The Power of Prayer

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The Power of Prayer Page 6

by Lorana Hoopes

  He smiled and pointed to a large tree stump, “Come on, we can sit there and eat.”

  At the stump, he dropped his bag, and I sat down, enjoying the opportunity to catch my breath. He pulled out two turkey sandwiches, some fruit, and some extra bread from the backpack and laid them in the middle.

  I grabbed a sandwich, unwrapping the saran wrap surrounding it. “Mmm, I am so hungry.” I had the fresh bread in my mouth ready to bite down when I realized JD had his face lowered and his eyes closed. Oh, good grief. A sigh escaped my lips, but I lowered the sandwich and closed my eyes. “Okay, fine. Go ahead and pray.”

  “Lord, thank you for the beauty all around us. Thank you for making yourself known in the amazing things you have created. Help us to always keep our focus on you, Amen.”

  My eyes snapped open at the ending word, and I took a bite of the sandwich. This is nice. I can’t remember the last time Daniel and I did anything outside. I cocked my head, thinking back over the last few years for a time we had gone hiking or camping or even on a picnic, but came up empty. Daniel and I both worked too hard to sit down and admire nature, and when we did go out, it was almost always to fancy restaurants or less-than-memorable parties, never outside enjoying nature.

  My eyes turned to JD, who was chewing his own sandwich. Suddenly I was curious about him, the rest of him that I hadn’t seen yet. Did he eat like this back in the states? Did he take his dates on picnics or romantic carriage rides?

  “Where do you live?” The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them, and while he raised his eyebrow at the suddenness of the question, he didn’t seem put off by it.

  “New York.”

  “Do you like it there?” I couldn’t reconcile my image of busy New York with this laid back man. Did he wear a suit to work every day or jeans and a button-down shirt? Did he take the subway or walk?

  “Some days,” he smiled, “Sometimes it’s too busy for me, and I wish I lived somewhere a little slower and less intense, but right now that’s where my business is, so that’s where I am. Come on.” He offered a hand to help me up and then pulled a camera out of his bag. “Stand over there.” He pointed to a spot where the falls would be visible to my right and a crop of beautiful rocks would fill the background.

  I followed his direction, feeling self-conscious as he raised the camera, pointed it at me, and clicked the button a few times. However, the more the camera clicked, the more relaxed I became.

  “My turn,” I said, reaching for the camera when he paused.

  “I’ve got a better idea.” He glanced around for a minute; then he placed the camera on a tall rock. He checked the view, hit a few buttons, and ran to my side. Leaning his face in close, he whispered, “Smile.”

  I would have smiled anyway. There was something about him that kept a smile on my face almost constantly, but I heeded his instruction, fighting the urge to turn and look at him. The camera’s audible click reached our ears, and JD collected it.

  I was hoping he would take another, so I would have a reason to be close enough to breathe him in, but he packed the camera and the leftover food and threw the pack over his shoulder. We spent the rest of the afternoon hiking around the falls, taking pictures, and admiring the view. As the sun set, we made our way back to the van.

  Disappointment filled me as I opened the van door. I had been looking forward to another ride with JD pressed up against me, but some of the other people must have taken an earlier shuttle because only two people filled the backseat. Sighing, I climbed into the front bench seat. JD climbed in beside me, but without another person in the seat, plenty of room still separated us.

  As the van pulled up to the hotel, I dared a glance at JD. His brown hair was tousled from the hike and the wind, and my fingers itched to touch it. Would it be as soft as it looked? What would it feel like between my fingers? I wondered if he found me as attractive as I found him.

  He climbed out the van first when it parked and offered a hand to help me down. My pulse skipped as heat from his hand radiated up my arm, but as soon as my feet touched the pavement he let go. Why wouldn’t he hold my hand? Was it because of Daniel? Why had I told him about Daniel?

  I rubbed my arm and stared into his eyes. “Thank you; today was fun and so beautiful.”

  His gaze locked on mine and electricity crackled between us. Could he feel it too? “You’re welcome. I have to cover a shift tomorrow evening at the bar, but would you like to do lunch?”

  “I’d love that.” My lips parted, and I raised my chin – my sign that I wanted him to kiss me. Come on, kiss me. I willed the words at him and his eyes dropped to my lips. My eyes closed waiting for the feel of his lips on mine, but nothing came.

  JD cleared his throat, and my eyes snapped open. “Okay, well I think I’ll call it a day.” He brought his hand up in an awkward wave and lumbered off to his room.

  I sighed and ran my hand over my face as I watched him walk away. When I was sure he wouldn’t change his mind and come sweep me up in a kiss, I returned to my own room. As I changed into pajamas, brushed my teeth, and climbed in bed, I couldn’t help replaying the day in my head, though in my imagination, it always ended with a kiss.

  Chapter 8

  The sunlight woke me again the next morning, and as I yawned and stretched, I realized I could get used to this not waking up to an alarm clock life. I folded my arms behind my head and stared at the exposed wood ceiling wondering what JD would have in store for today. A flurry of excitement fluttered in my stomach at the mere mention of his name and I stretched out my left arm out to glance at my watch. 9:05; plenty of time to eat breakfast and soak up some sun before meeting JD.

  I pulled on my swimsuit and a cover up, grabbed an apple and a bagel from the breakfast bar, and continued to the crystal blue pool. A few other people lay in chairs, either reading or listening to music. Why didn’t I think to bring a book? It would have been a perfect time to read. Choosing a chair near a table, I peeled off my cover-up and donned my sunglasses. I had just closed my eyes when a shadow blocked the sun from my face.

  “Hey beautiful,” Owen leered down at me. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip to keep myself from telling him to get lost.

  “I wanted to apologize about the other night and see if you wanted to get some lunch today.”

  Fat chance, buddy. “I already have plans for lunch, sorry.” Now please go away.

  “Dinner, then?” He was clearly not taking the hint.

  “I don’t think so, but thanks for asking.” I closed my eyes, signaling the end of the conversation, and his shadow moved away. I let out a deep breath and continued soaking up the sun’s gentle touch.

  A splash in the pool and the quiet buzz of conversation told me more people had arrived, but I didn’t open my eyes to see how many. I hoped no one else would bother me, but a shadow appeared above me again, and I sighed. “Owen, I said no.” My eyelids flicked open and I gasped. JD, and not Owen, towered above me.

  “Good thing I’m not Owen then, huh?” JD’s smile was mischievous. “Are you hungry yet? I have a great place I want to show you.”

  I lowered my glasses and cocked an eyebrow. “I’m not dressed for a restaurant,” I said, pointing to my swimwear.

  “You’re dressed fine for where we’re going,” he said.

  I sat up, pulled my coverup back on, and followed him. Where on earth could we be going that a swimsuit is appropriate attire?

  He led us out of the pool and down a quiet street into a residential neighborhood. Small peach-colored houses lined both sides of the street. An old man on his front porch lifted his hand in a wave.

  I returned the wave with a lopsided, self-conscious smile. “Where are we going?”

  He held up a hand, “Wait.” Just past the last house on the left side, a little shop sat nestled between the houses. Three tables filled the outside area, and a barbecue pit off to one side smoldered. Tree trunks cut in half circled the tables and served as other places to sit. “This is the best bar
becue in town,” JD led the way to one of the tables and pulled out a chair.

  “Then where is everyone?” The other two tables hosted no one, and the slight rustling of the tree leaves was the only sound.

  “We’re early for a reason. Wait and see.”

  A dark-skinned woman with long dreads and a bright green dress approached the table. “Welcome JD, you having the usual today?”

  “Yes, make it two please.”

  The woman nodded and turned back to the small store front. She hollered something in her language, unintelligible to me, and a male voice hollered back. Soon tantalizing smells began wafting to my nose, and people began to arrive. Within minutes, the other two tables filled, and more people arrived with chairs, seemingly out of nowhere. A dozen people now dotted the little yard, and conversation hummed around us.

  The woman returned with two steaming plates of barbecue, rice, and beans. This time, my fork remained untouched as I waited patiently while JD prayed before taking a bite of the delicious food. At the first bite, flavors exploded in my mouth. Typical barbecue flavors, but something else as well. Closing my eyes, I rolled the food back and forth on my tongue, trying to figure out the mysterious taste causing my taste buds to dance, but it remained elusive. When I opened my eyes again, JD was starting at me. A blush colored my cheeks, and my eyes dropped to the plate.

  “How do you know of all these places?” I glanced up at JD through lowered lids.

  He smiled. “I told you I come here every year, and I try something new every time I do. The good stuff I come back to every year.”

  “I could get used to coming here every year.” A small sigh escaped my lips as I pictured JD and myself having every lunch and dinner together in this tropical paradise before retiring to bed. I imagined that he would be the type of guy who wanted my head on his chest, so he could wrap his arms around me while I slept. Desire coursed through me again, and I felt the first fingers of heat clawing up my face. A small beeping interrupted my daydream.

  JD frowned as he touched his watch. “Drat, I have to get back and get ready for work tonight.”

  I smiled and bit back a laugh. Did he say “drat?” Who says “drat” anymore?

  “I’ll bring some travel books over tomorrow, and we can pick another place to go,” JD finished.

  “That sounds great,” I replied and, after paying for lunch, we traipsed back to the hotel.

  As JD headed one way, I meandered to the pool to finish sunning. My previous chair was still open, so I slipped off my coverup and reclined again, thinking back to lunch. I stifled another laugh at JD’s anachronistic word and lack of cursing. When was the last time Daniel had chosen a different word when he was upset? For that matter, when was the last time I had? JD might be a religious nut, but he was also positive and optimistic, which I found refreshing. Perhaps that was what made him so enjoyable to be around.

  Humming, I finished dressing and stood in front of the mirror applying makeup. My twinkling green eyes glistened back at me. I couldn’t believe they were twinkling again. Just a few days with JD and the vacant stare was gone. I finished the lipstick and practiced a pout. Perhaps today would be the day he would kiss me.

  A knock at my door sped my heart into overdrive, and my toes curled in excitement. Right on time. I skipped to the door, throwing it open, and beamed from ear to ear. “Come...” My heart stopped, and I stumbled back, covering my mouth with my hand. Instead of JD’s long hair and muscular frame, Daniel’s lean frame with close-cropped dark hair and blue eyes leaned in the doorway.

  “Hey baby.” His eyes traveled the length of my body as his arms reached for me.

  I took another step back and gulped, “Daniel, hi, I, uh, wasn’t expecting you so soon.”

  His smile faltered a little. “Well, that’s not quite the greeting I was expecting. I took a red eye the night we hung up so I could get here right away. I couldn’t wait to reconnect.”

  I blinked and tried to recover. “I’m sorry; I thought you were going to call first, but come on in.” Grabbing his hand, I pulled him inside and then poked my head out and glanced down the hallway. No sign of JD yet. Sighing with relief, I closed the door and turned to Daniel. What’s he doing here so soon? He’s going to ruin everything.

  He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close. “How about a proper greeting?” His lips nuzzled my ear and began trailing down my neck. Pushing against his chest, I tried to extricate myself enough to keep from being in an awkward position when JD arrived. Daniel, not taking the hint, propelled me towards the bed. I stumbled, falling closer to him and breathing in his familiar scent. My resolve started to crumble and my arms found their familiar space around his neck, but a second knock jolted my head back.

  “Oh,” I gasped, pushing away in surprise. “That’s my friend.”

  A flash of irritation distorted his features momentarily, but then his game face was back in place. He couldn’t keep the annoyance out of his voice though. “Well, let’s meet her.”

  I bit my lip and looked away. “Um, him,” I mumbled. Oh no, what am I going to say to JD, now?

  My heart caught in my throat as I opened the door. JD stood smiling on the other side. “Good morning friend; I brought the books.” He held up a bag loaded with books.

  I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. “Hi JD, come in. There’s someone here I’d like you to meet.”

  Questions surfaced in JDs eyes, but he stepped inside; His smile froze at the sight of Daniel, and his eyes darted to me. Before I could stay anything, he painted a polite smile on his face and stepped forward with an outstretched hand. “Hello, you must be Daniel.”

  Daniel’s eyes hardened to narrowed slits. His voice held the veiled threat of retaliation if JD didn’t answer just right. “I am; and you are?”

  “This is my friend JD,” I said, jumping in. “He’s been showing me around the island.”

  “Oh, well, thanks for taking care of my girl until I got here.” Daniel stopped the handshake and put a possessive arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him in a clear show of ownership. I glared up at him.

  “It was my pleasure,” JD replied, shifting his weight from one food to the other. “Well, um... I’m heading out, but I wanted to say good-bye and bring you these.” I’d never seen JD look so uncomfortable, and I wished I had words to make it less tense.

  JD put down the bag he was carrying and rifled through it a bit. He paused, seeming to consider something, and then came up with a few books and brochures. “I also found some books on the island’s history you might like and some maps and brochures of the best spots to consider for exploring.” He held the books out to me.

  “Thank you.” I ducked out of Daniel’s grasp, grabbed the stack, and placed them on the dresser. The silence grew deafening as I glanced from one man to the other. Someone say something. JD and Daniel continued to stare at each other, like a pair of lions about to fight for the title of king. The palpable tension pressed in on me.

  JD broke eye contact first. “Well, you guys have fun with what’s left of your trip. It was great to meet you.” His green eyes caught my gaze; unsaid words glistening in them. “Both of you.” And then JD picked up his bag and left.

  The door shut, and Daniel grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. “Well, that was awkward,” he leaned in to kiss my neck again, “Now, where were we?”

  I pried his hand off my arm, “Hold on a minute, Daniel.” Opening the door, I ran into the hallway after JD. “I’m sorry. I . . . I didn’t know he was coming today.”

  JD paused and then turned around. His flat voice pierced my heart. “It’s okay, Callie; I have to get back to the states soon anyway.” He turned to leave.

  “Wait.” He turned back around, silent, as if waiting for an explanation. “I... I don’t want to leave it like this,” I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “Callie, you have a fiancé waiting for you,” his shoulders dropped, “You should get back to him.” The
n JD turned and walked out of my life.

  I stood rooted in the hallway, watching him leave. A tightness in my stomach emerged, doubling me over. What had I done? Would I ever see him again? Why did I care so much? Leaning my head back, I took a few deep breaths, before standing and trudging back to the room.

  Daniel’s rigid posture and folded arms greeted me when I crossed the threshold. “What was that about? Were you seeing him?”

  I tensed at the biting tone in his voice. “It wasn’t like that.” Suddenly, a spark of anger flared inside me, and I took a bold step, jabbing my finger at him. “Besides who are you to question me? I’m still not sure I have forgiven you. You did sleep with my best friend and leave me, through a text of all things, on our wedding day.”

  He raised his left hand to ward off my angry advance. “All right, you’re right, but geeze Callie, it was one time, and I said I was sorry.”

  “I know you’re sorry, but it isn’t easy to forget an experience like that.” My throat closed up, and I swallowed back tears.

  Daniel’s body relaxed as he took a step forward, “I understand, but I promise I will spend my life making it up to you.”

  I stared at him a moment longer; questions raging in my mind. Could he really change, or was this all an act? Could I care for him again? Daniel’s blue eyes pleaded with me, and the wall of resolve chipped away. I took a step and let him wrap his arms around me, but I couldn’t stop the thought that I was staying with the wrong man.

  Chapter 9

  Though not in the same way as JD, Daniel had been very attentive and enjoyable the final two weeks spent in the Caribbean. That no one knew who we were or what our past entailed had calmed my nerves, and I was almost able to imagine the time together was like a honeymoon.

  However, as we headed back to my apartment in Mesquite, my unease grew. What would my friends say? What would my mother say? JD’s reaction had been utter shock, and he had barely known me; how much worse would the reaction be of those who did?


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