Carter Grayson

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Carter Grayson Page 13

by Sandi Lynn

  “Oh, I’m sure she doesn’t mind.”

  “I was a little shocked when I got your letter this morning. I didn’t think you’d get such an early flight.”

  “It was the only one available. I was lucky because there were only two seats left.”

  “Maybe not so lucky since you’re still here.” He smirked.

  “It’s been quite a day so far.”

  Suddenly, a woman’s voice came on the overhead speaker.

  “Attention, passengers. Flight 445 to Connecticut has been cancelled. We will have a flight going out tomorrow morning at seven a.m. Please see the attendant at the desk for further instructions and hotel accommodations.”

  I sat there as I pursed my lips and slowly nodded my head. Was I surprised? Absolutely not.

  “Was that your flight they just cancelled?” Carter asked.

  “Yep. It sure was.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll just have to fly to Seattle with me.” He smirked.

  “I don’t know, Carter. We just can’t seem—”

  “It’ll be different this time, Zoey. I promise. I really do need you with me for this and I’m really sorry for everything. When you’re ready to talk about it, I’d like to get to know you better, and whatever it is you tell me, I’m ready to hear it.”

  I sat across from him and stared into his eyes, which were a little brighter, and the sincerity in his voice led me to believe he was telling the truth.

  “Okay. I’ll fly to Seattle with you.” I smiled.

  “Really? Then we better go get you a ticket. If there aren’t any seats available, then we’ll find another flight for us.”

  “Trust me, Carter. There will be a seat available.”

  He cocked his head and he pursed his lips.

  “You seem confident about that.”

  “I am.”

  He finished eating his sandwich and we both headed to the ticket counter.

  “How may I help you?” The young blonde asked.

  “I was supposed to be on the flight to Connecticut that was cancelled. Could you tell me if there are any seats available for the four forty-five flight to Seattle?”

  “Let me check for you.” She began typing away at her keyboard. “We have one seat available and it’s in first class.” She smiled.

  “She’ll take it,” Carter spoke. “And I’ll pay the difference.”

  “You’re all set. Have a safe trip.”

  She handed me my ticket and I looked at it.

  “What seat are you in?” Carter asked.


  “I’m in 3A, so we’ll be across from each other.” He smiled.

  “Of course we will be.” I grinned. “What did you do about Nora’s ashes?”

  “I had to buy a box at the gift shop in the hotel and transfer the ashes. The airline said it would be fine as long as I kept them in my checked luggage.”

  “Good. I’m glad they didn’t give you any trouble.”

  “Would you like to go grab a coffee and sit somewhere until we have to be at our gate?” he asked.

  “Sure. Coffee sounds really good right now.”

  We walked around until we found a Starbucks, ordered our coffees, and then took a seat at a small round table for two right outside the café.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you end up with John and Scott?”

  “Scott was the fireman who found me in the plane and he rode with me in the ambulance to the hospital. John was the attending ER doctor who treated me when I was brought in. The press surrounded the hospital for days. John had a good friend who was pretty high up at Child Protective Services and he let him and Scott take me home with them to hide me until it blew over.”

  “Didn’t you have any other family that could care for you?”

  “My mom’s parents died about a year before I was born and the only living relative my dad had was his father, who was a major alcoholic.”

  “You were only five. How did you know all that?”

  “My mom told me about her parents and John and Scott told me about my grandfather. They had hired a private investigator because they wanted to adopt me. Because of John’s friend and the pull he had, I officially became Zoey Benson two months after the crash.”

  “What I don’t understand, Zoey, is why the story about being left on the church steps?”

  I sipped my coffee before answering his question.

  “Do you realize what would happen if anyone found out that I was the child who survived that plane crash? About a month after it happened and things were starting to calm down with the press, John and Scott bought a house in Connecticut and we moved there. Even though it wasn’t official yet, they introduced me to everyone as their daughter. It was there that we started a new life as a family.”

  “I suppose you’re right. If anyone had caught wind that you were the child who survived, they would have called the press and they would have been all over you. You would never have been able to live a normal life.”

  I laughed. “My life is far from normal.”

  “I kind of get that impression. Like I said earlier, when you’re ready to talk about it, I’m ready to listen.”

  I smiled as Carter looked at his watch.

  “We need to get to our gate.”

  As soon as they called first class to start boarding, Carter handed his ticket to the attendant and I followed behind. Just before we boarded, I looked over to the right and saw Nora and Angelique standing there watching as we boarded the plane together. I gave them a small smile.

  “Who are you smiling at?” Carter asked as he looked over at me.

  “No one. I’m just happy to finally get out of this damn airport.”

  “You and me both.”

  Carter took my carry-on and put it in the overhead compartment for me before sitting in his seat.

  “Are the two of you together?” the older woman next to him asked.

  “Umm. Yes. We are,” Carter replied.

  “Well, then, she can have my seat.” She smiled as she got up.

  “Thank you. But this seat is fine,” I spoke.

  “No. No. I don’t mind at all.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive, honey. A window seat is a window seat, right?”

  “Right. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. A lovely couple as yourselves should be sitting next to one another.”

  I took the seat next to Carter and buckled my seat belt.

  “That was very nice of her to switch seats with you,” he spoke. “Our bad day is looking brighter.”

  “It is. Isn’t it?” I yawned.

  “Why don’t you take a little nap? Feel free to lay your head on my shoulder,” he spoke as he grabbed the small red pillow and rested it on his shoulder.

  “Thanks.” I smiled. “Maybe I will.”

  I laid my head down on the pillow that rested on his shoulder. He was starting to change, and so far, I was liking what I saw.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I glanced over at her as she slept on my shoulder. I was growing attached to her and I didn’t even fully realize it until I woke up this morning and she was gone. I felt alone, more alone than I already was. I hadn’t had feelings like this since Angelique and it scared the hell out of me. I wanted to keep everything buried down in the depths of my soul, but Zoey wouldn’t let me and maybe it was time I started to let her inside my world.

  We landed in Seattle and we took a cab to the Four Seasons Hotel, where I already had booked us two bay suites with an adjoining door.

  “I’m starving. How about dinner and a little exploring of Seattle?” I asked.

  “I like that idea. Just give me a second to change.”

  We headed down to the Goldfinch Tavern, where there was about an hour wait.

  “Are you sure about the wait?” I asked the hostess as I slipped her a fifty-dollar bill.

  “Umm. Let me double check for you, sir.”

  A moment later she returned, grabbed two menus, and asked us to follow her.

  “Really, Carter?”

  “What? I’m starving and I wasn’t about to wait another hour.”

  “We could have gone somewhere else.”

  “Have you ever been to Seattle?” I asked.


  “Well, let’s just say there’s long waits all over the city. I’m sure that girl could use fifty bucks.” I smirked.

  We finished dinner and headed out into the busy and crowded streets of Seattle.

  “Take my hand,” I spoke as I held it out to her. “As you can see, it’s crowded and we’re going to have to weave our way through the crowds of people.”

  She placed her hand in mine and our fingers interlaced. A feeling triggered through my body and the softness of her hand felt good. I took her to Pike Place Market first. She loved it just like I knew she would.

  “Oh my gosh, look at these beautiful flowers!” she exclaimed.

  “You like flowers?” I asked.

  “Of course. Who doesn’t? And I just don’t like them, I love them. Don’t you?” She cocked her head.

  “Yeah. Flowers are nice, I guess.”

  She traced her finger along the delicate petals of a bunch of pink roses that were sitting in a large bucket.

  “You guess?” She laughed. “Flowers are a symbol of many things. Because of their beauty and delicate nature, they instantly make people happy. They are treasures and symbols of the memories they represent. Each flower has its own meaning, and what most people don’t understand is when they’re giving flowers to someone, it’s important to know the meaning and symbolism behind each flower. For example, red roses mean love, but this purple rose over here,” she pointed, “symbolizes a highly spiritual love such as soul mates. So the purple overrules the red in love.”

  “I didn’t know that,” I spoke.

  “Most people don’t. It’s like when people leave the favorite flowers of their loved ones on their graves. It’s done as an expression. A way of saying ‘I know you’re not here anymore, but I still love you.’ Make sense?”

  “I guess. Can we talk about something else?”

  “Yeah. Of course.”

  We walked around, did some window shopping, and headed back to the hotel. It was already ten thirty and we were both exhausted. When we got back to our rooms, Zoey went in hers and I went in mine. I changed into a pair of sweatpants, took a seat on the edge of the bed, and cupped my face in my hands, thinking about how I wanted her to stay in my bed tonight. Suddenly, there was a knock on the adjoining door. Getting up, I opened it.

  “Hey,” I spoke.

  “Do you by any chance have any bottled water in your mini fridge? Mine is only stocked with alcohol.”

  “Let’s go take a look.”

  Walking over to the mini fridge, I opened it and took out a bottle of water.

  “Thank you,” she softly spoke.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I stared into her beautiful eyes and brought my hand up to her cheek.

  “Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I know things between us haven’t been good.”

  “I really didn’t have a choice.” She smiled.

  I didn’t know what she meant by that and I didn’t want to because all I wanted to do was kiss her sweet lips. I leaned forward and softly brushed my mouth against hers. She reciprocated, and it was then I knew she didn’t want me to stop. I deepened our kiss as her lips parted and my tongue met hers. My hands roamed up and down her beautiful body as my cock became rock hard. I grasped the bottom of her shirt, broke our kiss, and lifted it over her head while our eyes locked on each other’s. Reaching behind her, I unclasped her bra with ease and tossed it on the floor. My hands instantly gravitated to her perfect breasts, cupping them and taking her hardened nipples between my fingers. My tongue caressed her collarbone, over each breast and across her torso as I got down on my knees. Unbuttoning her jeans, I slid them and her panties off her hips and down to her ankles where she stepped out of them. My mouth lightly pressed against her lips and my tongue circled her clit. Her fingers tangled through my hair while she let out satisfying groans. I brought my hand up to her opening and slid my finger inside her, feeling the wetness that emerged. She gasped and her legs tightened as she came.

  Standing, I picked her up and carried her to my bed, gently laid her down on her back, and took my sweatpants down, kicking them to the side. To my surprise, she sat up on the edge of the bed and wrapped her soft warm hand around my cock, moving it up and down slowly before covering the tip with her lips. I threw my head back and moaned at the sensation that flowed through my body. I didn’t want her to stop, but I didn’t want to come that way and I was already on the verge. Lightly pushing her back, I hovered over her and kissed her lips while my cock sat in between her legs. One thrust, I was inside and was greeted with a warmth that made my cock tingle with pleasure. Slowly deepening myself inside her, I moaned, as did she. Our lips tangled as I continued to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. Wrapping my hands around her back, I pulled her up into a sitting position and she moved in sync with me as her legs tightly wrapped themselves around my waist. After a few more thrusts, I pulled out and turned her on her stomach, tracing her back with the soft strokes of my tongue. I could feel her body tremble as I buried myself deep inside her from behind. She came and now it was my turn. I amped up the pace, my heart rapidly beating and the sensation of a full explosion coming on. The sexual sounds that escaped her excited me as I couldn’t hold back any longer. I pulled out and expelled everything I had onto the silky skin of her back. I was so caught up in the moment and the feeling, I had completely forgotten about a condom, and I was surprised she didn’t say something to me about it.

  I climbed off her and went into the bath for some tissue.

  “Stay in my bed tonight,” I spoke as I cleaned her back.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “I’m positive.” A small smile crossed my lips.

  We both climbed under the sheets and I placed my arm around her while she snuggled against me and laid her head on my chest.

  “You could have come inside me,” she spoke. “I’m on birth control.”

  “You are?” I asked with surprise.


  “Why didn’t you say something before?”

  “I don’t know. You reached for a condom, so I thought you felt more comfortable using one.”

  “I’ve never not used one since Angelique, and I don’t know why I didn’t this time.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  That was really the first time he said her name to me. As I lay against him, I softly stroked his chest with my fingers. This felt right. Every time we had sex, it felt right. He was a different man, but the change I saw in him today and how a piece of the darkness that shrouded him lifted, I got my hopes up he was starting to see things differently.

  “I think we should get some sleep,” he spoke. “Good night, Zoey.” He kissed the top of my head.

  “Good night, Carter.”

  I opened my eyes and looked at the big red numbers on the clock that read two thirty a.m. As hard as I tried to go back to sleep, I couldn’t. I carefully and quietly climbed out of bed, grabbed the white robe that was hanging on the hook in the bathroom, and sat out on the small balcony that housed two lounge chairs. I sat there, staring at the darkened water and listened as the waves crashed against the shoreline. I didn’t know what was going to happen with us or if he could ever fully understand who I was. But he had to know I was falling in love with him and I couldn’t stop it. Suddenly, a rush of cold settled inside me.

  “You have to make him open up about me,” I heard a voice whisper. “It’s the only way he’ll heal.”

  I looked over to my right and saw Angelique standing there.

  “He needs you, Zoey.”

  Then she was gone.

  “What are you doing
out here?” Carter asked as he stepped onto the balcony.

  “I couldn’t sleep. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “You didn’t. I woke up and you were gone. Come back to bed.”

  I stared straight into the vast open water and ignored his request.

  “When the plane crashed and I opened my eyes, I was standing in a field of flowers. The sun was so bright I could barely see. But I could feel love and peace all around me.”

  “What?” He took a seat in the chair next to me.

  “A man and a woman walked over to me and each took my hand. We walked through the field of flowers together. The colors were so vibrant and the smell that filled the air was something I’d never smelled before. They explained to me that I was special and it wasn’t my time to stay with them. They told me that I had a purpose and that purpose was to help those who were dying not to be afraid and tell them of my experience and what I saw. They said that I wasn’t to be afraid of what awaited me on the other side and that two nice men were going to raise me and guide me along the way. I was to help those in need.”

  “What did they mean by ‘what awaited you on the other side’?” he asked.

  “After they sent me back and I woke up, Scott was there and picked me up. As he was carrying me off the plane, I watched all the souls of the people who died in the crash walk away, including my parents. But I didn’t feel sad. I smiled and waved to them because I knew the place they were going to.”

  “Jesus, Zoey. I—”

  “Every day since then, I am able to see the souls of those who passed, and some I have to help.”

  “What do you mean you have to help?”

  “Sometimes, I have to give their loved ones a message before they can move on. Like the guy at the hotel. He needed me to tell his wife that everything she needed was locked in the safe in their bedroom and the combination was taped under the drawer of his nightstand.”

  “Have you ever told anyone else about this?” he asked.

  “My dads know and my best friend, Holly. I knew I could trust her. We’re soul sisters.”

  “I don’t know what to think or what to say about any of it,” he spoke with a shaky voice.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Carter. I just needed you to listen.”


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