Sacred Moon: Book 2

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Sacred Moon: Book 2 Page 35

by Alejandro Marrero

  Anyways, as I was pointing out in my mental barrage, many things have happened since the horrifying news of Lilith’s plans and her elevation to a dark goddess. For one thing, in perfect love and trust, my star-coursed one Leona, and I completed our bond. We bared our minds fully to each other with the mantra of Manjushri, the Wisdom Buddha, ‘OM A RA PA CANA DHI.’ It was of great importance to us both to know each other entirely with no secret or walls between us. This was our means to begin eternity with a foundation of honesty, which is the bedrock of any good relationship. Then in a state of selflessness and compassion, we expressed our eternal love for each other. Then without expecting anything other than a permanent star-coursed bond to my forever mate, Leona and I both ascended to our surprise.

  The ascension came as a shock. When it came to Leona, it was definitely a quite literal shock too! Our eyes had changed into matching fiery swirls of violet. They legit were luminescent and glowed brightly in the light and in darkness. We were now both two star-coursed goddesses who had ascended. My powers over nature and intuition increased tenfold. I had greater control over my visions and gained seer like powers. Leona’s powers and mastery over the water elements also increased with her ascension to include the powers of lightning. We kind of found out about her deadly electric new-found powers while being intimate. I asked her to lock the door as I can be a bit of a prude. Doesn’t matter that I considered myself an extrovert. Which kind of comes with the territory of retail. I wasn’t about to offer a free show to any passerby, especially with how Leilah tends to just bust into every room whenever she wanted with barely a knock. Leona waved her hand casually at the doorknob at my request to lock it. Well, that didn’t work out as she intended. She ended up blasting a hole through our chamber door with a lightning bolt. Like I thought earlier, a literal shock.

  Well, let me say yeah, that was a crazy way to figure out her ascendant powers. However, with a wave of our hands, we created a privacy-sphere that distorted any image of ourselves with the violet swirls of our arcane powers. Then resumed expressing our now fully solidified star-coursed affections for each other. Blasted door or not, this chic was getting her groove on. Plus, I got a little sun on those short two hours we spent on the Emerald Coast. My skin was extra sensitive from the sun’s warm tropical kisses. Of course, that beach day was ruined by the ArchAngels. Either way, we had our own special door-fixer Donovan that could repair the damages Leona made to the chamber door.

  When we were freshening up, the room suddenly wavered like a mirage. I fell into a mental kaleidoscope of horrifying images that took my breath away in a gasp. I felt and heard Leona flash to my side to catch me from hitting the floor. Instead, I fell into her loving and grounding embrace. I knew what was occurring around me. However, I had the mental fortitude to know it was important enough to continue focusing on my vision, cataloging it all quickly despite its painful, evil, and shocking frightfulness. With my intuition increased, I had just fallen into a terribly vivid clairvoyant premonition a few breaths ago. It was beyond unpleasant, and I was visibly shaken by it.

  Lilith had found ways to tether more beings through two of her new and dangerous minions. All of us were in peril. She was genuinely evil, strategic, and ambitious in reaching her goals. Lillith planned to use our own distractions to save the humans and our allies to her evil advantage. She aimed to add leashes to not only the vulnerable humans but even some of our friends. When the room came back into focus, I looked up into Leona’s violet, fiery-hued, and glowingly fierce eyes. “I will share with you what has been shown to me. Though we best move on from the wash-room to the bed or you may similarly be affected by what you will see, my love,” I explained to her. It didn’t ease her obvious concern, but she followed my advice.

  Through our star-coursed bond, I efficiently relayed my vision to her, which brought fresh tears and a shudder to both of us. I then sent waves of assurance that I was fine after what had suddenly occurred. I had a plan. It was a hasty one, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. The universe is always pining for balance. I’d use my gifts for the highest good and to our advantage. We may be able to combat this upcoming threat with this foresight and quickly evolving plan of mine. I weaved another privacy sphere with a flick of my wrist in violet swirls. Leona added her own weaving to it as well with the colors of her inherent magicks of blue and silver.

  “We must all urgently assemble the sovereigns of the allied realms and journey to Draconious immediately. With haste. All of us must offer each leader we trusted from those realms the gift of godhood should they welcome it. They will, and for the sake of our sacred realms by the sun and moon, they must! For the safety of their people and those mortals on the planet as well. Not everyone could be elevated into gods. However, it was critically important for the great balance of all things to share this gift with the worthy. In this case, my vision showed me it would be the sovereigns that attended Leilah’s wedding. They will need it urgently, or they too may be defeated in a fortnight,” I explained to Leona in our sphere of privacy.

  “I agree, my beloved. If we are to succeed in the monumental tasks that lay before us, we would need to split our forces. This means we will need to have as much accumulated power as can be virtuously acquired to fight honorably and wisely at several places at once,” Leona said in support. She was also correct. We couldn’t be multiple places at once. We would indeed need to divide our forces to have a chance at winning. She trusted my vision, though through the bond. I could tell she was concerned that I had fallen into her arms. Now that I knew the telltale signs of an oncoming vision, I’d be ready for it next time. Though I sincerely hope the next one is more pleasant news.

  We gathered our supplies. Then with our hands intertwined, I flashed us to the royal receiving realms of Queen Esmarelda and King Emeris. When the violet swirls of magick faded, and everything came into clear focus, our friends were already assembled. Assembled and staring with their mouths open in shock. Well, I guess my teleporting skills have a bit more pizzazz now. The violet swirls of it are new. I quickly threw up a privacy-sphere. As above, so below.

  “Nucking Futs! Friends, you both ascended too,” Donovan asked in genuine surprise.

  I looked around, expanded my awareness, and then noticed Donovan was correct. Most of us present had signs of ascendency, the nine chakras spinning incredibly fast, and our eyes blazed in different colors. Leilah, Azrael, Donovan, and Abaddon had their energy centers and eyes spinning in fiery molten-golds. Quicksilver and Bezaliel had nine molten-silver swirling chakras that matched their eyes. Those two, I realized, have the powers of earth and minerals. Pahaliah and Jeremiah’s nine energy centers and eyes swirled in fiery green. My intuition also revealed they would be a pair of phenomenal healers of both body and mind. I couldn’t think of any power better assigned to them. Everyone would indeed be needing those level-ups for what lay ahead.

  “Yes, we have. Congratulations to those of you who have as well. Pahaliah and Jeremiah, since you’ve been wondering what your gifts may be. You’ve been blessed with the powers of light and healing of both spirit and body. Quicksie and Beza, you’re both conjurers of earth, metals, and minerals. Remember the strengths of a diamond, and use it to your advantage for what lies ahead,” I shared with them to their surprise. We had little time to waste, and it was best they knew of their powers, for it would be of use soon. Plus, let us avoid more chamber door incidents.

  I’d like to say I was shocked by this, but my new-found gifts as a seer in the back of my mind came to expect it. The universe always finds a way to right the scales. Either way, not all who were granted god-hood would ascend, my intuition told me. Only in instances of perfect love and trust could one ascend from a godling to a god-ascendant. They’d also have to be balanced perfectly by a star-coursed partner, with a fully developed bond. Even then, to ascend, they additionally needed to cultivate both wisdom and compassion to achieve this higher state from a place of selflessness. It was also only granted
to only those with virtuous intents with the blessing of the stars. It is only through the darkest and most vile of rituals that Lilith would have the possibility to elevate herself from a dark goddess to a twisted form of shadow-ascendancy.

  “Kendra now has more potent powers and control over nature magicks. However, more relevantly, Kendra is now a powerful seer. She’s had a sinister vision, and we need to leave immediately for Draconious. Forgive my forwardness in commands. I ask of this in perfect trust. Pahaliah, mind-speak with your Angelic brethren and ask them to teleport the sovereigns of the seven realms to the palace of King Oro and Queen Rhea. Explain its urgency in privacy. Since there is a council governing my realm of the Silver Leaf Fae, please bring Sagitario,” Leona explained to everyone and directed Pahaliah to mind-speak his intentions to his brethren.

  “It is done. The angels already are appearing in the seven realms and explaining the urgency of the summons in privacy-shields. They will meet us at the Dragonkin palace,” Pahaliah confirmed.

  “Your majesties, both of you will need to come as well. Your realm will be in good care with Onyxia, Jetsunma, Fevian, Swift, and Spirit here in their newly elevated states till your return,” I asked of our friends, the sovereigns of this realm. We must have representatives from all the realms for this task.

  “I can speak for both of us when we say we trust you all completely. You’ve done much for our people. My husband, King Emeris, and I will join you as you must have a great purpose for us in mind. We place our trust in you. Our five friends,” Queen Esmarelda said, turning to the unicorns in their human forms, “to stay here and care for our realm like it was your own, till our return.” Those friends of ours staying behind bowed in acceptance and understanding. Appreciating the great faith her Majesty had placed in them and us.

  “Alright. We’re already running out of time. Donovan, Abbadon, Azrael, Leilah, Pahaliah, Jeramiah, Quicksilver, Bezaliel, Leona, and your majesties join hands,” I instructed. Then with my perfect clairvoyant vision of the magnificently impressive center of the massive throne room of Queen Rhea and King Oro, I teleported us in a sphere of violet eddies. When the violet energy dissipated, King Oro and Queen Rhea rose from their thrones quickly. As we were suddenly surrounded by polearms by giant Dragonkin shifters in their humanoid forms. Wow, are all Dragonkin so tall? As soon as I thought this, the answer came. I knew the answer was mostly correct. There were indeed some smaller, but for the most part, Dragonkin were basketball players kind of tall.

  “Guards at ease,” Queen Rhea commanded authoritatively. Then all the polearms were pulled back, and the royal guards stepped back to their former positions. There were countless guards and Dragonkin in their full Dragon form on every terraced courtyard landing between impossibly high arches. The Dragons were all different variations of colors, size, and shape. Instinctually I knew King Oro and Queen Rhea had been preparing well for the battle with Lillith in advance. I sensed a great mass of Dragonkin's minds outside the palace. King Oro had a personal vendetta against Lilith. Especially for her actions in deceiving Queen Rhea, his beloved wife, and causing undue suffering to his star-coursed one. This much Leilah and Azrael had already apprised us with.

  All of our arrived friends bowed respectfully in unison to Queen Rhea and King Oro.

  “We welcome all of you as honorable guests and friends, please rise,” King Oro added. We did as he asked. Then, after we rose from bows and Oro’s words, I saw Donovan throw up a privacy-sphere encompassing us all. The King and Queen noticed his weavings and walked regally closer to us with their brows arched inquisitively and foreheads pinched in concern.

  “Your majesties, my apologies for the unannounced visit, but we must act in haste. I’ve had a prophetic vision of grave importance. We will soon be joined by the sovereigns of the other five realms in fifteen seconds. Then Leilah will need to shroud us completely from being observed or heard from absolutely anyone. I ask you to place your faith and trust in us respectfully,” I explained as the King and Queen were now standing poised an arms-length from us.

  “We trust you, Kendra, of course. As you wish it, so shall it be,” Queen Rhea said while letting her royal guards know what to expect with an intricate gesture of her fingers that looked like a form of sign-language.

  Following the Queen's words, five flashes of Angels appeared. They came accompanied by Sagitario and our allied pairs of sovereigns from the other realms. King Trist, Queen Mauve, Queen Padme, King Tenzin, King Rowan, Queen Hazel, King Lux, and Queen Lumena were now present. My friends and I turned and bowed to them in kind. Then rose. We were all friends, and truth be told, there was no time for such formalities. We extended our sphere of privacy around them.

  “Welcome your Majesties and our allied friends to our realm of Draconious,” Queen Rhea said warmly to the visiting sovereigns. They also notably arrived at exactly fifteen seconds as planned. Good, I thought, my seer-gifted visions are proving accurate.

  “Forgive us, but we don’t have time for formalities. You all were invited here and are our trusted allies and friends. As the sovereign representatives of your respective realms, your presence was important,” I said.

  The royalty came to join us in the massive and elegant throne room. I’d have to admire the beauty another time. Though it fit Leilah and Azrael’s description of it in every described detail from their previous visit to reunite Rhea with her beloved Oro.

  I poured out violet eddies of magick from my hands clockwise to surround those of importance assembled. My friends responded in kind, adding their own magicks observed in their respective colors. Then Leilah shrouded us entirely, and the throne room faded entirely from view. Above us, it looked like the view one would see from a place that had no light pollution. This was similar to the cosmos and stars in Leilah’s now golden edged wings. Incredible amounts of twinkling stars and galaxies swirled in the sparkling night sky-like conjuring of hers. For a moment, you could only see the starry night and the eerie fiery glow of all our god-ascendant eyes. Then Jeremiah and Pahaliah conjured five floating orbs of light that illuminated our space. Now it was as bright as daylight and the stars faded from view.

  “By now, you have heard of Lilith’s plans for the mortal realm and yours. I can confirm she is indeed now a dark goddess. She has also found a way to use some of her arcanely gifted minions to shackle you all to her will without the need for her presence. That is indeed her plan. Each and every one of you in attendance at this very moment will be shackled in less than a fortnight if certain precautions are not taken. You may think that your forms, stations, physical strengths, and mental fortitude will protect you. However, in this vision, it did not. Every one of you was turned into Lilith’s slaves,” I explained, which visibly shocked everyone assembled from their regal poses.

  “You speak truthfully, Kendra. However, how is this possible? Lilith would have to be present as a goddess to do such a grave thing,” Pahaliah asked in concern. Then as a chorus, every one of the sovereigns except for Sagitario, Queen Esmarelda, and King Emeris voiced their disbelief. It was getting loud as everyone continued to chorus their objections to the outcome I described. I even saw myself scanning back over my vision using my photographic memory to make sure I had every horrid detail right. I was beginning to shake from revisiting the memory and those objecting around me. Leona was sensing my worry and dismay from those questioning how they could be defeated then used her newly found powers. She clapped her hands together, and in a flash of near-deafening thunder, everyone stopped speaking. They froze in place, silenced. I took a deep centering breath to find my balance and regain my mental fortitude. This was expected. How could anyone take this news without a response unless they had a meditative fortitude?

  “You’re majesties. We’ve earned your trust. At least grant us the patience to continue hearing what Kendra has to say without distressing her,” Leona said with a tone that dared any to argue her point. I have to admit it’s nice having her coming to my rescue. Thank the stars for t
heir incredible blessing that granted us our star-coursed mates.

  “To those assembled, I will project my vision in your mind. However, answering Pahaliah’s question first may explain to some of you how this will come to be. Lilith has now awakened two Archdemons of old from their slumber and their hordes,” I answered. At the word ‘Archdemons,’ Bezaliel, Pahaliah, Azrael, and Abaddon gasped while Leilah appeared confused at her mate's reaction. I sensed the liberated Angels would understand the gravity of our situation though I did not know precisely how. Apparently, they were familiar with Archdemons. We’d have to speak of this more later. Any information could be of use when it came to these new players entering the board.

  “I knew those two remaining Archdemons would come back to haunt us when they evaded our capture eons ago,” Bezaliel admitted. This confirmed my thoughts that the Angels of Old would know of these formidable foes.

  “They’re not only back and powerful beyond imagination. The Archdemons are aligned with Lilith’s intentions to take dominion over the whole of terra. They’re how she has been able to elevate herself to a dark goddess. She is using their long-forgotten magicks. We’ve all witnessed the sigils on the monoliths at the battle of Green Mount. These were demonic scripts I feel you're aware of. The Archdemons are sharing freely with Lilith the means to achieve her goal of transforming into a shadow-ascendant goddess. Also, to take over the entirety of the planet. The Archdemons are aligned with Lilith willingly though they will free themselves once their hidden agendas are fulfilled. There are several potentialities in the future for the Archdemons, I sense. Both of them have a specific vendetta against all the ArchAngels. Which explains why the ArchAngels probably wished to be unbound. Even worse, though, is their hatred for all of the inhabitants of Terra and its realms,” I explained. “They seem older than any inhabitant in this world system. Ancient and gifted in dark magicks of immense powers. They seem to think this world belongs to them.


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