Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance

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Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance Page 6

by Juliette Duncan

  "Joe! Good to see you too." Smiling, Ruth held out her hand. "How long have you lived here?"

  "Goin' on three years. Bought the joint after I left you guys."

  Joe wiped his hand on his shorts before taking hers and shaking it. His forehead puckered as he glanced quickly at Harrison. "Where are you off to?"

  "Long story…Mum's been flown to Brisbane." Her expression sobered. "Heart attack. Zoe's with her, and Harrison and I are on our way there now."

  "Sad to hear that, Ruth. Maybe I can make an exception and get you on the road tonight."

  "That'd be wonderful, Joe." Ruth glanced at Harrison. "We'd appreciate that."

  "See what I can do. Still need to let it cool down. Might be a few hours."

  "That's not a problem, Joe. I'm sure we can fill them in."

  "Righteo." He turned to Harrison. "Drive it to my workshop down the road and I'll meet you there."

  "Will do." Harrison turned to Ruth. "Would you prefer to come with me or stay here?"

  "I'll come." She climbed into the seat beside Harrison.

  Harrison reversed the car out onto the road and drove slowly back the way they'd come, stopping in front of Joe's workshop.

  Pulling in behind them, Joe hopped out of his pickup and unlocked the rusty gate. "Drive her in, mate. Keep going, that's the way."

  As Harrison followed Joe's instructions and squeezed the car inside the workshop, he began to wonder if this was the right place to take his car. It was nothing like the immaculate dealer workshop he normally used, where customers were greeted by a receptionist dressed in a smart uniform, and a complimentary car was offered for the day. No resemblance to this joint at all. Here, the smell of oil and petrol fumes filled the air, and a layer of grime coated everything. Vehicle parts of all shapes and sizes filled the work benches, and there was no room to move.

  "Be careful, Ruth, you don't want to get grease on you." Harrison spoke quietly. "I should have let you out before I drove in."

  "It's okay, Harrison. I'm used to it. Joe worked for us for years."

  "Right." He opened the door, being careful not to open it too wide, and squeezed out between his car and the dirty old truck parked alongside it. If he got grease on his nice new shorts...

  Joe threw a cigarette butt on the ground and stubbed it out with his shoe. "I'll give you a lift back to the hotel and I'll come back later and fix it."

  "Thanks Joe, that's very kind of you," Ruth said, emerging from her side of the car.

  "Pleasure, Ruth. Wouldn't do it for no-one else." Joe chuckled, his smile lighting up with his weather-beaten face.

  "Oh come on, Joe, you're a big softy. Everyone knows that."

  The banter between the two surprised Harrison, but it was just as well—they'd be staying the night otherwise…a few hours was bad enough.

  The inside of Joe's truck was just as dirty as the inside of his workshop. Harrison shrugged and gave up trying to stay clean. Arriving back at the hotel, Joe showed them into the lounge. The air-conditioning was a welcome surprise. Harrison ordered a beer for himself, and a cup of tea for Ruth, and settled in for the afternoon. Definitely not what he'd planned, but it could have been a whole lot worse.


  Without even looking, Zoe knew exactly who was calling when her phone rang as she sat in the Emergency Department beside Spencer. "I've got to take this, Spencer. I won't be long." She gave him an apologetic smile as she stood and stepped into the corridor. The invisible weight still sat heavily in her stomach and on her heart despite the hundred or more times she'd handed the situation with Harrison over to God. How could she have done this? Promised to marry Harrison one day and regretted it the next? But she loved him, that was the problem. Her heart was torn. Surely God had a solution.

  She inhaled slowly before answering.

  "Harrison, I was just about to call."

  "Zoe, finally… how's your Grandma?" Harrison sounded flustered.

  "Still with us, thank God. She's being assessed."

  "I'm on my way with your mum. We were hoping to be there soon, but the car broke down and I'm stuck in this little town with your mother for the next few hours while it gets fixed."

  Zoe laughed. "You're what?"

  "You heard." She imagined him raking his hand through his hair.

  "You're lucky it can be fixed on a Sunday."

  "I know. Your mum knew the mechanic, that helped a lot."

  "How's Mum doing?" She spoke quietly.

  "She's doing okay, considering. Zoe…"

  "Yes…" Her heart thumped.

  "Are you all right?"

  "Yes, Spencer's here with me." Zoe hit her head. Why had she said that?


  "It's okay, Harrison. He's just waiting with me."

  "Okay." She could hear the tension in his voice.

  "I'll let you know about Grandma as soon as I hear. And Harrison, don't worry about Spencer." She gulped. "I love you."

  Her heart thumped while she waited for a reply.

  When he did, his voice had softened and held a faint tremor. "I love you too, Zoe. I miss you."

  His words wrapped around her heart, sending a wave of warmth through her body, but they didn't solve her problem, in fact, they only made it worse. "Get here as soon as you can, Harrison. And drive carefully."

  "I will."

  Leaning against the wall after she hung up, Zoe took a few moments before returning to her seat. Maybe a few hours with Mum was God's doing. The thought gave her hope, and once again she prayed God would touch his heart, because the very thought of telling Harrison she couldn't marry him was breaking hers.

  Straightening, Zoe walked to the water fountain and poured some chilled water into a paper cup and took a sip, the cool water sliding down her throat, soothing her body and her soul.

  Spencer looked up and smiled as she sat beside him, sending her heart back into turmoil. How could one look from those blue eyes do that to her? She bit her lip.

  He raised a brow. "All okay?"

  She took a deep breath and nodded. "Mum and Harrison are on their way."

  "Do you love him, Zoe?" His blue eyes lifted, probing hers, bringing back unwanted memories of when they were young and in love.

  Her heart quickened. She needed to put him right, because if she didn't… "Yes, I do." She swallowed hard.

  He lowered his eyes and studied his hands. Seconds passed before he looked back up. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you, Zoe."

  Her heart began to crumble and once again she was sixteen, seeing her boyfriend kissing her best friend. Tears welled in her eyes. He'd never apologised until now.

  "I hurt you, and it was wrong. Will you forgive me?"

  Dabbing her eyes, Zoe drew a slow breath. Until this morning, she thought she'd put it behind her, but seeing him again had revived the hurt and pain of betrayal. Maybe she did need to forgive him. She nodded. She didn't trust herself to speak.

  Spencer held her gaze. "I hope he loves you, Zoe. He's a lucky man."

  She sucked in a breath to steady herself before releasing it. "He does."

  "I'm glad." Somehow she knew he meant it.

  She lifted her eyes and met his gaze. "And what about you and Lisa?"

  Spencer's face clouded. "She wasn't a patch on you, Zo, but that's another story. We're not together anymore."

  "And you've come home?"

  He nodded, his expression brightening. "Nothing beats being near the family."

  "Mum and Dad might lose the farm." Zoe gulped. She hadn't meant to tell him, it just came out.

  Spencer's eyes widened. "No!"

  Zoe swallowed hard and nodded. She still couldn't believe it herself.

  "What happened?"

  Zoe blew out a breath and told him everything. Spencer understood—his parents were struggling too, and had almost invested in the same scam.

  "I'll help you find the guy, Zoe. I've got contacts."

  Zoe's eyes moistened. "Would you?"

/>   "Absolutely. He's not going to get away with this."

  She smiled at him as she dabbed her eyes. "Thank you, Spencer."

  Just then, a young male doctor with dark black hair pushed the swing doors open and looked around. "Miss Taylor?"

  "Over here." Straightening, Zoe lifted her hand and then blew her nose.

  The doctor took a seat beside her, his dark eyes serious. "Your Grandma's still critical but stable." He spoke slowly. "She's on medication to thin her blood, but she needs Bypass surgery. We'll schedule her as soon as we can."

  Zoe drew a breath. "Will she make it?"

  "We're doing our best." His eyes held steady.

  "Can I see her?"

  "We're moving her into ICU. You can visit her there in about half an hour."

  Zoe offered the best smile she could manage. "Thank you."

  The doctor nodded as he stood. "We'll do our best, Miss Taylor."

  Spencer took her hand as the doctor walked away, rubbing his thumb gently over her skin.

  Warmth from his strong hand flowed up her arm and into her heart. She closed her eyes. It should be Harrison sitting here, comforting her, not Spencer. They had too many memories, and it would do her no good to venture down that path any further. She pulled her hand away.

  "I'm sorry Spencer. I need to wait on my own." Tears stung her eyes, but she'd made her decision.

  "I understand." Spencer stood slowly and gave her a wistful smile. "If ever he lets you down, you know where I am."

  She could hardly bear it. But no, she could never fully trust him again, even though she'd forgiven him. She forced a smile. "Thanks for the ride, Spencer."

  "My pleasure, Zoe."

  Zoe pushed back tears as Spencer disappeared out the door, her heart heavy with the sorrow of lost love. Why was it so hard to do the right thing? But was it right to keep Harrison dangling now that she was having doubts? Her throat clenched. If only she hadn't been so quick to accept his proposal. God, you've got to work this out. I sure can't.

  She remained in her seat for another ten minutes and prayed for Harrison, beseeching God to draw him to Himself. She loved him, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him just because he didn't love God. He was a good man. He was kind and thoughtful, he loved his family and he felt remorse about the way he'd treated his parents. He loved animals, he was intelligent and good-looking, he had a sense of humour, and he loved her. But he didn't love God. Yet. She blew out a breath.

  Standing, Zoe walked outside into the hot, humid air, thinking she'd walked straight into a Swedish Sauna. Wiping her already damp brow with the back of her hand, she remained in the shade of the covered entrance, pulled her phone out and dialed Harrison's number.

  He answered on the first ring. "Zoe…"

  "He's gone, Harrison. You don't have to worry anymore."

  "I wasn't worrying."

  "Yes you were."

  "Maybe a bit."

  "How about a big bit?" Her heart warmed at their banter.

  Harrison let out a chuckle. "Okay, you win. I was worried sick."

  Zoe laughed. "I knew it. Anyway, he's gone, no need to worry anymore."

  "I'm glad." He sounded relieved.

  "I need to talk to Mum about Grandma. Is she there?"

  "I'll pass you over. I love you, Zoe."

  "I love you too." Zoe drew a breath. She could never give him up.

  "Zoe…" Mum came on the phone, sounding worried.

  "Mum, Grandma's okay—she needs Bypass Surgery, but she's stable at the moment."

  Mum let out a relieved sigh. "Thank God you got her there so quickly."

  "She wouldn't have made it if we hadn't."

  "I've been praying for her." Mum's voice faltered.

  "And so have I."

  "We'll be there as soon as we can."

  "How much longer before you can leave?'

  "Still not sure. Hopefully soon."

  "Okay, take care. I love you, Mum."

  "I love you, too, Zoe."

  Zoe wiped tears from her eyes as an ambulance siren wailed in the distance.

  Ruth returned the phone to Harrison and leaned back in her chair. The delay had been frustrating, but it had given her time to talk with Harrison, and to her surprise, he'd opened up to her more than she'd expected he would, even about his thoughts on religion and the church when she'd asked. He was a nice young man, and it seemed he loved Zoe a lot, but it grieved her a little, no, a lot, that he didn't share her faith. She couldn't see a happy marriage ahead for them unless that changed. She sensed that Zoe had reconnected with God that morning in church, and that had made her heart glad. So many years of praying for her and holding her up to the Lord had finally paid off. Now she had another to be praying for. Harrison wasn't going to be easily swayed. He knew his mind and didn't see the need for God, but he had a need. Everyone did, whether they knew it or not, but it was up to God to work in his heart. All she could do was pray.

  "Relieved?" Ruth raised a brow as she folded her arms and looked at the handsome young man sitting opposite her. She could see why Zoe loved him, but what was inside was more important.

  He looked up, startled. "You heard?"

  "I guessed." Ruth chuckled.

  Harrison shook his head and chuckled with her.

  "Yes. Very relieved."

  "I told you there was nothing to worry about."

  "You did, and seems you were right. Now, another drink?"

  "Another cup of tea would be nice, thank you."


  Zoe was asleep in a chair in the visitor lounge area when a shake of her shoulder stirred her. She opened her eyes slowly before sitting with a start.

  "Mum! Harrison!" She looked at her watch and yawned. Just after midnight. "Did you just get here?"

  Harrison nodded. "Fixing the car took longer than expected." He bent down and kissed her. "How are you doing, Zoe? You don't look too comfortable."

  Zoe stretched, letting her hand rest on his arm. "No, it's not the best."

  "How's Grandma?" Mum sat beside her and gave her a hug. Mum's eyes looked heavy and weary.

  Zoe straightened and returned the hug. "She's resting, Mum. So far so good."

  "Guess we can't see her until morning?"

  Zoe shook her head. "No…"

  "Let's get you home to bed, miss." Harrison extended his hand to Zoe and pulled her up, drawing her into an embrace.

  "I'll stay here, just in case something happens," Mum said quietly.

  Zoe looked down at her. How could she leave Mum here on her own? "I'll stay with you, Mum."

  "You don't have to do that, Zoe. Go home and get some rest. I'll be all right, and I'll call if anything changes."

  "I can't do that, Mum. Let me stay." Zoe sat back down and took Mum's hand.

  "You've been here for hours, Zoe. Go home and come back in the morning."

  Zoe took a deep breath. It didn't sit right with her, leaving Mum on her own…

  "I'll be fine, Zoe. Off you go. I'll call if anything changes."

  She let out her breath. "Are you sure?"


  "All right, then, but I'm not too happy about it. We'll be back first thing in the morning." Leaning forward, Zoe gave Mum another big hug.

  "Sleep well, sweetheart." Mum pulled her tight. "Thanks for all you've done."

  "It was nothing. I just pray Grandma pulls through."

  "We all do, Zoe." Mum kissed Zoe's cheek and brushed some hair off her forehead before releasing her.

  "Bye, Mum. See you in the morning." Zoe swallowed the lump in her throat as she smiled into Mum's glistening eyes.

  Zoe leaned close to Harrison as they walked along the empty corridor towards the car park. "So what did you and Mum talk about for all that time?"

  "Our secret." He looked down and kissed the top of her head.

  She raised her head and smiled at him. It felt good to be in his arms, but that heavy weight in her stomach was still there. She tried to i
gnore it.

  As they pulled up outside Zoe's apartment, Harrison slipped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. "Wish you'd let me stay, Zoe." He tipped her chin and gazed into her eyes.

  She chuckled. "Tempting, but no." She leaned up and brushed his cheek with her hand. "It's important to me, Harrison, you know that."

  He let out a resigned sigh. "I do, unfortunately." He placed his hand over hers, caressing her with his eyes. "I'm sorry, Zoe. I promise I won't pressure you anymore."

  His tender words and tone sent warmth gushing through her body. She smiled at him. "Thank you." Leaning forward, she kissed him slowly, savouring the sweetness of his lips and the brush of his stubble against her cheek.

  Pulling back, she smiled into his eyes. "See you in the morning—early." She slipped out of his arms and onto the pavement.

  As the tail lights of Harrison's car disappeared around the corner, Zoe pressed her hands to her chest and prayed once more for him.

  Zoe woke the next morning to loud knocking on the door. Lifting her head, she glanced at the clock and immediately her head fell back onto the pillow. She let out a frustrated sigh—how had she overslept?

  Sliding out of bed, she threw on her robe before heading to the front door. Harrison stood there looking way too fresh, and with a playful grin on his face that made her want to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him. His left hand was behind his back.

  "What have you got there?" Zoe angled her head and tried to see.

  He whipped his hand around and presented her with a single soft pink rose. "A beautiful flower for my beautiful girl."

  "Harrison, you're way too smooth! Which garden did you get that from?"

  "Never you mind." He stepped closer and drew her into his arms, brushing her messed up hair off her forehead. "Did you get enough sleep?"

  Zoe stifled a yawn. "Not really, but I'll be okay."

  He lowered his face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Have you heard from your mum?"

  She shook her head. "No, but we need to get going. Come in while I get ready."

  Harrison stepped inside the small living room and headed straight for the kitchen. "Coffee?"


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