Infinity: Soulmates 2

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Infinity: Soulmates 2 Page 10

by Sienna Grant


  Oh God! I fling my arm over my eyes as his lips touch me, they’re soft, wet. His tongue licks me and finds my opening as it thrusts gently in and out - until his lips again find my clit, he sucks and captures it between his teeth and bites down softly.

  The sensation builds in my centre and my legs begin to tingle, he does it again, my legs try to shut but he holds them open with his hands. He’s sucking and licking, I don’t think I can take much more when my legs begin to shake and my back bucks off the bed, but he holds me there and takes control of my climax.

  As I’m coming down from my high, I see he’s taken off his boxers and is travelling back up my body. He moves my arm, smiles and kisses the tip of my nose.

  “I’d much prefer to see your pretty face than have it hidden.” Adam says. I smile, a little embarrassed at hearing him say I’m pretty but move my arm anyway. “Are you sure you want this?” he asks concerned.

  “Yes, I’m certain. I want you, Adam.”

  He rolls a condom down his impressive length then places his lips on mine, he kisses me with so much want and need. He lies his body on top of mine, I gasp out as he slides inside of me slowly, gently.

  Once he’s filled me to the hilt, he begins to move. His hands grab onto my thighs as he parts my legs further, thrusting, panting, “Oh Darcy!”

  I groan as I hear my name fall from his deep and husky voice, I push back towards him as he groans too.

  Those familiar sensations start to build again as he thrusts harder and quicker.

  My hands move to his biceps as he holds himself from bearing his weight on me. My feet lock at his back as he gets harder and bigger. I push back against him meeting him thrust for thrust as my release begins to take hold and I’m gasping through my orgasm.

  “Darcy, I need to come baby.”

  Within seconds he’s releasing inside of me, our bodies shudder. He’s panting through his orgasm as I’m riding the aftershocks of mine. His sweaty forehead falls to my chest as my fingertips travel through his hair.

  As we come down from the highs we’ve been on. Adam looks up and presses his lips to mine, my tongue pushes through his lips as I take control of the kiss for a change. Pulling away an inch we smile at each other.

  Searching my eyes, for what I don’t know, I lean up and kiss him again. He raises up on his knees and begins to take off the condom.

  “Umm, Darce, we have a little problem.” I look quickly at his concerned face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, the condom - it broke!”

  My eyes snap to his, “SHIT!”

  “Are you on the pill?”

  “Well yeah, but it’s been giving me really bad headaches so they changed it to a different one. Fuck!”


  “Well I picked it up the other day and I can’t start it until the first day of my period.”

  Oh fuck, that’s not until next week, what am I going to do. I start to freak out as Adam goes to the bathroom and grabs a cloth, cleans us up and lies back down beside me. He pulls me into his arms and holds me.

  “Hey, it’s ok don’t upset yourself when did you take your last one?

  “The other night. I think I should be fine. I’ll have to go and buy the morning after pill just in case.

  “Okay. We’ll go in the morning.” He kisses my forehead tenderly and holds me while I silently panic. “I can hear the cogs turning in this mind of yours. Stop it, everything will be fine.”

  “Okay.” I snuggle into him as he pulls the duvet over us. I look at the time and see it’s past nine. Looking at my phone, I don’t see any messages so I let myself relax and believe that everything is going to be alright.

  The rest of the night passes by in a blur of kisses, caresses and snuggles.

  Snuggles with Adam are my new favourite past-time.

  I wake the next morning thoroughly rested and stretch out. I haven’t slept like that for a long time.

  Adam is still wrapped around me, holding onto me tightly so I can’t go anywhere, but unfortunately - I need to pee.

  I prize his arms away from me but he just holds on tighter. He snuggles his nose into my hair until he’s moved it out of the way and his lips are kissing my neck.

  “I have to pee.” I tell him amused.

  “Yeah and I need to get rid of this.” He grinds his erection into my back. I look back at him and smirk. I move his arms off me then get up and go to do my business. As I’m walking back to the bed, I hear a knock on the door and hear his Mum’s voice.

  “I’m doing breakfast I assume you’re hungry.”

  I sit down on the bed and don’t say a word. Looking to Adam now he thinks it’s amusing, he knows I’ll be doing the walk of shame. Ignoring him I grab a new pair of leggings and a t-shirt from my Primark bag and some new underwear. I get dressed as Adam pulls on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

  He stands before me, grabs hold of my cheeks and brings my lips to his and walk to the door. He pulls away with a smile and opens the door, he smacks my bum as we leave room, he walks behind me down the stairs as we join his family for breakfast.



  All through breakfast, Darcy sat quieter than usual - I know she’s worrying after what happened last night but then so am I, I just don’t show it. But there’s not much we can do right now.

  She spoke with everyone and made conversation but not her usual chatty self. I think Mum picked it up too. Todd and Darcy are talking but smiling. He also seems a little happier than yesterday, I’ll have to talk to him to later.

  Running upstairs, I pick all of Darcy’s bags up off the floor and see an Ann Summers bag, I take a peek inside the bag and see some black lacy underwear. I pull it out and hold it up.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Mr Willows?”

  I turn quickly - busted. Darcy is in the doorway, smirking.

  “Why didn’t I get to see this last night?” Taking it from me she shoves it back in the bag. She pecks my lips smiling.

  “Because, I was embarrassed. Taylor bought it for me.”

  “I’ll have to thank Taylor.” I tell her as I rest his arms on her shoulders.

  “Yeah, she did say that,” laughing she rests her hands on my chest.

  “Are you okay? Are you ready to go and get this pill?” I ask.

  “Yep, let’s do it.” I bend slightly and cup her face in my hands then kiss her lips softly, tenderly. Straightening up from her she walks to the bathroom and does her hair.

  “Oh, and Darcy. I’ll be wanting to see that on.”

  She enters the bedroom smirking, “We’ll see, depends how good you are.”

  “Come on tease, let’s go.”

  We shout from the front door as we’re leaving and get in the truck.

  All the way to town, Darcy’s quiet. She looks out the window and I know she’s worrying. I place my hand on her thigh. “Darcy?” She turns her head and forces a smile. “You okay, babe?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She says trying to sound upbeat.

  We pull up at the nearest boots chemist and walk in. I follow Darcy to the counter so she can speak to a pharmacist. We wait ten mins and a middle-aged man probably about the same age as my Dad comes over to speak with us.

  Darcy explains we had an accident and she needs the morning after pill. He leads us to a side room and asks us to sit and wait and he’ll fetch it for us.

  “Oh god, he’s gonna give me a lecture I know it.”

  I squat in front of her and take her hands. “Darcy, listen to me. You’re an adult right. I’ll tell him to fuck right off.”

  “Aww my hero.”

  The door opens and he walks back in with a small box. “Right Miss…”


  “You need to take one as soon as possible and then one 6 hours later then the last one tomorrow.”

  She nods agreeing with him, “But what about my pill?”

  She explains everything
about starting a new pill and she’s due her period any day now too.

  “Well, it’s hit or miss I’m afraid. As you should know not all contraception is hundred percent effective so I’d say take it but just as a warning it may not work.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Her hands cover her face, I know she’s starting to worry about the what if’s. I bend and kiss the top of her head and follow the pharmacist to the till. Once I’ve paid, we head back to the truck in a kind of sombre mood.

  Once we’re in the truck I pull her into my arms, “Darce, everything will be okay you know.”

  “What if it’s not Adam? With everything else going on this is just something else to add to the huge plate of problems.”

  “Hey, I’m here. I know everything seemed to move kind of quickly with us but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We’ll deal with everything together.”

  “I’m not ready to be a parent, Adam. I have enough issues with my parents.” She tells me as she sighs deeply.

  “You think I am? I can barely look after myself. I’m a Mummy’s boy through and through.” I tell her as she looks up to face me smirking.

  “I always knew you were.”

  “I’ll admit it like a man! I’m not proud.” A smile breaks out onto her face which in turn makes me smile because I know I’ve managed to lighten the mood. “Look, what will be, will be. We’ll cross the bridge when we get to it.” I move the hair from her eyes, “You don’t have to do anything by yourself anymore, okay?

  I’m here for you to lean on no matter what.” I pull her into me. “It’s weird, a couple of months ago I didn’t even think I wanted a girlfriend but here we are and that changed the day I met you.”

  I let her absorb everything and start the engine. I make the way towards her house but she’s still quiet. I turn off the engine, turn my whole body and sit against the door to face her.

  “Darcy. You’re really quiet and kind of worrying me.” She picks up my hand and entwines her fingers with mine. I look at how much bigger my hand is to hers, she can fit hers inside mine.

  She inches across the seat towards me after taking off her seatbelt and turns. Pulling me towards her, she presses her lips against mine as her hand moves to my cheek.

  Her fingers scrape through my two days old stubble growth, her other hand drops mine to push into my hair as she controls our kiss. By the time we’re finished, my dick is rock hard and wanting to be set free to have a play too.

  “Look what you’ve done now.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says as the smirk takes up one side of her face.

  “No, you’re not,” I say grinning widely.

  “Are you coming in?”

  “Not unless you’re gonna sort this out - no.” I cup my dick with my hand.

  “Ahh come on,” pouting as she pleads with me. Being the sucker that I am, I can’t stop myself from agreeing.

  “Come on then. I’ll get your bags.”

  I grab Darcy’s shopping bags as she lets us in the house.

  Walking straight to the living room, her Dad is sitting in an armchair with a bottle of water at the side of him, watching the telly. I take a seat on the sofa and wait for Darcy to come in.

  “Hey Dad.” She kisses his cheek.

  “Where were you last night?” He asks without taking his eyes off the telly.

  “I stayed at Adam’s. He’d had a drink and there’s no way I was driving that monster.” Winking my eye at her she ignores me and tries to keep a straight face. “Do you need anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good thanks.” He looks over at me next. “So… Adam.”

  Oh god, I hope this isn’t one of those ‘what are your intentions with my daughter questions...I mean, what do I say to that? ‘Well last night we had sex for the first time and the condom broke and she could be pregnant. No that won’t go down very well...

  “How did you and Darcy meet?” I let out the breath of relief that I’ve been holding to answer.

  “I had to put my truck in your garage, I was having problems with it.”

  “Yeah, the first time,” Darcy says just so I can hear her.

  “What truck do you have?”

  “Ford Ranger.”

  “Ford, a good built motor. Nice to see you’ve stuck to a good old British model, not these bloody foreign motors that you can’t get parts for.”

  “Yeah, I like it.

  “I miss working on cars, it was my life before this happened.”

  “Don’t you go to the garage much then.” He shakes his head but doesn’t speak or offer a reason as to why he doesn’t. Darcy holds my hand maybe for some comfort, I’m not sure.

  “You should go. Darcy does a really good job in there, you should be proud of her.

  Again, he doesn’t answer just narrows his eyes at me, searching for something but I don’t know what. “I am proud of her. Maybe I will one of these days.”

  “I’d love that, Dad. Is Mum at work?” he nods again.

  Darcy stands and pulls me with her. I lean against the table as I watch her move around the kitchen taking out potatoes, vegetables and some lamb chops from the fridge.

  “I didn’t realise Mum was at work, otherwise I would have made sure I was home earlier. We don’t like leaving him on his own and with her being at work I need to cook the dinner. Mum doesn’t finish until six tonight…”

  I listen to her rambling on and on, like she’s justifying what she’s doing and fuck would she have been home earlier. While I’ve been thinking my own thoughts, I realise she’s still talking. Standing to the side of her, I turn her by her shoulders and kiss her hard just to stop her talking.

  “Mmm, nice. What was that for?”

  “Just because. Stop justifying everything. Do you not ever think of yourself or put yourself first?”

  She shrugs. “Sometimes.” She whispers.

  “Never then? That’s what you’re really saying.” I kiss her again but softer this time. “I have to go, I have got some work to catch up on. I’ll call you later though.”


  Kissing her forehead, I turn and leave. I get in my truck and start the engine. As the engine rumbles through the truck I vow I’m going to show Darcy what having a life really is.

  I know her parents mean well but they depend on her way too much.


  We’ve eaten our lunch, I’ve washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen up, I go in the other room to Dad to see if he wants anything.

  “Just a cup of tea please, petal.”

  As I wait for the kettle I realise what Adam was saying earlier - I don’t do anything for myself and when I do I feel as guilty as hell, but why?

  Why should I feel guilty for having a life?

  One thing I know more than anything I want to change, I want a life with Adam. He makes me so happy. This weekend has been the best I’ve had in how long - forever maybe.

  I take Dad’s cuppa into him and go upstairs. I take my stuff out of the bags and put it away. I take the sexy negligee out of the bag and lift it up in front of me - a wicked thought enters my mind but it will have to wait until later.

  I flop on bed and pull up Leah’s number thinking it’s time I filled my best friend in on recent events.

  “Hey D. How are you, honey? Not heard from you in a few weeks.”

  “Yeah I know I’ve been busy. Sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I’m sorry too, I’ve been the same. The shop is heaving, back to back appointments, I don’t have time to breathe.”

  “That’s good though. Wish I could say the same about the garage.”

  “Has it still not picked up?”

  “Nope. I’m getting worried now. I think I’m either going to have to lay someone off or I’ll have to sell it to pay the overheads.

  “Oh D, I’m sorry.

  “It’s okay but thank you.” This small talk is nice but I’m bursting to tell her about Adam now. “Anyway, I’ve got something to tell you.”

  “Oh yeah?
I’m intrigued.”

  “Yeah, I’ve met someone.”

  “Met someone? We meet people all the time in our job. Don’t be evasive.”

  “Fine! I’ve got a boyfriend…”

  “Fuck off, really?”

  “Why do you sound so shocked? Am I that bad?”

  “Shut the fuck up D you know I don’t mean it like that. It’s just you haven’t been interested.”

  “Yeah well, let’s just say he was persistent.”

  “Good for him. Now don’t leave anything out, I want to know everything!”

  I launch into full disclosure and tell her everything about Adam Willows and the time we’ve been spending together, also what I’ve been doing this weekend, by the time I’m finished Leah is speechless - she knows how much I go out.

  I look at the timer on my phone and realise we’ve been talking for an hour and a half, so with a promise to call her in the week, we hang up.

  She was so excited when I told her about Adam. Looking at the photo I took of Adam and I from when we were lying on his bed yesterday, I send it to her through messenger and wait for her reply.

  I grab a clean towel from the airing cupboard and head for the shower. Standing under the warm water I let it soothe me and run all over my body. I squeeze some apple scented shampoo into my palm and wash my hair.

  Remembering the idea from earlier on, I quickly wash my body and step from the shower. I wrap myself up in a towel and go back into my bedroom. I sit on the end of the bed and run my hand down the satin of the bodice.

  Drying myself off with the towel, I step into the thong and pull it up my legs, then opening the hook and

  eyes at the back of the bodice, I put it on backwards, once it’s fastened I spin it around and pull it upwards, slipping my arms in the straps, I pull them up to sit in place on my shoulders.

  Once it’s on, I grab my phone, click on the camera and stand in front of my full-length mirror. I towel dry my hair, brush it then flip my head upside down and ruffle it through with my fingers. When I bring my head back up, my hair is falling down my back in its layers that were cut into it a while ago.


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