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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 13

by Alejandro Marrero

  “I’m not a fool. You have the upper hand. Though I, Isis, will not aid you on your quest. I will also not hinder it. I’ve been around too long and am tired of the machinations of this world system. I simply wish to abide in my own comforts,” Isis spoke honestly.

  “I don’t need to hear speeches from the remaining five of you. A simple response will do. Are you intent on creating obstacles to our cause? Or do you intend to leave us alone?”

  “We will leave you and yours alone,” said Isis and the other gods except for Ra.

  “You are all cowards! How could you let this fledgling go unpunished for his actions? His very presence threatens our abodes and veils. The world will be unrecognizable should we allow him to succeed in further changing our world system!” Ra yelled. None of the other gods responded.

  “Alright. Well, we know where you all stand now. Ra, I will be stripping you of your godhood and all arcane powers. Your lifespan will still be for many Kalpas, but you will lose your powers permanently. They cannot be bestowed by any gods or immortal beings for the rest of your existence. The rest of you I release in your current forms with a warning. I have no ill-will towards you. However, if you go back on your words and try and hinder our quest, you’ll regret it eternally,” I declared.

  I unbound all seven gods. Then I crossed the shield, walked up to Ra, and sealed his seven energy centers. Reversing their spin and then winding them back clockwise in a slower and mundane fashion. He would still be immortal, for I wasn’t a bringer of death. But he would no longer be able to channel magicks. I then snapped my fingers, and he was unbound.

  The other gods looked at me with fear. I shrugged. I was honest.

  “Keep your words, and you have nothing to fear from me. Isis, please take Ra to wherever his abode is and out of our sights. You gods can examine him if you wish, but he is no longer a god. There is nothing any of you can do. The only way for Ra to reach a state of higher existence is through the accumulation of merit, wisdom, virtue, and practicing the path of the Illuminated ones. All beings are capable of reaching an enlightened state of no return. Now leave.”

  “You will regret this!” yelled Ra.

  “Hush, brother. At least you have your life and abode,” Isis told him.

  Then Artemis, Isis, and the other gods flashed away to wherever they decided to go. It mattered, not to me. They knew what I could do. They had no slaves that were brought before us anymore. Though I imagine they had servants and beings in their control in their abodes, it wasn’t my priority. At the moment, I just wanted to get things situated.

  “Okay, well, that was eventful in light of an influx of free and untethered Angels. I think we will postpone going to the Shadowrealm today. I’d like all of you Angels present that would like to join our cause to meet us at the fountain of the central gardens of Silver Leaf City tomorrow an hour after dawn. You’re not required to join us. You have free will, and it will be a perilous journey. We plan on liberating a lot of beings from suffering in the Shadowrealm. We plan on defeating Lillith, who’s fashioned herself a god and polluted the once beautiful realm of Lunaria. She’s supposedly very powerful and has tethered multiple beings to her will. We plan to defeat her. Restore Lunaria to its former glory. Find the key of fates to free all tethered beings and dissolve the veil. That’s the gist of it. If you wish to join our cause and we will welcome all the help offered. We will then see you tomorrow by the fountain. Otherwise, if that is not your path, enjoy your freedom and your oaths to be of benefit to beings on Terra,” I spoke plainly.

  “I will have lodging available at the tavern prepared at once, Donovan. I do hope some of our brave, newly liberated friends will join us on our quest tomorrow. Yet I agree it’s all their decision to make. Let us head back to Unicorn’s Bliss. There are also several other taverns available throughout the city to accommodate any of you who wish to stay and enjoy your first free day and evening in our fair city,” Quicksilver announced in agreeance.

  “Awesome sauce!” I exclaimed while putting my arm around Abbadon and heading away from the city gates and choosing to walk back to our tavern. I wasn’t going to have our unicorn friends shift for a quick ride cause it would feel racist. I know it's not, but it just doesn’t seem right. Hopefully, we will get some pudding.

  “First round’s on me!” I added even though I knew they’d be free.

  “As if Quicksilver or Spirit would allow you to pay anything,” Kendra added.

  “Hey, now my green goddess friend, it’s the thought that counts!” I retorted.

  “Well, I can certainly use a drink. There was way too much drama today. I do hope we have more volunteers to join us on our quest tomorrow,” Kendra confessed.

  “I think you’ll be surprised how many join your cause tomorrow, light-wielder,” said Azrael.

  “Just call me Donovan. Honorifics are meh. You’ll find we’re a pretty casual bunch here,” I told him.

  “As you wish,” said Azrael.

  “You can lodge with me,” said Leilah to Azrael. Ha! I totally knew that was coming. Actually, I really wanted just a day of rest for Leilah and her star-coursed one anyways. In the end, I’m a romantic at heart. Plus, you have to respect heart-boners. They are most definitely a thing.

  “I’d be honored. Thank you,” replied Azrael.

  I’m sure he was definitely going to be more than honored by Leilah. Still, whatever, I don’t want any visuals about that. I’ve got my own man. Let’s just hope that our actions did indeed merit the recruitment of liberated friends. I’m not good at math, but if Lillith took over a whole realm unbeknownst to the gods, she’s got to have an army. I’d need an army of my own to be successful in reclaiming back that land for my unicorn friends.

  We got to our lovely tavern and walked on in. We headed to the second-level to get comfy in the common area. Guess we’re going to need an extra chair.

  Chapter 10


  Well, we’re back at the Tavern. Day one of being a goddess, and I’m at a bar. Does everything start at a bar? Maybe. To be honest, I’m not sure, but I’m not complaining. The last few days have been a whirlwind, and I want to catch my breath.

  “Quicksilver, may we have a round of drinks and some of that incredible food your friends prepare here?” I asked.

  “Pretty please, with elderberries on top!” Donovan added.

  That young man’s universe is centered around food and sweets. Well, I guess Abbadon too. Who’d have thought that was coming? Well, I guess it was predicted by me but definitely not him and his star-coursed one to evolve into god-ascendants. Well, it’s not like I can complain. I’m apparently a goddess now. My powers I’ve yet to really analyze like I want too. However, this is fine. I’ve always kind of liked learning by experience, regardless.

  “I’ll ask Spirit to tell our kitchen staff to prepare food for all of us. I’ll bring some refreshments as well. I’ll be right back,” Quicksilver offered.

  “Thank you!” yelled Donovan. The mouth of my friend is something else. He’s definitely got the Spanish decibel cadence to everything he says.

  Everything Donovan does somehow works out for the best. I don’t understand it, but there’s wisdom in his actions. Even before I let us call it elevated to a goddess. I couldn’t help but admire when it was time to get serious, Donovan would sober up from his goofiness and deliver. His quick thinking, words, and even actions spoke of possessing a keen awareness and intelligence.

  Maybe it was a perk of being my loyal customer at Sacred Sun. Maybe it was all the classes and retreats he took. Or the hundreds of books he seems to devour more than rice pudding. Donovan is right to lead our group. Everything he intends is truly magical and kind.

  Wow. Did I just spend a minute contemplating Donovan’s virtues? What am I writing a dating profile for him? Honestly, it’s just nerves. I’m trying to convince myself everything is going to be fine. Yet my intuition is telling me this journey is going to be very difficult. Here in the Tavern, I’
m fine. I can handle a bar. The Shadowrealm seems dangerous. We will need a stronger force than just a few of us if we’re to succeed. This is probably the reason he took advantage of the situations the gods presented and freed their army. It’s like he knew they would get in the way without a show of force. Yet he was pretty nice about it, all things considered. He could have just ended the gods’ lives, but he chose not to. I don’t even wonder too much about why he did this. It’s in his very nature not to take life. I’m not sure how he’s going to get through the Shadowrealm without bloodying his sword. Does he realize we may have to do this? Doesn’t really matter, honestly. He’s shown he’s capable thus far and granted several of us incredibly boons. We’ll find a way to succeed even if it involves his goals of not taking lives. I wonder if he has a plan for what to do once we get there.

  Donovan stopped chatting with Abbadon a moment and looked at me, arching an eyebrow in inquiry. I guess he noticed me lost in thought. It’s not like Donovan can read my mind. Well, at least I hope he can’t. Can he? Can I, for that matter?

  Donovan got up and gave a kiss to Abbadon and squeezed himself in between Leona and me.

  “Que pasta?” Donovan asked.

  “Was it obvious I was lost in thought?” I asked.

  “A little bit. You’re usually more perky and talkative. Crack awesome jokes once in a while too. When you get all stuck in your head, of course, as my friend, I’m going to notice. So quit stalling. What’s happening in my nature magick-wielding goddess friend’s beautiful head?” Donovan probed.

  “You’re such a charmer. Nature, magick-wielding, beautiful, goddess friend? A little over the top, and you know it. I’m not one for honorifics either, so stick to Kendra, you dork,” I replied.

  Donovan just laughed between us.

  “Alrighty, Kendra. Seriously though, what’s up, friend? Is something troubling you?” he asked.

  Well, wasn’t that the million-dollar question?

  “To be honest, I’m nervous and was trying to pep myself up for our adventure tomorrow. I was thinking about how we’re going to handle everything with the few of us,” I admitted.

  Donovan smiled. Okay, that wasn’t reassuring at all.

  “I’m glad you’re as nervous as me, truth be told. I may not show it, but I’m worried about things too. I kind of wish we could put everything on time out and kick back and enjoy life a little bit. Not constantly have to battle gods, friends, conspirators, Angels, Slivers, and now Lillith. Plus, on top of this. I promised to restore the land of Lunaria. It’s like mega stressful,” Donovan admitted.

  “Well, I’m glad I’m not alone in being nervous. I, too, wish we could hole up in Silver City for a while and admire the view instead of having to head into the unknown. I feel your wish for this to be a vacation instead of a world-changing mission. How do you handle all that swirling in your head and still manage to smile? How do you simply exude confidence, know the right things to say or do in times of crisis?” I asked curiously.

  Donovan then put his arms around both me and Leona.

  “It’s simple, really. For starters, I have all of my friends. I think about us pals and the new friends we make and know that regardless of anything we face, as long as we face it together, it will work out. Don’t think I’m perfect, far from it. Most of the time, I’m usually winging it. The answer's kind of come to me as circumstances present themselves. I’m not omniscient, but I have a basic creed I follow. I try and ask myself this question often, ‘What would be of most benefit to myself and others?’ Using that as a base for my thoughts and actions seems to provide solutions. It’s no walk in the park, and it’s not always clear what to do. Yet, if it feels right, I follow my intuition and give it a go,” Donovan explained.

  “You’re a kind leader Donovan,” Leona added.

  “I have to agree, you’re honest and kind, an excellent leader. Just hearing you talk to us humbly eases my nerves. I trust you, and that makes it easier. It’s just amazing what you think up and does. It’s like magic is second nature to you as well. How do you wield your powers so easily?” I asked, genuinely curious.

  “Well, honestly, I have my theories. Really though, I think it’s mostly because of your shop Sacred Sun. I was lost a long time ago. I wanted healing and to find my faith in something. Your shop provided a complete and knowledgeable distraction to my personal woes. I took all your classes, and they all taught me something. I read your books. Listened to teachers speak. Before, when I was without any supramundane powers, I still believed in them. I somehow knew that if my faith was strong, enough things would manifest in time. I didn’t think I was anywhere near having things manifest so quickly, but here we are. My mind is also different now. I have pretty much a photographic memory. You both should notice this as well. Think of every book you’ve read and every class you’ve attended. You’ll find that you can remember every single detail impossibly quickly and even to the page number. Then you just set a goal and use your knowledge to achieve it,” Donovan confessed.

  “I have noticed this is true. Ever since the god-seed’s awakening in my heart center, I can recall everything in great detail,” explained Leona.

  I tried thinking of Sacred Sun. Then of each book I read, and he was right! I could recall it all. I could even clearly recall the scents, sounds, and moods of each past experience. Wow, that’s amazing.

  “You’re right! I never thought of looking back for knowledge. I was definitely trying to look solely forward. Now I get it. Thank you,” I said with gratitude.

  “We need more allies, though. This is something I’m sensing is important. Definitely not more enemies. That’s why I freed the Angels. Not only because it was the right thing to do and part of the ultimate plan. Also, because from what Quicksilver explained, Lillith has been amassing her armies for quite some time. We may be gods, but gods can die or be injured if we all think upon that evil sword. We definitely need allies. That’s why it’s important we help everyone we can at any opportunity,” Donovan stated.

  “You’re right. Your actions, I can see, will bring us allies. I don’t need to be a psychic to know that we’ve made a positive impression when freeing the Angels. I sense that many will join our cause. In fact, I think we will be pleasantly surprised tomorrow at the assembly by the fountain,” I said with conviction.

  “I have a feeling that’s the case too. I certainly hope so. It takes a village, ya know?” Donovan stated.

  “It most certainly does,” I agreed.

  “Hey, what evil sword are you talking about?” Leilah voiced from our left. She sat in a chair next to Azrael. Her apparent star-coursed one. I couldn’t help but wish for a star-coursed one too. I wanted it to be Leona. Yet I’m a hippy and apparently immortal, so time will present it if it’s in the cards. I can enjoy what I have with contentment.

  “The ArchAngels with the powers of all the gods combined turned your sword Verdadera into a god-killer when they elevated you to the rank of a higher Angel,” Azrael answered for all of us.

  “Those pompous, stupid, conniving, self-absorbed, buttheads! I want to wring their necks! They could have used it to harm you, Donovan,” Leilah exclaimed.

  “That was indeed their intent. The gods were going to have you get Donovan to do as they asked, then take your body over and kill him. They didn’t want another god in their world system,” Azrael confessed.

  Leilah stood up.

  “We need to get rid of Verdadera then and undo what they’ve done. My sword will not be used to endanger my friends,” Leilah said. She then undid her scabbard and put the sword right on the floor.

  “Wo, Wo, Wo! Calm down, Leilah. Your sword is no longer a god-killer. We had it reforged when you gave it to Quicksilver yesterday for safekeeping. We took care of that problem with Fevian, Abbadon, and Quicksilver last night,” Donovan admitted.

  “Oh. Wow! Sneaky little shit! I never suspected a thing,” Leilah confessed.

  “Well, that was kind of the point. You weren’t you
rself. We had to take care of the immediate threat right away. Then release you and Jeremiah,” Donovan clarified.

  “Well, you did the right thing. Thanks for being a ninja about it. Otherwise, the gods would have caused serious and fatal problems had they’d known,” Leilah warned.

  “Well, they can no longer spy on us. We’ve warded the entire city and tavern. We’re good. That’s in the past. What I really want to know is how many allies we can assemble for our journey. We have to restore Lunaria. We have to defeat Lillith and her army of arcanely gifted servants. Get to the Key of Fates and dissolve the veils. Some of the realms also overlap with populated areas of Earth. We’ve had to find a way of not endangering mortals too once the veil is gone. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us,” Donovan stated.

  “I wouldn’t worry about the free angels. I believe every one of them will aid us. You’ve given us something we’ve all yearned for in unspoken secrets for several eons. They will come to our aide,” Azrael said with conviction.

  “Sweet! Well, that’s good news,” Donovan said merrily.

  At that moment, we became aware of delicious aromas and scents of food wafting up the stairs and getting closer. My stomach growled at the same time Donovan’s did, and loudly!

  “Oops, well, I guess we’re both hungry,” I stated the obvious.

  “Awe, we’ve synchronized our hunger cycles! Death by Hugs!” Donovan yelled.

  That’s when Leona, Leilah, Donovan, and I came together for a big hug.

  “I do not see how that sign of affection is called Death by Hugs,” said Azrael.

  Then Quicksilver, Spirit, and our other unicorn friends came up the stairs with carts of food and wines... I tore my eyes from the evidence of our happiness and looked straight into the mirror and saw he was indeed correct. My eyes now were molten swirls of gold like his as were my wings.“Don’t underestimate the power of Death by Hugs. It’s a supremely powerful magic that Donovan shares freely,” quipped Quicksilver.


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