Mountain Man's Miracle Baby Daughters

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Mountain Man's Miracle Baby Daughters Page 36

by Lia Lee

  Nika had always wondered why she was such a disappointment to him. She wasn’t academically inclined, nor did she particularly want to be a florist. But that didn’t mean she had no value. Still, he had never asked her what she wanted or whether or not she had plans and dreams outside the shop. Papa had made assumptions about her just like everyone else always did.

  Stalking down the hallway to the third bedroom, Nika decided that it didn’t matter what was inside. She was going to wind up sleeping there. Holding her breath for the worst, she pushed open the door and was pleasantly surprised by a sedate looking room in shades of cream and navy with a comfortable double bed. The furniture was simple, dark wood. There was a bed, a chest, and a nightstand. Nobody had left anything on the walls, and there was no clutter. It was sterile.

  Just like me.

  Nika sat quietly on the bed for a few moments before deciding that she was hungry. Since Maksim hadn’t thought much of her suggestion to go back to the burger joint and grab food, she figured he must’ve had another plan in mind. Getting to her feet, Nika headed out to the kitchen to get the lay of the land.

  To her surprise, Maksim had beaten her to the kitchen. He had deli meat, a variety of cheeses, lettuce, sliced tomatoes, and condiments strung across the counter. The sandwich he was assembling actually looked intimidating.

  “Where did that come from?” she asked, confused by the seemingly magical appearance of fresh food.

  He didn’t even bother to look up and make eye contact. “We hire caretakers for every property we own. They keep things stocked according to a list. That way if we need to hole up for a while we have supplies.”

  “And if nobody had showed up to eat this stuff?” She poked at the package of salami, her mouth-watering.

  Maksim shrugged and prepared to take a bite of his culinary creation. “The caretaker would have thrown it out when he brought the new stuff.”

  Nika couldn’t even comment. The notion was quite simple and made a ton of sense. It also boggled the mind. The Petrovs literally threw away thousands of dollars of food and supplies every month just in case they needed it.

  I wonder if Ivan has a money tree somewhere.

  Chapter Four

  After three days spent in Nika’s company in the safe house, Maksim was ready to kill her. Seriously. How had he ever found her cute or charming? She was a shrew who took the opportunity to needle him at every single turn. Living with her was like locking himself in a cage with a wounded animal that shrieked in his ear every time he tried to close his eyes to sleep.

  She was bored. She was hungry. She didn’t like the food. She didn’t like the house. There was nothing on TV. The list of complaints went on and on. Maksim wished he could call Katrina and ask her to please talk some sense into her sister, or at least make her shut up.

  The final straw came when he was cleaning his gun on the kitchen counter. As was his habit, he had laid out an old towel and had very carefully arranged the pieces on top of it so he could wipe them all down and check them over for damage or wear. Nika came stalking through the kitchen with an obvious chip on her shoulder and stopped short when she saw what he was doing.

  “What the hell is your problem?” Nika demanded.

  Maksim didn’t look up. He had discovered that eye contact made her more aggressive. “I don’t have a problem.”

  “Get that dirty thing off the countertop!” The shrill tone of her voice made his ears crackle. “We eat there for shit’s sake. Maksim you can’t put a nasty thing like that all over the counter!”

  “I’ll clean it up.” The explanation was rudimentary as far as he was concerned. Cleaning fluid wouldn’t taste particularly good, but he didn’t intend to get it on the food. He would have cleared away his stuff long before it was time to eat anyway.

  Her nostrils flared and Maksim could tell that she was gearing up for another tantrum. “Do it now.”

  He felt the leash he kept on his temper slipping dangerously. It was so tempting to get in her face and yell back even though he had no clue what it was he might want to say. What about her irritated him so? Other than her nagging behavior, of course. There was something else.

  The need to get out of the house became overwhelming. This was Petrov territory. Surely there was someplace they could go? He reassembled his semi-automatic handgun without thought and replaced it in the holster he wore at the small of his back.

  “Get your shoes on,” he snapped at her. “We’re going to the gym.”

  “The gym?” She actually looked as if she might argue.

  Maksim shot her a warning look that would have made most grown men pee their pants. “Do not make me pick you up and throw you over my shoulder, because I will if I have to.”

  “Fine. Whatever. If you need to go stand in front of a mirror and grunt to make yourself feel better, I suppose I can go with you. It’ll be a pleasure to watch you fall flat on your face.”

  “Have I done something to you, Nika?” The words slipped out before Maksim could choke them back. Since he’d started, he figured he might as well finish. “Because ever since we got here you’ve been attempting to punish me for something and I would really like to understand what it is.”

  “Since we…” She seemed to fold in on herself briefly. Then he saw emotion flare white hot in her eyes and knew he had hit it right on the mark. She bristled like a cat. “What have you done, Maksim? You mean other than the last five years when you’ve been coming into my father’s store and scaring the shit out of us on purpose? You threatened and yelled and threw things and broke things and made my life a living hell for years and you’re asking if you’ve done something?”

  Maksim had nothing to say. He had never once considered that she might hold some kind of grudge against him for doing his job. To him it was a job. To her it was her life. Sorrow sat deep in his gut as he realized what following orders had truly done to his life.

  Nika wasn’t done. “You know what I can’t figure out? Why everyone thinks it’s all okay now. Why your stupid brother can come in and sweep my sister off her feet and all of a sudden my father doesn’t care that Ivan used to bully him, or that the Petrovs have had us under their thumb for years. All that matters is that precious Katrina is in love with stupid Ivan and they want to live happily ever after. So the rest of us just have to put up with it and move on.” She swiped at her eyes, and Maksim realized she was crying.

  He exhaled long and slow. He wasn’t stupid enough to believe there would ever be words to fix what he’d done, but there was an obvious place to start. “I’m sorry, Nika.”


  “I said I’m sorry.” He knew he had to expand. “I’m sorry that my job involved threats and bullying. I’m sorry that you were hurt. And I’m very sorry that everyone expects you to forget about it. I don’t. But the two of us have to live here for the time being. And regardless of whether or not we like each other, peace is preferable to war.”

  “Okay then.” She stuck out her hand. “Truce for now.”

  Maksim took it, being as gentle as possible with the delicate fingers touching his. “Truce for now. And go get your shoes because I don’t know about you, but I have to get out of here for a while.”


  Nika gazed wide-eyed around the gym. It was nothing like the few places she had been near her home. Those had been modern spaces designed for both men and women, with high ceilings, plenty of light, and smoothie bars at the front where people hung about after their workouts to chat.

  This was a place that catered to boxers and fighters. There were full-length mirrors in front of mats where beefy guys with tree trunk legs and arms were flinging bars over their heads. This action would usually be accompanied by a fierce grunt or growl. Not to mention they were lifting double Nika’s body weight.

  A row of heavy bags sat opposite a set of speed bags. Men of all shapes and sizes pounded away at the things with wrapped hands, and even their knees and feet. Some of them had trainers or coaches scre
aming at them. It was all pretty intense. And the entire operation functioned under the haze of a scent that reminded Nika of stale sweat overlaid with a layer of ammonia.

  “Maksim!” A rail thin man who looked Ukrainian smiled nervously. “I didn’t know you were in the area.”

  Nika didn’t need any more information to know what this was. The little man was obviously the gym proprietor. And it didn’t take much imagination to realize that this business was somehow under Petrov authority. Her insides shrank with apprehension as she realized that the expression on the little man’s face suggested he was behind on his payments. The guy was so nervous he was practically dancing in place.

  Her hands began to sweat and she felt sick to her stomach. She didn’t know what she could do to help the gym owner, but there was no way she was going to sit back and let Maksim strong arm the guy into coughing up money he obviously didn’t have. Didn’t Maksim realize the place looked dead? Even the snack bar was closed.

  “Hello, Yuri.” Maksim’s low voice was neutral and his body language was soft. This wasn’t the way he usually went into a confrontation. Then Maksim glanced meaningfully around. “Things look slow. What’s been going on?”

  Yuri looked pained. “They opened one of those national chains less than a mile away. Business has been slow ever since.”

  “And the snack bar?” Maksim’s expression turned mischievous. “I know that was a big draw for the teenagers who used to come in here after school to watch and learn.”

  “Eh, we’ve been having some issues with the fryer, but I can’t afford to buy a new one or have a repairman out to fix the old one.” Yuri couldn’t seem to make eye contact, folding and refolding a towel instead.

  “Hmm.” Maksim bobbed his head as if he were completely unconcerned with those things. “I think I’m going to work off some steam. I’ll catch you in a little while.”

  Yuri looked surprised, but nodded hastily and then sped off as though he’d been given a stay of execution. Nika didn’t know what to say. Wasn’t this usually where Maksim started throwing things and yelling?

  Maksim didn’t do any of that. He simply carried his bag toward a bench then sat down. He unzipped a pocket and pulled out a roll of tape. As Nika watched, he began wrapping his hands. The movements were a little on the awkward side, as if it had been awhile since he’d done this. Somehow that made him seem more human.

  Feeling vulnerable without knowing why, Nika took a seat on the bench and swung her leg over so she could face him. “Here, let me.”

  Maksim didn’t protest when she took the tape. Gently setting his hand on her bent knee, she wrapped it snugly. After tying the first one off she began to be aware of how incredibly warm his hand was against her skin. His fingers twitched briefly. The feather light touch made her shiver. Her mind began to wander into forbidden territory. She wondered what it would feel like to have that big palm pressed against her ribs, or even cupping her breast. Would his thumb slide over her nipple? Would she like it?

  Nika tried to cover the sound of her ragged breathing by wrapping Maksim’s other hand. She used efficient motions and tried not to linger over the task any longer than necessary. When she was done, she realized he was staring at her. Something in his gaze suggested he knew exactly what she had been thinking.

  She swallowed the lump that had suddenly appeared in her throat. “All done.”

  “Thank you.”

  Then he got up and headed for the weight benches. Nika couldn’t move. He was wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt with the sleeves ripped out. Had she not noticed that until just now? He had been dressed more casually at the safe house than she’d seen him when he had come into her father’s shop, but now his arms were practically the only things she could focus on.

  Maksim placed a bar on the rack and began loading free weights onto the ends. His muscles flexed as he moved and Nika’s mouth went dry. He was so powerful. She had been railing at him earlier and he could have squashed her with one finger. But he hadn’t. The sheer restraint that revealed beggared her ability to describe it.

  Once he had settled himself on the bench, Nika watched him place his hands on the bar and then lift it off the rack and into position. His golden skin glistened with perspiration as he began a set. His legs were spread slightly around the bench, knees bent and feet braced on the floor. She could see his abdomen lock up as he used his core muscles to help lift the weight on his arms. Everything about him was so finely tuned. In fact, he was absolutely beautiful.

  And I want him.

  Nika stumbled toward a rowing machine, determined to work her muscles until she could no longer even think about Maksim Petrov. Settling on the seat, she strapped her feet into place and pushed a button on the display. She didn’t care how long or how far or how many calories she burned. All that mattered was forgetting the crazy thoughts she kept having about Maksim.

  Chapter Five

  Maksim was surprised that he hadn’t yet managed to drop the weights right on his chest. His brain was barely focused on what he was doing. Nika would not stop staring at him and it was damned distracting. Worse, he kept feeling the urge to preen. What was he? Some kind of hormonal teenager?

  At least she was focused on her own workout now. It had been bad enough having her soft little fingers touching him while she wrapped his hands. Her touch was magic. It woke up every nerve in his body. Each time he felt her brush his skin he nearly trembled with the desire to stroke her in return. It was insane.

  A drop of sweat stung his eye and he was glad for the reality check. He needed to stay with what he was doing. Perhaps burning a few thousand calories and wearing out his muscles would help him stay in control of his thoughts.

  More weight, a few more reps, and then he was ready to move on to his cardio routine. Maksim snatched up a jump rope from the hook and stood in front of one of the mirrors. He settled into rhythm, gradually speeding up. His reflection showed not one iota of the discomfiture he was feeling inside. That was good, right? Maybe if he could fake it, he would eventually get to a point where Nika didn’t bother him at all.

  Damn. There she was. Apparently she had finished her rowing. He could see her in the mirror sitting on the bench. She had pulled her knees up to her chest and was watching him as though she’d never seen such a fascinating sight. Did she hate him? Was that why she couldn’t take her eyes off him? Or could she possibly want him as much as he did her?

  Maksim stumbled, catching himself at the last second to prevent his falling flat on his face. It was embarrassing. In the mirror he saw Nika hide a smile. He wondered if she was laughing at him, or if it was for something different. He would have liked to see her smile for real. He had seen her laugh before. It was a beautiful laugh and she had a pure expression when she was truly amused. Maksim hated that he was so fascinated by her, but he couldn’t manage to stop.

  “Maksim?” Yuri Pavlovich interrupted Maksim’s inner musings. “Can I have a moment of your time?”

  Maksim sighed. He knew what was coming and he hated it. “Certainly. What can I do for you?”

  “I cannot make this quarter’s payment.” Yuri wrung his hands together. “I am sorry, but the gym is just not making the revenue we did three months ago.”

  “Is this because of the new gym or the snack bar?” Maksim wanted to know.

  Yuri seemed hesitant to speculate and Maksim couldn’t blame him. “I would like to think that things would be tight if the snack bar was still open, but I think we could make it through.”

  “Then perhaps that is the answer.” Maksim set the jump rope back on the hook. “Let’s have a look at your fryer, shall we?”

  “Yes! Yes!” Yuri said eagerly, looking shocked. “I will show you.”

  Maksim sighed. He really wasn’t that much of a handyman. Hopefully it wasn’t something really serious. Feeling a little self-conscious, he followed Yuri into the snack bar area.

  The little Ukrainian slipped between the wall and the fryer. “See, I think the pro
blem is back here. Yes? The machine is not getting any power.”

  Okay. There was no way in hell Maksim was going to fit in that space. He couldn’t even imagine trying. He would get stuck and they’d have to get a crane in here to winch him out.

  Bracing his shoulder against the machine, Maksim took a deep breath and shoved. The metallic grinding noise made every single person in the gym turn and stare, but at least the fryer moved enough to give him the necessary room to take a look.

  “It’s the power cord.” Maksim squatted down and brushed his fingers over the frayed portion of cord. “It looks like the thing got pinched when the machine was moved.”

  “We moved everything to clean a few months back.” Yuri frowned. “I guess we must have done it then.”

  Maksim didn’t bother to mention that Yuri was lucky he hadn’t set the place on fire. It looked like the cord had just shorted out. That was much better than arcing or something and becoming a bomb of sorts.

  “So, I call an electrician to get it fixed. Yes?’ Yuri looked tense. “How expensive is that do you think?”

  Maksim shoved the fryer back into place. “I know a guy. I’ll have him take care of it, Yuri. The fryer will be working by day after tomorrow.”

  “Thank you.” Yuri grabbed Maksim’s hand and began pumping it up and down. “Next time we will pay what we owe with interest.”

  “Forget the interest,” Maksim grunted. “Just get your business up and running and pay what we’ve agreed on. All right?”

  “Thank you, Maksim.” Yuri kept nodding. It was making Maksim uncomfortable. “This is why we are loyal to the Petrovs.”

  “I know, Yuri. And Ivan and I both appreciate that.” Maksim patted the guy on the shoulder, careful not to use enough force to send him flying.

  Yuri wandered off to help a customer up at the front counter get some clean towels, and Maksim headed back to the bench to unwrap his hands. It was time to go home.

  The word gave him pause. Home. Did he even know where or what that was anymore? He hadn’t had his own place in a decade or more. Sometimes he thought it would nice to be out from under his brother. Maybe he could get his own house and make his own decisions. But that wasn’t the way the life of a Petrov enforcer worked.


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