Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  "But not ours?"

  "You're her mates, aren't you?"

  Nix didn’t know how Cort and Boone answered. She just knew she was suddenly lifted into strong arms and cradled against the most wonderful-smelling chest in the world. Nix tried to curl into the body holding her. She pulled at the fabric separating her from the skin she needed to feel until she felt it rip in her hands.

  "Fuck, man, she's going to rip your clothes off."

  Nix had every intention of doing just that. The moment she felt naked skin under her hands, she pressed her nose against the hot flesh and inhaled, purring as the scent rocked through her body.

  "More," she moaned, trying to pull more clothing away from the body she wanted to feel.

  "Sweet hell, she's hot!"

  "Boone, help me get her clothes off."

  "Yes, yes," Nix said, raising her arms so Boone could pull her tank top over her head. Her breasts ached as they bounced free of the material. Nix ran her hands up her sides to cup her breasts in her hands, pushing the round globes up and together.

  "Fuck, man, look at her," Boone whispered behind Nix.

  She tilted her head back to see his face, then leaned back even further, arching her back to offer her aching breasts up to Boone's stunned gaze. Boone didn't disappoint her. He leaned over and took one aching nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue across Nix's nipple.

  Nix cried out at the exquisite sensation. When another mouth latched onto the other nipple, Nix felt a rush of liquid pool between her legs. She felt hot and needy. She wanted to feel Boone and Cort touch more of her.

  "Please, more," she begged as she pushed at the waistband of her jeans shorts. Cort immediately complied, unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them from her legs. Nix whimpered when Cort pulled away from her until he came back a moment later, and she felt naked skin brush against hers.

  Nix spread her legs and let Cort settle between them until she felt his hard cock press against her. She whimpered, the touch of Cort's body on hers almost more than she could take. And yet, she still wanted more.

  Every touch of Cort's hands, of Boone's hands, sent shivers of delight racing along her skin. Nix felt passion rising in her like the hottest fire, clouding her brain. She eagerly arched her body into each touch, needy for the feel of her mates' hands on her body.

  Cort pulled her down toward him, and she felt his thick cock push into her. Nix didn't realize the scream that filled the air came from her until Boone's lips covered hers and the noise was silenced.

  Despite the claim of Boone's lips on hers, Nix was fully aware of the hardness of Cort's thighs as they brushed against hers while Cort thrust into her over and over again, filling her deep into the core of her being. Her breath came in long, surrendering moans.

  Nix knew she needed both of her mates to love her at the same time. It was the only way she could be fulfilled. Knowing this, Nix reached up over her head for the buttons on Boone's pants. She had them undone and his cock in her hand before he could stop her.

  Grinning at the surprise plastered across Boone's face, Nix arched her head back and licked at the head of Boone's cock. Boone's entire body shuddered. Nix started to swallow more of his cock when she was suddenly grabbed around the waist and flipped over. When she lifted her head again, Cort was thrusting into her once again and Boone's cock bounced right in front of her face.

  Nix eagerly covered Boone's cock with her mouth and went down until her nose nuzzled against dark auburn pubic hairs. Boone cried out, spurring Nix on to move. She pulled back until just the head remained in her mouth, swirling her tongue over the top before swallowing him back down again.

  Hands suddenly gripped her hips hard enough to leave marks. Cort stiffened behind Nix, roaring as he filled her with his release. Nix cried out as she was filled with his heat, the pleasure radiating throughout her entire body as she was claimed once again by her mate.

  Before she could delight in the euphoria brought about by being claimed once again by Cort, Boone grabbed her by the arms and pulled her up and off of Cort's cock. Her legs were spread, Boone thrusting up inside of her tight grip.

  Nix started to fall forward when Cort grabbed her from behind. His hands covered her breasts. His fingers outlined the tips of her nipples until she cried out. Cort's mouth moved along her neck at the same time. His body pressed against hers from behind and Boone's thrusting up into her from below.

  Waves of ecstasy washed through Nix. When one of Cort's hands moved from her breast down to her clit, Nix cried out and arched into the soft caress. She felt as if her body was half fire, half ice, and ready to explode.

  Nix moaned as Boone rammed into her then froze. She cried out for release as she felt his heat fill her, sending her into even higher levels of sensation. Cort's slick fingers pushed into her right alongside of Boone's cock.

  She felt Boone pulse inside of her, filling her with even more of his release. A sense of wonder and curiosity filled her when she looked down to find Boone watching Cort with hunger in his eyes. Before she could comment on the heated look, Nix gasped in sweet agony as she shattered into a million pieces.

  She collapsed down on top of Boone, whimpering when Cort pulled his fingers away. A moment later, Boone too pulled out, rolling Nix onto her back on the mattress. Nix looked up to see two glowering faces staring down at her and knew that fun time had ended.

  "Hi, I'm Emanuel Cortez," Cort said as he held out his hand to Nix. "Since it seems we're all going to be getting to know each other on a much more intimate basis, you can call me Cort. And this is Boone McKenzie. Who are you?"

  "Nixona Lissësúl, Princess of Dorthon." Nix grinned. "But you can call me Nix."

  "So, Nix, want to tell us what in the hell is going on?"

  Nix cocked her head to one side as she regarded first Cort, then Boone in confusion. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and scooted back against the headboard. Feeling suddenly self-conscious, she grabbed for the sheet and wrapped it around her naked body.

  "You don't know?"

  "We know just enough to get us into trouble," Boone said.

  "How can you not know?" Nix asked. "You're Other."

  "That’s just it, Nix," Cort said as he settled back on his hands. "Until we went with you to that motel, we were just run-of-the-mill humans. Imagine our surprise when we shifted into something else."

  "But…I don't understand," Nix said. "How can you not know?"

  "I believe you asked that already, and we answered," Boone said. "We want to know how you didn't know we were Other."

  "I didn't know you were Other until after we mated." Nix shrugged. "I assumed you'd know why."

  "Our boss said something about a recessive gene that was activated when we mated."

  Nix slid down on the bed, covered her face with her hands, and let out a deep groan at Boone's words. They explained so much. She was so incredibly fucked here. She was mated to two men who knew nothing of her world, of what being an Other really meant.


  Nix dropped her hands to her chest and looked up to the two confused faces staring down at her. "Do you know anything about Others?"

  "Well, we know it means other than human," Boone supplied, "besides that, not a whole hell of a lot. In fact, we just discovered this little mating thing about an hour ago."

  "Hell and damnation!"

  "We kind of know how that feels." Cort chuckled. "Do you think you're up to filling us in on what we don't know?"

  Nix sat up and took a deep breath. She reached up and pushed her hair back, tucking it behind her pointed ears. "I'm an elf, a Princess actually. My father is King Ahlstrom of Dorthon."

  "Like, a real Princess?" Boone asked. "The whole crown and everything?"

  Nix nodded.

  "So explain the whole mating thing," Cort said. "If you're a Princess, why were you cruising the bars? You were obviously looking to get laid."

  "My father promised my hand in marriage to a man I hate, a man that only wan
ts to marry me to get to the throne. I wanted one last night to feel wanted for me and not what I could bring into a marriage."

  "So you went to a bar?" Cort scoffed.

  "Well, I certainly didn't go looking for my mates, if that’s what you're asking. I didn’t follow you or pick you out," Nix snapped. "I heard the music from outside and figured that bar was as good as any other."

  "So, we were just luck of the draw then?" Cort snapped right back.

  Nix could feel the anger pouring off of both Cort and Boone. It made her feel uncomfortable, like she had done something wrong when she knew she hadn't. Nix rolled to the side of the bed and looked around for her clothes. She spotted them on the floor by the end of the bed and reached for them.

  "Just where in the hell do you think you're going?" Cort asked.

  Nix yelped as she was pulled back onto the bed before she could reach her clothes. She stared up at Cort in shock as he pinned her to the bed.

  "Wouldn't it just be easier if I left? You're both obviously pissed at me, and frankly, I don't feel like sticking around while the two of you chew me out for something that wasn't my fault. I didn't know you'd be in that bar, damn it!"

  "From my understanding, Princess," Cort said, "once we're mated, we have to stay together. We can't be separated. We can't be with anyone else, ever. Isn't that true?" When Nix didn't answer, Cort shook her a little. "Isn't it, Princess?"

  "Yes!" Nix shouted. "Yes, it's true, okay?"

  "And what happens if we're separated, Nix?"

  Nix heaved a large sigh, feeling desperate and despondent at the same time. It was obvious to her that neither Cort nor Boone were happy about being mated to her, so she didn't understand why they insisted on even knowing about it.

  "Nix?" Boone asked so softly that she couldn't help but look at him. Of the two men, Boone seemed more softhearted, but somehow Nix knew that only meant Cort's emotions would run deeper. She just didn’t know how she knew.

  "I don't know of any mates that have survived being separated."

  "Guess that kind of puts us in a pickle, doesn't it?" Boone asked.

  "Look, I swear I didn't go into that bar looking for you," Nix said. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted one night for myself. Was that so bad?"

  "No, Nix, it's not bad. Everyone needs a night every once in a while." Boone reached over to caress the side of Nix's face. "But, baby, don't you understand how much danger you were in? You could have ended up with anyone."

  Nix frowned. "I'm not a slut, nor am I stupid. I wouldn't have gone home with just anyone."

  "And how would you know until it was too late?" Cort asked.

  Nix rolled her eyes. She flicked her fingers and watched Cort's eyes widen as his hands were forced off her wrists. Once they were free, she waved her hand, and Cort's body started to rise into the air, hovering over Nix. She arched an eyebrow at him.

  "I told you, I'm not stupid. I can also take care of myself." Nix scooted her body out from under Cort's hovering form and moved back to the top of the bed.

  "Huh, Nix, do you think you can let Cort down?"

  Nix waved her hand and Cort crashed to the bed. He raised himself up onto his hands and knees, looking up at Nix. The hairs on the back of Nix's neck stood on end as Cort let out a deep rumble. She was suddenly afraid she might have pissed him off more than she could handle.

  Cort lunged, pinning Nix to the bed again in one leap. Nix's heart pounded as Cort growled down at her. "That was so fucking sexy," he said. "What else can you do?"

  Nix's eyebrows shot up and her mouth dropped open as she stared at Cort's amused face in shock. "You're not mad at me?"

  "I'm mad at you for putting yourself in danger. No matter what you think, there will always be someone stronger than you, and you won't know who that is until it's too late. But I'm not mad at you for standing your ground. I think it's hot."

  Nix was surprised when Cort rolled to one side of her and Boone scooted up to lie down on the other side. She didn't think she would ever understand men. One minute they were pissed off, the next they were all lovey-dovey. Men just didn't make sense.

  "So, we can't be separated, huh?" Cort said. Nix shook her head then jumped when Cort started trailing his hand up and down her side. "Then I guess we'd all better get to know each other a lot better."

  "You're okay with this?"

  "Nix, I don't think we have much choice," Boone said. "We can either try to work this out the best we can or we can argue and disagree. Which would you prefer because I don't think any of us can take this mating thing back now that it's happened."

  "N-no, but—"

  Cort tugged on the sheet wrapped around Nix until her breasts were bared. Nix watched as his hand seemed to move in slow motion, reaching out to flick his finger at one of her nipples. Nix bit her lip to keep from moaning.

  "Personally," Cort said, his deep voice vibrating through Nix, "I'd kind of prefer the getting-to-know-each-other thing. Boone, what about you?"

  Nix couldn't keep back her moan this time as Boone's fingers went for her other nipple. She could feel her entire body starting to heat up. The scent of arousal filled the room, and it wasn't coming only from Nix.

  "I'm in," Boone said. "Nix?"

  "Oh hell yeah!"

  Chapter 6

  Nix followed the sound of voices down the hallway and into a large great room. While it wasn't anything like the castle she lived in back home, it had an intimate charm to it. Large windows lined two walls, and a river rock fireplace sat on another. Still another opened into a dining area where the voices came from.

  Nix immediately felt warmth and arousal sweep through her body when she spotted Cort and Boone sitting at the table. She distantly acknowledged the fact that several other men sat around the table, but she couldn't have cared less. She had eyes only for her mates.

  She felt a zing of excitement the moment they realized she was in the room. Cort and Boone suddenly lifted their heads and sniffed the air, their heads snapping in Nix's direction. Low growls filled the air from both men.

  A couple of the men at the table froze in shock at the menacing sounds. The large, blond man from the night before rolled his eyes. Nix, on the other hand, gloried at the possessive sound.

  And that was what the growl meant. Cort and Boone were warning the other men in the room that Nix belonged to them. They proved that not more than an hour ago, several times.

  Nix once again knew every eye was on her as she walked up the two steps to the dining area, just as it had been when she walked into the bar where she met her mates. Only this time, she only cared about two sets of eyes, one dark chocolate brown, the other pale green.

  Nix purred as Cort's strong arms snaked around her waist and pulled her down to sit on his lap. She stroked her hand up Cort's chest to wrap it around his neck and pulled his head down for a long, slow kiss that made her shudder right down to her toes.

  When Nix lifted her head, another set of arms reached for her, pulling her out of Cort's lap and onto Boone's. Nix smiled and twined her arms around Boone's neck, leaning in to lick at his lips before delving inside to explore, to taste her mate.

  Someone cleared their throat. Nix ignored it in favor of kissing Boone until they did it again. She lifted her head and glared around the table, angry at having her pleasure interrupted. She wasn't used to these human behaviors. She never would have been interrupted at home.

  "Do you think you might stop sucking Boone's face long enough for us to finish our conversation?"

  Nix glared daggers at the tall, blond man who spoke. She opened her mouth to reply when the arms wrapped around her suddenly tightened. Nix melted when she felt smooth lips kiss the side of her neck.

  "Let it go, baby," Boone whispered. "Dane's right. We do need to talk. We can make out later."

  Nix grumbled but settled back against Boone's chest, enjoying the feel of his arms around her. She didn't like being interrupted, but she was more than willing to settle for being
cuddled in her mate's arms.

  "Just to bring you up current, Nix, we were discussing you."

  Nix blinked across the table at the man who spoke. They were discussing her? And how did the blond man even know who she was? Nix sat up a little straighter, suddenly feeling exposed and unsure of what was happening.

  "Who are you?" she asked.

  The man folded his hands together in front of him, his eyes never wavering from Nix's intense stare. "My name is Dane. Danic Jrogen."

  Nix inhaled sharply, her mouth falling open as shock rocked through her. "I've heard of you, but I thought you were a myth."

  Dane chuckled. "I'm quite real, I assure you."

  "What are you doing here?" Nix asked, spreading her hands wide. "Shouldn't you be somewhere more—" She shrugged, not quite sure how to exactly say what she wanted to say. Danic Jrogen was a legend among the Others. She would have thought he'd spend his time in a place more fitting his status among their kind.

  "I am where I need to be," Dane said simply. "There are too many of us lost, out in the human world trying to make it day by day while we hide our true nature."

  Nix never really thought about it before. At home, she was surrounded by Others every day. Granted, many humans lived in her valley, her family's Kingdom, but everyone knew that both kinds existed. It was no big deal.

  "Why? There are safe zones all over the world," Nix said. "Why do they not just go there? As Others, they would be accepted, have a safe place to live. Why stay in the human world?"

  "I'm afraid you have been somewhat shielded from the realities that most of our kind live with, Nix. Not everyone gets to live in an ivy-covered castle and have their every whim catered to."

  Nix frowned. She did not like the condescending tone in Dane's voice. It made her sound petty, uptight. She wasn't, not really. Yes, life might seem easier for her, but it wasn't. As a Princess, she had a lot of responsibilities that others did not.

  "I'll trade you any day."

  Dane chuckled. "I'll have to pass. I seem to have misplaced my tiara."

  Nix rolled her eyes at Dane's tone. "What right do you have to pass judgment on me or my life?" she snapped. "You know nothing of how I live."


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