Sacred Moon: Book 2

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Sacred Moon: Book 2 Page 31

by Alejandro Marrero

  “Yes, we must never forget their heinous complicity in horrific past deeds. Let us freshen up and get dressed. I’ve already appraised our friends of their ArchAngel’s desire for an audience. They’re not pleased as they were all rather engaged in other activities. However, Kendra divined that it would be of benefit to hear them out. Therefore, all our friends agreed to meet us at the shores of the Emerald Coast. Donovan prefers they wisely remain outside this realm’s fortified shielding,” Azrael explained. I’ve got to hand it to Donovan. He was definitely wise when it came to conjuring up a solid plan on a moment's whim.

  “Alright, we will meet up with our friends. Then we will communicate with the knuckle-headed dingle-bats where to come meet us. Let them say what they have to say,” I assented.

  “As you wish, my beautiful wife,” Azrael replied to my joy. It was the first time he referred to me as his wife, and I was going to bask in the afterglow of that. I knew it was one of many times he’d refer me to me this endearing way. I just wished we didn’t have to spoil our evening or lose sleep with the unknown that lay ahead.

  “My sexy husband. I’ll never tire of hearing your loving words,” I confessed, also wanting to assure him no matter what was in front of us, he’d always be my star-coursed one and husband. At hearing my endearment, he smiled and kissed me softly with passion. Then we got ourselves ready to meet our friends, both of us dressed intimidatingly for battle. Oh, and how I secretly hoped for that opportunity with those ArchAngels. I’d love to knock them off their high horses a peg or two.

  Chapter 30


  Well, the good news is my best friend, Leilah, got herself the wedding of the year award. Officiated by two Buddhas, by the way, which is like wow! A first for Angelic kind, by the way. I also have totally out-eaten the Dragon, King Oro. Which may I point out, means I am well-fed. Seriously, Oro is such a cool dude. Befriending dragons should be a thing. Met all the sovereigns of the free realms too. They all seem incredibly kind, though definitely different in personalities. Either way, it was definitely convenient now that we’d be visiting realms where we were known to be welcomed. I totally am on schedule with that task. Not that there’s much of a schedule. Kind of seems like the shit hits the fan then spits it out in every direction these days. Yeah, let us not think about that because eww.

  With my friends' help, we secured the Isle of Mu and the Emerald realms with impenetrable shielding. Also, more importantly, we’re on our way to the beach! Yes, yes, there’s going to be some pissy ArchAngels most likely meeting us on that coast. Yes, they probably wanted to kill me or ruin our day. I get it. Totally computes. Also, it’s basically the crack of dawn by the time Azrael gave us the news. They’re either early risers, or they didn’t get much sleep at all. Fairly sure someone is going to be moody. Considering how late the reception went and the fact it was their wedding night, I imagine they’ve not even hit the hay. Luckily we have discovered we don’t need to sleep as often. This is apparently a side effect of our states of being. Basically, when a god or immortal being says they’re going to take a nap or go to bed, it’s probably not to sleep. At least not after such a romantic wedding. Seriously, no wonder the immortals speak of time flying by. You basically never stop.

  Anyways, my point is it totally feels like a weekend, and the early morning sky is sunny and bright. Which is why I’m totally looking forward to some fun in the glorious and sacred sun. I most certainly plan on it. Even on arguably six hours of let’s call it ‘enthusiastic cuddling,’ I felt great. I had a pep in my step. I may have skipped a bit just now too. As I bounced all around our chambers to grab supplies. The Emeraldien climate was tropical folks. Oddly no mosquitos. Which means to heck with Florida’s unofficial state bird! There were still lots of small critters, a ton of fireflies, and willow wisps. Way cooler! They were pretty, but hey, they’re pretty much going to bed as the sun begins to rise. Or hang out in the massive forests of this realm. Who knows? Moving on.

  So the Floridians, which were Kendra and me, were going to make the best of it. Everyone simply didn’t know it yet. However, I’m an opportunist right now. We all need some beach time. We didn’t even get any penciled in at the Isle of Mu. See, food makes people happy and grants them fun ideas. We all just need our snickers, and we’ll all get along. Or at least not be hangry. It’s a legit thing.

  I threw pretty much our whole chamber in my void-murse. Yes, I have come to terms with the fact it’s never going to be considered a messenger bag. Even though it totally is. Whatever, moving along. I’ve got several sets of towels, food, snacks, several canteens full of water and bubbly. Some sheets to put down on the sand and even some cool Emeraldien shorts. The shorts kind of looked like clam diggers since it seems we’ve stepped into cotton-loving tunic-wearing peoples on our adventures. Whatever, it would work. I’m not letting anyone change my mind.

  “You do realize I have most of those things in my void-pouch already, babe,” Abaddon said, grabbing my attention. No, I didn’t know that. I mean, it makes sense considering he’s been around forever. Probably stuffing his pouch that long too. However, I was a gentleman. I don’t go through other people’s stuff. Star-coursed or not, I really am content being surprised at what everyone brings out of theirs. I just wanted to be the practical one, too, for a change. As my friends had been to me. When they choose to bring out the objects in their possession to share, that’s when I’ve seen it. Not going to snoop. That’s just rude. I will take their thoughtfulness as inspiration to do better, though!

  “Color me shocked. You have everything in there. No, babe, I didn’t know if you had this stuff. I just figured since we’re going to the beach, we should be prepared for an epic tanning session,” I replied with excitement. I genuinely was excited too. Absolutely, no faking my excitement. Hmm… now is there anything else I’m forgetting? Oh, that’s right, some tents. “Babe, you have some lean-tos or tents in there?” I asked him.

  “Yes, I have tents, pavilions, canopies, parasols, seating, and enough to go anywhere and be comfortable,” he admitted. Abaddon is my handsome and booty-luscious sexy man. Perfect, then everything was set.

  “Alright, well, let’s go meet the others at the palace gardens. I’d like to get this whole ArchAngel stuff dealt with. Hopefully, before midday and not waste any sun,” I replied while slipping onto my greenish shorts and a sage-colored, mostly open-chested sleeveless tunic. There’s so much green in fashion here I basically looked like I was wearing a romper.

  “You do realize we’re about to meet the ArchAngels, right?” he asked.

  “Absolutely, we all heard the same message. I’m just prioritizing. I’ve gathered all I need to know about the ArchAngels from when you courageously bared your mind to us. I get it. Their moody, pissy, conniving, arrogant, buttheads hell-bent on bossing everyone around while doing nothing. Never get their ‘hands dirty’ kind of butt-heads. Not to mention phenomenally nefariously harbingers of shitty news. Leilah’s given me the epic run down on Uriel, Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael. Either way. I’m not going to lose sight of the fact I haven’t been to the beach in months. I need it. Heck, we all need it. Vitamin D is terrific for you. You certainly like my vitamin D, ” I snickered and explained in my own way what I knew of the ArchAngels.

  “At this point, beloved, I’m just going to follow your lead. You somehow always find an intuitive way to make things right,” Abaddon said, then magicked off his armor and dressed more like me. Only he had black shorts and tan sleeveless, tunic too like mine. Seriously, he makes everything look good. I tucked some rolled towels under my arm. We put on some sandals.

  Then when we were done getting ready, I said, ”Alright, let’s meet the gang in the central gardens. Let us start this hopefully awesome day.” Following my words, we ported to the palace gates and walked out to our friends.

  The sun was coming up behind them, which made their silhouettes look badass. Overdressed badasses, but that’s okay. They can change. Once we made our way t
o them, I noticed Azrael, Leilah, Bezaliel, Pahaliah were in armor. Like head to toe, plated and ready for war kind of armor. Holy heck! Did they polish their armor all night? They looked deadly. Kendra, of course, looked like a celebrity in disguise. She had the right outfit. She was wearing a beautiful sundress awash in colors, almost like a rainbow tie-dye and a big hat. Leona, Onyxia, Swift, Spirit, Fevian, and Jeremiah were pretty casual too. Usually, the Unicorns and Kindred were. Quicksilver was armored but not like Beza. I could already feel Leilah’s annoyance from here. Wait for it. Her brow is pinched, eye glaring slits, and lips pressed into a thin line. Ah, here it comes.

  “What the effing heck? Both of you too!” Leilah roared. Hmm. Okay, someone was in a mood. She should have stayed for dessert last night. “We’re going to see the bloody ArchAngels for crying out loud. The same ones that tethered me and made a god-killing sword. The same ones who leashed me and very likely planned or are planning on killing you. Why do you look like we’re going to take a leisurely stroll in a park or go swimming?” Leilah asked, rather loudly.

  Hey, it was early morning. Just cause we’re awake doesn’t mean Leilah has to go around waking everyone up. Some people sleep in. You know? Even in my excitement, I wasn’t going to make such a loud scene. I knew better than telling anyone to calm down, though, when they were that emotionally charged. Earnestly best advice ever learned. If a person is ever acting the opposite of calm, do not tell them to calm down. It’s like it infuriates them even more. Still, I had to respond. There really was no avoiding it. Certainly didn’t want us to carry this vibe to the coast.

  “Yes. I know who we’re going to meet. Yet, also most importantly, I know where we’re going to meet the ArchAngels. That is the Emerald Coast. That, my friends, means we’re going to the beach!” I exclaimed. Kendra followed my words by cheering. Wow, she must be hitting that Emeraldien tea early. That stuff was earthy but insanely caffeinated. Enough to even give me a rush.

  “Called it! If there is a coast on a cloudless day, we’re heading there. Then we’re going to get some fun in the sun. Floridian rules everyone,” Kendra said very sagely. See, she gets it. Of course, being a nature-goddess seer certainly helps too. She probably used her runes to figure out what the day entailed. Or she had her beach blinders ‘cause it was indeed a beautiful day for the beach.

  Let it be known Kendra and I were beach people. After years of rainy summers with only occasional sunny weekdays in Florida, we were severely deprived of beach time being nine-to-fivers. Many times working weekdays at the call-center then helping out at Sacred Sun. We just didn’t have the weather on the weekends or the time to get to our beautiful Floridian shores. That totally sucked. Not today, though, folks. Not today. Way too much drama the last few months. I’m taking any chance I can get to chill. We were ready to hit the Emerald Coast for some tropical rays.

  “Yeah, what Kendra said. Floridian Rules people. It’s totally a thing,” I stated proudly.

  “Don’t look at me, Azrael. Donovan’s my star-coursed one. I’ve learned when my beloved has his mind firmly set on something, there’s no point getting in the way. It’s good couples' advice. Pick and choose your battles. Plus, he’s right. Who am I to deny Kendra or Donovan their Floridian beach rituals. Floridian Rules, he says it’s a thing. I’m going to accept it,” my man Abbadon came to my defense. Awe, isn’t he the greatest. Mine, mine, mine. Seagulls and all! All of him gloriously mine. Best star-coursed mate ever! I rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek and threw up a privacy shield that everyone noticed.

  “Listen, I get it. Most of you have a horrible history with the ArchAngels. Yet look around and think of all the things we’ve accomplished together. You’re not the same people you once were. You’re free. All is good. Leilah, love you, honey, but planning your wedding, which was epic, was also mentally taxing. Have you ever tried to unite a bunch of realms, guests, city residents, and set up for a kick-butt extravagant wedding in one day? No. You haven’t. So don’t answer that. My point is the ArchAngels gave you a call. For all, we know it could even be a butt dial. Basically, it’s like being paged or having a beeper. They’re not exactly able to summon you. You don’t even have to answer the call. Or call them back or hear them out. We will, of course, meet with them because we choose to hear them out. Yet there’s no need to look like you’re about to go into battle with Lillith herself. The ArchAngels are tethered, Angels. You’re all free, more powerful, and even more blessed. Have faith in yourselves, everyone. We’ve got a good tribe. Let’s get some free time in the sun today and watch or surf the waves. Keep those asshats waiting for once. You no longer serve them. Let’s teleport to the coast. Find a good spot to lay out some blankets, towels, canopies, and set up breakfast. Enjoy some after wedding honeymoon moments while you can. Trust me, it’s always one thing after the other. Plus, in a few hours, we have to head to Madera then Shunyata. Oh, and let’s not forget King Tryst. He has some new gnome technologies he wants to share with us at the Iron Sky before we visit Draconious,” I finished saying.

  Time for a breather. The endless chatter in my head was on overdrive. You know it is okay to get overwhelmed. It’s not like I’ve built a solid routine outside of mundane life. It’s been one crazy thing after the other. Maybe when we’re beaching it, I’ll engage in some meditation. Be aware of the ins and outs of my breath. Breathing in the salty fresh air, exhaling all the tension. With each breath slowing down and sinking me deeper into meditative concentration. Chant the mantras of purification over and over again until I was totally zen.

  “I think we should get ourselves set up comfortably by the shielded coast first. Then we can answer the ArchAngels’ call. Hear the reason for the ArchAngels’ summoning. Then we can simply relax and unwind a bit and enjoy some of this beautiful sunrise before we head out on our respective missions. I have a sense that soon, we’re going to experience some unwanted challenges or possibly changes to our plans. Might as well enjoy some beach time before the world-saving drama unfolds,” Kendra added. Not exactly the order, I wanted everything planned, but since she was currently my magic-eight ball, I’d listen. The world-saving drama comment worried me, though. She probably didn’t even realize she said it with all her beachy excitement.

  “I agree. Since you’re in a hurry to figure out what the ArchAngels have to say, we can do that first. We’re still having some beach time. At least an hour or two,” I said in affirmation. Leilah seemed to defuse herself a bit at that.

  “You’re right. After all the amazing work you all put into our wedding, we shouldn’t let these butt-heads spoil our moods. You are correct. Some downtime is good to seize when it manifests itself. I still don’t trust the Archangels. Neither should any of you. Their presence is never a good sign,” Leilah explained, sounding more level-headed. This was a total relief to all of us. You could feel the tension evaporate a little bit.

  “Yup noted. ArchAngels equaled bad juju and were the harbingers of misfortune. Got it,” I replied. The fact of the matter is that they were still tethered to their gods. I planned on severing those tethers should they want it.

  What can I say? I’m not cool with anyone being anything but their own master. Slavery is a corrupt, horrible memory of our world. I’m not going to let it emerge from the shadows once we merged the realms. We then ported to the eastern coast. Well, I think it’s eastern as the sun is rising in that direction. Either way, it was beautiful. There were definitely outcroppings of rock jetting out on the sides. In between the high water-worn rocks were pristine white sands. Felt like being in our own personal cove. An endless eastern sea of water that looked crystal clear in the shallows. Being a Floridian, you kind of figure sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Not actual east to west like I imagine the equator to be but whatever. If the sun is rising from that direction, then we can tan for a bit on one side, then flip to tan the other. Seriously having a strong case of beach brain right now.

  “Wow, this is a great spot,” declared Kendra as she st
arted to unpack her beach supplies onto a large blanket. She and Leona stretched out their beach sheet and put towels on them. They even brought out a giant copper vase-shaped vessel that Leona conjured ice in. They then set some bottles of bubbly and juice to chill on it. Wow, my friends were thoughtful and awe, my mimosa loving friend.

  “I brought some bubbly too! Sangria for Abaddon since he’s a wine guy. There’s plenty for everyone,” I said as Abaddon, and I set up our own beachy spot. He then put down another sheet behind us and set up a rather huge pavilion. We threw some rugs in there, set up a dining table set, and some seating. Even included some leather round ottomans for people to sit on. My star-coursed one was definitely a glamper. Guess we had someplace for the shade enthusiasts.

  Looking around, it seemed everyone was pretty much done doing the same thing. Beza, Quicksie, Pahalia, Jeramiah, Onyxia, Fevian, Swift, and Spirit all got themselves into more appropriate beach attire. This left only Azrael and Leilah in their battle gear. If we could sweat as much as mortals, I imagine they would be very sweaty soon. As the sun was blazing, the heat felt good on my skin as I took off my shirt and lay back with a pillow supporting me somewhat angled upright to admire the endless ocean gentle waves. Abbadon then came to join me and lay similarly next to me. Ah, this was nice. The sun had indeed risen, and it felt so good as it kissed our skins.


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