The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance Page 48

by Natasha Spencer

  Alice opened the door herself, her face was flushed and she looked excited.

  “Bran! Guess who’s come to visit!” Alice said, throwing her arms around his neck. When she hugged him, he felt his whole body stiffen. He couldn’t stop himself from comparing her to Jo.

  She stepped away from him, beaming still and Brandon realized that he found her voice annoying. He hadn’t noticed this about her before, or had he? Was he only allowing himself to think about it now?

  “My daughter. She’s come down to see us. The moment she heard of the wedding and the house…she said she had to come and see it for herself!” Alice was still talking in her screechy voice and leading the way towards the living room.

  Brandon gritted his teeth as he draped his coat on the hanger by the door. The last thing he wanted today, was being forced to make small talk with Alice’s daughter, whom he had never met before.

  “Bran!” Alice screeched from the living room and he took in a deep breath and walked to the door.

  “Meet my daughter, Jolie,” Alice gushed and clapped her hands excitedly like a toddler.

  Brandon remained at the door, as his wife’s body shifted and he laid eyes on her daughter for the first time. For a moment, he thought he was going crazy and he was imagining it. But when he saw Jo’s face, and the look of confusion and nervousness on it, he knew this wasn’t a dream. She wasn’t thrilled to see him.

  “Jolie, go on, give your new stepfather a hug, honey,” Alice urged her daughter, standing by and watching the two of them staring at each other.

  It was Jo…with her luscious red hair flowing behind her shoulders. Her dark jeans shaping her long legs perfectly, and she was wearing a red silk blouse with a V neck that teased him. He had those breasts in his hands, he knew what her pussy tasted like. Brandon was stuck to the spot.

  “Go on, Bran!” Alice’s voice split through the air and he had no other choice but to step towards Jo.

  “Hello, Jolie,” he said, holding her fiery gaze. Their bodies were inches apart again, but, this time, under very different circumstances. She looked like she would have given her arm to be anywhere else but in this room.

  “Hello, Brandon. It’s nice to meet you,” she said and they shook hands, instead of hugging as Alice had suggested.

  Just that handshake was enough. The touch of their hands sent shockwaves down his body. For the first time in his life, Brandon felt like he had lost complete control of himself. Despite the fact that Alice was standing right there, in the same room as them, he wanted to pull Jo into his arms.

  “The news must have been very surprising to you,” he managed to say and she stared back at him, her pupils barely even moving.

  “Yes, I’m still in shock. I didn’t know mom had remarried before I called her last night,” she was quick to say, and Brandon noticed how desperate she was to tell him that she had no idea. He nodded his head, and she tugged her hand away from his grasp.

  “I was hoping that I would get to meet Alice’s daughter soon,” he said and he watched her gulp.

  “And now you have!” Alice snapped through the moment and rushed towards her daughter to try and pull her into a hug. He watched as Jo struggled in her mother’s arms, averting her eyes away from him.

  “We haven’t seen each other in two years! This girl works too hard, you know,” Alice cooed, pinching Jo’s cheeks together like she was a little girl.

  Jo managed to escape her mother’s grip and she walked around to the back of the couch, in an attempt to put as much distance between herself and Brandon as she could.

  “Mom, I’d like you to show me to the spare room now, please,” she said, keeping her face firmly turned away from him.

  Brandon could feel his mind racing. Just when he thought he would never see her again, that he could start afresh with Alice…here she was, right there in front of him.

  “Okay, I’ll show you upstairs so you can settle in,” Alice said, already leading the way out of the living room.

  “I’m not going to settle in. I’m not staying. I just want to freshen up before I leave,” she said and he caught her cheeks flushing.

  “Really?” Alice turned to face her daughter, and pouted her lips. Jolie glared back at her mother and Brandon clenched his jaws.

  “No, you should stay. Spend some time with your mother. If my presence here makes you uncomfortable, I’ll leave,” he said and both the women turned to look at him.

  “That’s silly! Why would you make Jolie uncomfortable?” Alice whipped around to look at her daughter with crossed brows. Brandon saw a streak of Alice’s short temper, he got a taster of the kind of mother she might have been to Jolie. She was the kind of woman who liked to get her way.

  “Jolie? Is Bran making you uncomfortable?” Alice’s voice had hardened and she was glaring at her daughter now, shooting daggers from her eyes. Jolie looked at her mother and then at Brandon again, and a half-hearted smile formed on her face.

  “No, of course not. Sure, I’ll stay. Maybe just a couple of days,” she said and Alice clapped her hands again; her good mood returning quickly.

  “Come upstairs with me, honey. I’ll take you to your room,” Alice said and for a few moments, after she had left, Jolie and Brandon were alone in the living room again. But she said nothing, she just walked away without giving him a second look.

  Chapter 11

  They were sitting across from each other at the dining table. Jolie fiddled with the cutlery in front of her, and her toes were flexed in her shoes. Their housekeeper was serving them their five course meal and they were already in their second. Other than her mom, neither of them had spoken much.

  Jolie still couldn’t believe that she was sitting in front of him again.

  “Are you still working at the magazine?” her mom interrupted her thoughts and Jolie turned to her, still feeling like she was in some kind of cruel nightmare. Most of her food remained untouched on her plate.

  “Yes, I’m still there mom,” she said and noticed the way Brandon kept stealing glances at her. He was sitting beside her mom, who was leaning purposely towards her husband, trying to make it clear to her daughter that they were in a loving relationship.

  Jolie on the other hand, had received a first-hand demonstration of how loving that relationship actually was.

  Despite how sick the situation was making her feel, seeing Brandon again had knocked the breath right out of her. Try as she might, she still couldn’t bring herself to hate him. The man who had cheated on her mother…

  “I’ve flipped through the magazine, it’s too high fashion for me. Who knows? Now I might be able to actually afford some of the things you people write about,” her mom said and threw back her head and laughed. Jolie’s eyes met Brandon’s briefly, and he dragged his gaze away to look at his wife.

  “Of course,” he said, in a quiet and courteous voice and Jolie watched, with her stomach turning as her mother leaned towards her husband and planted a long wet kiss on his cheek.

  Jolie had to grip her fork tightly, to stop herself from screaming. That’s what she wanted to do. She wanted to scream till her throat was chaffed and her lungs were completely empty of air. And she couldn’t even blame him. Brandon was being attentive to his wife and the perfect host to her.

  “Which magazine do you work for, Jolie?” he asked her then, laying special emphasis on her full name. As though calling her that might change what had already happened between them.

  “Dot,” she replied bluntly, keeping her eyes on the plate. She wondered if her mother had any idea that there was a tension in the room. A sexual tension. That Jolie’s body was trembling with desire for the man her mother had married.

  “I’ve heard of it. You guys do a stellar job. A lot of my friends’ wives swear by it,” Brandon said, as he popped a carefully cut piece of steak into his mouth.

  Hearing him praise the magazine, made Jolie’s cheeks flush and she gulped down wine from the glass beside her. When she looked up, she caught
Brandon’s eyes on her again, watching her drink.

  “Maybe I’ll start swearing by it too. Fill my closets with those gorgeous clothes and jewelry,” her mom said, and turned to her husband and pouted. Jolie watched as Brandon forced himself to smile at his wife and then continued to eat.

  They ate in silence for some time longer, till the third course was brought in. Then he rested his cutlery on his plate and pushed his chair back.

  “What’s the matter?” her mom turned to him, looking aghast.

  “I’m full. The dinner was lovely, Alice. I think I’m going to go set up my study now,” Brandon said and then stood up from his chair. Jolie felt her throat run dry. The whole time that he was sitting there, she had tried to avoid his eyes. Now that he was going to leave the room, she was desperate for him to stay. She didn’t even know what she wanted.

  “Okay, honey, you go ahead. We girls will chat,” her mom said and Brandon smiled at her, before turning to Jolie.

  “I might retire right after, so I’ll see you girls in the morning. Goodnight, Jolie,” he said and without waiting for a response, he had left the dining room.

  Jolie felt like the food had turned to rubber in her mouth. She couldn’t taste it anymore. All she wished for was her mom to disappear, so that she could just scream in peace. Get it all out of her system.

  “Isn’t he a handsome devil? He hasn’t fully moved in yet, he has to travel so often for work. But his only criteria for the new house was that there should be a big private study for himself,” her mom was speaking again and Jolie tried to concentrate on the words.

  “Why did he say he’ll see you in the morning? Won’t he see you tonight?” Jolie blurted out, and immediately turned her face to her plate. She didn’t want her mother to see the tension in her eyes.

  Her mother laughed nervously, searching for the right words to use.

  “Oh, it’s just a silly thing. He has his own bedroom in the house. He said that we both need our privacy, and since he’s rarely ever here, I didn’t mind. It doesn’t really affect our sex life of course!” her mother was laughing and Jolie felt the back of her neck burn up. The last thing she wanted to hear was a testimony from her mother, regarding their sex life. And from the fidgety expression on her face, Jolie had a feeling that the testimony was untrue. It definitely affected their sex life.

  She couldn’t help but feel a small sense of victory, a guilty pleasure at that, and she tried to wash it down with some more wine.

  Chapter 12

  Brandon had barely managed to set up his study in the past hour and a half that he had been in there. His trunks of books lay open by the door and now he had settled himself behind his large oak desk. A half-drunk glass of Single Malt swirled in his hand, as he tried to iron out the thoughts in his head.

  Jo was in the same house as him. She was his new step daughter. Everything had happened so fast, that he didn’t have the time to think. Now, that he had a quiet hour and a half to himself, he still couldn’t come up with a solution.

  What was he supposed to do? He should have left the moment he saw her in their living room, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t tear himself away from her. The burning attraction between them was still going strong. He still wanted her.

  The soft knock on his study door snapped him out of his thoughts.

  He had been leaning back on his chair and he quickly straightened himself up. Was it Alice? Her knock was never this soft.

  “Come in,” he called out and when the door opened, he saw Jo step delicately into the room. She was quick to turn and lock the door behind her.

  “I wanted to have a word,” she said and in the dim light of the study, he saw her blue eyes looking icy cold. Her face was set firmly, and she was carrying herself stiffly. Despite all that, she looked sexy as Hell. His gaze dropped immediately to her breasts. Her silk blouse was like butter melting around her torso, her pale skin looked smooth and translucent in the dim light.

  “Yes, that would be wise,” he said and Jo stepped towards him.

  “Where is your mother?” he asked her and he watched as she tucked stray strands of red hair behind her ears. Her cheeks were still flushed and she was still trying to avoid his eyes; even though they were the only ones in the room.

  “She said she was going to bed, that was forty-five minutes ago. I waited in my room and came here only when I could hear her snoring,” Jo said and stood beside the chair across from his desk.

  Brandon took a sip of his whisky and then tipped the glass towards her.

  “Drink?” he asked her and she shook her head. He saw how young she was, how they were decades apart in age. When he was with her though, he forgot about that. All he knew was that she was a woman who he was madly attracted to.

  “I just want to talk,” she said and Brandon took in a deep breath.

  “Jo, you should know, that I had no idea who you were,” he said and her plump lips pressed together. The lips he wanted to suck on, the mouth he wanted to pry open with his tongue. He jerked his face away from her, because looking at her was making him hard. He could already feel his cock reacting to her presence in the room.

  “I believe you. It was just a horrible coincidence. I didn’t even know that mom had married again, leave alone married to you!” she said and he watched her lick her lips.

  “Okay, so we can just leave it at that then? It was just a horrible coincidence?” he asked, and realized that his voice had turned hoarse. He hadn’t even expected to see her again, leave alone have this conversation with her.

  Jo tucked in some imaginary hair behind her ears and turned her face to the carpet.

  “Yes, I suppose we should,” she said.

  Brandon stared at her through the silence that followed. She was still standing beside the chair, and the more he watched her, the more his cock grew in his pants. He wished she would just leave so that he could relieve himself. Now that he could never have her, fantasies of her would have to suffice.

  Jo looked up at him suddenly and he noticed that her blue eyes had gotten wider.

  “But…” she said and he studied her face intently.

  “But?” he urged her on and Jo took a few steps around the desk. Brandon shifted in his chair, aware that she would be able to see the raging erection in his pants if she came any closer.

  “But, I still want you, Brandon,” she said and he took in a deep breath.

  “You ran away from me last night”

  “I was being foolish. I thought that by running away, I could stop wanting you,” she replied, walking around the desk and closer to him now.

  “I’ll leave then. First thing tomorrow morning,” he said firmly and their eyes met. Jo had walked closer to him. He knew she could see his boner, and for a few moments, she allowed her gaze to remain on his crotch. He didn’t even try to hide it anymore, what was the point?

  “Do you want me too?” she asked and he felt like he was choking up.

  “There is nothing more that I want right now, than you, Jo!” he said and she gulped.

  In silence, he watched as she knelt down on the carpet and then got on her hands. He was still in shock as he saw her crawling towards him.

  “Jo…” he breathed her name, as she came to a stop right at his knees. Her face was at level with his lap, she was craning her face up to look at him.

  “Don’t say anything, Brandon, please. Just let me do this for you and then maybe we can move on,” she said and he knew he had no power in him to resist. She was the first woman he had met who had this kind of a hold on him, and he was helpless against it.

  Chapter 13

  Jolie parted her lips as she reached for the zip on Brandon’s tailored pants. He was sitting on his leather chair with his hands pressing down on the arms. She could see it in his eyes…that he knew this was a bad idea, but neither of them could help themselves.

  She was slow with the zip and then proceeded to the patent leather belt. He helped her after that, to slide his pants down to the mid
dle of his thighs.

  Jolie felt her belly tighten when she laid eyes on his strong muscular thighs, with a light dusting of dark hair. She ran her fingertips over his thighs, and rejoiced in the feeling of his muscles tightening.

  “Jo…” he breathed her name gruffly and reached for her hair. He was holding a bunch of her hair in his hands, keeping her face tilted up towards him.

  “This shouldn’t be happening. I’m married to your mother,” he said in a deep guttural growl, like he was mad at himself. Before she could even respond to that, he had leaned forward and they were kissing.

  This time the kiss was even wilder. Like they were two caged animals who were suddenly let free. His tongue pushed into her mouth and she sucked on it. His grip on her hair tightened and within seconds, Jolie could feel herself getting out of breath.

  She parted from him forcefully, and their lips smacked. He was breathing just as hard as she was.

  Dragging her gaze away from him, she reached for his cock. Slowly, she pulled it out from the gap in his briefs. This was the first time she was seeing Brandon Calloway’s cock and she tried to hide the gasp that escaped her lips.

  He was a big man, which was something to be expected given that he was at least a foot taller than her. His cock was thick and large, with angry desperate veins on the sides and a smooth velvety tip. He grunted when she pulled it out, taking a few seconds to stare at it…to fully admire him.

  “Jo, you’re killing me,” she heard him say and then he sat back in his chair with a thud.

  Jolie felt her mouth water as she parted her lips again. Never before had she wanted a man’s cock this badly in her mouth. She wanted to feel powerful, she wanted to make him helpless.

  Slowly, she brought her lips closer to his cock and then stuck her tongue out. Her tongue gently grazed the tip of his cock and he grunted again. She felt a thrill run down her spine. This powerful billionaire, who was married to her mother, was like putty in her hands. She now had complete control over him and it made her feel invincible.


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