Infinity: Soulmates 2

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Infinity: Soulmates 2 Page 6

by Sienna Grant

  He sighs heavily as he pulls from me and looks at his watch. “Ugh, I have to go and I’ll have you know, I have to go meeting with a stonker.”

  I burst out laughing at his choice of words.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “I think it is, I’m sorry.”

  “Want to go out later, my treat?”

  “Yes, to going out, but no to the treat. You paid Saturday.”

  He kisses my forehead then my lips quickly, winks at me then turns toward the door. He smiles as he walks out the door. “Enjoy your coffee.” He adds as he struts confidently past the office window and out of the garage.

  I shuffle off the desk and sit back in my chair, take the lid from my coffee and take my cookie from the bag. I break a piece off and let the chocolate goodness ease away my worries for a few minutes, then I get back to work.

  Considering I thought this was the worst day of the week; Adam has just completely turned it around.



  Walking back into the garage later that day feels like Deja vu. I go to the office first to see if she’s in there - she’s not. I walk back around to the front of the workshop and see one of the guys.

  “Hey, have you seen Darcy.”

  “Who’s asking?”

  I raise my eyebrows and smirk at him. “Um, Adam why?” He raises his chin at me, still nothing. “And you are?”

  “Stephen. You’re the one whose truck she worked on…”

  “Good memory but it was only a couple of weeks ago. Pleased to meet you Stephen.” I put my hand out to shake and wait for him to take it in his.

  “Are you two friends then? Only I’ve never heard of you.” He shakes my hand as he questions me.

  Smirking again I go on, “Look do you know where she is.?” I don’t want to get impatient but really - he’s pissing me off now.

  “She was working on a car at the back of the garage.” Before I can say thanks, he’s talking again… “Look I’ve known Darcy a while now, she doesn’t need more piled onto her plate than she already has.”

  “Are you warning me off her by any chance?”

  “I’m just saying I won’t stand by and watch her get hurt.”

  I tap him on the arm, smile and say, “You got it Steve, I have no intention of hurting her, so you can sleep easy. I get where you’re coming from but don’t stand in my way. I like Darcy and I’m an easy going, person but I won’t be threatened either.” I smile at him again before I turn away, prick!

  I walk around to the back of the garage, I don’t see her until I walk a bit further on and see her bent over a car. I could stand here all day and look at that image.

  I stand there and admire for a minute or two and then let her know I’m there. I tap her on the shoulder lightly. She looks over her shoulder at me.

  “So how much longer you gonna be then?”

  “Hey,” she says beaming at me, “give me ten minutes to finish this, get washed up and I’ll be ready.”

  Nodding I grab some tissue and do the very thing I wanted to do the first day I met her; I wipe the oil from her face. She’s sexy as fuck. I lean down kiss her quickly. “I’ll wait in the office.”

  Once in the office I shoot off a text to say I’m not home for dinner, because Mum looks after her boys... yeah, yeah. So, what if I’m a Mummy’s boy.

  Half an hour later, Darcy enters the office. No overalls on, but in jeans, a shirt and her hair down. She only has a bit of make-up on too, I don’t like women that put it on with a trowel. “Ready?”

  “Yep let’s go.” As we walk from the office I grab her hand in mine and walk through the garage towards the entrance. She loosens my hand and tells me she’ll be right back. I watch as she runs over to Steve, says something, then he looks over, sarcastically I put my hand up at him and grin.

  She makes her way back to me and retakes my hand.

  Once we’ve dropped my truck off at home we head to the pub down the road from Darcy.


  I’ve loved spending some time with Adam. He’s funny, he makes me laugh all the time. I feel so bad for judging him the first time we met. The last few days he’s shown me the other side of him, I think he uses his cocky side as a front. I see it every now and then, but I think now it’s a part of him, his sense of humour but he keeps it in check most of the time.

  I see him approaching the table we’re sat down at, he’s confident more than cocky; I see that now. He’s fit, good looking and I’m one hell of a lucky girl to be able to get him. He sits next to me and drinks his beer.

  “What are you thinking about? I can see the cogs turning in here,” he taps my temple.

  “I was just thinking to myself that’s all. So, Adam Willows, I know you've got one brother because your sister-in-law picked you up so is that the only one?”

  “Nope, I got three brothers, my brother Todd is my twin, he’s like two minutes younger than me. Then it’s Chris and my oldest brother Aidan,” he says grinning proudly. My Dad is a policeman, Aidan is a detective, Todd is in training to be in the police force too and Chris is a fireman.”

  “Wow, that’s so cool. And you wanted to be the odd one out?” I say chuckling.

  “Yep I like to be different! They’ll love you. Chris and Todd are cool but Aidan well he’s a bit of a dick and we don’t really get along but you know what, you get one in every family.”

  “So, what the age difference between you all then, is there much?”

  “No not really. Aidan is the oldest at twenty-seven, Chris is twenty-six and Todd and I are twenty-two.”

  “Wow, close then.” his smile makes his blue eyes light up, transfixing me.

  We chat together for another hour or so, Adam either holds my hand or touches my leg. It doesn’t matter where it is, it’s like he needs to touch me. But every time he does that the desire amps up in my body a little bit more than the last time and he leaves me wanting more. I won’t tell him that though.

  We pull up at Adam’s house, I turn the engine off and sit outside.

  “I’ve really enjoyed tonight Darce thanks.” He kisses me again.

  The kisses turn more passionate until I remember we’re still in the car and we’re outside Adams house. I break away from him slowly, his hands are still tangled in my hair.

  “I better let you go home,” he says in a deep, breathy voice. If I thought his normal voice was like velvet well… this voice, I could listen to all day. After kissing me again, he steps from the car, he tells me he’ll ring me and to drive safe. I blow him a kiss from the car and head for home.

  * * * * * * * *

  When I arrive home. Mum is sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea.

  “Mum, hey. Are you okay?” I hear her sniffle and know straight away either Dad has upset her or it’s something else.

  “What’s wrong?” She looks up at me with red rimmed eyes…

  “It’s your Dad, I think he’s getting worse.” I freeze and wait to hear what she has to say. “He threatened to end it all tonight. He said he wanted to die. We had a huge argument and I walked out the room. I couldn’t handle it, Darcy. I mean why would he want to die?”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I hug her, my throat closes up as I struggle to swallow my own saliva it’s that dry. The lump in my throat gets so big I can’t breathe and the tears roll from my face. We sit and cry together as I vow we’ll get through it together.

  “I love you, Mum.” I hold her in my arms as she cries out the tears she’s been holding in for so long.



  I let Mum cry in my arms for a bit longer until she calmed down a little.

  Passing her some tissues to dry her face, I make us some tea but I make Mum’s a little sweeter than normal, my grandmother always did that, said the sugar helped - I don’t know how though.

  I look at the time and see it’s only ten thirty p.m. Grabbing a packet of biscuits, I pop them under my arm and take those and the teas int
o the living room. I pass Mum her mug and sit down.

  There are no words to say. We’re both upset and don’t know how to deal with Dad’s revelations.

  Surely it was just said in the heat of the moment? But he has been getting worse now for a while - even I can tell that. I’ve had such a good evening with Adam and was on a high, then I came back to this.

  I hate feeling like this, I don’t mean to be selfish but I just wanted a night for myself, to think of myself for a change.

  “How was your date on Saturday, Darcy?” Mum asks me while wiping her nose.

  “It was good,” I say smiling, but I can’t let myself be as happy as I was, it doesn’t seem fair.

  “Is that who you were with tonight?” she says with a small smile.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “And this is the lad you met a couple of weeks ago?”

  I smile and nod.

  “What’s his name again?” she asks fishing for information. If it makes her happier - I’ll tell her…

  “I don’t think I told you. His name’s Adam and he’s twenty-two... and I actually really like him.” I confess shyly.

  “Well then I need to meet him.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her and smirk.

  “Someone finally has my baby girl’s attention, I have to meet him.” Mum pulls me into her and hugs me. I smile sadly. Dad should be here while I tell them I’ve met someone but he’s not, well not in mind anyway.

  We drink the rest of our tea and tell Mum I’m heading to bed as I’m exhausted. I kiss her cheek, take my cup to the kitchen, leave it in the sink then head up.

  I lie there for a while. I can’t get the thought from my head that Dad really wants to die. I turn onto my side and try to get comfy but it’s not working. Picking up my phone, I flick through Facebook, boring. Without thinking, I open my text messages and send Adam a message.

  ME: Hey, you busy?

  I send Adam a message, he probably won’t answer though... I don’t know what it is about him but he makes me forget about my problems for a while. I wait for a few seconds when I don’t get one back, I go to place my phone on the table at the side of me when it rings in my hand… I look at the caller ID and hold my breath, as I see Adams name.

  Shit, I didn’t think he’d ring! Do I answer it, or don’t I? Oh, for God’s sake Darcy man up before it rings off! Not thinking anymore, I slide across the screen and lift it to my ear.


  “Hey gorgeous, are you okay?”

  “Um, yeah,” I say quietly, “I just thought I’d text you.”

  “You miss me already?”

  “A little ahead of yourself aren’t ya?!” I answer joking with him.

  “Always babe, you know that.” I smile knowing that he is but that’s his way, and I’m quickly getting used to that.

  “So, did I disturb you when I text you?”

  “No never. I was just finishing off a manuscript for my boss. You could never disturb me.”

  “Aww!” I smile again. “Well I better let you get back to it.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem quiet.”

  “That ‘cause I’m talking quietly….” I say sarcastically.

  “Hahaha, funny! Okay If you need to talk though, I’m a good listener, just so as you know.” I smile to myself, “you get some sleep beautiful.”

  “Why do you call me that?”

  “Call you what? Beautiful?”


  “Because you are, now get some sleep. Night, babe.”

  “Night, Adam.” I click the receiver button and place my phone on the bedside table. I turn over, get comfy and drift off with Adam’s voice in my head. I don’t think I’m beautiful but I can argue with him in my head, right?


  This week has dragged by. Business is terrible, I’ve had to send one of the guys home as I can’t afford to pay him.

  I’m not cut out to run a business obviously.

  I drink my coffee which has now gone cold and pick up my chicken salad baguette. Thank goodness, it’s Friday. We’ve got nothing on for tomorrow so I’m thinking of not opening at all.

  Fuck it - there’s absolutely no point whatsoever. Maybe it’s me... maybe it’s me that’s run the business into the ground…

  I’m so entranced by my own pity party I don’t hear the person that walks into the garage.

  “Are you thinking about me?”

  I squeal in shock as the voice speaks into my ear, but I know who it is the instant I hear it. I spin around to face him and tap him on the hard chest.

  “You made me jump you idiot!” I say frowning slightly.

  “What’s up, babe?” He smiles at me as he bends at the waist slightly to capture my lips. Gazing into his captivating eyes I see the gentle, protectiveness in them.

  We’ve spoken every night since I texted him Monday night, just everyday chatting - telling each other about our day; he knows about the garage already and knows how worried I am that I’m going to fail. He assures me that I’m not but I’m not as positive as he is.

  I haven’t told him about Dad though yet, but I’m not sure how long I can keep it from him. Dad has barely come out of his room, he hardly speaks to anyone.

  It’s not that he can’t get around... he can with the help of his sticks, but he chooses not to, then treats Mum and me like crap in return.

  “You look deep in thought. What’s wrong?” he cups my face with his hands and makes me look up at him. The smile he was wearing has completely gone now and in its place a scowl.

  “It’s my Dad, his depression isn’t getting any better, the tablets he takes aren’t helping it seems and refuses to go back to see the doctor. I’m worried about him and Mum. Dad told Mum on Monday night that he wanted to die. He said he was useless and it would better for everyone if he was dead. I can’t deal with that - he’s my Dad for fucks sake. This place is sinking quicker than the Titanic did. What the fuck am I gonna do Adam?!”

  Tears prick at my eyes and gone is the strong Darcy, in her place is a young girl who just wants her Dad back and with no responsibility.

  “Babe, it’ll be okay.” Adam pulls me into him, holds me and lets me cry. He rests his cheek on top of my head as his hand cups my bare neck, massaging it softly and telling me everything is going to be fine... but I don’t see how it will be.


  Fuck! How did I not realise things were this bad - with everything!

  I knew her Dad had depression but not to that extent and as for this place - I’m not going to let her fail, I’ll do everything I can to keep this place above water and help Darcy.

  “Hey, look at me.” I raise her face to look up, “I’ll help you. I’m not going to stand by and watch you lose everything. We’ll do this together, okay?!”

  “Adam, you’re busy enough. You have your writing and work, I can’t let you give me your spare time too it’s not fair on you….”

  Before she can finish her sentence, I kiss her. I swallow her words before any negativity leaves her lips because she won’t stop me doing this. I’ll plan it out in my head on how to go about it, then put everything into action.

  I rub my thumbs across her cheeks and remove the tears from her cheeks and kiss her some more.

  Leaning back away from her, I gaze into her gorgeous green eyes and brush the hair from her face. “But you are my spare time Darcy and I’d much prefer to spend it helping you and becoming a team than going out meeting skanks and getting pissed.

  “I really like you, Adam,” she bites the corner of her lip.

  “I really like you, too.” I cup the back of neck and pull her towards me. When our lips touch, the electric sparks between us again, I pull her closer into me as my tongue enters her mouth and caresses with hers.

  Her hands travel down my chest and she moves them to rest on my ribs. My hard on rests against her stomach bursting to be set free. I feel Darcy’s smile as I pull away and see just that.

; It lights up her face, a total contrast to the tears I saw not five minutes ago. It makes me smile knowing that I did that.

  “What can I say, he has a mind of his own, and a fucking dirty one it is!” She bursts out into laughter, it’s sweet and contagious but I’m glad I could cheer her up.

  “Right, can you leave here for a bit? I want you to meet someone.”

  “Erm yeah I think so. Hang on.” I watch her walk from the office out into the workshop. The small wiggle of her arse does nothing to calm the beast in my pants. I try to readjust it into a more comfortable position before she comes back, but no such luck.

  “Aww, are you suffering?” she giggles. “I’m sorry.” I didn’t hear her come back.

  “Hmmmm,” I reply, narrowing my eyes at her.

  “So, are you good to go?”

  “Yeah, I’ve told Ste to give it an hour and close up; he may as well.” Darcy grabs her bag, I take her hand in mine after she locks the office and we head towards my truck.

  “Where are we going anyway?” she asks as she looks across at me. I take her hand in mine and rest it on my thigh.

  “Remember I told you about my sister-in-law to be, well she’s a graphic designer, I’m going to ask her to design some flyers…”

  “Ohhh,” she replies in a small voice.

  I concentrate back on the road and eventually pull up at Taylors. I turn off the engine. “Look at me?” She turns to face me, “what’s up? Talk to me, what’re you worried about? I know there’s something, I can see it in your eyes.”

  I watch closely as she inhales a deep breath in before she answers me. “I can’t afford anything for the garage, not even flyers.…”

  “Darcy, listen to me, I know you’re proud and this is your business, but not an hour ago I promised you I’d help. I keep my promises babe. She’s my sister- in- law, we’re close. Let me do this?”

  She nods reluctantly. I lean across and kiss her lips tenderly, she smiles as I pull back, “Come on let’s go.”


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