400 First Kisses

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400 First Kisses Page 17

by E. L. Todd

  “Well, you were,” Cypress snapped. “But Amelia told me she wanted me to drop it so…I’ll drop it.”

  “Good,” Ace said. “It’s not like I did something terrible like cheat on her.”

  It was a low blow, and we all knew it.

  Cypress didn’t argue or get upset. All he did was sigh. “I’m sorry for overreacting. Are we cool?”

  Ace considered the apology before he nodded. “We’re cool.” He fist-bumped him. “Sorry about the cheater comment.”

  “It’s okay,” Cypress said. “I’ve gotten used to it.”



  A knock sounded on my door, and I knew it could only be one person. I’d just finished dinner, and now I sat in the living room with the TV on. The hardwood floors of my house made everything echo, so his knock sounded a million times louder than it should.

  I was in my sweatpants and a t-shirt, but thankfully, my hair was done and I still had my makeup on. I opened the door and greeted him as friendly as possible. “Hey.”

  He was holding a box of firewood. “Hey. Just restocked my logs and thought you could use some.” Even though it looked heavy, he held it like it didn’t weigh anything at all.

  “Oh, that was nice of you.”

  He continued to stand there in a tight t-shirt that looked great on his shoulders and chest. “Can I come in, then?”

  “Oh, sorry.” I’d been too preoccupied with his appearance that I couldn’t think straight. I stepped out of the way so he could walk inside.

  He carried it to the fireplace then stacked the logs on the log holder. Each piece resonated against the iron, emitting a low sound as the pile grew higher and higher. Cypress kneeled on the floor, and his muscles shifted under his t-shirt as he moved.

  He was far too handsome for me not to notice. I remembered the first day I laid eyes on him, my tongue practically fell out of my mouth. When he stood up, I stared at his tight ass and wished I could dig my fingers into that big piece of muscle.

  He turned around and dusted his hands on his jeans. “Need anything else?”

  “No. Thanks for bringing that. I’ve been out for a while but haven’t thought about getting more.”

  “No problem.” He walked past me, his thick arm brushing against mine.

  I still got chills when he touched me. I knew it was just physical attraction, but it was a powerful sensation. I turned away, feeling my throat go dry.

  “Have a good night.”

  “Yeah…” I watched him walk out and take the stone steps down. I wanted to say something, but nothing came to mind. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted. Living alone in this big house with my loneliness echoing back at me could be exhausting. I wanted to go out and mingle with people, but I promised him I’d wait seven months before I got a divorce.

  He walked back over to his house and shut the door.

  I got a fire going and listened to it crackle as the TV played. The light from the flames licked up the walls and gave my living room a nice glow. I couldn’t help but wonder what Cypress was doing. Was he watching TV like I was? Was he working out shirtless?

  My curiosity got the best of me, so I stood up and walked past my windows toward the kitchen, glancing into his house.

  I got lucky, because he stepped into the living room with just a towel around his waist. His hair was wet because he must have just gotten out of the shower. He stood behind his couch and looked at the TV, probably wanting to see the score of the Giants game. The towel was dangerously low on his waist. If he moved in just the right way, it could slip off.

  And I wanted it to slip off.

  I really was a pervert.

  I moved into the kitchen and loaded the dishes in the dishwasher, trying to find something else to do other than gawk at my husband next door. It was a huge invasion of privacy, and I felt guilty for even being tempted to look.

  But I looked again.

  And again.

  A commercial must have come on because he walked away and disappeared from my sight.

  I returned to the couch and the fire, unable to erase the image from my brain. He was over six feet of pure muscle. I didn’t know how he was that ripped because I didn’t personally witness him exercise. Complemented by that handsome face and pretty eyes, he was practically a model.

  And I was married to him.

  I was lonely as hell, and not to mention, horny. The last time I got action I could actually remember was from Cypress, and that was apparently over two years ago. I couldn’t find someone else downtown because of my word.

  Would it be the end of the world if I slept with him?

  After all, I was married to him. I should get something good out of this horrible situation.

  But it would lead him on. Even if he’d hurt me, I didn’t want to hurt him. Two wrongs didn’t make a right.

  I kept second-guessing myself, wondering if this was a stupid idea I would regret in the morning.

  But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop thinking about how amazing his kisses were, how strong his body felt on top of mine. I was practically salivating like a dog, and that told me I need to get laid.

  Like, now.

  So I left my house and went next door. He had a gray door without a peephole. My door didn’t have one either. I held my fist to the wood but didn’t touch it. I lowered my hand again and turned in a circle.

  I couldn’t do this.

  No good would come from it.

  I needed to go home and hang out with my vibrator.

  The door opened.

  God, no.

  Cypress stood in sweatpants and a t-shirt, his hair still slightly damp. Even when his hair wasn’t done, he was still a perfect ten. He had just shaved his jaw, so his clean look brought out his eyes even more.

  How did he know I was there?

  “Everything alright, sweetheart?” He opened the door wider, revealing Dino standing behind him, his tongue hanging out like usual.

  “How did you know I was here?” I blurted, unable to think of something better to say to explain my random appearance.

  “Dino was whining at the door.”


  Cypress continued to stare at me, one hand on the doorknob. “Wanna come inside? I’ve got the game on.”

  He wasn’t going to question why I was there? “Uh, sure.”

  “Cool.” He left the door open and walked into his living room.

  Dino jumped on me and pawed at my hips.

  “Hey, boy.” I kneeled down and gave him a good rubdown, getting a kiss as a thank you. “How are you?”

  He barked in response.

  “You’re so cute.” I scratched him behind the ears before I walked into the living room.

  Cypress sat on the couch with a beer resting on a coaster. His furniture and home were in light colors, having a distinctly beachy look. Judging from his personality, he had nothing to do with the decoration. “Want a beer?”


  He grabbed one from the fridge and popped the lid before he sat down again. “The Giants have had a rough year. Pretty bummed.”

  The score was obscene. “Man, they got killed.”

  “Not even sure why I’m watching. Just painful.”

  Dino jumped on the couch and sat on the other side of me, on a black blanket. I assumed that was his spot since the blanket was there. He looked at me before he closed his eyes, getting comfortable.

  “He’s had that blanket since the day we got him.”


  “You picked it out at the store.” He watched the TV but carried on a conversation with me. “You know, you’re welcome to borrow him whenever you want. I take him on a walk in the morning, and you can always tag along.”

  I patted Dino on the head. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Cypress drank his beer and watched the TV like everything was normal. It was the first time I’d been over here since he’d told me the truth about our relationship, and
now the place looked totally different. I wondered if I used to come over just to hang out during my eighteen-month hiatus.

  He leaned back into the couch with his knees positioned far apart. When I pictured his strong body under those clothes, I wanted to straddle him and ride him right in the living room. I knew exactly what he was packing, and it was every woman’s fantasy.

  “You want me to get a fire going?” The fireplace was situated underneath the TV in a stone hearth made from Carmel stone. Clint Eastwood owned the quarry, but the precious stone was no longer for sale. It was now a luxury item in the city.

  “I’m okay.” He drank his beer then set the bottle on the coffee table next to him. He didn’t try to make a move or press our relationship at all. He just coexisted with me. “Are you still mad at Ace?”

  “No. We buried the hatchet.”

  “Good. Amelia wouldn’t want the two of you to be fighting.”

  “He apologized, so I forgave him. Amelia is down but not heartbroken, so I let it slide. She’s a strong woman. She’ll recover.”

  “I really thought Ace would want to be with her. He was so sprung on her back in the day.”

  He shrugged. “Things change. People change.”

  “But Amelia is beautiful. And the girls are adorable.”

  “Don’t worry about her. She’ll find a great man soon enough. I have no doubt.”

  “I’ve been meaning to track down Evan and give him a piece of my mind…” My palm ached to slap him.

  “I already gave him a black eye. I say we forget about that loser.”

  If I saw him again, I’d slap him anyway.

  I pulled on Dino’s blanket so I could cover myself with it. “Do you mind sharing?”

  The dog scooted closer to me so we could both use the blanket.

  “Thanks, Dino.” I patted him on the head again, falling in love with this dog I never knew I had. “Does he sleep with you?”

  “Yeah. He used to sleep right between us every night. Biggest cockblock I’ve ever met.”

  I laughed. “Really?”

  “We eventually came up with a routine where we would shut the door, get down to business, and then let him come in the bedroom when we were finished.”

  I laughed again. “Aww…he just likes to be with us.”

  “A little too much. But he really helped me after the accident. I was sleeping alone every night, and he kept me company. Wouldn’t have known what to do without him.”

  I looked at Cypress and felt the ache in my chest. If the situation had been reversed and I’d lost the man I loved, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. When I caught Cypress cheating on me, I was a wreck for a solid three months. “I’m glad he was there for you.”

  “He’s a good boy.”

  Cypress and I enjoyed each other’s company as we watched the rest of the game. We were alone together in the house, and I kept thinking about how satisfying it would feel to have amazing sex that night. But I didn’t make a move because it seemed wrong, like I would be crossing a line I had drawn.

  The game ended at nine in the evening. I should go to bed soon and so should he since we both would be up early in the morning. But I stayed put, unsure how I wanted to play this. Having an honest conversation seemed like the best move. “I’m horny.”

  He turned to me, an attractive smile on his lips.

  My cheeks reddened at my poor tactic. “That didn’t come out right…”

  “I think it came out perfect.” He set his beer down and rested his arm over the back of the couch. Now that he knew what I wanted, he came close to me and moved his hand to my thigh.

  I grabbed his wrist and steadied it. “I just want sex. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, and it’s not like I can go out and find someone…”

  “That’s fine with me.”

  “It doesn’t mean we’re getting back together.”

  “I understand, sweetheart.” He moved into me again.

  I pulled away. “I just don’t want to lead you on.”

  “Listen to me.” He moved his hand to my cheek, and he rested his thumb in the corner of my mouth. “I’ve been married to you for two years, and I’ve gotten laid, maybe, twenty times in the past eighteen months. I’m a very sexual guy, and I’ve been extremely frustrated living next door to my gorgeous wife without being able to fuck her. If you wanna use me, please do. I want you to.”

  With his hand on my cheek and the scorching look in his eyes, I melted. I didn’t want to argue anymore or talk about the meaning of our actions. I wanted to feel his body everywhere, grip his ass, and pull him farther into me. I wanted to feel like a woman, to have this beautiful man want me with every fiber of his being.

  Cypress moved in and kissed me, and this time, I didn’t stop him. His kiss was soft despite the passion raging through both of us. His hand snaked around my neck, and he lowered me to the couch as the kiss continued.

  It was exactly as I remembered it, but better.

  We moved on top of Dino, and when Dino got too uncomfortable, he hopped off the couch and jumped into the armchair closest to the fireplace.

  Cypress wrapped one leg around my waist and ground his cock into me, pressing his erection right against my denim-covered clit.

  Even that felt good.

  My hands slid up his shirt and felt the individual muscles of his body. I loved feeling the hardness, the concrete. My nails pressed lightly into the skin, feeling the muscles shift every time he moved. When I reached his shoulders, I grabbed on to him and held on, feeling his chest press against mine. He was so heavy and dense, and I liked being pinned down by his size and strength.

  He parted my mouth with his and kissed me harder, his lips nearly trembling in passion. When he gave me his tongue, I moaned into his mouth, burned by the charge between us. The electricity sparked and warmed both of us.

  His hand slid underneath my t-shirt, and he gripped my tit through my bra, squeezing me hard and making me wince under the force of his powerful fingertips.

  My hands yanked on his shirt until it was over his head. He pulled it the rest of the way off and tossed it somewhere in the living room, probably landing on the hardwood floor.

  I broke our kiss just to look at him, to see that powerful physique I’d gawked at almost every day. My fingers ran down his hard chest and over his chiseled eight-pack, and eventually, his thin happy trail that led into his sweatpants.

  I gripped the top of his sweatpants and pulled them down along with his boxers, watching his hard cock emerge. It was exactly as I remembered it, nine inches of thickness that made my lips part and my tongue press against the back of my teeth.

  I pulled his bottoms below his ass, but I couldn’t reach any farther. His cock hung out as well as his balls. I remembered sucking both into my mouth countless times and thoroughly enjoying it.

  Cypress kicked everything off until it was shoved into the cushions of the couch. Now he was totally naked—and beautiful.

  He got off the couch and pulled me with him. At six three, he towered over me by a foot. When he looked down at me, he wore an expression a king might give to his queen, of complete ownership. Without warning, he scooped me up off my feet and carried me down the hallway. Before Dino could get into the bedroom, Cypress shut the door with his foot then set me on the bed.

  I loved being carried like that. And I loved that he was strong enough to do it without effort.

  His bedroom matched his personality better, dark colors with dark furniture. The shade was pulled down, so we were enveloped in complete darkness. But I did notice the picture frame on his nightstand.

  It was a picture of me and Dino.

  We were sitting on the beach together, looking out at the water. It seemed candid, and as if neither one of us knew our picture was being taken.

  He watched me glance at it before he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off. He slid them to my ankles then kneeled down to get them off the rest of the way. Even when he was on the floor, his eyes w
ere focused on mine. With every movement he made, his beautiful physique shifted and remained tight.

  He grabbed my thong next and pulled it down my thighs and over my knees. When my bottom was bare, he stared at my pussy like it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. His eyes narrowed with intensity before he gripped my hips and yanked me to the edge of the bed, causing my upper body to fall back on the covers.

  He sealed his mouth over me and kissed me, his tongue swirling around my sensitive nub like this wasn’t his first rodeo. He sucked and kissed me, lavishing my lips aggressively. He blew on my nub before he kissed me again.

  I forgot how good he was at that. My hands dug into my hair as I lost my mind with lust. I panted and moaned, writhing uncontrollably. He was going to make me come like this. I didn’t even need him inside me.

  He pulled away just before I plummeted into the abyss of pleasure.


  He yanked my shirt off my head and nearly ripped my bra as he got it off. Then he laid me back as he got on top of me, his cock throbbing as he rubbed it against my soaked entrance. He tilted his hips and pressed his head inside my wetness.

  I wanted all of him right then and there. But there was still a small piece of logic inside me. “Condom.”

  He didn’t get off me. “You have an IUD.”

  “That doesn’t protect from other things.” I didn’t want to talk about it. I just wanted him to get that condom on so he could fuck me.

  “Sweetheart, I’m clean.”

  “Well, I don’t trust you, so put something on.”

  His eyes fell in offense.

  He claimed he’d been faithful to me for the past eighteen months, but I didn’t know if I could believe that. I didn’t retain any memories of that time, so he may have brought tons of women over, and I never would know about it. When it came to my health, I’d rather be safe than sorry. “You either put on a condom, or this isn’t happening.”

  He sighed then got off me. He opened his nightstand, pulled out a foil packet, and then rolled the latex onto his dick.

  Some of my arousal had disappeared after having that awkward conversation, but he looked so hot rolling the condom onto his huge dick that I got right back in the mood.


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