The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 20

by Richardson, James

  Grazela's tail writhed in her fury as she stared at the door. Snaking out towards the closest thing it could reach, wrapping around Mark's neck lifting him off the floor. His legs kicking wildly as he tried to breathe. His hands tapping on her tail pleading for mercy as dots dance before his eye's. Taking a dry swallow as her image began to fade showing her true nature.

  "Mistress please," Mark squeaked winching as he fell heavily to the floor. Coughing as he struggled to draw in air into his lungs rubbing his sore redding throat. Hiding his contempt deep within those dark eyes as Mark looked up to Grazela. Her tail beating on the floor boards as her red glowing eyes stared holes into the door. Grazela stood ridged her arm's crossed, her finger tapping on her arm as she counted the second's. Her talons digging ruts into the wooden floorboards to vent her frustration.

  Mark saw something within the demon as the bedroom door inched open. Instantly Mark saw Grazela's demeanor change from the furious demon ready to rip the skin from his bones. To the misty eyed woman that stood before him. Mark looked towards the door as a pale skinned man stood in the doorway. Trying to discern what was moving across his black linen pants. His black cloak it looked alive ready to lash out at Mark if he dared if he drew to close. The blue veins that spider web across his pale skin, the blood red iris of his eyes as they shimmered dangerously. What was it about this man that made even a demon cowed the thought ran through Mark's mind. If he could learn his secret on taming the she demon. Then he could have all that he desired.

  "Ah mortals always kneeling," Contliss said looking down at Mark. "Always nice to see the old ways haven't lost their hold on the world," he said with a smirk. "Grazela why is the doorway congested," Contliss asked tilting his head.

  "Because we await your command my lord," Grazela said backing away. Looking past him seeing Elizabeth still clothed passed out on the full size bed. A smile spread across her lips knowing the woman never felt his touch.

  "Ah I see," Contliss said returning his gaze to Mark. Mark hid his surprise as once again he was lifted off the floor. Mark felt his body being crushed as he was pinned to the ceiling. "So it was you who gave that man the foolish notion of binding me," Mark felt his burning rage baking his skin. "Tell me mortal what went through that tiny little mind of yours to think any mortal could bind me!"

  Annabeth stood frozen in place as she watched this unknown man simply overpowered Mark. Since she had joined his coven Annabeth knew without a doubt he was the strongest witch she had ever known. The she demon didn't count alone no one could match her it took all five of them at the time to strike their deal. Yet she studied the demon while Mark was in her grasp. It seemed the demon was jealous why she could not say. She saw Elizabeth's unconscious body sprawled out on the bed. Did Grazela have some fixation on this man. Was he that powerful that even a demon would lust after.

  "Mistress who is he," Annabeth asked from behind the demon.

  "Simple mortal can you not feel what he is," Grazela said her eyes never leaving Contliss form. "Can you not feel the sheer power that emanates from his very being!" Grazela said shaking her head at how far man has fallen not to notice who they stand before. "He is the source, the very darkness in which we all sprung from! He is and always shall be the Lord of Darkness, Ruler of the Neither realm."

  "Impossible," Mark gasped as he used every ounce of of magic he had to keep from being crushed. "I have walked the circles of the abyss there has and never was a ruler of that dark kingdom. If there was I would have learned of his name and sought his service," he said before being released from Contliss hold.

  "For your small simple brain mortal that is they knew not to speak my name to some insect," Contliss said standing over Mark. "Who thinks they can bind a god from before the dawn of time. Would you like to see what became what was his name again," he said looking over at Grazela. Hoping that they would buy into the poly that he had truly forgotten the man's name. Ever since mortals has walked the land Contliss remembered every single name of who's life he ended.

  "Charles Dollson," Grazela said smiling wickedly remembering the fear she smelt on the man. Before Contliss had tossed the man off into Xibalba's realm. How she enjoyed listening to his screams as his demon's tore into his flesh. How she wanted to join her brethren in feasting on the man's entrails. However even she was not that foolish to enter Xibalba's realm without permission. Even the strongest of her sister's wouldn't last one minute within his realm.

  "Ah yes that was his name," Contliss said taking Mark by the back of his neck. "So little man would you like to see for yourself what the man wrought for his foolish action's; thinking he could command one such as I, thinking that he could usurp powers that his own fragile little mind could not handle. So Mark," Contliss said drawing out his name. "Shall I show you the same fate and let your own bone's litter my realm."

  "You can't you need me," Mark said tearing his shirt as he pulled himself from the man's grasp.

  "That is true my lord we do need him for now," Grazela sighed yet she made it clear they could just as easily find another pawn.

  "True," Contliss admitted tossing the ragged piece of cloth to the floor. "Well then I suggest you get started then Balanlt is already on the hunt. Our foes are already on to your killings we must speed up the time table of this enterprise. Now go fetch that woman in there and yet us get started so we can move on to the next phase."

  Contliss waited in the shadows of the kitchen watching Mark and the other's went about arranging the living room. Noticing the way Grazela occasionally looking over at him as she watched over the preparation of he bodies. Contliss sent his mind elsewhere as their screams filled that gloomy home. Contliss played coy as they laid the four hearts on the makeshift altar. He had been curious to find out just how they were capturing the soul's.

  Contliss watched as red Samaritan runes were formed in the air over the empty bottle's. Ancient primal energy swirled in the air, old forgotten plane's of reality quaked as the engery flooded from their depths. Contliss smiled as he listened to the twisted language of his brother's servants. Shadows played across his face as the Contliss felt the soul's shuddered as the spell was complete.

  Chapter Eleven

  Catherine stirred beneath the covers of John's bed. Sighing contently as her cheek brushed along the fine thread count pillow cases. Rolling over her eyelids opened slightly Catherine swore she saw a shadow figure standing over her. Bolting upright finding no one other then her own frightened self. Her left hand brushed against the photo at her side. Her hand went to her throat knowing she was almost straggled to death. Taking the picture in hand believing Contliss had indeed saved her. Wondering what he would do as her fingertips ran down the surface of the picture.

  Catherine stood in the shower feeling that they were taking advantage of his home while Contliss was gone. Shaking her head as the steam bellowed out around her. Catherine knew he wouldn't mind not if he planned on returning to the heavens. If that was indeed his goal then Contliss wouldn't mind if she commandeered his bathroom for a short time. Catherine just hoped he wasn't watching her at that moment. To her mind Catherine didn't know what she would do if he justed appeared within the steam.

  Catherine stood in his bedroom a crimson towel wrapped around her drying body. Ensuring the door was firmly locked, Catherine had no wish for someone to walk-in while in a state of undress. Pulling open drawer's looking for something to wear. She had spent the past few days in the same clothes, and Catherine was not going to do that again. Her hand moved over the folded clothes with no true destination. Stopping over the blue tshirt he had worn when Nicky, or whoever she is first showed herself. Tossing the shirt onto the bed as it landed Catherine eyes lingered on the strange symbol.

  Catherine wondered if that symbol truly meant something. Was it some ancient sign for protection, or was this his own sign he used before his imprisonment. However given what she knew about the man it could just mean nonsense. Yet her eye's couldn't look away from the circle in the center of
the shirt. Near the top a semicircle capped with dashes, split down the center of the semicircle a straight line ran through it with tiny circles at the ends. Sitting just below it was what looked to Catherine was a deformed "S". While on one end it was capped like the semicircle yet the other end of the misshaped letter. Few millimeters from the end a centimeter line jutted out from it.

  Catherine leaned against the dresser inches away from the silver backed mirror. Blowing softly her breath fogging the glass quickly drawing the symbol on the glass before it disappeared. Arching an eyebrow when her sky blue eyes caught the faint glint of a red flash before the fogged mirror faded. Her mind needed reassurance that it was just a light reflecting off the mirror. Blowing once again Catherine stumbled back as the symbol glowed red before disappearing again.

  "You shouldn't be using his symbol," said a strange male voice behind her. Startling Catherine clutching her towel as she spun around. Her hand tightening her towel around her body, while her free hand searched for her service weapon. "Not when Balanlt and the other's know of you," his platinum blond hair teased his eyebrows. His emerald green eyes running up and down her body. Studying the woman that had his father enthralled. "It would not be wise to do so again Contliss won't enjoy knowing your curiosity led to your death," he said turning around to walk back into the shadows.

  "Wait just who are you," Catherine asked finally managing to speak.

  "Hades," he said matter-of-fact.

  "Ok so lord of the dead," Catherine said feeling her skin crawl. "So why shouldn't I use his symbol is it not a protection symbol?"

  "For those that walk his path that is true," Hades said turning to her. "However you choose to stand against him whatever your reasons were. While he might forgive you for what you did to our father. His children are not so forgiving to those that hurt our father. Let this be a warning to you mortal do not call upon my father again unless you wish to redeem yourself."

  "If I do what then," Catherine said she wasn't about to be intimated not by Michael, Balanlt, or this god even if he took on the appearance of a teenage boy.

  "Then I can't tell you which one will come for you yet know this what you have done and will do will be watched. If you pose a threat to our father we shall not hesitant to send your soul back across the veil," Hades said as lighting streaked across the night sky. Catherine watched as Hades looked up to the ceiling scowling at the order. "I must go remember this warning you shall not get another."

  "Wait!" Catherine said rushing over her hand grabbing hold of his shoulder. Sucking in a gasp as the life in her hand steeped out of her pores. Needles stabbed along every inch of her hand, shock played across her eyes as she watched the color of her skin turned sickly gray. Yanking her hand away instantly feeling it was nothing more the a hunk of ice at the end of her arm. "Please how is he," she asked shaking the feeling back into her hand.

  "How is anyone when they are on the verge of war," Hades said shrugging his shoulders. "Yet father is busy to busy to watch after you," he said the contempt he held for her was easy to see. "So do not get yourself killed," Hades said slipping back into the shadows.

  The faded blue jeans ran along her skin contouring to the shape of her taut buttocks. The blue t-shirt fell effortlessly down her chest rolling over her exposed breast. Catherine felt someone was watching her yet she didn't feel unease from it. A small smile graced her lips hoping it was Contliss that was watching her dress. She knew full well how he felt about her. However the thought of Contliss being a voyeur did get her heart racing. The damp towel flew wildly as she dried her hair as Catherine descended the stairs.

  Stepping into the kitchen Catherine found Mike and Susan glued to the small TV that sat on the kitchen table. Walking around them her towel falling from her hands as the stranges thing played on the news. Catherine watched in stun silence as the video clip played on the news.

  Sometime around midnight to one in the morning," Catherine reached over turning up the volume. "A strange darkness covered the sky, red bolt's of lightening striking the city. There were no fatalities however numerous property damage claims have been filed. The city concile says the damage done will run in the thousands. We have a video clip of the disturbance of the event, from one brave viewer that journeyed out into this freakish storm." The five second clip was to edited, to short to determine anything about what happened while she was out. "Scientists have told this news reporter that while strange in nature was nothing more then a lighting strom. However they ask that if anyone see's another event like this one to contact their local weather center."

  Sinking down into the empty chair Catherine knew she wasn't the only one within the city frightened about what she just saw. She knew there was more to the video then what the news was showing them. Borrowing Susan's laptop searching the web or the source file for the video. Sighing when it appeared to have saturated the internet. It would take her to long to go through the page's that contained all the variations of the video.

  Pulling out her phone scrolling through her contact list. Coming to the name of her FBI contact at the Chicago field office. Highlighting the name Daniel Hancock going into his contact information. Leaving the two in the kitchen as she walked into other room. Eyeing the items that were stored within the display case's. Wondering to herself when she grew use to their presence. Tapping her foot as the line rang and rang until Daniel's agitated voice came over the line.

  "Been awhile Daniel," Catherine said smiling at the phone.

  "Four month's if I do recall correctly," Daniel said over rapid keystrokes. "Now is this a social call detective, or something more of a serious matter?"

  "I was hoping you could do a favor for me," Catherine asked as she walked around the shop entrance. Her hand stopping over the box that contained the monocle she had once used.

  "That would be," Daniel said waving his hand for her to continue.

  "I was wondering if you could find the source file for the video they were playing on the news," Catherine asked unwrapping a piece of chocolate. Gently placing it in the aquarium bending down looking through the glass as the three inch gobfin ran out from it's home. Muffling her laugh as Catherine watched elf like creature dance around the aquarium. Swinging the piece of chocolate around in a state of bliss as it's tiny bites covered the chocolate.

  "Any particular reason why," Daniel asked looking over at the thumb drive next to his keyboard.

  "None really just a hunch," Catherine said as the gobfin ran into her home taking with it it's sweet prize.

  "Then if I help you, then we are even," Daniel asked eager to have that monkey of his back.

  "Sure once you send me that video clean slate," Catherine said studying the shrunken heads.

  "Alright give me an hour to see what I can find," Daniel said hanging up the phone. He wasn't about to make it easy for her given the last time they interacted. Susan had made breakfast using one of the recipe's she found in the drawer's from Contliss trip to Italy. While Catherine ate her mind could not help but wonder what it would have been like if Contliss was still with them. While the dish was delicious Catherine could not taste the sweetness of the breakfast dish. Nor the tartness of the apples that filled the crêpe. Catherine's mind was to focused on one man that had her overwhelmed. Catherine's phone vibrated along the table as she ate the last bite of her crêpe.

  "Hello Daniel," Catherine said setting down her fork pushing the plate away.

  "I've sent what you asked for to your email," Daniel said before hanging up. Well Catherine knew he didn't care for small talk yet she had thought Daniel would wanted to catch up. Shrugging off his coldness setting aside her phone, twisting Susan's laptop around typing in her department email address. Arching her eyebrow, narrowing her eyes at the subject line of his email. Well Catherine knew how he felt about her she just didn't know it was that bad. Blowing out a sigh Catherine couldn't worry about that now. Opening the email scrolling down to the embedded video link.

  Leaning on her elbows as the m
edia player came on. The video started very shaky as the owner of the carma ran out onto the street. Catherine watched as the lighting arced across the sky before striking down the unsuspecting. Catherine tried not to blink to take in everything that the news failed to report. Her head shot back as the lighting highlighted a pillar jutting out from one of the surrounding skyscrapers. Going through the video frame by frame to determine the epicenter of the event.

  All Catherine could discern was the general direction and area that the building sat within the city. Stopping the video once she saw the pair of red eyes materialized along the black back drop. Catherine's hand went to the necklace Contliss had giving her. As she looked into those red eyes she knew without a doubt he was the cause of this.

  "Seems like he is growing more powerful," Joan said from behind Catherine. Catherine tried not to be startled by the woman's sudden appearance. Yet given the woman's history Catherine doubted Joan ever made a noise unless she wanted to.

  "How so," Catherine asked looking behind her.

  "Here," Joan said running the video back to the frame where it showed the dark pillar. "That," she said pointing at the screen. "Looks like some sort of seal has been broken allowing whomever energies to surge forth. If it was the dark one then we can only assume he is far more dangerous now then ever before."

  "Your assuming that John," Susan said taking the laptop back studying the video. "Is a threat to us," she said as the clip finished.

  "Is he not," Joan asked crossing her arms.

  "Did he attack you when we were in Italy, did he attack you when he showed himself in Greece. Surely a god would pose no problem to one that is already dead," Susan said accusatory.

  "She's right if Contliss was a threat to us would he not simply kill us before dashing off from Michael's tower," Catherine said crossing her leg's beneath the table. "From what you already said even in his weaken state, killing us would not be that difficult for the man to do if that was his plan. So if Contliss is not our enemy then why would he join these people?"


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