Mobster Series Anniversary Edition

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Mobster Series Anniversary Edition Page 38

by Amy Rachiele


  We lay quietly in the darkness. I am leaning over Antonio’s chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat as it slows down. He uses his finger and traces designs on my shoulder. I relax blissfully.

  “Antonio?” I whisper.

  “Yeah,” he responds huskily.

  “Is this ever going to be over?”

  I lift my head from his chest and gaze into his glowing brown eyes. Our faces are close. He wraps a thick piece of my hair in his hand and holds onto it.

  “Listen to me,” he commands and he tugs my hair gently. “The first best day of my life was when I met you. The second best day of my life will be when you walk down the aisle to become my wife. The third best day of my life will be when you have our baby. You are the center of my world. You make the bad all better.”

  Did he just ask me to marry him?

  “Everything that we have been through together is nothing compared to being without you. I can’t make you any promises about what other people do or how it will affect our lives, but I can tell you I want everything else. The white picket fence and the two point five kids. Megan, you’re mine, forever. Making you happy is the only important thing to me.”

  He puts his hand on my back and pulls me close to his face. We are nose to nose. His intensity scares me sometimes, but it’s also something I love about him. I don’t let my eyes stray from his because I want him to know that I want it too. I lean down and kiss him. We’re quiet again, and after a few minutes, I fall asleep dreaming of big cakes and wedding gowns.

  Chapter 17

  Made Man: Follows through on contract killing


  It’s early in the morning, barely 6 a.m. It is the only way to sneak out of here. I grab my clothes and throw them on as quietly as possible. I strap on my gun and put on my leather jacket to cover it.

  Vito is sleeping soundly on the couch. There will be hell to pay with him later, but he will just have to deal.

  I need Megan. I don't think in my entire life I've ever needed anyone as much as I need her. Just having her close to me fills the void that has grown over my eighteen years of life...the mafia void. It's the coldness that seeps in year after year, fight after fight, beating after beating. My girl wants this to be over. The only way is for me to end it today - alone.

  I head to the firing range not speaking to anyone. I wave to Gilly and take what I need from the bins. The underground garage is deserted, everyone is still asleep. I grab keys in the interrogation room, find the vehicle, and get in. I spin out of the garage and up the ramp.

  I drive automatically, not really seeing anything but red. I screech to a stop at a building that I know is owned by Don Furlotti. I’m not really sure where he lives, but I’m gonna find out right now.

  What I plan to do could jeopardize everything and start a major crime war. I’ll have to take that chance...for Megan.

  Pumped up, I jump out of the car. There are two guards at the entrance. They don’t even see it coming. I clobber the first one with the back of my arm, and pounce on him knocking him out. The second guy is shocked and hesitates too long. In the broad light of day, I yank the guy from behind by his neck and put him down to the cement. I grab my gun out of its holster and point it at his head.

  “Is Furlotti here?” I say murderously. The guy struggles, but I squeeze harder on the back of his neck.

  “I don’t have time to fuck around. Is Furlotti here?” He doesn’t answer for a second time, so I knee him in the gut. He chokes and sputters. “Last chance,” I say in a deadly tone.

  His voice cracks when he says he says yes.

  “Thank you,” I say sarcastically and hit him in the head with the butt of my gun. I search his pockets for a key card which I find quickly.

  I enter the building easily, knowing he’s on the top floor. That’s where they all stay. I push the elevator button, the lobby is deserted. When the doors slide open, the car is empty. I swipe the key card and press the top floor.

  The elevator dings, the doors slide open. I cautiously look up and down the hall… it is deserted too. There is a big fancy door way down the end of the hall. Jackpot!

  My legs move of their own volition quickly and efficiently. I doubt this key card will open the door. I toss it aside and knock. I move away from the peephole. A deep voice echoes from behind the door.

  “What is it?”

  I don’t respond, and knock again. I plant to myself against the wall.

  “What the fuck?” the guy curses.

  I knock again, pretty confident that this guy will open the door out of sheer aggravation.

  “Dammit! What?!” he yells.

  I knock a final time hoping this one will do the trick. The door opens slowly, and I stay patient. I let him come all the way out into the hallway, then I jump him, using the butt my gun again, and send this one into lala land too. Chooches!

  I move slowly across the entryway. This place is just as palatial as Ennio’s place. The apartment is completely quiet. I stay pinned to the wall as I move.

  A door opening startles me. I brace myself to react. It is Furlotti coming out of a bathroom.

  I lunge grabbing him. I restrain his arms and put my gun to his head.

  “Where’s Demetrius?” I ask in his ear.

  “Antonio? What are you doing?” he asks me. He is stunned and completely perplexed by my actions.

  “Where’s Demetrius?”

  “What the fuck is going on?” he asks angrily.

  “Your fucker put a contract out on me,” I say seething. “Did you order it?”

  “Why would I do that?” he asks.

  “I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”

  “There must be some confusion, Antonio. I have nothing against you or your family.” He sucks in a deep knowing breath. “Demetrius is acting alone. I didn’t sanction anything.”

  Around the corner, comes his head enforcer, Carmin. He sees me and quickly raises his gun at me. Mr. Furlotti tells him to stand down. He lowers his gun and puts it on the floor.

  “Believe me. Demetrius is more problems than he’s worth. He has been fucking out of control. What has he done?”

  I laugh a pissed off chuckle. ”Besides trying to kill me, playing fucking games, and kidnapping?”

  “Antonio, I had no idea.” He pauses. “That kid has cost me. You can have him.”

  Part of me believes him. It wouldn’t make any sense to put a contract out on someone in a family you just made an alliance with. It would make you look untrustworthy to the rest of the underworld.

  “Then tell me where he is.”

  “He has an apartment right here in this building.” He gestures to Carmin. “Nobody hurts Antonio. Let him do what he has to do.”

  A look passes between them. Carmin looks resigned that this is the way it has to be. I release Don Furlotti, but stay alert, concerned that they are conceding too easily. He steps away from me.

  “I’m sorry. Things shouldn’t have happened this way. I should have dealt with Demetrius a long time ago.”

  “A lot of good it does me now,” I say. “Demetrius needs to be taken down.”

  “He is on the fifth floor. Apartment 501.” He says remorsefully. “Tell your pop that this was a big misunderstanding. If there’s anything I can do to help, please ask.”

  “Yeah, you can send your cleaner to 501!” I say sarcastically, knowing full well that Demetrius was his cleaner.

  I don’t stand around anymore. I have a job to do. I realize that Don Furlotti is using me. There is always a certain fear in his eyes around Demetrius. He’s allowing me to do a job he should have done a long time ago. I am his out. It is clear they want Demetrius gone as much as I do.

  Instead of the elevator, I take the stairs two at a time down to the fifth floor. His apartment is easy to find. It’s on the end. I decide surprise is better than anything else I’ve got up my sleeve. I take a running start, lift my leg, and knock down the door with an earth-shatter
ing crash. It splinters and falls effortlessly.

  With my gun drawn, I hurry inside, spinning around looking for Demetrius. A girl is standing in the kitchen, she screams when she sees me. I motion for her to get down, and she drops quickly. Smart girl!

  “Get out,” I say only loud enough for her to hear me. I hear her start to crawl away, out and over the shattered door.

  I rush forward to the room up ahead, expecting Demetrius to jump out at me. Kicking the door down and the screaming was enough to wake the dead. Lying on the bed on his back is Demetrius. I don’t hesitate. Don’t think, just do. I immediately fire two shots into his chest. His body bucks with the force of the bullets.

  I slowly approach him. I keep my gun ready and look down at him. He is ghostly white, and his eyes are open and lifeless. I reach down and touch his arm checking my suspicions. I’m right. He is ice cold. He was already dead. Shit!

  I walk out of the apartment, down the stairs and out into the street, feeling a sense of relief that the fucker is out of our lives. Two new guys are by the door. They let me pass. I am so fueled and hyped up, they are fortunate they didn’t try anything.

  I get behind the wheel with the keys in the ignition, something makes me look up. Sitting against the building curled into a tight ball is the girl from the apartment...she glances at me, and a spark of recognition hits me.

  I turn the car off and get out. Furlotti’s thugs watch me, but I don’t care. I stand over her and hold out my hand. She looks up at me with a tear stained face and takes it cautiously and with a shaky hand. I haul her up. I feel sorry for her and her family.

  “You’re...Lisa’s sister, aren’t you?” I ask.

  “Yes.” She wipes her face. “How do you know?”

  “It was a good guess. Come on. I won’t hurt you. Let me take you to her.”

  I call Carlo since he has been taking care of Lisa, and we let the sisters talk on the phone while I drove her to the casino. She had been looking for her brother and sister. She suspected Demetrius had taken them. Her intention was to get information from him through the use of drugs and sex, but her plan backfired when she overdosed him.

  She shook and cried the whole ride. Until now tonight, she didn’t know her brother was dead. I think I feel more empathy for these two sisters than I have in my entire life. I wasn’t the only person Demetrius was harassing. But he can’t harass anyone anymore. Sometimes it’s the person that you least suspect, the seemingly weakest one, that will get you in the end.

  Death is like can fool around all you want, but once it's done, it can’t be undone. It's taken from you, just like murder, there is no going back.

  The bastard is gone...he made his own bed, and he died in it.



  I am at Lisa’s room when we get the call. I had been frantic all morning. No one knew where he was. I thought Vito was going to destroy the place searching.

  I run as fast as I can to the garage, leaving everyone in the dust. It is great not to be under lock and key anymore. It seems as though I proved myself.

  Carlo is bringing Lisa down to the garage to see her sister, and Joey is calling Vito to let them know Antonio is coming back. Erin is in the suite, patiently waiting with Clarissa for any news.

  When I woke up alone, I was angry at first, but then I was just plain worried when we couldn’t find him. I curse the elevator as it seems to move oh so slowly down the floors. The doors slide open, and I bolt across the garage just as Antonio is pulling in. He gets out, and I throw myself at him. He catches me, gripping me tightly. I kiss him, then pound on his chest with my fists.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again!” I yell at him. “Nobody knew where you were! I felt so helpless!”

  He ignores me and pulls me to him for another kiss.


  Antonio had some things to attend to after the morning’s events, so I decide to go check on my father, who is surprisingly staying here at the casino. He doesn’t even offer to stay in our room, but he takes his own. I truly appreciate the privacy. I feel as though it’s been years since I’ve lived with my parents, even though it’s only been a short few months.

  I knock on his door. I hear him pad across the floor to open it.

  “Hey, Dad. I just came to check on you. How are you feeling?”

  He walks back into the room and sits on the bed with his back straight against the headboard. I take a seat in a small chair by the window.

  “I’m fine.” He pauses like he searching for something to say. “Is your sister packed?”

  “Yeah. And Clarissa is too.”

  My father stares at the wall in front of him, not looking at me. He hesitates, takes in a breath to speak, then thinks better of it. I decide to help him out.

  “I can’t believe they’re leaving tomorrow. I hope they like it. It would be great for them to meet new people.” I add, really thinking it is important for Erin and Clarissa to get out into the world. Being stuck here isn’t doing them any good. You can’t hide from problems, or people, or the general badness of the world. You have to face it head on. Mostly, it is a great world. It is exciting, eye-opening, and the only way to live is to be a part of it. I lived with forced blinders on my whole life, and that is going to change.

  “There is something I’ve never told you,” my father says in his deep rough of a voice.

  “There’s a lot you’ve never told me,” I don’t mean to sass my dad, but I can’t help it.

  “I’ve made some mistakes. I think I’ve made more serious ones with Erin than I ever had with you.”

  “What do you want to tell me, Dad?”

  “This week was not the first time you have shot someone.”


  “When we left Ireland when you were five, it was because our house was broken into. Their intent was to kill you, your sister, and your mother.”


  “The why isn’t as important as what happened. You and Erin were sleeping with your mother in our bed. You must have known, even as a little child, that I kept the gun underneath the bedside table. I wasn’t there but your mother says you got the gun and shot the intruders in the dark.”

  I sat still listening to my father’s story. I try to search my memories of Ireland for any hint of this. It dawns on me that the shadows and the men that I have seen, the images that have flashed before my eyes at different times in my life, were the memories of that fateful night.

  “I just took the gun and shot them?” I ask, wanting more details. He nods his head. “Did I kill them?” He nods his head again.

  “Straight through the heart.”

  I do the nodding this time and I process this. Self-defense. Instincts. They have always been there, locked away in the deep recesses of my mind and coming to the surface when I need them.

  Deep down, I feel everything that needs to be said about my bizarre talent has been said. I don’t want to go backwards, I only want to go forward.

  I feel it is only fair to warn my father. “I think Antonio wants to marry me,” I tell him honestly. I don’t brace myself for a fight or reaction. I’m going to do what I want to do, regardless.

  My father looks at the ceiling now. “I know. He has already talked to me about it.”

  I’m not surprised, but I still get an excited twang knowing that Antonio has already broached the subject with my father. I really want to be girly and giddy, hounding my father for every word said between them. Instead, I take the mature road and leave it be.

  I leave my father and check on Lisa and her sister. Carlo is treating them like queens, and Doc Howie is seeing to their wounds, mentally and physically. I think they’re going to be okay. They are definitely two strong girls who had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with Demetrius.



  My mother arrives at 10:00 a.m. I have mixed feelings about seeing her, but in the end I am glad. Erin is packed and ready to go. Clarissa
is so excited that it’s the only thing she talks about.

  The school is deep in California. It is a boarding school that celebrities, actors, and politicians send their kids to. Erin will be away from the underworld drama, but I am sure she will find a different kind there. Spoiled brats and paparazzi are on the menu for her for the next few months before summer.

  I can hear my mother in Erin’s room. She is repacking one of her bags. She is so loud that, even in this huge cavernous suite, I can hear her tittering away at Erin and the proper way to pack luggage.

  “Where did you get this!?” she booms, chastising Erin. “This stuff is ridiculous! How did you get it?”

  Oh no! The new wardrobe Antonio and Vito bought her. Well, mostly Vito. I decide it is time for me to get involved.

  I stand in the doorway to Erin’s room. My mother’s eyes are like saucers as she picks up the clothes with disgust and horror, one by one tossing them aside.

  “You’re too young for these things!” she says in reproof.

  “They were a birthday present,” I say flatly.

  “Really. From who? Your boyfriend!” she scolds. “Who buys a young girl these kinds of clothes? It is improper. They are too sophisticated! Take them back.”


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