadn’t been in to me yet; she wondered if he usually had such late nights at his office. Perhaps it was just because he wasn’t quite settled into his Florida offices yet. Or maybe it was this partnership he was setting up with Ron Windsor; getting contracts written up and hammered out would definitely take time from anyone.

  “Miss me?” As if thoughts of him conjured Mark out of thin air, he encircled Ari’s waist and pressed a kiss to her cheek from behind. Ari turned around in his arms and smiled up at him, more than happy to see him.

  “I did! It’s been crazy here. A good crazy, though,” Ari said excitedly. Mark smiled down at Ari, her happiness reflected back in Mark.

  “I’m glad, congratulations again on making it onto the Food and Wine places to visit list. Your paycheck is going to have a considerable boost isn’t it?” Mark joked and Ari laughed.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Ari said, her excitement completely pushing the day’s earlier events out of her mind.

  “So have you taken your break yet?” Mark asked Ari while he pulled the clipboard she was holding out of her hands. Mark handed the clipboard to a nearby bartender and then pulled Ari out to the dance floor.

  “Mark, there have been cameras in and out of this place all night, you really want them to catch you dancing?” Ari teased Mark and he smirked.

  “If I’m dancing with you, hell yeah. You’re the one who makes my dancing look good, otherwise I’d look like an idiot dancing by myself.” Ari laughed as Mark swayed with her on the dance floor. The music was soulful and rhythmic; it was the perfect backdrop to a dance with Mark.

  “So I have to tell you something, it’s sort of a bummer,” Mark murmured to Ari as he pulled her closer against him.

  “What is it?” Ari asked, hoping it didn’t involve him leaving in any fashion.

  “I have to go back to New York to sign a bunch of things so I can get the whole move officially over with.” Ari sighed and Mark groaned, feeling just as reticent as she did. “I wish I didn’t have to, but certain things I can’t get around. Like in-person authorizations and such,” Mark said morosely.

  Ari felt melancholy, but she understood he needed to go and take care of business before he could be in Florida with her for good.

  “Okay, I understand… then you’ll be back here for good, right?” Ari asked hopefully.

  Mark smiled down at her reassuringly.

  “Nothing would keep me away, I promise. I’ll only be gone two days and then I’m here for good. I was kind of hoping you would come with me though,” Mark said wistfully.

  Ari giggled at his dreamy expression.

  “I would, but I can’t leave me during the festival. Its way too busy here, during happy hour we had two celebrities come in here to have drinks and watch the band!” Ari said excitedly and Mark smiled indulgently at her.

  “All right, I couldn’t keep you from your business at such a busy time. Plus me is like an elite venue now. I wouldn’t want you to miss seeing any other celebrities,” Mark teased Ari and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “I’m not like a fan girl or anything, but I just get excited when I see people on TV in front of me. That means more of their friends will follow along,” Ari said excitedly.

  “I’m so happy you’re happy, baby,” Mark said, causing Ari to giggle. “So how about you take a couple hours off right now so you can give me a proper sending off before I have to go to the airport in the morning?” Mark lifted an eyebrow at Ari, expectant and hopeful. Ari thought he looked exactly like a little kid waiting to hear that he could have the last cookie in the jar. “Please? Don’t you love me?” Mark asked Ari, pouting adorably which caused Ari to roll her eyes though she couldn’t hide her smile.

  “You are very hard to say no to, Mark, I wonder how your mother did it when you were a kid,” Ari said. Mark grinned mischievously.

  “I was kind of spoiled when I was a kid,” Mark said smugly.

  After the band’s song ended, Ari went to inform her managers that she’d be back in a couple of hours. After they assured her they had everything taken care of, Mark all but hauled Ari from the building. As Mark held the car door open for Ari to climb inside, he glanced to that ominous corner of the building. The one that led to the alley Darrel always seemed to skulk around whenever he wanted to try and speak with Ari. Mark thought he saw someone dressed in dark clothing retreat down the alley quickly, but he couldn’t be sure. It could have just been someone from the kitchen throwing out the trash or something. Mark got into the car once Ari was inside and they went straight to Ari’s condo and her bed.


  The closer to the airport Mark got, the more he wanted to be back in Ari’s bed, keeping her warm and inhaling her delicious scent. Mark tried to remind himself that he had to get those certain documents taken care of by the banks in New York so he could safely have his people work for him in Florida. That and he would finally be picking up Ari’s engagement ring. Soon he could ask her to marry him and all would be well with the world.

  Mark remembered that his mother wanted to be there when he asked Ari to marry him; he’d have to set up his proposal so Ari’s family as well as his could be present. Perhaps he could have a party celebrating his move to Florida and do it there. Yeah, Mark could have the party at me it would be perfect. Mark smiled to himself. Florida was turning out to be the answer to all of Mark’s problems.

  He was getting ready to make a lucrative partnership with Ron and his acclaimed resorts, which would put Mark well above the competition of Ivory Towers. Mark met the love of his life and was going to marry her, and he had the added benefit of the beautiful ocean views. Mark couldn’t ask for more, really; he wondered how he had ever thought marrying Roselyn would be okay. That move might have ruined his life. Scratch that; it would have ruined his life.

  Mark’s car arrived at the private airport his jet was flying out of and he settled in for the four-hour flight. Hopefully he could get things taken care of quick enough that he didn’t have to be away for the full two days.


  As soon as Mark touched down in New York, he went right to work. First he had to specify what he wanted moved from his place in the city to his house on Castilla Isle. Mostly personal items and, of course, his clothing, though he doubted he’d need his coats and snow boots or anything like that.

  Mark took the elevator up to his penthouse and froze when he saw Roselyn waiting patiently in the foyer while movers were busy packing up his stuff.

  “What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in here?” Mark seemed to have startled Rose and she turned around to face him, her expression mildly gui
lty, but mostly confused and if Mark was reading her correctly, he thought he saw some hurt in her eyes as well.

  “I just… I couldn’t believe you were actually moving to… Florida,” Roselyn said distastefully.

  “It’s true, I’m moving my offices there and I’m no longer merging with your father Roselyn. Like I said, things are over between us… you should let it all go.”

  Roselyn sighed dramatically.

  “I thought she was just some phase for you…” Roselyn said hopefully.

  Mark started to feel sorry for her and pushed his annoyance aside to speak with her rationally.

  “She’s not. Ari is my everything and I know you’ll find a guy who can give you the lifestyle you want as well as love you for you… it’s just not me Roselyn,” Mark said gently and Rose sighed.

  “So now you are partnering up with Ron Windsor?” Roselyn had that distasteful tone to her voice again and Mark’s annoyance was quickly returning.

  “My business ventures are none of your business, Roselyn. So if that’s all, I only have so long until I’m flying back to Florida. I have to get some things taken care of,” Mark said dismissively.

  Roselyn collected herself, her spine straightened and her air of aloofness wrapped itself around her firmly.

  “Whatever, when your little fairytale in Florida falls apart, don’t expect New York to welcome you with open arms.” Roselyn flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked over to the elevator, soon she disappeared behind the metal doors.

  Mark went ahead and started what he went there to do. He specified what was to be moved and sent to Florida with the movers. After he was satisfied the movers had the proper instructions, Mark met his driver Paul downstairs to head to the first of three banks he had to sort things out with.


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