Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance

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Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance Page 16

by Juliette Duncan

  "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

  Harrison's heart quickened as the words reached deep into his soul. Life giving words from the Father, and right there he committed to love Zoe with everything he had.

  Tessa finished reading…"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

  Lifting her head, she turned to Harrison and Zoe and gave them a smile that came from deep within. "God bless you both, my dear friends."

  They'd written their own vows, and as Harrison took Zoe's hand in his and looked deep into her eyes, he knew this was the moment that he'd been waiting for all his life. He smiled into her beautiful eyes. "James 1, verse 17 says that every good and perfect gift comes from above, and Zoe, you're truly a gift from God and I promise to spend the rest of my life treating you as such. I'll cherish you always and never take you for granted. I'll lead and guide you as Christ leads me. I'll follow His teachings and obey His commands. I'll lead by example, with patience, and with understanding. I'll be slow to anger, and quick to listen. I'll be a strong spiritual leader in our home through good times and bad, in joy and in sorrow." Pausing, he sucked in a steadying breath. "Zoe, I promise to love you and to be faithful to you alone from this day forward until God calls us home. This is my solemn pledge to you and to God." He took the ring from Ben and smiled into her eyes. "Zoe, please accept this ring as a symbol of our covenant and my eternal love for you."

  Zoe's eyes misted over as Harrison slipped the white gold wedding band on her finger. And then it was her turn. As Zoe took his hand and smiled into his eyes as she promised to love and honour him as her husband for as long as they both should live, Harrison could hardly contain the joy bubbling inside him. And when Pastor Stanthorpe announced they were man and wife and he could kiss her, he felt giddy with happiness. Zoe was now his wife, and he was the happiest man alive.

  Taking her in his arms, he lowered his mouth against hers and kissed her with all the love in his heart. Everyone laughed and cheered, and when he finally pulled back from their kiss, love sparkled from her eyes and reached into his soul.

  Soft piano music played in the background while they signed the register under the branches of the scented gum trees. It all seemed like a dream to Zoe as they smiled for the cameras and kissed and laughed again and again. But when Pastor Stanthorpe stood and introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith, she knew it wasn't a dream.

  The reception was held under a large white marquee set up in a nearby paddock. Rows of tables were decorated beautifully but simply with a range of local native flowers and candles. The luncheon, provided by a local catering company, featured a selection of gourmet finger food followed by a choice of grilled salmon, seasoned with garlic, lemon and butter and served with steamed broccolini, and a baby rack of lamb coated with a blend of herbs and spices, and served with sauteed baby carrots and potato croquettes.

  All through the afternoon, Zoe could barely keep her eyes off her husband, so handsome in his navy suit, and a smile on his face that warmed her heart, but she did have time to notice that Spencer and Emma were spending a lot of time together…it made her smile—they'd make a perfect couple!

  When it came time to leave, Zoe slipped her arm around Harrison's waist while he thanked everyone for coming. As her gaze slowly moved around their family and friends, overwhelming gratitude to God welled up within her for their love and support. But she couldn't wait to be alone with Harrison.

  They said their good-byes, and everyone followed them out onto the paddock where a plane sat waiting for them. Spencer stood at the bottom of the steps, his blue eyes twinkling and a grin on his face as wide as the brim of her father's straw hat. As he ushered them up, Zoe smiled at him. He'd always be her friend, and she'd be forever grateful that he'd been the one to lead Harrison to the Lord, but Harrison was the man she'd love forever.

  Pausing on the top step, Harrison placed his arm around Zoe's shoulders and tilted her face to his, lowering his lips to hers in a kiss that made everyone clap and cheer. Together they waved to the gathered crowd before ducking their heads and climbing into the back of the small plane, ready for Spencer to fly them to their secret honeymoon destination.

  As the plane lifted above the crowd, the vast expanse of the region came into view. Paddocks and hills so badly scarred by the fire were now tinged with green. In God's way and time, the land was recovering.

  Zoe laughed with Harrison as they turned and looked back at the "Just Married" sign flapping in the sky behind them before Harrison turned Zoe's face to his, and closing the gap between them, kissed her with unbridled passion.

  Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9

  Thank you for reading PROMISES OF LOVE. I hope you enjoyed Harrison's and Zoe's somewhat rocky road to the altar, and their developing relationship with God, the creator and source of love.

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  Other Books by Juliette Duncan

  Secrets and Sacrifice (available on Pre-order now)

  "Secrets and Sacrifice" follows on from "The Shadows Trilogy", but can be read as a stand-alone. When Grace O’Connor arrives in the Scottish Highlands, she’s hiding a secret and trailing more baggage than she cares to admit. Grace’s sister, Brianna, has a history linked to Grace’s secret. There, amongst the rugged Scottish Highlands and a community of caring, loving Christians, Grace meets the handsome Ryan MacGregor, an ex- military Paratrooper with a history of his own. As the secrets of Grace’s past unravel and the sacrifices she’s made are thrown back at her, Grace faces the biggest decision of her life. As everything Grace has believed is turned upside down, she realizes that the walls she’s worked so hard at building have been for no reason whatsoever, and she now needs to discover who she really is.

  The Shadows Trilogy

  An inspirational romance, a story of passion and love, and of God’s inexplicable desire to free people from pasts that haunt them so they can live a life full of His peace, love and forgiveness, regardless of the circumstances. “Lingering Shadows” is set in England, and follows the story of Lizzy, a headstrong, impulsive young lady from a privileged background, and Daniel, a roguish Irishman who sweeps her off her feet. But can Lizzy leave the shadows of her past behind and give Daniel the love he deserves, and will Daniel find freedom and release in God?

  The Madeleine Richards Series

  Although the 3 book series is intended mainly for pre-teen/Tweenage girls, it’s been read and enjoyed by people of all ages. Here’s what one reader had to say about it: “Juliette has a fabulous way of bringing her characters to life. Maddy is at typical teenager with authentic views and actions that truly make it feel like you are feeling her pain and angst. You want to enter into her situation and make everything better. Mom and soon to be dad respond to her with love and gentle persuasion while maintaining their faith and trust in Jesus, whom they know, will give them wisdom as they continue on their lives journey. Appropr
iate for teenage readers but any age can enjoy.” Amazon Reader

  “The True Love Series” Books 1 - 4

  After her long-term relationship falls apart, Tessa Scott is left questioning God’s plan for her life, and is feeling vulnerable and unsure of how to move forward. Ben Williams is struggling to keep the pieces of his life together after his wife of fourteen years walks out on him and their teenage son.

  Stephanie, Tessa’s housemate, knows the pain both Tessa and Ben have suffered. When she inadvertently sets up a meeting between them, there’s no denying that they are drawn to each other, but will that mutual attraction do more harm than good?

  Can Tessa and Ben let go of their leftover baggage and examine their feelings in order to follow a new path? Are they prepared for the road ahead, regardless of the challenges? Will they trust God to equip them with all they need for the journey ahead?

  “Since reading the Shadows Trilogy, I've been hooked on Juliette Duncan's writing. Tender Love is another example of her talent for bringing characters to life and weaving a story with all the elements of superior storytelling. Totally clean, yet written with adult situations; the pain of breakups, broken marriages, rearing teenagers, job challenges, maintaining relationships with parents and friends. And in the center of the story, we find two people who, while recuperating from painful situations in their personal lives, find hope and love, looking forward into their future together. The scriptures and Biblical principles are so masterfully worked into the book, they complement the story, rather than pull us away, as some, less talented writers sometimes do. This is not a long read, but one which will satisfy.” Amazon Customer

  True Love at Christmas

  A stand alone short story, “True Love at Christmas” features Margaret and Harold, and Harrison and Zoe, from “The True Love Series”, and fits between books 2 and 3. This short story is free to read on Amazon. (Hint - read this before you read "Promises of Love"!)

  Hank and Sarah - A Love Story

  The Prequel to “The Madeleine Richards Series”is a FREE thank you gift for joining my mailing list. You will also be the first to hear about my next books and get exclusive sneak previews.

  About the Author

  Juliette Duncan is a Christian fiction author, passionate about writing stories that will touch her readers’ hearts and make a difference in their lives. Although a trained school teacher, Juliette spent many years working alongside her husband in their own business, but is now relishing the opportunity to follow her passion for writing stories she herself would love to read. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Juliette and her husband have five adult children, seven grandchildren, and an elderly long haired dachshund.

  Apart from writing, Juliette loves exploring the great world we live in, and has travelled extensively, both within Australia and overseas. She also enjoys social dancing and eating out.

  Juliette’s first published series, “The Madeleine Richards Series”, was written specifically for middle grade girls as she has a real interest in that age group, and she believes the more they can be encouraged to read good, wholesome books the better. Her most recent series, “The True Love Series”, is a Contemporary Christian romance set in her home town/city of Brisbane, Australia.

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