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Deep Into Trouble--An Unbroken Heroes Novel

Page 16

by Dawn Ryder

  Saxon grunted. “You can choose your friends.”

  “But not your family,” the man in the doorway answered.

  He was Saxon’s brother and no mistake. They had the same square jaw and solid looking features. Vitus had lighter hair than Saxon but they shared the same Caribbean blue eyes.

  “So…” Vitus was leaning against the doorframe, looking for all the world like he was relaxed, but Ginger didn’t buy it for a second. There was a set to his eyes that she recognized from Saxon and she knew without a doubt this guy was ready to spring into action the second he deemed it necessary.

  “So … what are you doing here?” Saxon was holstering his gun.

  “Heard you got married.”

  Saxon held up a single finger and pointed toward the hallway. Vitus flashed him a devilish grin before he straightened up and winked at her before turning around and disappearing. But as a parting jab, he flipped the light off, plunging the room into darkness.

  Since her night vision had been killed off by the light, the abrupt change left Ginger uncertain of her surroundings. Saxon shattered that by hooking her around the waist and bringing her back into contact with his hard body. It was lightning fast, stealing her breath. He caught the little gasp that she let out, smothering it completely beneath his lips as he kissed her hard and very, very completely. He let her go, melting back into the darkness of the room as she tried to form a complete thought. The man sure knew how to kiss. He made thinking a real chore.

  “So.… what was that about?” She was still under the influence of him, and there was no holding back the question.

  Saxon, on the other hand, was making steady progress toward the door.


  He stopped at the door and turned to look at her once the light from the hallway allowed her to see him clearly.

  “It means I have more resources, Ginger,” he answered her in a confident tone. “Sleep while you can.”

  The door was closed firmly behind him. She sat there, feeling out of control and yet so protected that slipping into sleep wasn’t hard.

  * * *

  Saxon was tense.

  Ginger’s taste was clinging to his lips, and her scent felt like it was lodged so deep in his senses that it was never going to be truly gone. He knew that, deep down in the center of his being, he liked it. Liked it a whole lot. But he didn’t have time to dwell on it just then. His feelings wouldn’t mean shit if Ginger ended up dead.

  “How did you find me?”

  Vitus had withdrawn to the kitchen. His brother was cradling a mug in one huge hand as he leaned against the countertop and watched the hallway for Saxon’s approach.

  Vitus was a Seal; the little “Ex” part didn’t factor in. Just because he wasn’t on active duty anymore, didn’t change the man he was. That nature had been the whole reason he’d been drawn to the elite military group. It was a place he belonged, beating the odds.

  “Dunn Bateson.” Vitus answered his question in a tone that left it clear he wasn’t happy. “You should have reached out to me.”

  Saxon poured himself a cup of java before facing off with his brother. “I don’t call you every time I’m on assignment, so don’t sound so pissed.”

  “Tyler Martin is more than an assignment.”

  “You knew I was heading out to look for him,” Saxon replied. “I found him. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

  Vitus took a moment to contemplate that. “Fine, I’m being over-protective.”

  “I hear marriage does that to a man,” Saxon chirped.

  Vitus curled his lips back. “Makes a man soft? Yeah, over and over and over—”

  Saxon’s cock was still rock hard. “Right,” he cut his brother off. “Glad to hear it’s working out with Damascus.”

  “I’m the luckiest dammed soul on the planet, and I know it,” Vitus replied. “But we’re off topic. Dunn knows you’re here and that Tyler has almost caught you twice. Is that an accurate accounting of the case?”

  Saxon knew his brother, had worked beside him before, and Vitus didn’t dick around when it came to mission details. That was why they were both such effective field agents.

  Saxon felt the tension in his body shift away from passion and back onto keeping Ginger alive. It should have pleased him, but he was too absorbed with how hollow his insides felt as dread sunk its teeth into him.

  “It is.” Saxon put the mug down. Everything except dealing with Ginger was secondary now. Pushed back by the mounting need to seek out a safer location. “And if Dunn knows that—”

  “Someone else might, too,” Vitus finished the thought for him. “If he’s got Federal resources, it’s only a matter of time before someone traces that helicopter.”

  Saxon suddenly stiffened. “Tyler knows me too well.”

  “He does,” Vitus agreed. “Which is why you should have reached out to me.”

  “He’d expect that move, so I didn’t make it.” Saxon locked gazes with his brother.

  Vitus nodded in agreement.

  Saxon considered his brother for a moment. “Maybe I need to be using your example. Take her completely off grid.”

  Vitus slowly nodded as understanding hit him. “You might recall I lost my shield over going off the department policy grid.”

  “You kept the bad guys from killing the girl,” Saxon cut back. “That’s the part I’m focused on.”

  Vitus contemplated him for a long moment. “I’m the last person who can lecture you on this idea, because I think you’re spot on. Your wife has a mighty big target on her tail.”

  “Don’t forget that someone is digging into Ginger’s information.” Bram Magnus added from where he’d been listening. “The Raven is no stranger to hitmen.”

  Saxon felt a decision take firm root inside him. Hard certainty was flooding him as he felt a rush of something else mingle with it. What was it? He honestly didn’t know because he’d been determined before. This was far more intense and deeply personal.

  “We need to set up some bait,” he informed them. “Get Thais up here.”

  He honestly didn’t care what it looked like on paper. There was only one way to truly protect Ginger and that was his motive, his driving focus. The idea of being able to take her with him, well that was blowing his mind with possibilities.

  Ones he just couldn’t seem to ignore anymore.


  Saxon was back in her bedroom at dawn.

  Ginger enjoyed the sight, except he was fully clothed now, and he was mostly naked in her dreams. So this was reality, and yet it was a little different. She blinked, her brain starting to work and process what she was noticing. He’d always been in business attire. Slacks, pressed shirt, long sleeved, too, and a tie. The suit jacket came and went but with the exception of their wedding, he’d always been formal.

  Today, Saxon was sporting a mountain look, denim jeans with a belt and attached utility pouch. She sat up as she continued to take in his transformation. There was a T-shirt peeking through the open buttons of a flannel shirt.

  “I hope I meet with your approval.”

  That comment was more effective than a double shot of espresso. “Who are you, and what have you done with Saxon Hale? He has a serious devotion to maintaining a professional image. Even told me to cut out bubble baths.”

  “Very funny.” He pointed at the foot of the bed. There was a pile of clothing there. “Get dressed.”

  He was already halfway to the door before he turned around. “Might be a while before you have access to a shower. Dress for hiking.”

  “Right.” Ginger didn’t have any real information to go on, but considering their last exit from a safe house had been under gunfire, she decided being a little hazy on the details suited her just fine.

  So did waking up to having Saxon in her bedroom.

  She decided to leave that idea alone, at least until she wasn’t close enough to the man to do something stupid like try and touch him. But she did take a
few minutes in the shower to do some personal grooming in the event she got another chance to get her hands on him.

  When she emerged from the bathroom, she was dressed in layers. Her hair was still wet so she slipped a hair tie onto her wrist on the way out of the bathroom. A small bag of toiletries was dangling from her fingers as she left the suite behind. She found the entire team milling around the family room. It was interesting the way they all tended to perch themselves against solid items. The moment the thought crossed her mind, she realized it was because they were only comfortable when they felt like they had cover to duck behind.

  That was a harsh fact that told her something about the lives they led. She was grateful for it and still, really sort of sad for them, too. They were never at ease.

  The harsh reality of that was, he lived this life, and she was just another case. Allowing it to become anything more on her part was asking for a serious heartbreak. One she really wouldn’t be justified in pinning on him. Not that any of those facts seemed to be changing her mind about getting her hand on him again.

  Someone shifted, catching her attention. Ginger felt her jaw open. It was a woman, drop-dead gorgeous. She was ultra-thin, with dark, mysterious eyes that she had expertly outlined in dark eyeliner, bringing out the slightly almond shape of them. Ginger tried not to stare, but the woman just moved in a way that was sexy, and the men in the room weren’t ignoring it either.

  Or maybe, the right way to phrase it was they weren’t immune.

  It wasn’t as though they weren’t trying to focus on the meeting Saxon was having, but when the woman moved, their eyes would shift toward her in that unconscious way a straight guy always got distracted by a bombshell.

  “Agent Thais Sinclair.”

  Saxon supplied the woman’s name when he caught sight of Ginger. “She’s you now.”

  “Does that mean you are all going to take care of me?” Thais purred.

  Thais’s devastating effect on the opposite sex wasn’t just confined to her exterior. When she spoke, her voice was a husky purr.

  “Okay kiddies, life and death?” Saxon tried to prod them all back onto topic.

  Thais offered him a soft laugh before she glided over to stand next to Ginger. “We’re practically sisters now that I’ve been reprimanded in front of you.”

  Thais was teasing but now that she was closer, Ginger gained a look into her eyes. There was nothing relaxed about her gaze. It was just as sharp and unwavering as Saxon’s.

  Agent. Right. Thais Sinclair was definitely that.

  “Thais will be staying here as you,” Saxon took control of the conversation again. Despite his clothing change, nothing else had altered. He was the same tough, in-control guy. Even Thais felt the commanding presence, shifting around to look at her boss.

  “I’m taking Ms. Boyce off-grid. Don’t forget, Tyler Martin used to command us, he knows how we think, how we run a case, and the Raven, he’s got plenty of hit men to call on and the fact that most of the world thinks he’s dead to hide behind.”

  It was the first time she’d been involved in a briefing. Ginger bit her lower lip and concentrated on listening.

  “Thais, please don’t shoot any of my men.”

  Thais pushed her lips into a small pout that made her even more adorable. Even Bram Magnus was looking at her before he realized it and shook his head. The woman was the very definition of the ideal distraction. It was more than skin-deep; it was in the way she applied herself. It was an art form and completely devastating to Ginger’s self-confidence.

  “You’re welcome to try a hands-on approach with me,” Dare Servant offered devilishly.

  “I need to make sure Captain Magnus is up on his medical skills first.” Thais set Dare Servant down with a curving of her perfectly glossed lips. Whatever lipstick she had on was perfect, just the right amount of shine to make her lips look ready to be kissed.

  Get a grip!

  “So, does this mean I’m getting a gun?” Ginger decided to test the situation. “Since we’re going out alone, it seems relevant,” she added when Saxon only contemplated her from behind, offering an unreadable expression.

  Vitus surprised her by reaching behind him and pulling a holster free that had clearly been clipped to his belt. He tossed it across the space between them without a hint of hesitation. “Don’t shoot my brother, but the hands-on thing, that’s up to you.”

  Saxon grunted and sent his brother a deadly look. Vitus only shrugged. “You are married.”

  “That would be our cue to hit the trail. The conversation is heading downhill.” Saxon gestured her toward him with a couple of fingers.

  Ginger ran back down the hallway to find a belt. She had to settle for a man’s belt that she jabbed a hole in with a kitchen knife before she could buckle it and clip the gun onto it. Vitus had stayed behind, clearly waiting for her. He had an amused grin on his lips as he watched her, giving her a nod of approval before he pointed toward the side door.

  Saxon was waiting for her next to a beat-up truck. Somewhere beneath a solid coat of mud and grime, it had faded gold paint. There were a couple of packs in the bed of it, a clear plastic tarp over them in case the weather turned nasty. The team had tightened up again, proving to her without a word that things were serious. She climbed into the truck through the passenger side door that Bram Magnus held open for her. He offered her a small box that she took before she realized it was ammunition for the gun.

  It was a good thing she’d closed her fingers around it because that way, at least he didn’t see her hand shaking. “Thanks.”

  “It will be the pair of you out there,” Bram’s tone was deadly and soft. “Understand what I’m saying?”

  “I’m the one who asked for a weapon,” she declared back.

  Bram nodded, satisfaction flickering in his eyes. She enjoyed the feeling of his approval because the guy was a lot like Saxon. He didn’t hand out compliments lightly, especially when it came to competency.

  Saxon climbed in beside her and his team fell back. She was biting her lower lip again, and he noticed. She realized she wasn’t fooling anyone because she was giving herself away with such a blatant mannerism.

  “I wouldn’t take this action if I didn’t think it was safer than staying with my team.”

  “Of course.” Her voice came across a little tight but at least it wasn’t a squeak.

  Saxon wasn’t fooled for a moment. What stunned her was the way he hesitated, looking for a moment as though he was going to say something else, something soothing.

  “Almost forgot,” Vitus called out.

  Saxon paused with his hand on the stick shift. “What?”

  “Message from Dunn,” Vitus’s face was a controlled mask, but Ginger caught a twinkle in his eyes, one that promised hell.

  “He said to tell you, never interrupt a lady’s bubble bath.”

  Bram cocked his head to the side in response as Vitus offered his brother a smirk. Dare Servant had his hands up in the air like he was refusing to touch that one with a ten-foot pole, and Ginger was pretty sure her face turned crimson. Vitus lifted a hand and waved bye-bye to them.

  Saxon flipped his brother the bird.

  Guess they really were departing from the grid. Saxon Hale truly had dispensed with protocol, first in attire and now with professionalism. The coming days were going to be interesting to say the least.

  What the hell do you mean ‘least’? You’re out with a slab of beefcake, who’s finished playing by the rules … oh, and you’re married, too.

  It was a bookworm’s dream, even if she was practical enough to recognize the potential for the memories to become her most agonizing nightmares. Of course the part where she didn’t really have a very good chance of living to see the other side of it sort of qualified as a silver lining because she wouldn’t have to face up to her actions.

  So she smiled and vowed to live in the moment.

  It might be all she had left.

  * * *

sp; Thais Sinclair was beautiful.

  Oh, there were a dozen words to describe it, and to her, most of them were as repugnant as the skills she’d had drilled into her. Sex was a skill as necessary as target practice.

  She left Dare Servant behind and found herself in the suite that was going to be hers for the next few days. After she stashed her two back up weapons and hid a knife between a few of the pillows, she walked back to look at the large slipper tub. It was a perfect setting for seduction, a topic she’d been trained in to the fullest. She turned in a slow circle, locating the camera after a moment. She teased the button on her shirt with her fingers out of habit and then froze.

  She wasn’t on that sort of case.

  And yet, she circled the tub and contemplated whether or not Dunn Bateson was watching. A man like him didn’t have to resort to peeping, not hardly, and she had long since lost any sort of enjoyment out of teasing a man simply for the sake of gaining his personal attention when there was no objective.

  It was sad.

  She knew that. The knowledge had been burning a small hole inside her soul for some time now. She wasn’t really sure when it started, only that it was becoming harder to dismiss, but there was no point in being upset about it because everyone had to do what they had to do in order to survive.

  The difficulty was, all she was doing was surviving, and it left her feeling like an empty eggshell. It was only a matter of time before she was crushed because she was drying out just a little bit more every hour, becoming brittle and fragile as the elements of her life pulled the moisture from her.

  She suddenly turned around and flipped the water on. It splashed down into the tub with a happy sound, surprising her because it had been a long time since something so simple had impacted her.

  Well, there was another thing she had extensive training in, noticing and pressing on minute details.

  She struck a match and touched the flame to the wicks of several candles that were set out on a countertop. It took a moment for them to catch because they were new and their wicks were still encased in wax. Once they sputtered to life, she turned off the electric lights, letting the warm glow radiate out and around the filling tub.


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