Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Неизвестный

  "Good," she replied, waving her hand again and releasing Dane. "It's a shame that I had to resort to such tactics, considering we are supposed to all be on the same side."

  Boone watched her, just as calm as when they walked in, pick up the book she was reading and start out of the room. As she was at the doorway, she flicked her wrist again, releasing Cort from the frozen state she had put him in.

  "She's right, you know. We should be ashamed," Boone said as he turned on his heel and left the room. They had been complete jackasses. It would serve them right if she never spoke to them, much less ever let them touch her, love her.

  Boone followed Nix into the bedroom. She was just sitting down in the window seat when he walked in. Boone wasn't stupid. Nix was their mate, and he had royally fucked up. He needed to apologize and probably do a little groveling.

  Boone walked over and knelt on the floor next to Nix and reached for her hand. "I'm sorry, Nix. I was a real asshole. As you might have guessed, I'm not used to being around women I don't pay for by the hour. It's not exactly healthy, and I don't mean in a sexual way. My job is pretty dangerous."

  Nix stared at him for several moments, her lips compressed together. Cort was afraid she wasn't going to forgive him, so he was a little surprised when she smiled and cupped the side of his face.

  "I understand that, Boone, I do," Nix said. "But you need to understand that I can more than handle myself. My life is a lot different than yours. It—"

  "Was," Boone said quickly.

  Nix frowned. "Was what?"

  "Your life was a lot different than mine, not is. From here on out, our lives are going to be pretty similar."

  Nix chuckled. "Very well, my life was a lot different than yours. It wasn't like you would think of in one of your human fairy tales. I knew before I could walk that people would try to kill me, that I would be used for whatever purpose my father saw fit. I even knew that I wouldn't be allowed to choose who I married."

  Boone didn't like how that sounded. His eyebrows furrowed as he sat back, Nix's hand falling away from his face. "You wouldn't have chosen Cort or me if you had the chance?"

  "Is that what has you so worried?" Nix said. She swung her legs over the side of the bench seat and wrapped them around Boone, pulling him closer until their faces were inches apart. "I would have chosen you both if I had been given the choice, but in my world, I don't have that choice, only here in yours."

  "So, if you go home, do we lose you?"

  Nix grinned. "Nope, too late for that," she said. "Not even my father can separate us now. Once mates are mated, only death can separate them."

  Boone nearly swallowed his tongue when Nix pulled her shirt over her head, baring her beautiful, full breasts. His hands shook as he reached out to touch them, cradle them in his hands. "Fuck, you are so damn beautiful," he whispered.

  Getting a firm grasp on one breast, Boone lowered his head to Nix's nipple. He raked his tongue over the soft bud, feeling it harden against his tongue. Nix started to moan softly, spurring Boone on. He quickly brought the other breast to his mouth, giving that nipple the same attention.

  Ever so gently, Boone began to apply pressure, sucking the nipple into his mouth and gently biting down with his teeth. Nix moaned louder. Boone sucked harder, then switched back to the first nipple.

  He lifted his head and looked down at the woman in his arms. Nix's chest was arched up toward him, her head falling back. Her skin was flushed, little pants coming from her mouth. Boone wasn't sure he'd ever seen anything so lovely in his entire life.

  Boone felt an overwhelming need to bury himself deep inside of Nix's tight body. His hands trembled as he grabbed Nix by her hips and lifted her up higher on the bench. He grabbed the edge of the pajama pants she'd borrowed from him and pulled them down her long legs before tossing them over his shoulder.

  The breath caught in Boone's throat as he gazed down at Nix in all her glory. His cock throbbed in his pants as he watched Nix smirk and slowly part her legs, baring her soft, pink folds to his hungry eyes.

  "Sweet hell, Nix," he whispered. He reached down and dragged one finger through the crease between her thighs. The moan Nix let out nearly made Boone come right then and there. He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked the juices off, groaning when Nix's sweet flavor flooded his mouth.

  Boone was pretty sure that if he didn't get his dick inside of Nix in the next ten seconds, he was going to come all over the floor. He was that close. Boone grabbed Nix again, this time, pulling her hips to the edge of the bench seat. He quickly unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his hips before scooting forward to kneel between Nix's thighs.

  Boone watched as the head of his cock slid through Nix's nether regions. The wetness of her pussy made it easy for him to glide along her swollen flesh. He pushed his hips forward just enough so that the head of his cock pressed into Nix, then pulled out. Just that amount of contact with Nix's body had him panting in moments.

  "Boone," Nix moaned as she reached out for him. Boone lifted Nix's legs over his shoulders and gripped her hips tightly in his hands. He leaned over Nix and claimed her lips at the same time he thrust his hard cock into her tight silk, claiming her body as well.

  Nix's arms wrapped around Boone's head, and her fingers dug into his hair. Her hunger seemed wild and out of control. Boone gloried in the small whimpers that came from Nix's throat. They grew louder with each thrust of Boone's hips.

  Boone wanted more control, more friction. He let Nix's legs drop from his shoulders and guided them around his waist. Holding her around the waist, he stood to his feet and took a couple of steps before trapping Nix between him and the wall.

  Holding Nix's ass cheeks in his hands, and pulling them slightly apart to give himself deeper access, Boone began pounding into Nix's welcoming grasp. The slick tightness of Nix's pussy as he thrust into her made Boone's legs shake. His hands tightened on her ass cheeks as he felt his orgasm looming.

  "Nix, Nix," he murmured against her throat, "you feel so fucking good, and I'm so close. Come with me, love. I want to feel your pussy tighten around my cock."

  Nix groaned. Her head fell back against the wall with a dull thud. Boone lifted his head from her throat and watched her eyes flutter. Her lips were pink and swollen from his kiss, and he loved it. It made the canines in his mouth drop down and an ache to taste her blood fill him.

  Boone balanced Nix on one arm as he pounded into her, then reached down between them to stroke his fingers over her swollen clit. Nix's hands landed on Boone's shoulders. She used that to leverage herself up as she started riding Boone as hard as she could.

  Boone gently pinched Nix's clit with his fingers. At the same moment, he leaned forward and sank his canines into the soft flesh of her neck. Nix screamed. Wetness gushed over Boone's fingers, and the inner muscles cradling his aching cock clamped down on him.

  Boone groaned around the flesh in his mouth as he rammed up into Nix one last time before his world exploded in bright sparks of color. He felt pulse after pulse of seed shoot from his cock and fill Nix.

  As his legs gave out and he dropped to the floor, cradling Nix gently in his arms, Boone heard the bedroom door slam open. He had just enough energy left to extract his teeth from Nix's neck and turn to see Cort standing in the doorway, a thunderous look on his face.

  "What the fuck?" Cort shouted. "I thought someone was dying in here."

  Nix giggled. "I'm pretty sure I did."

  Boone rolled his eyes and gently pulled his cock free from Nix's body. He was elated when she groaned in protest.

  "I hate that part," she whispered as her deep blue eyes looked up at him.

  "What part?" Boone asked.

  "The part where you have to leave me."

  Boone chuckled. "You'd look pretty funny being carried around on my dick all day long."

  Nix shrugged. "You and Cort could take turns."

  Before Boone could reply, Cort snorted. Boone glanced over at him again, surprised to se
e the outrage on Cort's face and the way he had his arms crossed over his chest as he glared at them.

  "What?" Boone asked.

  "I'm so glad I'm included in your little afternoon delight." Cort gave them both one last look, then turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

  Boone groaned and dropped his head forward to rest on Nix's chest. "I love the man, really I do, but there are times when I feel a deep need to shove my foot up his ass."

  "Do you ever feel like shoving something else up his ass?"

  Boone's head snapped up. He looked down at Nix's smiling face, strangely perturbed and aroused by her words at the same time. He wasn't quite sure what to say to Nix. Cort was his best friend and the one person he trusted more than anyone in the world.

  Feeling his cock start to harden against Nix's naked hip made Boone's world summersault. He set Nix down on the floor and quickly backed away from her to lean back against the side of the bed.

  He wasn't aroused by the idea of fucking Cort. He couldn't be. He was straight. He only fucked women. Right? Boone shook his head. No, he wasn't going to go there. He wasn't going to start thinking about fucking Cort's tight little ass. He just wasn't. It would open a can of worms that Boone wasn't ready to deal with.

  Boone jumped to his feet and grabbed for his jeans. He yanked them up his legs as fast as he could. He zipped them up, then glanced down at Nix. She simply arched an eyebrow at him. Boone shook his finger at her.

  "Don't…You don't know what…Just…just don't, okay?"

  "Boone, it's nothing to be ashamed of," Nix said as she got to her feet. "There is nothing wrong with wanting to be with Cort as much as you want to be with me." Nix smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. "I think it would be sexy as hell."

  "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about," Boone snapped. "Cort and I are just friends. We've never…Well, we just haven't."

  "There's always a first time."

  "No, there's not," Boone said sharply. "I am not going to lose Cort's friendship so you can get your jollies."

  Boone gave Nix one last scathing glare, then turned and stormed out of the room. He walked right down the hallway and out the front door, ignoring everyone who called out to him. He couldn't talk right now. He was afraid if he did, he'd start screaming.

  Boone walked away from the house and headed down the hill toward the small stream that ran along the edge of the trees. It was his secret hideaway from the world, the place he went when he needed to think. And he really needed to think.

  Nix's words had hit too close to home for Boone. She seemed to root out his deepest, darkest secret with one simple sentence, a secret he never shared with anyone on Earth, not even Cort, his best friend.

  He didn't think of his need to be with Cort often. It wasn't something he could share with anyone except himself. He just brought his fantasy out when things got really tough for him and he needed something to help hold it together.

  There had only been a few occasions when he allowed himself that particular fantasy, once, when he was stuck behind enemy lines, shot in the leg, and had no hope for retrieval. Another time, when Cort was shot and hung on to life by a thread, he brought out his little dream and thought about it while he waited to see if the man would live. When it looked like he would, Boone's little fantasy got packed away again.

  Boone slid down to sit at the base of a large tree that overlooked the small stream. He leaned back against the hard bark and thought about his fantasies of Cort. He had so many, and not one of them had he ever put voice to.

  He was pretty sure that not only would Cort not want to be his friend any longer but that the man would punch him right in the mouth, or the balls at the very least. Cort never seemed like the type of man who would even consider being with another man. He loved women.

  Boone knew all the times he shared a woman with Cort were due to his need to be close to the man. A little slip of the hand while they fucked a woman or a look at Cort's naked body that lasted longer than normal, these could all be explained by the heat of the moment.

  If he voiced his desire for the man, he could no longer pretend that it was just the heat of the moment or a slip of the hand. He'd have to admit his true desire for Cort. And that meant he could lose him. Boone wasn't willing to chance it. He'd rather have Cort in his life as just a friend than have no Cort at all.

  Boone glanced up when a sudden shadow fell across him. His heart pounded harder in his chest when he realized that the object of his thoughts stood over him. Boone swallowed past the lump that formed in his throat and tried to sound normal when he spoke.

  "Hey, Cort."

  "Hey, Boone," Cort replied quietly as he sat down next to him. Cort bent his legs and rested his arms on his knees as he looked out over the stream. It was quiet between them for several long moments before Cort spoke again.

  "I'm sorry, man," Cort said. "I didn't mean to make an ass out of myself. I guess I felt a little left out when I walked in and found you fucking Nix."

  Boone knew he would be lying to himself if he thought Cort was upset because Boone was with Nix instead of him. Boone knew Cort meant that he felt left out because Boone fucked Nix and he didn't.

  "Yeah, I get it," Boone said, wishing things were different, but knowing they never would be. He had Cort as his best friend, and they shared a wonderful woman between them. He should be grateful for that and not wishing for what could never be. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

  "Naw, that's not what I meant, Boone," Cort said. "You have a right to be with Nix whenever you want. She belongs to you as much as she belongs to me. You don't need to ask my permission."

  Boone chuckled. If only Cort knew. "I think it would just be easier if we did this together." Please? Boone thought to himself. It's the only chance I have to live out my fantasies about you.

  "I don't want you to feel like I'm pushing you into anything, Boone," Cort said as he shook his head. "We don't have to have a threesome every time we have sex with Nix. It's okay to be with her one-on-one. I just think, for a while, we need to warn each other before it happens."

  Boone clenched his hands together and looked away from Cort. He tried to keep quiet as he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Boone knew that Cort being with Nix one-on-one was a strong possibility, almost a certainty. He just never thought about it before.

  Suddenly, it loomed right in front of Boone's face, and there was no way he could deny it. He was jealous…green-eyed monster jealous. He didn't mind sharing Nix with Cort. He didn't even mind sharing Cort with Nix. He minded not being involved when the two of them were together.

  Boone didn't know how he would deal with that. He wasn't good at hiding things from Cort. The man knew him too well. They had been friends for a lot of years and been through more shit than most people go through in a lifetime. Keeping his emotions, his desire, from Cort wouldn't be easy.

  "Boone?" Cort asked. "Did you hear me?"

  Boone glanced over at Cort and smiled weakly. "Yeah, I heard you."

  Cort frowned. "Are you okay, Boone?"

  Boone chuckled and stared down at the dirt beneath his feet. He grabbed a stick off the ground and began drawing circles in the dirt. "Yeah, I'm good, Cort. This is all just a lot to take in, you know?"

  Cort snickered. "Two weeks ago we were just a couple of guys standing in a bar having a beer." Cort waved his hand nonchalantly. "Now look at us. We can shift into furry monsters, and we're mated to an elf Princess. If that doesn't unnerve you, I don't know what will."

  "It isn't exactly how I planned things, but it hasn't all been bad, has it?" Boone asked. He suddenly realized that being mated to Nix meant that he would always have a connection to Cort, even if it wasn't exactly the one he wanted.

  "No, it's not too bad, but you're right," Cort replied. "This isn't how I saw my life going."

  "How did you see it?" Boone wished he'd kept his mouth shut the moment the words were out of his mouth. He did
n't want to hear Cort go on about finding the perfect woman and settling down with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence.

  Cort shrugged. "I guess I never really thought about it much. It's not like what we do is conducive to having a family."

  "Did you want a family?"

  Cort shrugged again. "Again, not something I ever thought about much. You and the guys are kind of my family, you know?"

  Boone felt something inside of him start to blossom and tamped it down as hard and as fast as he could. It wouldn't be smart to start thinking in terms of Cort being his family. Boone drew in a deep breath.

  "Hey, look, we should think about getting back up to the house," Boone said as he stood. "I imagine everyone is wondering where we got off to."

  Cort nodded and stood as well. Boone turned to walk away when Cort's voice stopped him.

  "Did you ever think about having a family, Boone?"

  Boone closed his eyes briefly and clenched his fists before he answered. "I did, once."

  "Once?" Cort asked. "What happened?"

  "It just wasn't meant to be, that's all."

  Chapter 8

  Cort frowned as he watched Boone walk away. The man's shoulders were slumped as if he carried the weight of the world on them. He had known Boone for a lot of years, but he couldn't ever remember seeing him so depressed.

  He knew blowing a fit over Boone being with Nix probably wasn't his best move. He just saw red when he discovered Boone balls-deep inside of the woman who was supposed to be belong to both of them. He'd obviously overreacted.

  He just didn't understand why Boone was so upset over it. They shared plenty of women together in the past. It was kind of a pastime for them, finding some woman at a bar and taking her to a motel, double-teaming her. He knew it was a kink, but he always figured everyone had one. It made it more exciting for Cort, more arousing.

  Cort followed Boone up to the lodge they shared with the other men in their little makeshift unit, and now Nix. He wondered how that was going to work exactly, having Nix with them. It wasn't like they planned to move into her ivy-covered tower with her. They were soldiers. They weren't cut out for living the life of royalty.


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