Good Little Girls

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Good Little Girls Page 25

by Rita Herron

  She felt naked and vulnerable and exhilarated as he pressed his lips to her center and tasted her. He didn’t stop with one taste either.

  He played with her clit with his tongue, driving her mad with erotic sensations. She couldn’t hold back.

  She cried out his name as her orgasm rocked through her. A million wonderful sensations splintered through her, triggering a burst of emotions that brought tears to her eyes.

  He rose above her, passion glazing his eyes. But when he saw her tears, his face went ashen and he started to move off her.

  “You should have stopped me,” he said in a tortured voice.

  “I wanted you,” she said as she pulled him back to her. “I still do.”

  His gaze met hers, emotions and sexual tension simmering between them.

  “I want you, too, Tinsley.”

  At his husky words, she untied the drawstring on his sweatpants and stroked his flat belly. He sucked in a breath, then helped her push them down his hips. For a moment, her breath caught at the sight of the long, jagged scar on his thigh.

  He’d gotten it rescuing her a few months ago. He’d had surgery and physical therapy, and he had suffered terribly. All because of her.

  Yet he’d come back and protected her without question.

  “I told you I had scars, too,” he said gruffly.

  She traced a finger over the puckered skin. “They make you even more handsome,” she said softly.

  “You think I’m handsome?” he said with a teasing smile.

  She laughed and pulled him to her. “Yes, and sexy, and I want you inside me.”

  She’d never thought she’d feel such abandon, but Wyatt had unleashed the passion she thought had died.

  He held up a finger, then grabbed a condom from the nightstand. She considered telling him it wasn’t necessary, but she bit back the words.

  She didn’t want to talk now. She wanted to make love to him.

  The moment Tinsley parted her thighs and took him inside her, Wyatt felt as if he’d come home.

  Emotions nearly overcame him, but she clutched his hips with her hands and urged him deeper, and he forgot to think. He thrust inside her, first gently, but she urged him closer and deeper, and within seconds, they built a sensual rhythm that drove him mad with desire.

  He wanted to prolong the pleasure, but she teased his nipple with her tongue, sending him over the edge. He called her name in a husky whisper as his release splintered through him.

  She moaned, and he felt her riding the waves again, this time with him.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and kissing her as the erotic sensations peaked.

  She clung to his back, the sound of her soft moans of satisfaction twisting his heart. He held her for a long time, the two of them wrapped in each other’s arms. When she grew sleepy, he slipped from bed, cleaned up, then returned to cradle her in his arms. She nestled against him, and her breathing grew steady. Then she purred his name, and he kissed her forehead and hugged her tighter.

  He wanted her tonight.

  He wanted her tomorrow and the day after . . .


  The sound of a phone ringing jarred Tinsley from sleep. She blinked, disoriented. She was warm and cozy and had slept better than she had in ages.

  Because she was in Wyatt’s arms.

  Her body tingled from their lovemaking. She wanted to make love with him again. And again. And again.

  The ringing broke into the warm haze around her, and Wyatt rolled over and groaned as he reached for his phone on the nightstand.

  “Hello.” A tense pause. Wyatt rubbed his eyes and sat up, swinging his legs to the side. “What? She had the baby last night? Everything okay?” Another pause. “Good. We’ll drop by, and I’ll fill you in on the case.”

  He hung the phone up, then rolled back to her, leaned on his elbow, and took a strand of her hair between his fingers. She smiled as he played with it.

  “Korine had the baby. A boy.”

  “Everybody all right?”

  He nodded. “He’s small, five pounds, but everything seems good. Hatcher sounded nervous and excited. I told him we’d stop by to visit.”

  Tinsley clamped her teeth over her lower lip. He’d said we as if they were a couple. She wanted that more than anything.

  But he wanted a family. His own baseball team.

  She couldn’t give him that. Not ever.

  Besides, he hadn’t said he loved her. Only that he wanted her.

  She tugged the sheet over her and pushed her hair from her face. “I need to see Carrie Ann.”

  “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”

  She nodded, then reached for his shirt. “I’m going to take a quick shower first.”

  “I could join you,” he said with a teasing glint to his eyes.

  She wanted that. But every minute she was with him made it harder to walk away. And she had to do that for his sake.

  She hurried to the bathroom. “I won’t be long.”

  She closed it behind her, tears trickling down her cheeks as she stepped into the shower alone.

  Wyatt didn’t know exactly what had happened, but as they drove to the hospital, he sensed something had changed with Tinsley.

  Last night they’d made love, sweet and tender, erotic and passionate. He thought they’d bonded.

  But this morning she seemed distant, as if she’d closed down again.

  Dammit. He couldn’t push her. He had to be patient. She’d taken a huge step by leaving that cottage and then by allowing him to make love to her.

  They parked and walked up the steps to the hospital in silence. “Do you want to see the baby?” he asked as they entered the hospital.

  A sad look flickered in her eyes. “This is a time for family and special friends.” She shrugged. “My place is with Carrie Ann.”

  “I’m sorry, Tinsley, but she’ll have to go to the police station and turn herself in. I’ll call Kendall James and ask her to meet you there.”

  “I know. Thanks.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. For us.”

  The elevator dinged open, and she slipped inside. Maternity was on the fourth floor, but her sister was on the second. When the doors opened, she gave him another sad smile, stepped outside, lifted her hand up in a small wave, then turned and walked down the hall.

  His stomach knotted. Why did he feel like she was saying goodbye?

  The next two weeks dragged by. Tinsley thought she’d been lonely when she was locked in the cottage, but she missed Wyatt like crazy.

  He’d called dozens of times. Asked to come over. To see her. Invited her to his mother’s house for dinner.

  She’d refused them all, using her sister as an excuse. But his persistence made it difficult to say no.

  Sometimes she dreamed that having children didn’t matter to him, but in the light of day reality intruded.

  She could never be what he needed. And she refused to put them both through the agony of trying to make a relationship work when in the end he’d probably resent her.

  At least the case against her sister was settled. Wyatt had investigated Milt Milburn’s father and discovered he also had sexual misconduct allegations against him. In addition to the incriminating videos they’d found at Milt’s house, a warrant for Milt’s father’s house revealed a video of Milt bragging about the rapes along with other incriminating photos. Several women had agreed to come forward and testify against father and son.

  The DA had struck a deal with Carrie Ann for no prison time, but she had to undergo extensive counseling.

  Tinsley hoped it helped her sister. She’d needed it for a long time.


  Wyatt stewed over what he’d done wrong with Tinsley as he nuked a frozen pizza that night. Dammit, Hatcher and Korine were bringing home their new son.

  He wanted to be with Tinsley, for them to build a future and life together, too.<
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  Why didn’t she want him?

  His mother had asked about her several times, and he’d admitted he’d fallen in love with her. She’d encouraged him to go after her, but he’d explained that Tinsley needed a safe haven, one he couldn’t offer.

  She assured him that even though she’d worried about his father every day on the job, the time they’d shared together had been worth it.

  A knock sounded on the door, and he left the pizza on the counter, hope surfacing. Maybe Tinsley had changed her mind and come to see him.

  He ran his fingers through his hair as he padded to the door. He couldn’t appear too anxious or be pushy.

  He inhaled as he opened the door, but his heart sank when he saw Carrie Ann standing in the doorway. She looked jittery and wary.

  Panic followed. “Is something wrong with Tinsley?”

  A tentative smile fought through the wariness. “Yes. She’s lonely. She misses you.”

  “Right.” Sarcasm laced his voice. “She won’t even return my calls.”

  She shifted and tugged at her hat. Tinsley had told him about her sister’s nervous condition, but hopefully now the Skull had been caught and she and Tinsley had reconciled, she could get it under control. Although she still refused to tell them why she’d chosen those graves to take the skulls, or to name any of the other Keepers. He sensed there was a group now working in secret.

  “Can I come inside?”

  He gestured for her to enter. Something was definitely up. Maybe she was ready to talk. “Would you like a drink or something?”

  She fidgeted. “No drink. I have something to tell you.”

  He forced a calm voice. “Then spit it out.”

  “Are you in love with my sister?” she asked bluntly.

  He gaped at her, tempted to lie and save his pride. But he couldn’t lie about Tinsley. She meant too much to him. “It’s that obvious.”

  She released a sigh as if she’d been holding her breath. “That’s what I thought.”

  “It doesn’t matter, though,” he said. “She doesn’t want me.”

  Carrie Ann rolled her eyes. “Men are so damn dense. She does too want you. She’s in love with you. And trust me, Tinsley has never been in love.”

  “She was engaged,” he reminded her.

  “That was a mistake. Tinsley never lit up around him the way she does around you.”

  He swallowed hard. “Then why won’t she talk to me?”

  Carrie Ann paced across the room swinging her hands. “You have to understand Tinsley. When she was locked in that cottage, she pushed me away. I called and called, and she told me to leave her alone, that she didn’t want me around. She did that to protect me.”

  He tried to follow her logic. “She doesn’t need to protect me.”

  Carrie Ann paused in her pacing and folded her arms. “She is protecting you, or she thinks she is. She loves you and she knows you want children and she wants you to be happy, so she’s pushing you away now.”

  He took a deep breath. “So what if I want kids? I want them with her.”

  “That’s the problem, Wyatt.” Sadness tinged her eyes. “Tinsley can’t have children. Not since the attack.” Her voice cracked. “You didn’t know, did you?”

  Emotions bombarded him. Disappointment. Anger. “She didn’t tell me.”

  “It’s been painful for her,” Carrie Ann said. “She loves children, and she would be an amazing mother. I hate him most for taking that from her.”

  So did he. But what could he do about it?

  Tinsley left the fund-raiser with a lift to her spirit. In light of Dr. Ferris’s death and her funeral, they had postponed the event. But it had been a great success today, and they’d held a special ceremony to honor the veterinarian.

  Working with the people and animals had filled Tinsley’s heart with warmth and love. She’d wanted to adopt all the dogs available, but she’d given her heart to that mutt Wyatt had brought over, and she’d asked him whether she could have him.

  He’d dropped off the dog, whom he’d named Tanner, the night before and lingered as if he’d wanted to say something, but he hadn’t.

  Mr. Jingles had finally left his cage. He’d flown around the room, then landed on Wyatt’s shoulder as if he approved.

  Heaven help her, she’d wanted both Wyatt and the dog. But Tanner would have to do.

  “We have one more place to stop,” Carrie Ann said.

  “Where to?” Tinsley asked.

  “A surprise. You and Tanner will like it, I promise.”

  She rubbed Tanner’s head while her sister drove across the park to the baseball fields.

  Her nerves prickled. Little League baseball fields.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “Come on, there’s something you have to see.” Her sister’s enthusiasm was hard to fight, so she and Tanner followed her to a set of bleachers where parents and fans sat, yelling for their favored teams.

  The game ended, cheers erupted, and then the players met in the middle to shake hands.

  Her gaze scanned the field. Wyatt. Big and handsome and sexier than ever. He looked so happy and relaxed with those kids.

  The boys climbed and jumped all over him, and he threw them up in the air and swung them around as they grabbed snacks and dispersed.

  Her heart melted. He was so wonderful with those kids.

  Emotions clogged her throat. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “Wyatt asked me to,” Carrie Ann said.

  “It was a mistake.” She headed away from the bleachers, determined not to cry until she reached the car. But Tanner balked and dug in his paws.

  She expected her sister to follow, but a male voice stopped her. “Why are you running from me?”

  She exhaled, blinking back tears, and turned to face him. “I’m not. I . . .”

  He paused to pet Tanner, who jumped all over him with excited licks. Traitor.

  Wyatt patted the dog’s head, then ordered him to stay. His dark eyes raked over her as he crossed to her. Damn if he didn’t have the sexiest swagger she’d ever seen.

  She struggled to compose herself. “You look like you’re having fun. The boys obviously adore you.”

  “It’s mutual,” he said gruffly. “That’s the reason I wanted you to see us here.”

  Pain wrenched her heart. “You deserve to be happy, Wyatt. You’re a good man.”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I’m also a man in love.”

  God, how she wanted to hear those words. But she shook her head in denial. “It would never work between us.”

  He pulled her toward him. “Why not? I love you. You love me?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Of course it is,” he said in a deep voice. “Love is what makes families.”

  Her chest ached with the effort to breathe. She just had to spit it out, and then he’d leave. And she could start getting over him.

  “And you should have that, a family, but I can’t give it to you.” She tried to pull away. She needed to run before she broke down.

  He yanked her back to him. “You’re missing the point. But first answer me, do you love me?”

  She couldn’t lie to him, not after all he’d done for her. Even if it would be the right thing to do.

  “It’s a yes-or-no question, Tinsley. Do you love me?”


  A smile curved his mouth. “Then there is no problem.”

  “You didn’t hear me. I said I can’t give you a family, and I won’t let you sacrifice having your own team for me.”

  “I have my team here,” he said. “Those kids love me, and I love them.”

  “I know, but you deserve to have children of your own.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and dragged her to him. “You rescue animals, Tinsley. There are a lot of children out there who need rescuing, who need loving homes, too.”

  She searched his face. She’d thought he would want his own children—his b
irth children.

  “You mean adoption?”

  He nodded. “Of course. We could give a home to children who really need us. So no more being unselfish and making decisions for me because you think it’s the best thing for me.” He pressed his fist over his chest. “I know what’s best for me.”

  A smile tugged at her mouth. He sounded so gruff, so determined, so fierce and loving. So Wyatt.

  She raised a brow. “You do? And what is that?”

  “You.” He lowered his mouth and kissed her, and she looped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  When they finally broke for air, he smiled against her. “Marry me, Tinsley.”

  She nodded. “Only if you promise to make love to me every night.”

  A chuckle rumbled from deep in his belly. “That’s a promise.”


  Marilyn kissed Ryker and rolled over, still breathing hard from their lovemaking.

  She and the detective made a good team. Especially in bed.

  But he also understood her like no man ever had.

  He slapped her on the rear, flipped her over, and drove his cock inside her again. She lost her breath as he thrust deeper and deeper. She clutched his tight ass and gave in to the passion, riding the waves with him until they spiraled into blissful oblivion.

  He came inside her with a grunt, and she flipped him over and rode him until they were both spent.

  Finally sated, she crawled off him and headed to the bathroom.

  But he was insatiable and joined her in the shower.

  She soaped his chest and wrapped her legs around him one more time. She could never get tired of fucking Ryker.

  But he had work to do. And she had one more visit to make. Tonight, she would get the rest of the story.

  Then she’d know the truth about the little darlings. That’s what the old man called them.

  The “Dead Little Darlings.” They deserved justice.

  Thanks to Carrie Ann for digging up those bones, she could do it without exposing herself.

  Then the Keepers could continue.



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