Wilder Revelation

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Wilder Revelation Page 26

by G. K. DeRosa

  “It’s really something else, isn’t it?” she asked him.

  “That’s for sure,” he answered, quickly recovering.

  “Brian, you have to promise me you won’t do anything stupid like pull out a kitchen knife or something,” she said. “We have to stick to the plan.”

  “Okay, okay. I already got the talk when we were back at Stellan’s, remember? You can even search me for weapons if you want,” he said, putting his hands up in mock surrender.

  Celeste gave him a quick punch in the stomach and he dropped his arms. “I’m serious,” she said. “I can’t lose you.” Her words hung in the air for a few moments as they both thought about their lost friend, Natalie. They each knew what the other was thinking, but neither said a word.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll stick by Marie and never leave her side,” he promised.

  Marie and Stellan suddenly slowed down their speedy pace and the rest of the group obediently followed, forming a tight cluster. The forest had opened up to reveal a jagged cliff that ran along the perimeter of the woods.

  “I believe this is it,” said Stellan, pointing toward a small cave partially hidden in the brush.

  “We’ll go check it out—you all stay here,” said Roman. Before Celeste could say a word, he and Nico vamp-sped over to the hidden entrance of the cave. She and the others waited anxiously in the shadows of the tree line.

  Seconds later, they were back. “They’re in there,” said Roman. “I could smell your mom’s scent and definitely Brazen’s as well. Besides that, it stinks of werewolves in there.” Roman rubbed irritably at his nose, trying to get the stench out.

  “There are two werewolves posted at the entrance, and there’s only one way in,” said Nico. “I checked around back too, but there’s nothing.”

  “Okay, we’ll have to make do,” said Celeste.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” asked Roman, turning toward her and putting his hands on her shoulders.

  Celeste nodded determinedly.

  “Let’s go then,” said Roman.

  The first thing Celeste noticed when the initial uproar of clashing weapons, maddening howls, and vicious snarls began to fade away was the stench pervading the interior of the cave. It was a disgusting mix of wet dog and rotting flesh. Even with her normal human nose, it was enough to make her want to gag. She choked it down and held her breath then continued in as the clanging of weapons echoed all around her. Luckily, they had caught the werewolves unaware, since most had still been sleeping, with the exception of the two guarding the entrance. Roman and Nico were leading the attack and had dispatched the two stunned sentinels to the Abyss before they even knew what was happening.

  Celeste peered further into the murky cave, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of her mother. All around her, sleepy werewolves were rising to their feet in shock as the intruders slashed their way into their hideout. Celeste glanced over to her right and saw Marco engaging a beefy werewolf with a huge scar across a semi-closed eye. Marco was taking advantage of his opponent’s blind spot and had quickly gotten the upper hand. To her left was Nico, tussling with a smaller growling wolf whose hackles were raised. He proved no match for Nico’s swift moves and own razor sharp fangs. Celeste hazarded a quick glance behind her and saw Marie and Brian holding the back of the line. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw one of the wolves creep up on their left side, growling and salivating. Celeste screamed, “Watch out!” Before it got within striking distance, though, Marie blasted him with a ball of fire from the torch she carried, sending him scurrying away while whimpering pathetically.

  Relieved that all of her friends were somewhat safe, Celeste continued forward, following Roman and Stellan farther into the depths of the cave. Neither Brazen nor her mother was anywhere to be found, and Celete was getting more anxious with every step she took.

  “They’re close, I can smell them,” whispered Roman as the battle raged on either side of them.

  Three huge werewolves appeared before them, forming a wall of fur and muscle as the group turned a dark corner. The wolves were dirty and grimy but the rage in their eyes warned of the strength and fury buried just under that gritty surface. Roman didn’t hesitate, lunging for them at full speed with fangs extended. Celeste followed his lead and attacked with the Wilder sword held high. The third werewolf, the smallest of the three, went for Stellan but found himself hurled back off of an invisible but impenetrable wall each time he leapt at him. Stellan kept the snarling guy at bay with waves of his hand, blocking his dives at every turn.

  Celeste whipped her sword at the massive werewolf who had picked up a wooden club the size of a small tree trunk. As big as he was, he moved surprisingly quickly. She thrust her sword at his hairy chest, but he dodged the brunt of her blow, escaping with only a jagged cut across his forearm. Though still in human form, his hands had turned into long pointed claws and sharp fangs were protruding from his upper lip. He snarled at her as they circled each other cautiously.

  Off to her right side, Celeste could see Roman battling the larger werewolf, and he seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Neither was using a weapon, relying only on brute force and sharp teeth. Roman had the guy cornered against a wall, and it seemed only a matter of time before he dealt the deathblow.

  Celeste’s opponent was still circling her from a distance, cradling his wounded arm. The Wilder sword was lethal to all supernatural creatures, and its effect on the man was similar to that of a pure silver weapon. The gash on his arm would take longer to heal than if a normal blade had inflicted it as the poisonous silver penetrated his skin. She took the opportunity to go on the offensive, springing at him again with the sword. He blocked the blow with his club, but the powerful blade nearly chopped it in half. Celeste could feel the incredible power surging through her, and it felt unbelievable. Somehow it felt different than ever before, giving her an intoxicating sensation that she enjoyed immensely. Taking advantage of the adrenaline, Celeste struck another blow, decimating the wooden club into nothing more than splinters. The werewolf took a step back and found himself against the cold rocky wall without a weapon. She didn’t hesitate, knowing she had him cornered, then thrust her sword squarely into his chest. The burly man’s eyes bulged open for a fraction of a second, and then his massive body collapsed to the ground.

  With her opponent taken care of, Celeste glanced around in search of her friends. Roman had severely maimed his attacker, who lay huddled in a ball on the floor. Roman was now assisting Stellan in finishing off the smaller werewolf. Celeste peered back toward the light where the opening of the cave was and saw the outlines of Brian and Marie. They were safe and standing guard at the entrance. Nico and Marco were a few steps behind her, both fighting more werewolves. Celeste couldn’t believe how many still remained. It seemed as though no matter how many they killed, new ones sprang up out of nowhere.

  She ran up to Stellan who was leaning against the side of the cave, his shoulders drooping and his face exhausted. “Are you okay?” she asked worriedly.

  “I’m fine,” he insisted. “I just need a moment to rest.”

  “Stellan, why don’t you wait up at the entrance with Brian and Marie? You can guard against any reinforcements being sent in.”

  “No,” he said shaking his head emphatically. “We must continue forward.”

  Celeste eyed Roman from across the cavernous space as he finished off the small werewolf, snapping his neck with a mighty twist. She signaled to him and he was at her side in a flash. Following Stellan, they trudged even further into the darkness with Nico and Marco trailing a few steps behind. Finally, they came upon a fork in the terrain and two dark tunnels opened up on either side.

  “Which way do we go?” asked Celeste, finding that her evil radar couldn’t distinguish between the two paths.

  “I can’t tell,” said Roman, sniffing at the air. “The werewolf stench is too strong down here, and it’s blocking all the other smells.”

  “We’ll just have to sp
lit up,” said Nico.

  The group nodded in agreement and Nico and Marco took one side while Roman, Celeste and Stellan took the other.

  “Be careful!” she shouted to Marco and Nico as they disappeared down the narrow tunnel. Splitting up was not part of the plan, and it never seemed like a good idea to her, but they didn’t really have much of a choice. Again Celeste tried to convince Stellan to stay back, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. She was starting to understand how he felt when trying to protect her, to no avail.

  Stellan led the way, lighting the dark pathway with a torch he conjured up out of thin air. Even that small act of magic seemed to have taken a toll on him. Celeste watched him worriedly as they trudged on.

  “Stop!” whispered Roman after a few steps. The three of them came to a complete standstill. He perked his head to the side trying to make out the noise. Suddenly, a loud whooshing sound echoed through the narrow space and a violent sandstorm came whirling toward them from around the corner.

  “Get down!” yelled Roman.

  The particles of sand and dirt spiraled all around them, forcing them to the ground and to cover their eyes and mouths. Celeste gasped and choked as the sand beat down on them, forcing its way into every open orifice. After the longest five minutes of her life, the winds ultimately began to settle along with the mounds of sand piled everywhere around them. Spitting and spluttering to try and get all the sand out of her mouth, Celeste was finally able to take in a breath of clear air.

  “Is everyone all right?” Roman asked, rising from the grave of sand that had settled around him.

  Celeste nodded weakly and Stellan picked himself up off the ground, wiping away the sand from his tattered robe.

  “What was that?” asked Celeste, her voice hoarse.

  “It must be the fairy, Astrid,” Stellan answered. “We must be getting close now.”

  “You’re right,” said Roman, rubbing his nose to get the remaining sand out. “I think I smell them.”

  Celeste’s stomach began roiling right on cue. “There’s definitely something supernatural and bad nearby.” They turned the corner and caught a glimpse of a faint light in the distance. “Look, what’s that ahead?” she asked pointing. Roman’s superior vampire eyesight could just make out the light outlining a door a few yards away.

  “It looks like a doorway of some sort,” he answered and took off toward it. Celeste and Stellan ran behind him trying to keep up. When Roman reached the small wooden door, which looked like it had been built directly into the rock, he paused and listened.

  “Are they in there?” asked Celeste breathlessly, when she finally caught up to him.

  He nodded his head and placed his index finger on his lips. Once Stellan joined them, he raised his hand and began a silent count down with his fingers. When he got down to one, he kicked the door open with a mighty blow, ripping the door off of its hinges. Roman led the charge with Celeste right behind him and Stellan close behind. As Celeste’s eyes adjusted to the light of the dim room, she saw a familiar form huddled in a dark corner.

  “Mom!” she cried, dashing toward her. But just before she could reach her, Brazen darted in front of her, his massive form blocking her path.

  “Watch out!” shouted Roman.

  Celeste hesitated for only a moment and then raised her sword and began slicing at Brazen with it. He ducked and dodged nimbly as she continued her onslaught, the cuts healing almost as quickly as she could inflict them. Roman and Stellan ran to Celeste’s side, but a powerful wind knocked them both back and sent them crashing to the ground.

  Stellan, a bit dazed from the tumble, looked up from the floor and noticed a petite girl with ivy green hair hidden in the corner. “Roman, help Celeste; I’ll take care of the fairy,” he shouted, motioning toward the girl. Roman sprung up and raced toward Celeste and Brazen who were locked in fierce battle. Stellan took a moment to steady himself and slowly pushed his frail form up off of the damp ground. He walked deliberately toward the fairy and let a bolt of blue energy fly from his outstretched hand. But Astrid had seen him coming and had enclosed herself in the safety of a protective shield. The blast bounced off of the translucent barrier as she grinned smugly.

  Stellan let out a frustrated grunt. He hadn’t counted on the fairy being able to use witch magic as well. With both hands outstretched, he blasted her with a bright white flash of light, which encompassed the entire protective bubble around her and sucked it up into the ether. Astrid’s face twisted into a pout as she realized her shield was gone and Stellan was fast approaching. She quickly glanced skyward where a large sinkhole had formed on the surface. It was big enough that she could see the sun and clouds in the sky. With a twitch of her nose, the white clouds began to grow dark and ominous and rain began to patter down to the earth.

  Stellan felt a few drops of rain on his nose as he walked toward the girl, but paid no attention to the growing storm threatening just overhead. When he had moved within arm’s distance of the fairy, a bolt of lightning shot through the skylight above and hit Stellan directly, knocking him to the floor with a sickening burnt smell.

  Though Celeste had been busy battling Brazen, she saw the flash of light from the corner of her eye and cried out when she saw Stellan hit the ground.

  “No!” she screamed, as she spun away from Brazen and ran over to Stellan’s crumpled body. She immediately lowered her head to his chest and breathed a sigh of relief when she was able to detect a slow but steady heartbeat. “Enough!” she yelled at Brazen as she saw him advancing toward Roman. She stood up and stalked toward the bloody werewolf. “You want the ring? You can have it. Just let us all go.”

  Brazen, weary from the fight himself, nodded and held out his hand eagerly. Astrid came out of her hiding spot and joined him in the middle of the room.

  Celeste slipped the white gold ring off of her right hand and threw it at Brazen. He caught it in mid-air and examined the sparkling sapphire in his meaty hand. There was a slight pause as he turned it over in his palm, but then seemingly appeased he shoved it into Astrid’s hand. She took the ring and ran over to a corner where the Albsurori grimoire magically appeared. She hastily began flipping through the pages.

  “Now let my mom go,” said Celeste.

  Brazen nodded at Astrid, who walked over to Mrs. Wilder and blew a silvery powder into her face. Celeste’s mom slowly opened her eyes and sneezed as she drew in a breath. She looked around at her odd surroundings with a puzzled expression, but when she saw Celeste, her tense features visibly relaxed. Astrid helped her to her feet and walked her to where Celeste and Roman stood. Roman put his arm around Mrs. Wilder and quickly led her out of the cave.

  As soon as her mother was out of harm’s way, Celeste picked up her sword and sunk it into Brazen’s chest before he even knew what was happening. Astrid’s eyes sprung open in shock as she began to twitch her nose. Before she could conjure up another windstorm, Celeste punched her in the face with a swift blow, sending her sprawling to the ground.

  “Impressive,” said Roman as he appeared at her side again.

  Brazen was on his knees growling as he yanked futilely at the sword buried deep in his chest.

  “Where’s my mom?” Celeste whispered to Roman.

  “I found Marco and Nico just outside—they had doubled back when their tunnel dead-ended. They’ve got her and they’re taking her out of here.”

  “Thank you,” she said, caressing his cheek, which was now covered in bloody grime.

  In the corner, Astrid had regained consciousness and was mumbling the incantation from the grimoire, holding the ring tightly in her hand. “It’s not working!” she yelled.

  Celeste and Roman’s eyes twisted in her direction and Brazen took advantage of the momentary distraction. He sprung to his feet as the Wilder sword clattered to the ground. He swung at Celeste with his powerful claws but Roman jumped in front of her without a moment’s hesitation. Brazen could have easily taken her head off with that formidable swipe but instead,
Roman was tossed to the ground with deep bloody claw marks in his chest. Celeste whirled back toward Brazen, fury rising inside of her. She glanced back at Stellan’s breathing but unconscious figure slumped on the floor, and the darkness began to filter into the corners of her eyes. The rush of power was intoxicating, spreading through every inch of her being. She let out a blood-curdling scream, picked up her sword off the ground and hurled herself at Brazen, delivering a flurry of lethal blows.

  Brazen jumped back, surprised by the sudden onslaught. Ducking, he grabbed a sharp knife from the floor. He held it up menacingly as Celeste sneered at him with pitch black eyes. She let out a sinister chuckle and with one arc of her sword, sliced his hand off and watched the knife rattle to the ground. Brazen’s eyes went wide as he howled and clutched at his maimed arm. He leapt at her with his fangs extended, but she shot out her arm to send a brilliant red flash of light exploding from her hand, the hand wearing the cloaked Albsurori ring. It sent Brazen flying through the air. After bouncing off the rock wall, he landed in a heap in the damp dirt.

  “Celeste!” shouted Roman, who had finally been able to gather enough strength to move, dashed toward her. “Please look at me,” he said, as he turned her face toward his. There was nothing in her eyes but pools of inky black. “Please come back to me Celeste, it’s over now.” He shook her a little, but there was no response. “Nico!” he bellowed at the top of his lungs as he scooped her up and cradled her in his arms.

  Moments later Nico appeared in the entryway. “Get Stellan,” he said, motioning toward his still body. “We have to get them out of here.” Nico obediently picked up their mentor and carried him out. Roman turned to leave with Celeste in his arms and then rushed back to where Astrid sat cowering in the corner.

  “It didn’t work,” she kept mumbling to herself as she clutched the ring in her trembling hand.

  “I’ll take that,” said Roman as he extended his open palm while keeping Celeste cradled in his other arm. She tossed it back to him spitefully. Roman slipped the white gold ring back on Celeste’s hand and smiled as he thought about how perfectly it complemented the antique gold one on her other hand. He spun around on his heels and vamp-sped out of the narrow corridor to join the others.


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