Mountain Man's Miracle Baby Daughters

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Mountain Man's Miracle Baby Daughters Page 18

by Lia Lee

  I was crying, and my cheeks were on fire. Lee had managed to make me blush again. He pulled a small black box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a solitaire diamond ring.

  “Oh, my God,” I said. “Yes!’”

  Everyone applauded. Lee took the ring and slid it onto my finger before he hugged and kissed me. I was laughing and crying again. I couldn’t believe it. This morning we had left Packwood and I had been worried that something would be wrong when Dr. Hamish had a look at my baby. Now, not only was I having twins, but I was going back home an engaged woman. I was going to marry this man who had turned my life around and I would be Mrs. Farrah Roper.

  I liked the sound of that.

  When Lee sat down again, I studied the ring.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said. “How long have you been walking around with this?”

  “About two months,” Lee admitted. “I didn’t want to propose too soon, but I had a feeling today might be a good day.”

  “The best,” I said, smiling.

  When I had set out to Packwood to work on a project for the Tourism Board I had no idea I would meet my future husband. I hadn’t thought I could ever have children, much less twins. I had fought to keep my head above water, to recover after I had been battered and bruised emotionally. Since then, I had changed completely. Now, I was a confident woman with a future, a loving fiancé and two babies on the way. I had a friend and sister in Hannah, who would be my real sister soon, and I had a family in the people of Packwood, larger than I’d ever had growing up.

  Four months ago, if anyone had asked me what my future would look like, I would have told them it would be a struggle. Now, I would tell them that my future looked as bright and beautiful as the ring on my finger, the nature all around me, and the shining eyes the love of my life cast on me every now and then.

  Lee took my hand and kissed my knuckles.



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  Italian Alpha’s Black Maid

  By Lacey Pierre


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  Italian Alpha’s Black Maid

  By Lacey Pierre

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2016 Lacey Pierre


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  Chapter 1


  The morning had been a total bust. The dishwasher broke, leaving water all over the kitchen floor, the dog had run off again, and now one of her favorite employees wanted to talk with her. Mariah had barely made it to the door of her small office when her assistant Karen informed her that Josie was on the phone and was ‘less than happy’.

  “Fine. Give me two minutes to get a cup of coffee before my head explodes.” Mariah walked to the kitchenette her brother Freddy had helped her put into her studio-sized office. Having to work her way up from complete poverty to living from paycheck to paycheck meant nothing even remotely extravagant existed in her world. The tiny office was a recent addition because business was doing good, and her maid service was finally starting to take off.

  Karen had been a good friend through high school and the two were inseparable, so when Mariah needed an extra set of hands to help out, Karen jumped at the opportunity.

  Mariah smiled at the thought of her friend having to deal with Josie when she was in a tizzy. The woman was the best worker Mariah had been able to find, but Josie was high maintenance at best. For Josie, having come from a strong family of women, cleaning was an honor and not to be thought of as lowly or demeaning. It was a good policy, unless she was dealing with a strong Alpha male.

  Darren Botelli was most certainly that. Mariah sat down at her desk and picked up the phone. She hadn’t met Mr. Botelli in person, only spoke with him on the phone when he’d first ordered her services. He was highly complementary on her staff, but couldn’t seem to keep one of them for more than a week. If Josie was calling to quit as well, Mariah would only have one choice. To go herself and see if there was something amiss. Maybe it wasn’t the girls at all, and rather the client. She would kindly direct him to another maid service if that was the case.

  “Josie?” Mariah lifted her coffee mug to her lips, blowing softly.

  “Oh my God! I cannot believe the nerve of this man, Mariah. He’s the biggest male chauvinistic pig in the universe. He stood over my shoulder again today while I cleaned his house, pointing out every little spot I missed and giving me pointers around every corner.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard he’s really particular. He’s lucky he’s a good-looking man. Some poor woman will eventually put up with him for his looks and his money, but not his attitude. I’m not going back. Fire me if you want, but I work for you because you’re a great boss. Being micromanaged is my number one pet peeve. This guy has it down to an art.” The girl let out a frustrated huff.

  “Maybe if I spoke with him things would change. I hate to lose you out there. His account is a rather large one because of the size of the home and his requirements.” She sat her cup down and leaned back, trying to work through how she was going to not only continue to run her company, but now clean some wealthy asinine chef’s large rental home.

  Having lived in Martha’s Vineyard her whole life, she was more than used to people like him, but it would seem that her staff wasn’t. It was rare to find a non-transient employee because of the fluctuating opportunities around them.

  “You can talk to him all you want, and good luck with it. He’s a total ass. I’m not kidding. Like the kind of guy you visualize taking a rolling pin to.” She huffed again, and though the situation was upsetting, Mariah couldn’t help but smile. Josie was a bit dramatic herself. Having her work for Mr. Botelli probably wasn’t the best match up.

  “All right. Consider yourself released from the job. Did you let him know that you wouldn’t be there anymore or is that something I get the pleasure of doing?”

  “I packed up this morning before he woke up and got out of there. I spent the entire night pacing the floor. I mean, it’s tough. The house is right on the beach, and he’s impossibly handsome, so the view is incredible no matter where you are, but just the thought of him berating me again left me packing up and getting out.”

  “All right. It’s all good. I’ll put together a bag and get over there for the next few days. Hopefully I can set him straight.”

  “Good luck, boss. Let me know where you want me next. I really am sorry. You’re not upset with me, are you?” Josie’s voice softened.

  “No. I don’t want you in a hostile work environment. I’ll take care of it myself.”

  “I have no doubt that you will, but be careful. He’s the kind of man who will steal your attention and drive you mad because his attitude matches up perfectly to his looks.”

  Mariah took a quick sip of her coffee, being careful not to burn her tongue. “That makes little to no sense to me.”

  “He’s sexy as hell, Mariah. Most men with looks and money are assholes.”

  “I’m aware unfortunately. He seemed like a professional on the phone, but maybe that was just part of the ruse.” She let out a short sigh. “Either way, I’ll transfer you back to Karen. She can give you a new assignment. We had a couple more come in over the weekend.”

  “All right. Thanks for being so great, and good luck. You’re going to need it.”

  Mariah chuckled and hung up the phone. Working for Mr. Botelli probably was a bit of a strain, but there were quite a few positives to the job if she recalled.

  Getting up, she moved to her file cabinet and pulled out the information on the illustrious Italian chef. The file lacked a picture of her new client, but the location of the house left her with little question as to how beautiful it was. She needed a bit of a vacation anyway. Cleaning someone’s large home dail
y wouldn’t be too trying at all, seeing that she’d started the company on the back of her own shoulders.

  Having been the only maid in her company for several years, she knew the most efficient ways of getting things done and pleasing the clientele. She wasn’t willing to put up with much, but most people were responsive to a strong female persona, which is exactly what she was.

  A knock at her door had her glancing up. Karen.

  “I’ll reassign Josie in a little while. I’m not too sure about you taking on this project, Mariah. You already have too much on your plate. This guy has been through four girls in the last week or so. You really think you’re up for dealing with someone like him?”

  Mariah set the file down and crossed her arms over her chest. Her best friend was the polar opposite of her. Karen’s short, pixie-cut blond hair framed her chubby face and accentuated her pretty blue eyes, whereas Mariah was African-American with mocha skin and dark hair.

  “I could use a challenge. Besides… I’m only going for a couple of weeks. It will be a bit like a vacation, don’t you think?” Mariah wagged her eyebrows and picked up her purse, then her coffee.

  “A vacation? Cindy went home crying last week because of this guy. He’s not going to be any easier on you because you’re the owner of the company. Hell, chances are that he’s going to be tougher. I don’t like it.”

  “I’m going to be just fine. This is my company, and if he’s a menace to it, then I’ll let him go as a client, but that’s something I need to figure out. He’s paying a pretty penny to have us there. I can’t not check into it, Karen.”

  “I agree, but let me go. You don’t need anything else on your plate.” Karen moved toward Mariah, reaching out and pulling her into a quick hug. “If he upsets you, I’ll kill him.”

  “Then sharpen your axe, my friend. I’m sure if he’s upset everyone else that it’s just a matter of time. I’m going to figure him out and set things straight over the next few days. Once I get the matter under control, we’ll put someone else out there to take my place.” Mariah pulled out of her friend’s hold. “I’m going to pack up at the house and get over there. I’m sure you’re going to be hearing from him.”

  “He’s already left two messages. He sounds like a total ass, but maybe I’m just letting everything that’s happened feed into my image of him.”

  “Maybe so. I’ll be in touch. Hold down the fort for me.” Mariah walked out of the office and jogged to her beat-up car. The first thing on her list after making sure that the company was stable and her bills were paid was a new car. Hers had started to break down every other month, but money was tight, which was nothing new.

  She picked up her cell and put a call into Mr. Botelli, realizing that the conversation should probably come from her more than Karen.

  “This is Darren.” His voice was deep and filled with authority.

  “Mr. Botelli. I’m calling from Maid’s Inc.” She didn’t get another word out.

  “Good. I’ve only called twice this morning. I woke up and Janie was gone. Is this how you usually run your business? Your staff get their feelings hurt and they tuck tail and run? That really doesn’t bode very well for a new company, Miss…”

  “Williams, and I understand that you’re ups—”

  He cut her off again. “I don’t need your apologies. I need your solution. What are you planning to do to make right what happened this morning?”

  She let out a soft breath and tried to calm herself. After being berated by her mother earlier that morning, the last thing she wanted was someone else making her feel as if she were only two feet tall.

  “I’m sending another girl out as we speak. She’s our best and if you don’t find her work ethic and abilities suitable, then I’ll regretfully refer you to another agency.”

  “Good. I’ll meet her there in thirty minutes. Tell her not to be late. I have little patience for tardiness. Good day.” He hung up without another word.

  Mariah’s mouth dropped open. Josie wasn’t exaggerating at all from what she could tell. The man was aggressive, bossy and didn’t seem to care at all about allowing Mariah to get two words into the conversation. The fact that he didn’t know Josie’s name left a sour taste in her mouth as well.

  Having to be at his place in thirty minutes put her in a bad mood. She would have to rush through the house and grab what she could, then speed across town. It wasn’t a long drive, but she was sure to hit the early lunch rush. It was a good thing that it was late April and not June or July when the Vineyard was insanely busy with tourists.

  Her trailer was tiny and only had two rooms. One being the bedroom that fit her full-sized bed and the other being a living room, kitchenette and laundry room. She was hurting for space, but simply refused to rent anything bigger until she was assured that she could sustain her income for six months or more.

  Grabbing clothes as quickly as possible, she shoved them in a large duffel bag and stopped by the bathroom to check herself. Her dark hair was a bit disheveled, but it almost looked appropriate against her flushed cheeks and tired eyes.

  Her mother’s heart condition had gotten worse since Christmas the year before, and not having her brother to help out meant that she had to juggle her business and her mom.

  “Too bad she’s not at all appreciative of anything,” Mariah mumbled and turned her phone to silent as it buzzed. There was no one she wanted to talk to. Everyone would want something from her. They always did.

  Chapter 2


  Darren set the phone down on the counter and let out an angry growl. Why women were so sensitive was beyond him. How many female chefs had he gone through at the restaurant before he finally found two or three who could take constructive criticism and do something with it? He wasn’t an ass. He was simply offering suggestions that could enhance their performance.

  The maid service he’d hired to help him keep his large rental property clean and ready for unexpected guests or investors had failed him yet again. They had one more chance to impress him with the new girl they were sending over. If she didn’t work out, he was moving on to another service provider.

  The last three woman had been good at what they did, but not great. Not over the top. He expected to see pride in their work, but found little to none.

  His phone buzzed, and he half expected it to be the woman from the maid service again. Something about her voice gave him pause. He could hear her desire to want to give him a solution, but perhaps in his angst, he’d jumped ahead and demanded one instead of simply letting her speak.

  “What?” he barked into the phone, not caring who it was.

  “Someone’s a little unpleasant this morning.” Jaquez, Darren’s younger brother, chuckled.

  “Yes. Once again, it would seem that I ran off the maid who was working for me.”

  “Wow. That’s got to be a record somewhere. Isn’t this like three or four in the last month?”

  “Four in the last two weeks. If you have a point, get to it. I need to meet with the replacement girl and then get up to the restaurant. What do you want?”

  Jaquez chuckled again. “I’m so damn glad I’m not a maid in your house. I’d put fire ants in your underwear drawer.”

  “Funny. I’m hanging up.”

  “Not yet. I wanted to touch base with you on coming in for a visit later this summer. How long are you going to be in Massachusetts?”

  Darren sat down at the breakfast nook in front of him and reached out for the new menu he’d been working on with some of his chefs.

  “Probably for the next two months, then I’m headed back to Italy. I’m not interested in staying here long-term, and I have the key players set up in the restaurant. We’re just working to finalize everything for opening day.” His gaze moved across the various offerings they’d worked up, but he felt like something was missing.

  He always felt like something was missing. His passion to cook and create had always burned bright inside of him, but over the last
few years of opening restaurant after restaurant, he was burning out quickly.

  “Good. I’ll come visit in a month or so then.”

  “Fine. Anything else?”

  “Yes. Be nice to this new girl. She might end up being the woman of your dreams.”

  Darren huffed. “A maid? Is that a joke?”

  “Have you seen the outfits some of those girls wear? I’d marry one who promised to dress up in a black and white skirt and fluff my stuff any day.”

  Although Darren hated to admit it, the idea of a beautiful woman, bent over in a short skirt as she worked for him, left his heart palpitating fast. He hadn’t been with anyone in the last six months because of the time strain he’d put on himself. The goal was to open a new restaurant every year during his thirties and he was two years into it and exhausted.

  The smile that touched his lips disappeared as reality set in. He didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of focusing on a relationship and wouldn’t for a long time, but maybe a fling would be nice.

  His brother’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Did I lose you?”

  “No. I’m just reviewing a menu.” He ran his fingers through his dark hair and closed his eyes. “I’m not looking for a sexy maid or a woman at all. I’m too busy for that.”

  “What are you looking for then?”

  “I’m looking for a maid service that has employees who can follow directions. In my own business, I’ve made my way to the top by creating a structure that makes sense and is proven. If no one follows it, then my success would collapse quickly. This woman who owns the maid service needs to understand that. Maybe I should take her to lunch and teach her a thing or two.”

  “Not everyone is anal-retentive, Darren. Maybe you should chill out a little and get laid.”

  “Right. As if I have time for that. Fucking a woman means getting to know her, and although you live a free life thanks to your wealthy bride, I do not.” He opened his eyes and pushed the menu away. “I just expect the best, Jaquez. What’s wrong with that? Why can’t I expect someone to have some semblance of pride in their job?”


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