Karley's Surrender

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by Christin Lovell

  Karley’s Surrender

  Christin Lovell

  Editor: Susie Hatfield


  Karley’s Surrender

  Copyright Christin Lovell 2012

  Cover Image Copyright:

  Gabi Moisa – Fotolia.com

  Andreas Gradin – Fotolia.com


  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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  “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”

  Matthew 6:25 NIV



  Chapter 1

  “I’m back, Karley,” Suzie called. I was too engrossed in the book I held to believe her voice to be more than a distant whisper or perhaps a figment of my guilty conscience.

  I ignored it, continuing to indulge in the delicious romance novel, lost in the ménage that was Jodie, Justin and James; hot ranchers both into an equally sexy heroine.

  “Karley!” Suzie shouted, hands on her hips as she stood in front of the counter.

  Heat flooded my cheeks as I hid the book behind my back and paid attention to my boss. “Hi, Suzie. When did you get back?”

  Cocking a brow, she shook her head. “A couple minutes ago, but I figured that book must have been steamy because you didn’t even bat an eyelash at the bell.”

  “Uh, yeah,” I conceded. I glanced around the store, trying to avoid her knowing look. I loved my job. Suzie allowed me to read any title I wanted in the store; I just couldn’t take it home or damage it. I took full advantage of the offer, to say the least.

  “Uh huh. Let me guess. The new Dina Dancon title with two sexy studs and a blond on the cover?”

  My eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  “Because you always have your head in some romance book rather than going out and finding the real thing.” Suzie flicked her wrist towards the front display window.

  “Yea, well, when you find a guy who’s interested in a fat girl, you let me know.” I rolled my eyes, closing the book and placing it on the counter, a moment of truth between us.

  “Oh cut the bull shit, Karley. You’re a big beautiful woman. Don’t you worry, a smart man will come along and snatch you up one of these days, but not if you’re hiding away in here or behind a book,” she mildly scolded.

  “This coming from an ex-supermodel. How amusing.”

  “Don’t get sassy with me, young lady. Remember, I’m the one who signs your paychecks.”

  “And I’m the one who’s driven your sales up by sixty percent.”

  “Ok, so you’re great at selling books; particularly those romance novels I can’t seem to pry from your grip.” She smiled, her blond hair falling around her face like a perfect frame; highlights nearly creating a halo beneath the fluorescent lighting of the quaint store.

  “See. You need me,” I said, walking over to return the book to its rightful place.

  “Yea, yea.” Suzie reached into her back pocket and pulled out a twenty; she promptly handed it to me as I turned back from the bookshelf.

  “What’s this for?”

  “The book.”

  I narrowed me eyes. When Suzie didn’t flinch or back down, I shrugged, giving in. “Alright. I did hate to put it back right when I got to a juicy scene.”

  Suzie held up a hand. “I don’t even want to know.”

  I laughed, retrieving the book again. “Here. Ring me up so I can go read a fantasy that will never happen.”

  Suzie sashayed, looking back over her shoulder. “Never say never, honey.” She winked.

  “Ok, so it could happen, but seeing as how I can’t attract one man, I highly doubt I’d be able to ring in two.”

  She didn’t say anything, merely chuckling. “Eighteen fifty-seven.” I handed her the twenty. “You know there are quite a few eligible bachelors in our town, and a couple big shots just purchased the McKinley Ranch. From what I hear, they’re both single too.” I could tell she was trying to be nonchalant.

  “Why do I have a feeling this obsession with finding me a man is just beginning?”

  “Because it is.” Suzie grinned. “I love you like you’re my own, Karley, and I want you to find a man who can rock your world, light up your day and make those shadows disappear from beneath your eyes.”

  My fingers traveled along the deep bruises beneath my eyes, marking their trail and alerting all to my sleepless nights. I tried to bury the darkness, the past that haunted me every night keeping me from a good night’s rest. I knew when people looked beyond my make-up, they knew I was fighting some sort of inner battle. Perhaps that was what kept the men at bay. They hated women with emotional baggage.

  A comforting hand gently pulled me back to Suzie. She studied me, her eyes reflecting compassion and strength as she took me in. I pulled my lower lip between my teeth, nibbling away my anxiety. “Stop it, honey. You can’t change what happened. You’ve got to move on; you’ve got to make the most of your life. You of all people know how short it can be.”

  I nodded, wanting to get past the topic. “Thanks for the book. I’ll be in early tomorrow to stock the new shipment.”

  Suzie patted my hand. “What are your plans for tonight, aside from burying your nose in that thing?” She lifted her chin in the direction of where I was clutching the book to my chest.

  I shrugged. “Just reading. My apartment is already clean, so that doesn’t leave much else.”

  “Hm.” Suzie cocked her head and squinted her eyes in a thoughtful manner, gazing off into the distance. Abruptly, she lit up, looking directly at me. “Well, get ready for a bit a fun, honey. I'm closin' the shop early so we can go out," she announced, a gleam of mischief in her eye.

  "We?" I choked. I wasn't fond of crowds, especially when I knew I'd be the biggest girl there. And walking in side by side with ex-supermodel Suzannah Barkley made me cringe.

  "Yes, we. In all the years I've known you, not once have I seen you go out," Suzie fussed. "And don't worry about money; tonight's on me."

  I stared open-mouthed at the woman, trying to determine if she'd gone mad. Don't misunderstand. Suzie and I are friends. She'd been there for me when others weren't, and for that alone I'd always cherish her. We exchanged Christmas presents; Suzie gave me a cupcake and my choice of book every year on my birthday. But we did not go out.

  "Honey, you've gotta loosen up, have some fun. You're young. I know you've been through a lot, and you're scared to put yourself out there, but you can't stay holed up forever, especially if you wanna hook a man or two." She smiled softly. She was working every angle.

  "Why do you want to go out?" I crinkled my brows.

  "Because you're either here or home, and both places never have men."

  "We've had a few men in the store," I mused.

  Suzie cut her eyes at me. "Yea, to buy their wives the latest erotic romance hoping it'll inspire them in the bedroom."

  I shrugged. "They still count."

  "Not where you're conce
rned, honey. They're all taken."

  I sighed. "So what torturous plans do you have in store for me tonight?"

  Suzie's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Karaoke."

  I felt the color drain from my face.

  Chapter 2

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” I groaned, glancing around at the crowd outside on the wooden deck and official front entrance to the Honky Honk.

  “Oh stop, honey. You’ll love it. Mostly we just drink and laugh at other people murdering popular songs,” Suzie said, linking her arm through mine as she led me towards the door. Suzie’s friend, Jessica, was on the other side of her; the three of us making up our small, intimate group for the evening.

  Country music blasted inside the bar. Scuffed wood covered nearly every surface from the floor to the bar, tables and chairs. It gave it a bit of a cabin in the woods feel. Groups gathered, laughing merrily as they consumed their beverage of choice. Beyond the bar and seating area was a large dance floor followed by a stage. Large speakers anchored the stage while a mic situated on a stand stood front and center. My heart pounded just at the sight of it. I prayed Suzie didn’t push the envelope tonight.

  “You go get the drinks and I’ll grab our usual table,” Jessica suggested.

  “What do you want to drink, Karley?”

  “Um, surprise me?” I didn’t usually drink. Suzie had given me a bottle of wine for my twenty-first birthday, but I hadn’t had anything in the two years since.

  “I got you covered.” She winked.

  I nodded and followed Jessica to a table in the far right corner.

  “I love that you came out with us tonight. Just to forewarn you though, we’re pretty rowdy.” She laughed, tucking a piece of shiny, chestnut brown hair behind her ear.

  Both Jessica and Suzie were dressed casually in jeans, a slim-fit, v-neck tee that showed off their cleavage and sensible ballet flats, yet somehow they dazzled in their ensembles. I looked down at my own dark brown hair, falling in waves below my collar bone. I was wearing jeans, a simple, pale blue tee and flats too, but it didn’t flatter me in the way it did them. My breasts were high, but only a C-cup compared to their D’s. I had a larger butt, but then again, I had a larger everything, aside from the chest region, next to them.

  “You okay, Karley?” I looked back up at a concerned Jessica. I put on a smile and nodded. It was only one night. I could survive one night.

  “Drinks are here!” Suzie yelled as she reached our table. She carried three plastic cups with ice and a bright, blue liquid inside.

  “What is it?” I asked, as Suzie set the cup in front of me.

  “Blue Kamikazi,” she replied, sitting down in her chair.

  “Uh, what does it have in it?”

  Jessica and Suzie looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. “Vodka, blue Curacao liquor and lime.” Suzie made a point of taking a sip as she watched me, waiting for me to build courage.

  I lifted the straw to my lips and lightly sucked in the liquid. A smooth, tart taste assaulted my taste buds, but not in an unpleasant way. “It’s not bad.”

  “By the third, you’ll love it.” Jessica chuckled.

  We settled into an easy conversation about what I knew best: books. Guys dropped by the table regularly. They were nice, shaking my hand when introduced, but their eyes always lingered on Jessica or Suzie after that, despite them being older than most of them.

  I startled when Jessica slapped the table and nearly bounced in her chair like an excited child. “Oh, my god, those new ranchers just walked in, and boy are they worth committing every sin in the Good Book.”

  Suzie and I followed her eyes towards the front door where the two men stood. Tall specimens of male clad in dark Wranglers, muscle-hugging t-shirts and boots were just beyond the door frame. The taller of the two had honey, brown eyes that made you want to lick your spoon; his dark brown hair hung over his ears with one lock dangling over his brow. I had the inane urge to brush it back for him and lay my lips on his full ones that were calling my name. I felt my body temperature rise a few degrees just by looking at him. He had hard, good looks. He screamed Alpha male in every sense of the word. The shorter one had dazzling, green eyes and slightly lighter brown hair that was cropped close. He had the pretty boy good looks, but you could tell he could be rough too. My pulse raced as my mind started to drift in the wrong direction.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Suzie gasped.

  I shook my head, turning back towards the full dance floor. I’d seen plenty of attractive men around town, but never had my body reacted like this. I gulped down the rest of my drink longing for my screaming nerves to calm.

  “I’ll be a cougar any day if it means I get a night with one of them,” Jessica said, eyes still focused on the pair.

  Suzie finally pulled herself from the handsome duo, stars in her eyes and a little drool on her mouth. “Be a cougar? Hell, I’d spend a night sleepin’ next to a real one if it meant a chance with one of those two. From what I hear, they have money, and now I know they’re sizzlin’ hot too. All I need is a fork and I’d have my cake and eat it too.”

  “What do you think, Karley? You’ve been awful quiet over there.” Jessica finished off her drink before plucking an ice cube from the cup and tossing it in her mouth.

  I shrugged, feeling myself blush. I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, not knowing what to say. I found them to be as attractive as Jessica and Suzie did, but knew I didn’t have a chance in hell with them, so why torture myself?

  “Oh, come on, honey. This is girl’s night. We’re supposed to drool over the local hotties, dish about them over drinks. Nothing ever comes of it, but, just like with your books, a girl can dream, right?” Suzie winked.

  “They’re attractive,” I conceded, refusing to admit anything beyond that.

  “And then some.” Jessica wiggled her brows.

  “Damn. You two already finished your drinks. Guess I’m buying again.”

  “Suzie and I have a rule. Last one to finish their drink buys the next round. Hope you’re a fast drinker.” Jessica smirked.

  Two rounds later, I was feeling buzzed to say the least. My limbs were loose, my nerves were gone, and I was having a genuinely good time with Suzie and Jessica. They had me in a fit of laughter over disaster dates they’ve had when a man came over the loud speakers.

  “Howdy, folks. I hope you’re enjoyin’ yourselves. We’ll be startin’ karaoke in the next fifteen minutes. If you haven’t signed up and would like to, have Joe put your name on the clip board at the bar.”

  “We doin’ it this week, Jess?” Suzie’s face split with a huge grin. Her eyes were alight with mischief.

  “Why not? I’ll need at least two more drinks in me before we go on though.” Jessica chugged the rest of the one in front of her.

  “You in, Karley?” Suzie asked.

  “Uh, no, thanks. I only sing in the shower.”

  “Spoil sport.” She shook her head negatively, but showed no signs of upset. “Alright, I’m going to sign us up and grab another round of drinks.”

  “I take it you two do this often,” I said to Jessica the moment Suzie walked towards the bar.

  “Only every Thursday night.”

  “Jim’s bringing over our drinks once Joe makes them,” Suzie announced as she returned to the table.

  “You’re trustin’ him with our drinks?” Jessica pressed, brow raised.

  “Not really, but he’s payin’ so I’m goin’ with it for this round.”

  I looked around the bar, surprised to find every seat taken with more on the dance floor. Beside the stage I saw a DJ setting up for karaoke, adding a few extra mics off to the side.

  “Here you are, ladies.”

  “Thanks, Jim,” Suzie beamed, batting her eyes playfully at him. He bought every second of her skit. Jim was tall and lean, like an athlete, with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. He set the tray down on the table.

  “You ready to take
me up on that offer, Suz?” Legs resting casually at shoulder-width, he slid his hands into his pockets, watching her. He was trying to play it cool, but I could tell he was anxious.

  “Honey, we’ve been over this before.” She placed a soft hand on his forearm, rubbing up and down.

  “I think you’re chicken.”

  She jerked her hand back. “Excuse me?” I heard the bitch in her tone. He was in for it.

  “You heard me. I think that’s just a cockamamie excuse because you can’t handle me.”

  “Oh snap!” Jessica barely contained her laugh. I smiled wide. It was about time that Suzie met her match, and Jim might just be it, despite their age difference.

  “Whose side are you on, Jess?” Suzie snapped.

  Jim’s lips lifted in the corner; his arrogance was coming through. “I’ll give you some time to think about it.” He immediately turned and walked across the bar to a group of guys.

  “Ugh! The nerve! I’m definitely going to change our song after that. I’ll be right back,” Suzie said, nearly backing her chair over a fellow patron’s feet in her haste.

  “He’s perfect!” I exclaimed.

  “I know!” Jessica and I broke into a fit of laughter.

  Suzie returned two minutes later. “Oh, will you two stop cacklin’? It’s really not that funny.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, get your ear plugs out and drinks in hand. First up tonight is a vet on this stage. She might not hit all the notes right, but she sure is pretty to look at. Come on up, Annabelle,” the man said. A young, petite blonde skipped towards the stage. Her mini-skirt and low cut blouse left little to the imagination.

  “Oh God. Let’s hurry up and finish these drinks before the end of the first verse,” Jessica cried.

  “Is she really that bad?”

  “Worse,” Suzie replied, downing her drink. Jessica and I followed suit. “I’ll go grab another round. Trust me. They all sound better when you have more in you.”

  Turns out they were right. Annabelle destroyed Dolly Parton’s version of ‘I Will Always Love You’.

  “She has ruined that song for me,” I stated, taking a deep swallow of the newest fruity mix Suzie bought.


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