Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance

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Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance Page 1

by Juliette Duncan
























  Note from the Author:

  Hello! Thank you for purchasing "Promises of Love" - I hope you enjoy it! If you don't already have “Hank and Sarah - A Love Story”, just Click here to get it for FREE, and you'll also be notified of all my future releases.

  Also, although “Promises of Love” can be read as a stand-alone novel, to gain maximum enjoyment, it’s recommended you read the short prequel, “True Love at Christmas”, first. “True Love at Christmas” is free on Amazon.



  Juliette Duncan

  Copyright © 2017 Juliette Duncan

  All rights reserved

  PROMISES OF LOVE is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination or are used for fictional purposes. Any mentioned brand names, places, and trade marks remain the property of their respective owners, bear no association with the author, and are used for fictional purposes only.

  THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


  Brisbane, Australia

  When Zoe Taylor's alarm clock buzzed on the morning after Christmas, she stretched her hand out and hit 'snooze' and drifted back to sleep. A moment later she sat with a start—Harrison would be here in less than half an hour. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the brand new, white gold engagement ring on her finger caught her eye. A warm glow spread through her body as she held her hand out, allowing the diamond to sparkle in the early morning sunlight. Fancy Harrison proposing to her in front of his entire family and friends during their Christmas celebrations at his parents' place yesterday afternoon! Exhaling a long sigh of contentment, Zoe's heart warmed with love for Harrison.

  She slipped out of bed, showered, and dressed in the outfit she'd selected the night before—a pair of white shorts and the lightest shirt she owned—a striped blue and white sleeveless T. Following a quick scan of the apartment in case she'd forgotten something, Zoe grabbed her bag and headed downstairs just as Harrison's sports car turned the corner.

  Her heart quickened as Harrison jumped out of the car and strode towards her. His smile was wide, his teeth strikingly white against the brown stubble on his face. As he lifted her off the ground and spun her around, nearly dropping her, joy bubbled from deep within and she laughed out loud. Could life get any better?

  He lowered her to the ground and brushed her hair with his hand, gazing deeply into her eyes before kissing her slowly.

  Zoe melted into his arms and lost herself in his embrace before remembering where she was. Tearing herself away, she stifled a giggle. "What will the neighbours say?"

  Harrison glanced left, then right. "I don't see any, do you?"

  Zoe chuckled. "No."

  He lowered his lips again, and by the time he finished, Zoe was breathless and flushed.

  Her chest heaved. "We need to get going, Harrison."

  "Can't we go inside?"

  Mixed feelings surged through her. How could she keep her resolve with Harrison's soft brown eyes looking at her like that? As she lifted her hand and gently stroked the stubble on his cheek, she willed her heart to remain strong. "No, Harrison. I told you last night. I want to wait until we're married."

  Harrison's bottom lip protruded in a pout and he looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

  Zoe chuckled. "You'll trip over it if you're not careful." Stretching up, she slipped her hand around Harrison's neck, and gently pulling his head towards her, brushed her lips across his. "I'll make sure it's worth the wait."

  "It's going to kill me, you know that."

  The sweetness of his breath tickled her senses. She laughed. "No, it won't." Placing a quick kiss on his lips, she pulled away. "Besides, we need to get going. Mum and Dad are expecting us for lunch."

  Harrison's shoulders slumped as he let out a resigned sigh. "Best get going, then." Leaning down, he picked up Zoe's bag and placed it in the boot beside his before opening the passenger door of the car and holding it open for her. Zoe laughed as he stole another kiss before she slipped under his arm and onto the soft leather seat of his fancy new convertible.

  Harrison slid in beside her and raised his brow as he glanced at the roof. "Up or down?"

  "Need you ask?" Zoe laughed again as she positioned her cap on her head, pulling her pony tail through the hole in the back.

  "No." Chuckling, Harrison flicked the switch and the top folded down. He turned the key in the ignition, bringing the car to life, and accelerated down the tree lined street. If the neighbours hadn't been awake before, they would be now.

  They soon left the bustle of the city behind. Hot wind pulled at Zoe's thin shirt and whipped loose hair around her chin as they sped along the country highway, heading north-west towards her parents' property. A thin haze of smoke from distant bush fires hung in the air and began burning Zoe's throat. She sipped her water, but finally asked Harrison to close the roof.

  "At least we can talk now." Harrison slipped his hand onto Zoe's leg and raised his brow, one side of his mouth lifting in a playful grin.

  Chuckling, Zoe raised her hand and inspected her ring. "Guess we can."

  "Like it?" Harrison had one eye on the road and one eye on her.

  Zoe nodded, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "I love it."

  "I'm glad." Harrison's voice was warm and gentle as his hand moved slowly up her leg.

  Zoe slapped his hand playfully—he wasn't going to make it easy for her. Maybe it didn't matter, after all, she and Harrison would be married before long. But no, how could she go against all she'd been taught? Maybe she'd let her faith slip of late, but she knew what was right and what was wrong. And this was wrong. Surely Harrison knew it too, having been brought up by Christian parents. Was he just testing her?

  "So, when can we get married?" Harrison raised both his brows expectantly as he gently caressed her leg.

  Zoe laughed again, she couldn't help it. He was just like a little kid sometimes, but she loved him, especially when he looked at her like that. Before she could answer, the car skidded off the road. Gravel sprayed into the air as it spun out of control. Zoe screamed and held on, her heart thumping. When would it stop? Her heart raced. What were they going to hit?

  Harrison gripped the wheel with both hands, struggling to regain control. Gradually he brought the car to a stop. Leaning his head against the steering wheel, he sucked in quick breaths.

  After several seconds he raised his head. "Sorry, Zoe." He spoke quietly, meekly.

  Zoe's chest heaved. "You could have killed us." Her hand shook against her chest, and she could barely speak.

  "I know. I'm sorry. It was careless of me." Harrison turned his head and met her gaze. Releasing a long sigh, he drew her close and kissed the top of her hair as he stroked her face with his fingers. "I really am sorry, Zoe."

  They weren't hurt and it was silly to stay angry. Exhaling slowly, Zoe lifted her face and looked into his eyes. "Just keep your eyes on the road in the future."

  He gave her a hang dog look. "I will. I've been suitably chastised."


  Harrison took her hand and pressed it to his lips. "I love you, Zoe."

  Zoe's heart softened. How could she stay angry at him?

  A sheepish grin grew on his face. "You didn't answer my question."

  Zoe chuckled as she shook her head. "I don't know. When were you thinking?"

  "Easter, perhaps?"

  Zoe's eyes widened. "Easter? How could we organise a wedding that soon?"

  Harrison ran his fingers down her hairline, tucking some stray hair behind her ear. "You don't know my mum."

  "But we need to organise and plan it, Harrison, not your mum."

  "You're right. But she'll want to be involved."

  Zoe blew out a breath. To be honest, no way could she think about organising a wedding any time soon, with or without help from either of their mothers—her Internship began in two weeks. She angled her head. "Could we wait until next year?"

  Harrison's head jolted up. "Next year?" His eyebrows puckered. "That's ages away, Zoe."

  She gazed into his disappointed eyes. "I know, but I've got a really busy year, Harrison. You know that."

  Harrison's shoulders slumped as he exhaled slowly. "Yes, I do know that." He rubbed his thumb along the top of her hand. "I'm sorry, Zoe, I'll try to be patient, but that's a really long time."

  She smiled at him. "It'll go quickly, you'll see."

  "I hope so." Leaning forward, he cupped his hand around her face and kissed her gently.

  As Zoe melted into Harrison's arms, waves of warmth flowed through her. Reluctantly, she finally pulled away. "We'd better be going, Harrison."

  He glanced at the clock on the dash. "Guess you're right." Sighing heavily, he straightened in his seat and engaged first gear before pulling back onto the road.

  For the next few minutes, Zoe sat in silence with her hand on his leg. It was going to be a long year. As much as she wanted to marry Harrison, she just had too much on her plate. And besides, his proposal had been totally unexpected, catching her off-guard, so he couldn't really expect her to drop everything and plan a wedding, could he? Zoe sighed. Maybe she was being selfish.

  As she studied Harrison's profile, a smile grew on Zoe's face. This handsome, clever, caring man was going to be her husband—what a lucky girl she was.

  Harrison glanced at her. "So what reason did your folks give for not making it to the city?"

  Zoe's smiled slipped as she let out a sigh. The reason Mum gave when she called yesterday didn't ring true, and it had been puzzling her. Being country folk, her parents avoided the city as much as they could, but to call off their trip at the last minute because of a problem with a pump? That didn't sound right. Dad could fix things like that. She shrugged. "I'm not really sure. I got the feeling Mum wasn't telling me something."

  Harrison's eyebrows drew together. "Like what?"

  "I don't know. Guess we'll find out soon."


  As Harrison and Zoe approached the tiny town of Bellhaven a few hours later, Zoe's eyes widened. The country was in drought, but when had it got this bad? Undulating hills, normally covered in green grass and cattle, were now brown and dry. The few cattle still grazing were skin and bone and Zoe's heart went out to them as they struggled to find enough to eat.

  The tall gum trees lining either side of the main street offered some shade, but the leaves looked parched, and the garden beds, normally filled with brightly coloured annuals, lay empty. Why hadn't Mum told her how bad it was?

  The main street was also empty. All the shops were shut, not entirely unexpected given it was the day after Christmas, but what caught Zoe's attention were the number of shops permanently closed. Even the Haberdashery store, one of the original shops in town, was boarded up. Poor Mrs. Sullivan. The store had been the kindly lady's life. Zoe smiled as she remembered the brightly coloured ribbons Mrs. Sullivan always brought out when Zoe popped in after school.

  Harrison glanced at Zoe as he slowed the car even further. "Does it always look like this?"

  Zoe shook her head. "I had no idea it was so bad." She bit her lip. She'd been so busy this past year she hadn't visited her parents for months. They'd be struggling if this was anything to go by.

  'Bellrae', her parents' farm, was only five minutes the other side of town. Harrison slowed and indicated left under Zoe's direction before turning. She breathed a sigh of relief as they drove up the long driveway bordered on either side by rows of citrus trees. At first glance the orange trees looked green and healthy, perhaps just a little smaller, but as Zoe took a closer look, she noticed many of the leaves were curled. She tried to ignore the sick feeling growing in her stomach.

  She shifted her gaze to the farmhouse in front of them. Wide verandahs wrapped around three sides. Bougainvillea in a range of vivid pinks and oranges grew either side of the front steps, providing some respite from the relentless sun. At least something was flourishing. Several large sheds bulged with farm equipment.

  The poinciana tree to the right of the house was also surviving, and continued to provide the deep shade the whole family sought on days like this, but the grass underneath was no longer green and soft. Mum had never let it go like this the whole time they'd lived here, until now.

  As Harrison brought the car to a halt in front of the house, the front screen door flew open and Mum appeared, face flushed and glistening with perspiration, wiping her hands on her apron as she waved from the top of the steps.

  Opening the car door, Zoe gasped, the air hot and heavy as she struggled for breath. Trying to ignore it, she lifted her hand and waved.

  "Zoe, Harrison, welcome! Merry Christmas" Mum bustled down the steps and held her arms out to Zoe.

  Smiling broadly, Zoe gave Mum a long hug. "Merry Christmas to you too, Mum." She planted a kiss on Mum's flushed cheek and then, waving a hand in front of her face, stepped back. "But it's so hot!"

  Mum nodded, blowing some hair off her damp cheek. "Yes, and no change in sight, I'm afraid." She turned and held her arms out to Harrison. "Merry Christmas, Harrison."

  Harrison smiled and returned her hug. "And to you, Mrs. Taylor."

  Mum gave a dismissive wave of her hand and chuckled. "Call me Ruth. No formalities out here. Come inside and I'll get you both a drink." She stopped all of a sudden and lifted Zoe's left hand. "Zoe! What's this on your finger?"

  Zoe bit her lip as she tried to contain her smile. She'd meant to remove her ring so she and Harrison could break the news to her parents together. How could she have forgotten? She relaxed and smiled into Mum's surprised eyes as she slipped her arm around Harrison's waist. "We're engaged, Mum. We were planning on telling you and Dad when we got inside."

  Mum's eyes misted over as she squeezed Zoe's hand and drew her into a big hug. "Congratulations, Zo." Pulling a tissue from her apron pocket, she dabbed her eyes before hugging Harrison again.

  "We didn't mean to spring it on you like that, Mum." Zoe lifted her gaze to meet Harrison's and flashed him a smile. "Harrison proposed yesterday, and we wanted to tell you in person."

  Harrison placed his arm around Zoe's shoulder and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head.

  "Well, I'm happy for you both." Mum's eyes glistened. "Now come inside out of this heat."

  Zoe and Harrison followed Mum up the stairs and into the house. Nothing had changed since her last visit. The long hallway down the centre of the house leading to the kitchen at the back was lined with black and white photographs of family members past and present. Zoe glanced into the formal lounge room on the right—nothing different there either. The floral lounge suite had perhaps faded a little more, but apart from that, it looked the same as always—comfortable but old.

  "Where's Dad?" Zoe asked when they reached the ki

  "He'll be here in a minute. He's just cleaning up for lunch."

  Mum turned the ceiling fan up a notch but it only moved more of the hot air around.

  "Still no air-conditioning?" Zoe asked as she took a seat and fanned her face with a Christmas card she picked up off the kitchen dresser.

  Mum shook her head, her expression slipping. "No, just the fan, sorry." Turning to Harrison, her face brightened. "Harrison, what can I get you to drink?"

  "Just water, thanks." Beads of perspiration sat on Harrison's forehead.

  Mum took a jug of cold water from the fridge and poured a glass. "Zoe?"

  "The same, thanks Mum. It's too hot for anything else."

  "Ah, here's Dad!" Mum's face lit up as Dad entered the room.

  Zoe stood and stepped towards him. "Merry Christmas, Dad."

  "Merry Christmas, Zo." Extending his arms, he drew her into a tight embrace.

  When Zoe stepped away, Harrison stood and held out his hand. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Taylor."

  Dad grasped Harrison's hand with both of his. "And to you, Harrison, but please call me Kevin." The smile on his face and the tone of his voice were genuine. "How was your trip?"

  "Hot." Harrison chuckled, sending a quick glance to Zoe.

  Mum poured another glass of water and placed it on the table in front of Dad.

  "Thanks, love." Dad's eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled at her. Zoe's heart warmed. Would she and Harrison still look at each other like that after they'd been married almost forty years? She hoped so.

  Sitting down beside Dad, Mum placed her elbows on the table and leaned forward, her hazel eyes lighting up. "You'd better tell Dad your news."

  Dad looked up, his eyebrows drawing together.

  Zoe turned her head, angling it slightly as she held Harrison's gaze. Who was going to tell Dad?


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