A Buckhorn Bachelor

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A Buckhorn Bachelor Page 6

by Lori Foster

  For the next five minutes, Adam ground his teeth while listening to the byplay between Wayne and Issy.

  Wayne wanted her. That much was clear. The way he spoke, how he laughed... Adam recognized the signs. Repeatedly Issy came up with excuses for why she couldn’t get together, and repeatedly, Wayne found a new way to ask.

  Coming on all hot and heavy, Wayne told her that he’d always been interested but she gave off “don’t touch” vibes.

  Ha! Adam glanced around at the guy with smug victory. Isabella had all but insisted that he touch her. That had to mean a lot.

  “I’m sorry,” Issy said for the tenth time, “but I—”

  “C’mon,” Wayne interrupted smoothly. “At least give me a chance.”

  Adam was about to intervene when from behind him, Amber whispered, “You big fraud.”

  He jumped a foot.

  Damn it, he’d been so fixated on Issy’s conversation with Wayne, he hadn’t realized that Amber was no longer on the scene, and he hadn’t even heard her approach behind him.

  He jerked around to face her and caught her enormous grin. Pointing toward the back patio, he gave a silent order and with a shrug, Amber sashayed that way.

  “So what are you doing?” Amber whispered.

  “None of your business.”

  “Ooh, so it’s that type of visit.” She patted his shoulder, sharing her pity. “And right in the middle of things, Wayne moves in.”

  “He didn’t ‘move in’,” Adam corrected with annoyance. “You dragged him here.”

  “Now, Adam,” she chastised. “The man is more than willing. Trust me, he did not have to be coerced.”

  If he didn’t stop grinding his teeth, he’d turn them to powder. “I thought you liked me.”

  She laughed quietly and gave him a hug. “I love you, silly. But I didn’t know you were that interested.” Holding him back, she asked, “You’re saying you are?”

  Adam opened his mouth—then snapped it shut. He wouldn’t make confessions to his cousin before he even made them to Issy. “I’m saying you need to stop the stud parade. She doesn’t need your help.”

  “Stud parade,” Amber mused. “I like that.”

  Yeah, Issy might like it, too—if he didn’t nix it real quick. “You have to stop.” But he knew she wouldn’t. Amber was like a tsunami. Once she got started, all you could do was brace yourself.

  “Aw, what’s wrong? Tell Amber all about it.”

  He scowled. “Don’t talk about yourself in third person. You aren’t the queen.”

  She laughed a bit loudly, and slapped her hand over her mouth.

  Adam took her shoulders. “Amber, seriously.” He bent his knees to meet her gaze at eye level. “I need you to give me a little time with her.”

  She sobered quickly. “Do you care about her?”

  He did, but how much? Because he wasn’t ready to figure it out just yet, he said instead, “I’m working it out. We’re working it out. But it makes it tough when you keep tossing single men her way.”

  “Afraid of the competition, huh?”

  For what Issy wanted? Yes. He might already be too involved, but as far as he knew, she wanted to sow wild oats.

  If she only sowed them with him, that could work.

  But with Amber offering up so many alternatives-

  “I’ll give you a week,” Amber said decisively. “Let’s say...the picnic next weekend? Dad told me that he invited her to join us and that you further coerced her. So she’ll be there, right?”

  Um... “Yes?” Why did it still feel like Amber plotted his failure? It shouldn’t have scared him, but determination glittered in her eyes and it never failed to set him on edge.

  “Terrific.” She put her finger in his face and leveled a firm look on him. “One week, Adam.”

  “That’s not much time...”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’ve known her five years, for crying out loud. Seven days is more than enough time for you to decide if you’re interested in friendship, a fling or more.” Triumphant, pleased with her own plans, she smiled, hugged him tight, and walked away.

  From a safe distance Adam followed and heard her say, “Sorry, Wayne, we need to get going.”

  Wayne sputtered. “But I was—”

  “I know,” Amber crooned, her voice laden with sympathy. “I think Isabella has made other plans, though, so there’s no point in dragging this out. Come on. We’ll talk about other prospects while I drive you home.” Truck doors closed and the engine revved. Amber yelled, “I’ll see you this weekend, Issy. Make the most of your week!”

  As her truck disappeared, Adam stepped out. Having a timeframe laid out pushed his fevered urgency to the breaking point. He needed Issy. Today.

  Right now.

  She had her back to him, watching the dust settle after Amber’s truck departed. Sensing her melancholy, he stepped close to her, waiting, hoping she’d turn to him, touch him again.

  The heat of her small body lured him, and he cupped his hands over her shoulders. Her scent filled his head and, unable to resist, he drifted his nose along her nape. “Issy?”

  Resting against him, she whispered, “That talk?”


  “Do you think we could put it off for...oh, I don’t know.” Her voice deepened. “Maybe an hour or so?”

  He had one week and he didn’t plan to waste a single second. Gently turning her to face him and tugging her into full body contact, he brushed his mouth over her soft lips. “We can do anything you want.”


  Adam held his breath.

  “Let’s get to those weeds.”

  * * *

  WAIST DEEP IN the water, her hair pinned atop her head with sweat trickling down her temples and across her shoulders, Isabella cleared away weeds growing along the rock retaining wall. With every heartbeat she was aware of Adam a few yards up the shoreline, shirtless, his fair hair haloed by the sunshine, his shoulders bronzed.

  At first, after Amber and Wayne had left, Adam had seemed surprised that she didn’t want to go straight to bed with him. She did want to, but that would be nuts. They needed to talk.

  About so much.

  She didn’t understand herself, and it made her sigh—which drew Adam’s attention.

  He glanced her way, pausing to swipe a forearm over his brow. “Everything okay, Issy?” With his reflective sunglasses in place, she couldn’t read his expression.

  But she saw his small smile.

  “Yes.” Sort of.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about Wayne, about how bizarrely insistent he’d been. He was a good-looking man with a noble job where he helped others. Tall. Charming. Bold.

  But he wasn’t Adam, so none of that mattered.

  “You need a break?” he asked. “I can finish up here.”

  Talk about noble...the man had thought they would have sex. She’d seen that in his gaze. But when she suggested work instead, he hadn’t balked. And now he offered to let her off the hook while he finished alone.

  Isabella shook her head and wondered why she kept dragging her feet.

  It wouldn’t get any easier.

  In a lot less time, Adam had accomplished quite a bit more than she did, so they’d already finished pulling the weeds around the yard. Once they finished along the retaining wall, they’d be done.

  She heard a splash and turned to where Adam was last. All that remained was his sunglasses on the rock wall. Water moved around her and a second later he broke the surface right in front of her.

  Lake water slicked back his hair, emphasizing his dark sinner’s eyes. His scent was more pronounced, deliciously so. Issy touched his damp chest hair. “Guess you needed the break?”

  “I need a kiss
more.” He brought her against his incredible body, making her gasp as his now cooled skin met her heated body. “What do you say?”

  Nodding, Issy looked at his mouth and whispered, “I say yes.” Always, yes.

  She loved kissing Adam.

  As he slowly lowered his head, his smile faded. He skimmed his lips along her jaw, up to her ear. “Jesus, you smell good.”

  She clutched at his shoulders. “You do, too.”

  He kissed her sensitive throat, and one hand dipped under the water to stroke her back, down her waist, and over her hip.

  He leaned back to see her as he palmed her backside in the wet bathing suit bottoms. His eyes turned darker, heavy-lidded. When he hoisted her against him, she naturally put her legs around his waist.

  Wet fingertips trailed over her shoulder to her throat, then along the top edge of her bathing suit top. “You ever had sex in the lake, Issy?”

  Heartbeat thundering, she shook her head.

  “You’d love it,” he promised huskily. “And this cove is private enough to make it possible.”

  Scandalized, titillated, she whispered, “You mean..?”

  He smiled and lightly kissed her mouth. “Not this time.”

  What a tease! “Why not?” Now that he’d said it, she wanted it, damn it.

  “Because our first time I want to see you. Every inch of you. And that’s not possible with half your body hidden in the water.”

  “Oh.” Okay, that sounded pretty good too, because if Adam could see all of her, she’d be able to see all of him. A win-win.

  Those teasing fingers played with one strap of her bra-top, ramping up her anticipation until finally he slid it down her left shoulder, down, down, until he could carefully scoop her breast free.

  They both groaned.

  Adam didn’t kiss her—he was too busy looking at her, at the way his rough fingers held her pale breast, how his big thumb teased over her already taut nipple, sending ripples of sharp pleasure straight to her womb.

  In a voice gone rough, he said, “I need to taste you, Issy.”

  Her thighs tightened around him and she watched as his head lowered to her, as his tongue circled, teased, and then as his lips closed over her, sucking gently.

  So good. So, so deliciously good.

  Letting her head drop back, she arched her body, bringing their pelvises closer together. Good Lord, she felt the pull of his mouth in amazing places. He readjusted so that the hand holding her bottom could slip into her trunks over her bare flesh. His long fingers searched over her, making her squirm and gasp, before sliding over her slick sex. He didn’t press his fingers into her; no, he just teased, over and over, until she felt frenzied and couldn’t stop her hips from moving against him.

  Lifting his head, he groaned, “I’m on the ragged edge here, Isabella. Tell me you want me.”

  Words were beyond her. She was already so far gone that it amazed her. She tried to draw a breath but it sounded like a high-pitched cry instead. The water swirled around them.

  With wonder, Adam breathed, “Damn,” then eased a finger into her, testing her, feeling the slicker wetness of her excitement. “You’re close, aren’t you, baby?”

  Unable to think, she locked one hand in his hair, braced the other on his shoulder. “Adam...please,” she breathed.

  As his gaze searched over hers, it filled with satisfaction. “Whatever you want, honey.” Bending back to her breast, he drew her in again, this time not so gently. He worked a second finger into her, keeping them pressed deep as she rolled her hips, moving in the rhythm she needed, ready to break. Close. So close.

  But before she quite reached that critical peak, the sound of an approaching boat motor caught their attention.

  Apparently better able to think than she was, Adam dipped them both lower in the lake, letting the dock hide them.

  Gasping every breath, so incredibly close, Isabella wanted to cry. Her broken breaths sounded with disappointment and her body throbbed with need.

  She hid her face against Adam’s neck and struggled to catch her breath.

  Adam stroked her back. “I’m sorry, Issy. So damn sorry.” He glanced over the dock and cursed. After a quick soft kiss to her mouth, he freed his hands from her and let her feet drop to the muddy bottom of the lake. “Stay here. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Adam?” she whispered.

  He paused.

  Even though she’d been the one about to climax, he looked as turned on as her. Color slashed his cheekbones and his dark eyes burned.

  Isabella swallowed. “You don’t want to hide again?”

  “No.” He tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear. “Never again.”

  She hadn’t expected that, but she nodded. “They already saw you?”

  “I don’t think so.” His hand settled against her cheek. “But I’d just as soon everyone know that I’m here, with you.” He kissed her softly. “And why.”

  Her heart tried to lodge in her throat. “Oh.” She wanted to ask why, but said only, “Um...Okay.”

  Grinning, he said, “How about you keep that agreeable mood? I’ll get rid of these guys and get right back to you and then we’ll see what else you might agree to.”


  THE SLIGHT BREAK while Adam spoke to two fishermen gave Isabella a second to think.

  She’d been grossly unfair, and she knew it. Without any real honesty between them, she’d roped Adam in, making him think he’d be no more than a sexual fling for her. He assumed they could indulge a brief hook-up and then each go about their respective business, interacting at the school in a platonic way as usual, existing in the same small county without a single note of hard feelings.

  He had no clue that it would kill her to let him go. He didn’t know that, with Amber’s help, she’d targeted him specifically.

  Noel Poet’s words kept ringing in her head: Don’t play so long that Adam mistakes your sincerity for an amusing pastime.

  Physically, she wanted him. No way would she deny him now. But he had to know how she felt.

  He deserved the truth.

  She loved him, had for a while now, and it was past time he knew it, too.

  While Isabella removed the band in her hair and slowly dunked her head beneath the cool water, the two fishermen indulged in idle chitchat with Adam. He appeared to know them, and didn’t seem to mind when they made a few assumptions about finding him at her dock.

  In fact, he encouraged them to see the truth.

  “So you’re helping her with yard work?”

  “It was as good an excuse as any to hang around,” Adam said.

  Hearing that, Isabella went still.

  The men laughed, wished him luck in winning her over—ha!—and finally moseyed on.

  But they were no sooner gone than another boat showed up, this time a pontoon with Turley and the fireman she’d met at the carnival. She didn’t remember his name, but Adam helped remind her by saying, “Turly, Bear. How ya’ doing?”

  Bear, that’s right. How could she have forgotten that?

  “Where’s Isabella?” Bear asked.

  In a not-so-nice tone, Adam replied, “Why do you ask?”

  Turly laughed. “A day late and a dollar short, Bear.”

  “Is that so?” Bear asked, presumably to Adam since that’s who answered. “Did I miss my chance?”

  “You never had a chance,” Adam told him. “For damn sure, you won’t get one now.”

  Clinging to a dock pier, Isabella blinked. She had no idea how to take that. Staking a claim? On her?

  But...for how long?

  With the brief moment of privacy, she’d gathered a modicum of control. There was no reason to leave Adam to deal with the men on his own, so, after a deep breat
h, she hoisted herself up to the side of the dock.

  As she stood, she said, “Hi, guys.”

  All three men faced her. A beat of tense silence made her squirm. She tried a smile to put them at ease.

  Turly pushed back his sunglasses and whistled.

  Bear stared as if he’d never in his life seen a woman in a swimsuit, then swallowed audibly.

  For crying out loud. Hers was more modest than many, not that you could tell by his reaction. In fact, the way he stared, she was starting to feel naked when she knew most women on the lake were in skimpier bikinis.

  She was trying to think of something to say when Adam appeared in front of her. “If there’s nothing else, you guys can get lost.”

  Finally regaining his wits, Turly burst out laughing.

  “Now wait a minute,” Bear protested as the boat motor rumbled to life. “Amber said—”

  “Amber was obviously wrong,” Turly told him, and he took a sharp turn, angling the boat back out of the cove. Bear craned his neck to keep her in his sights, still trying to protest when they disappeared from view.

  “That was so odd.”

  Adam turned to stare down at her. “You just gave Turly a mild heart attack.” His hand opened on her waist, his thumb moving over her belly.

  “I don’t know—”

  “You are sexy beyond belief.”

  Isabella would have denied that, but he kissed her. Not a tentative kiss, but a ‘Let’s pick up where we left off’ hot, wet, involved-tongue kiss.

  Clinging to him, she kissed him back, and all the same sensations swamped her, putting her right back on that precipice of release.

  Adam inched away to look at her. “Your house?” he asked hopefully as he trailed his fingertips over her still damp shoulder.

  Her house, where they could be alone, where boaters couldn’t intrude.

  Where she could finally have Adam Sommerville in all the ways she wanted. “Yes,” she breathed.

  No, wait. Not all the ways she wanted...because she wanted him forever.

  He started to move but she stayed him. “Hold up.” God, this was harder than she’d ever imagined. “I need to tell you somethin’ first.”


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