Sacred Moon: Book 2

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Sacred Moon: Book 2 Page 19

by Alejandro Marrero

  “OM MANI PADME HUM,” I chanted. Then all my friends joined in to chant the sacred mantra. Sacred and powerful rainbow-colored syllables filled the space around us, empowering us with compassion, mental fortitude, and a feeling of peace we all deserved. Then I ported us to the central chamber much to the surprise of the royals. If their shocked and open-mouthed expression left any doubt. Hopefully, I didn’t break weird Elven porting etiquette.

  “Apologies for our tardiness, Your Majesties. We spent a great deal of time yesterday evening gathering intel relevant for our meeting today. We gathered it last night after we parted to your generously prepared lodgings in the western spire to be specific. We’re here now with more knowledge and resolve to restore your realm’s peace,” I said to Queen Esmerelda and King Emeris with a bow that all my comrades mirrored. The royals and their council seemed to relax visibly following my words.

  “Forgive our reactions, Donovan. We were unprepared, nor knew you could travel instantly to the Chamber of Lands. No apologies are necessary. We’re aware of how expansive the palace is. What news have you gathered since we last spoke?” Queen Esmerelda inquired after she regained her regal composure.

  “It is a lot to explain. However, we will share it with you. Yet, it is pivotal that it be spoken only amongst those with perfect trust. Those who are aligned with the goals of saving your realm. Do your majesties trust everyone present in the Chamber of Lands?” I asked, already knowing it may ruffle some feathers but was essential to know before I cast a sphere of privacy.

  It was of great importance that our plans not be revealed to those who would use our information for their own causes and not the greater good. In a brief reading of the auras of all those present, I was wary of one individual assembled.

  “I can say confidently that my Queen and I want what is best for our realm and its people. Including trusting our assembled advisors. We are sometimes at odds with how to handle our Kingdom’s affairs like any other realm. However, our advisors have been assisting us for much of our reign. We’ve not witnessed anything to our knowledge that those amongst us are disloyal to our realm and its citizens,” stated King Emeris. To which I nodded.

  “I understand, and your majesties’ words ring true. However, I must be certain of your noble advisors as well. With your permission, may I ask your present advisors for an oath of their truly aligned intentions to be of benefit to your realm?” I said while my friends took their positions casually surrounding the edges of the intricately detailed map on the floor. Thereby being in a position to immobilize anyone should they not be well-intended.

  “Yes, you may. These are the days where we must work together in perfect love and perfect trust for our people,” Queen Esmerelda explained truthfully.

  “Thank you, your majesties. This won't take long as there are only five of your advisors present,” I stated the obvious while I walked up to the first Emerald Elf Advisor.

  This advisor was the closest to my position. The elven advisor was tall, only slightly shorter than the royals. Her eyes were a pale silver. She had robes similar to the other advisors of forest green with silver piping, Cinched at the waist with a silver chain that was clasped and draped midway down her robe. Similar to all the Elven people, she had an otherworldly beauty. Longer pointed ears, and a simple pendant in silver of what looked to be a sun with a small princess cut emerald in the middle. An amulet it seemed all the advisors wore as well, A symbol I now recognized was predominant in the palace and its accessories here. One day I’d have to ask about the symbology of the Sun and emerald. Now was not that time.

  “What is your name and intentions for your monarch’s realm?” I asked in a friendly, conversational tone, For I sensed her intentions were good. Her lavender and pink aura said as much.

  “My name is Estmya, Donovan, and it’s a pleasure to formally introduce myself to you. My intentions are to guide, counsel, and protect the interests of our King, Queen, and our people,” she stated honestly with a slight bow to her head.

  “It’s a pleasure properly meeting you as well, Estmya. I’m grateful for your presence and dedication to your realm,” I stated sincerely.

  Then I walked up to the next advisor who was taller than the king. He was equally dressed in robes as his other advisors and had the same necklace as Estmya.

  “What is your name and intentions for your sovereign's realm,” I asked. He had kind violet eyes and introduced himself.

  “My name is Erequinn. I, too, am honored to formally introduce myself to you, Donovan. My intentions are aligned with our people and our benevolent sovereign, King Emeris, and Queen Esmerelda,” he introduced.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you formerly as well. Thank you for your commitment to your people.

  The next advisor was equally adorned as Estmya had startlingly green eyes. There was a depth in her gaze that one without mental fortitude could get lost in.

  “My name is Enestia, I’m too am honored to meet you, Donovan. As I am also honored to be aligned with to benefit our sovereign and people.” She stated with confidence and weighted words to me. I nodded my head in response and moved onto the final two advisors.

  One with light green eyes formally introduced himself as Erikai. The other, an amber-eyed advisor, introduced herself as Esma. They spoke of their intent to benefit the realm, their sovereigns, and their people. Honestly and humbly. It was a pleasure to meet them, and I told them as much.

  “Thank you all for introducing yourselves and giving your oaths towards the benefit of King Emeris and Queen Esmerelda and their people.”

  I then froze time with a wave of my hand and cast a privacy sphere with a thought, which my friends noticed and fortified as well. Everyone except my friends was immobile. It was a gamble as I knew from past experiences with the Fae that this time magick didn’t work on them. Apparently, though, it worked on the Emerald Elves.

  Then I threw a few tumbled Herkimer quartz at Enestia’s feet. Then restarted time, which invoked gasps from everyone. Either way, my intent was done. The quartz cemented Enestia’s feet and grew in transparent, translucent, and white points like a lattice immobilizing her. It held her in place. The quartz was not only to immobilize her but to also protect Enestia’s body from the three tethers I noticed on her. She had one going towards her head, heart, and throat energy centers. With the powers of cleansing that Herkimer quartz stones were noted for, I approached her.

  “You, Enestia, are bound and visibly tethered to Lilith and the Shadowrealm. I have placed a block protecting you from her influence. Or from the fear I gather in your eyes, retribution from being caught. I can feel Lilith, I assume, trying to regain control of your tethers as we speak. Her efforts, though, are futile. Speak freely and above all, with honesty. I am merciful.

  “I can also sever your connection to Lillith easily. This will grant you freedom from her. Who are you really, what were your intentions for the Emerald Realm, and what would you seek if you had your own choice in the matter?” I stated while ignoring the shocked expressions I saw on all the other advisors and the King and Queen.

  She looked down to gain her composure. Well, as much as you can while being immobilized. Then met my gaze.

  “My name is, correct, Enestia. You’re right that I have been tethered to Lillith, for now, hundreds of years. I was once friends with a Unicorn named Wellakai in Lunaria. One day after not hearing from him for a long time decided to take leave to visit. When I appeared there, it was no longer the Lunaria I once knew. It was a dark, polluted, and infertile land. The scent of Sulphur and decay was ever-present. It had beings that had been corrupted and serve only their queen as a goddess Lillith.

  “Lillith quickly noticed my presence in her lands through the eyes of her tethered retinue. Of which consists of Unicorns, Dark Elves, Light Elves, Wood Elves, Fae, Witches, Seers, Mystics, Slivers, Kindreds, Weres, Vampires, and an enormous shadowy dragon. A dragon that simply circled the skies of the wasteland that was once Lunaria leaving trails of
wispy gray smoke in its flight paths.

  “I was captured by two Weres and brought to a huge palace made of Iron built into the eastern face of Mount Mesrial. The iron in the palatial fortress weakened me considerably. By the time I was brought into the throne room of Lillith, I was already perspiring, pale, and weak. It took an hour or so on foot to reach it.

  “I was then thrown unceremoniously by the Weres to the base of the steps leading to Lilith’s massive golden throne. It was adorned with gems of every color and sigils I didn’t recognize. On the throne sat the dark-winged Queen drinking from an opulent and equally gemmed golden chalice. She was adorned in the most elegant clothing without any armor.

  “By this point, I felt my life force weakening. It was as the very air was poisoned. Lilith then spoke to me with a voice that sounded celestially blessed. She told me that she had been waiting for an elven of importance to arrive in her domain. Lilith spoke some incantation, and I could breathe easier. I felt some, but not all of my strength return. She then had her guards hold me down. She summoned one of her attendants. Her attendant was a woman with severe-looking grey eyes that looked eerily similar to the green goddess friend of yours, Kendra.

  “Her attendant’s name I came to find out was Lilliana. Lilliana brought a silver goblet to Lillith. Lillith pricked her finger and let a single drop of blood fall into the goblet. Then Liliana added what appeared to be crushed gem powder and wine into the goblet. Then Lillith spoke an incantation over the brew, and with the guards holding my mouth open, poured its contents into my throat.

  “I fought hard to spit it out and not swallow, but the tincture would not leave my mouth. My mouth was held shut, and my nose was being pinched closed. I would either lose consciousness or swallow, so I did. Then gasped for air. Then I felt like ropes of energy came from my head, throat, and heart areas and attach themselves to Lillith. Power flooded me, and I was released. My will then bound to Lillith. She told me of her intentions for me to return to the Emerald Realms and assume my duties as an advisor as usual. She then caused me unbearable pain for a moment that nearly took my will to live away then stopped. Lillith told me that was just a taste of what was in store for me if I betrayed her.

  “Lilith stated plainly that she would be able to witness every one of my actions, thoughts, and words, while I was back in my home realm. All she asked was to never mention meeting her or the state of Lunaria. I was to resume my advisory duties as if I’d never met her or anything malevolent happened. She’d planned to use any knowledge accumulated throughout the hundreds of years as a royal advisor tethered to her when it suited her.

  “Please release me from her control. I love my people, queen, and king. I only went to Lunaria to visit my unicorn friend Wellakai. He was nowhere to be found. I’ve done nothing to my knowledge that would imperil our realm. I’ve even worked tirelessly to benefit the people of our fair realm. I beseech you to please release me. Punish me as you see fit, but don’t allow her to have continued control over my life or freedom!” she concluded with a plea that stirred up a lot of hushed words from those assembled.

  ““You speak honestly, Enestia, and have granted us a boon of information unbeknownst to Lillith with my magicks. I will release you from her tethers. She is not a goddess. Her tethers, though strong, are nothing compared to the tethers of gods and their Angels. I’m sorry about your friend Welakai. We’ll do our best to restore Lunaria and overthrow Lillith. I see good in you now that you’re temporarily severed from Lillith’s control. I will now remove the tethers,” I stated to the audible sighing relief of Enestia.

  I walked around to behind her and grabbed the three tethers outside of the quartz lattice, fisting them with my left hand. I then held the tethers between my left hand firmly with my right hand. Then I chanted the purification mantra, “OM VAJRASATTVA HUM,” to the tethers' entry points on Enestias’ three energy centers. The golden syllables escaped my mouth and landed on the tethers to the right of my left fist. With an audible snap, they were severed. It was easier than I thought. Easy, peezy, lemon squeezy! This was good news, indeed! Lilith was indeed not as powerful as the pantheons of this world were.

  Then the tethers which I still held in my left fist started to pulse violently. Time for some karma! “Ever mind the rule of three. Whatever you send goes back to thee,” I said in a Wiccan prayer and sent a trickling of my power and intentions back through the tethers until I could feel Lillith’s screams. Then I let go, and they were gone.

  I dissolved the Herkimer quartz lattice holding Enestia in place, and she fell down to the floor. Tears spilled freely from her eyes, and she said, “Thank you,” between sobs.

  I chanted the compassion mantra, “OM MANI PADME HUM,” thrice and its rainbow-colored peaceful Sanskrit symbols bathed Enestia. She stopped sobbing and stood up and hugged me.

  “I’m free! I can feel it. I’m truly free! Thank you, Donovan!” Enestia exclaimed with sincere gratitude, then released me and bent the knee to her King and Queen, asking for their mercy and forgiveness.

  Before they could utter a response, I interrupted them. “King Emeris and Queen Esmerelda. She has suffered enough. She spoke truly, with sincere remorse, and has indeed helped our cause gallantly. Without Enestia, I wouldn’t have discovered the strength and weaknesses of Lillith’s tethers. I even sent back the pain she was sending through the now gone tethers directly back to Lillith, who’s most likely recovering from unimaginable pain. Enestia was and is devoted to her duties as an advisor and is of benefit to your realm. We’re mere guests and allies in your Kingdom. We will honor your verdict in regards to Enestia. Still, I implore you to be merciful,” I said with conviction, and yeah, I may have brightened the room by releasing some of my golden Auric weavings. What can I say? Sometimes you have to use the power of light to dispel the darkness.

  The King and Queen looked at each other then down at Enestia.

  “Rise Enestia, loyal advisor of the Emerald Realm. What you’ve been through has been penance enough. All is forgiven. Take your place amongst your brethren advisors. We must now take back our lands,” Queen Esmerelda said with a kind and regal voice.

  Enestia then rejoined her Advisors, who all welcomed her back with loving arms. The Emerald Elves were indeed a benevolent people. One of the hardest things in life is to forgive. Forgiveness is sometimes merited as it was in this case. Let it be known that we should all forgive but not necessarily forget.

  “Now that we are indeed in a wholesome and trustworthy company. Let’s bring you all up to speed on what our liberated Angel friends and Kendra have discovered since yesterday. Pahaliah and Kendra report what we’ve learned. Hold nothing back from our allies. Tell them of Shunyata, Draconinious, Madera, Shangrila, and the Iron Sky realms as well,” I explained to them.

  Let them do the talking. I knew the tale already and pretty much just wanted a meal break or something before we left the Champer of Lands to rid the land of Lillith’s invaders.

  I sat down while Pahaliah explained the Reconnaissance gathered. Then Kendra added her telling of her divination as well. While Kendra was wrapping up and all assembled were fielding questions, I looked down at the map and saw more dark grey spots moving in earnest. It looks like the meal break would have to wait. Nucking Futs! Can’t a guy get some food before the shit hits the fan? Apparently, not as I noticed, the invaders had begun their nefarious plan.

  Chapter 17


  Through mind-speak, Donovan called my attention to the realm map in the Chamber of Lands. I looked down upon it, and there was indeed now a flurry of movement from the invaders. They appeared to be gathering near bodies of waters, no doubt, to poison the water supplies and realm. It was now time to take the fight to them. Hopefully, with a bit of luck to prevent the tainting of this realm.

  “Apologies for interrupting your Majesties and honorable advisors, but the invaders seem to have started assembling in mass. We will need to leave the city’s safety and engage with them at once
. If they are successful in polluting the land through the bodies of water where they’re gathered near would be challenging to reverse. I also sense it would be a great danger to the Emerald Realm,” my beloved Donovan said with confidence to those gathered. Who, in turn, all looked down to confirm his words.

  “Donovan is right. We must make haste. I believe the invaders surrounding the city can be ignored for now. Especially with its current shielded protections. I’m familiar with these areas of your realm, as are all the other Angels in our entourage. We can port half of the Silver Leaf City’s army guard to assist us. The other half, I think it prudent they stay here at your command Majesties or on the ready should we need them.

  “I believe we should start at Green Mount Lake. It’s the body of water with the highest elevation. It seems all other rivers, creeks, streams, and other bodies of water are fed by its immense waterfalls. The grey spots are indicating there are several invaders already there and more on their way to join them. Though how they’re assembling so quickly is unknown to me.

  “Kendra, Leona, Leilah, Azrael, Quicksilver, Donovan, and I will teleport there in haste. Jeremiah, Pahalaih, Spirit, Jetsunma, Swift, stay here in the City for now. We will need your help here. Spirit, Pahaliah, and Jeremiah, we will be teleporting any wounded by Lillith’s retinue directly to the city’s central square. There, please have some pavilions ready for any injured allies we port to you. Jetsunma, please stay here in the Chamber of Lands and keep your attention to the map on the chamber floor. Mind-speak to all of us any tactical information or changes in their moves or formations.


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