Carter Grayson

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Carter Grayson Page 15

by Sandi Lynn



  I was sitting at my desk when a call from Sadie came in.

  “Hello, Sadie. Did you talk to her?”

  “I did, Mr. Grayson.”


  “She’s stopping by tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? Why not today?”

  “I don’t know. She said she was coming into the city tomorrow.”

  “What time?”

  “She said she’ll call before she stops by.”

  I sighed.

  “Sadie, I need a time. Call her back. Make it tomorrow around six o’clock. Invite her to dinner or something.”

  “Mr. Grayson—”

  “Sadie, this is important. Call me back and let me know what she says.”



  I was sitting in the chair while Holly was putting the highlights in my hair when my phone rang.

  “I have to answer this,” I spoke to her.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Zoey, it’s Sadie. I completely forgot. I have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow and a doctor’s appointment. Can you come by around six? I’ll make us a nice dinner.”

  “Yeah. Six will be fine. I’ll just make the penthouse my last stop before I head home. We can actually meet somewhere for dinner if you’d like and you can just bring my things.”

  “Nope. I’m cooking for you. It’s been a while. Plus, it’ll be quieter here and it’ll give us a chance to really talk.”

  “Okay, but I don’t want you to go to any trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. I enjoy cooking for you. I’ll see you around six o’clock tomorrow.”

  “See you then, Sadie.”

  “What was that all about?” Holly asked.

  “I’m having dinner with Sadie tomorrow night at six.”

  “At Carter’s penthouse?”

  “Yeah. He’s still away and Sadie sounds a little down. Plus, I left a couple of things there.”



  My phone rang and Sadie was calling.

  “What did she say?” I answered.

  “She’s coming for dinner at six o’clock tomorrow.”

  “Excellent. I knew you could do it, Sadie. Did she sound suspicious or anything?”

  “Not that I could tell.”

  “Okay. Good. Thanks again. You’re a doll for doing this.”

  After ending the call, I immediately started to search flowers online. After our discussion at Pike Market Place, I needed to find the perfect flowers with the perfect meaning for her. Any old flower wouldn’t do and I couldn’t fuck this up. I needed her to see and believe how sorry I was.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I headed into the city around one o’clock, grabbed some lunch, and did a lot of shopping. I didn’t actually buy anything and I didn’t know why. I think I just needed the distraction of looking around and being surrounded by people to make me forget about Carter. It was five thirty and I phoned Sadie to tell her I was stuck in horrible traffic and I might be a little late. As luck would have it, I arrived at the penthouse at precisely six o’clock. As the elevator doors opened, I stepped into the foyer and called out for Sadie.

  “Sadie, I’m here,” I spoke as I set my purse down on the table.

  “Hello, Zoey,” Carter spoke as he walked towards me with his hands tucked into his pants pockets.

  My heart started racing and I broke out in a sweat.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Well, considering this is where I live.” He smirked.

  “Sadie said you were still away.” I grabbed my purse from the table.

  “I had Sadie tell you that because I needed to talk to you, and I knew that if you knew I was here, you’d never come.”

  “I have nothing to say to you, and you’re right, I wouldn’t have come.”

  I pushed the button to the elevator. As soon as the doors opened, I began to step inside.

  “I’ll never forget the day Angelique told me she was pregnant with my child,” he spoke. “It was the happiest day of my life.”

  I stood there for a moment, one foot in the elevator and one foot out.

  “I was going to be a father. My life was complete. My business was growing, I had a woman that I loved, and a baby on the way.”

  I slowly removed my foot from the elevator and took a step back. The doors shut and I turned around and faced Carter.

  “My life wasn’t so great growing up. I lost my best friend, Andy, Nora got sick with cancer, my mother passed away, and then my father committed suicide. I had to drop out of college, take care of Nora, and try to save the company from bankruptcy. That company was all Nora and I had left in this world. Then I met Angelique, and suddenly, everything fell into place. I saw my future.”

  I just stood there, staring into his sad eyes, unable to speak.

  “Please, come in and sit down. I’ll pour us a glass of wine.” He held out his hand to me.

  When I placed my hand in his, he led me into the living room and over to the couch. He walked over to the bar and poured us each a glass of wine. Walking over to me, he handed me my glass and sat down next to me.

  “The day I got the call about the accident, I was supposed to go to her doctor’s appointment with her. The plan was that I was going to pick her up from work and we’d go together. But, I got tied up in a meeting. The client was being difficult and I couldn’t leave. So, I sent her a text message and told her that I’d meet her there. If only I had told that client to fuck off and left the meeting when I was supposed to, she and my son would be alive.”

  I was too scared to say anything to him for the fear that he would get angry, because I knew he didn’t want to hear what I had to say. I reached over and placed my hand on his.

  “It’s okay, Zoey. You can say it. After their death, I completely shut down. I hated this world, God, and my life. No one, and I mean no one, should ever have to experience so much death. I became angry and nothing mattered to me anymore except my company and Nora, of course. I secluded myself. I didn’t grieve properly because every day I lived, I hoped that it was all a nightmare, and one day I’d wake up and she and my son would be next to me. I became bitter and secluded myself from everyone and everything. I lost friends because of it. They tried to help, but when they couldn’t, they left. Nora did what she could, but I wouldn’t listen to her. Then, she was diagnosed and the small narrow piece of the ledge I was standing on crumbled under me.”

  Tears filled my eyes as did his. My heart broke into tiny pieces listening to his story.

  “I’m sorry, Zoey. I’m sorry for everything. For my behavior towards you and every horrible word I spoke to you.”

  “It’s okay, Carter,” I whispered.

  “No. It’s not okay and I need to explain to you why I did it. The moment I saw you in Starbucks, I felt something. Even though I didn’t know you, I felt this strong connection or pull towards you. But I didn’t think about it because I thought I’d never see you again. Then that night when you showed up here, I lost it. That’s why I didn’t want you here. Because I knew you were someone special and different. I resisted and did everything I could to keep my feelings buried. I’ve seen a lot of women since Angelique died. Actually, I used them and I’m ashamed of it. But, not one of those women ever touched me the way you have. When you started talking about seeing spirits and heaven and how everything happens for a reason, I forced myself not to believe in any of it because then it would be real and I didn’t want to live in reality. I’m sorry for calling you crazy. I didn’t mean it. I just wanted to convince myself that you were, even though I knew you weren’t, because then it would be easy for me not to fall for you.” He ran his hand down my cheek. “Even when we slept together, the connection was so deep. Deeper than what I had with Angelique and I felt guilty for that.”


many times have you seen her? Please tell me. I want to know everything. I need to know.”

  “Quite a bit. I saw her here, but mostly at the beach house. She was with us the whole time. She’s here, Carter, because you won’t let her go and she can’t move on until you do.”

  “And Nora?”

  “Same thing. All she wants is for you to be okay. She loves you so much and it hurt her to see you living the way you are. Her illness wasn’t her focus, you were. You were all she worried about.”

  “Of course she did. She always worried about everyone else. Zoey, have you seen my son?”

  A tear streamed down my face as I lightly nodded my head.

  “He looks just like you. He’s beautiful.”

  Tears started to run down his face.

  “We were meant to meet that day in the hospital. I know now that wasn’t a coincidence,” he spoke.

  “No, it wasn’t. And we had to go through everything we did over the past twenty years in order to meet each other again.”

  “The man you met a few months ago isn’t who I am.”

  “I know.” I brought my hand up to his face and wiped away his tears.

  “You were right when you told me I became a victim of circumstance. I didn’t know any other way to deal with everything. I felt like I didn’t deserve to be happy.”

  “You do deserve to be happy, Carter. Everyone deserves happiness. No matter what. That’s all Angelique and Nora want for you. They want you to live again and find happiness. Isn’t that what you’d want for them if the situation was reversed?”

  “Of course I would.”

  “Then why would you think they wouldn’t want the same for you?”

  “I don’t know. I was lost, so lost that I couldn’t find my way back. But you found me. You, Zoey, and you brought me back. You opened my eyes again.”

  He leaned over and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him.

  “I know there aren’t enough words in the world for me to say to you. But I will tell you that I miss you and I’m sorry. I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t forgive me. Hell, I wouldn’t forgive me.”

  “I do forgive you, Carter.”

  “You do?” He broke our embrace and looked into my eyes.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “I missed you too.”

  “How did you get home? I mean, I know you flew home, but I thought Nora and Angelique would have stopped you.”

  “I think they realized you needed some time alone to process everything.”

  “I felt Nora in the hotel room when I was talking to her. A coldness rushed through me.”

  “She was there at the Grand Canyon and she did place her hand on your shoulder. I’m sorry I lied to you about it. I just didn’t want you to get angry again.”

  “I knew she was there. And at times, when I’m alone at night in my office, I swear I can feel Angelique’s presence.”

  “That’s because you did. She was there with you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  We sat on the couch, locked in an embrace for several minutes while Carter stroked my hair and held me tight.

  “I have something for you,” he spoke.

  “You do?”

  “I’ll be right back.” He smiled as he kissed my head.

  A moment later, he walked over to me with his hand behind his back.

  “These are for you.”

  I smiled as I took the beautiful bouquet of white flowers from him and brought them up to my nose.

  “Star of Bethlehem.” I grinned. “Where on earth did you get these? They’re very hard to find.”

  “It was tricky.” He winked. “Do you know what they symbolize?”

  “They’re an ‘I’m sorry’ flower.”

  “Not only that, but they also represent a redo and ask for a chance to right a wrong. That’s what I’m asking you for, Zoey. Give me another chance. Let me make right everything I’ve done wrong. When I told you back in Seattle that we weren’t good together, I was lying. I know deep down in my heart, we can be amazing together. That’s if you’ll let me show you.”

  As I sat there and stared at him, I couldn’t help but smile. He was so handsome and every last bit of darkness that he had been shrouded in for the past five years had disappeared. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck, brushing my lips softly against his.

  “You don’t have to show me. I already know we will be.”

  He let out a breath.

  “Thank you.” He hugged me tight and I closed my eyes.

  A moment later, I opened them, and standing in front of me were Angelique and Nora, holding hands and smiling.

  “They’re here,” I whispered in his ear.

  “Where?” he asked as he broke our embrace.

  “Behind you. Umm, you didn’t go to Hawaii?” I asked.

  “Oh. Well, no. I already apologized to Nora about that and told her I wasn’t going alone. So you need to repack because we’re going to Hawaii together, like planned, to scatter the last of her ashes.” He smirked.

  “That won’t be a problem because I haven’t even unpacked yet.” I laughed.

  “Let’s drive to your house and pick up your suitcase. You can spend the night here and we’ll leave tomorrow. I have the private jet on standby. Wait, Sadie made dinner. Why don’t you call John and Scott and have them come over for dinner? That way, they can bring your suitcase and I can get to know them better.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’ll call them right now.”

  I went to the foyer, grabbed my phone from my purse, and called my dad, John, who was happy to hear what I told him.

  “He said he and Scott will be here within the hour.” I smiled as I walked over to Carter.

  He reached down and scooped me up in his arms.

  “Good. That gives me just enough time to make love to you.” He grinned.



  I hired a tour guide to take Zoey and me to Sweetheart Rock to scatter the last of Nora’s ashes.

  “I’m a little surprised as to why your sister would want her ashes scattered here, Mr. Grayson,” Ano, our guide spoke.


  “You’ve never heard the legend?”

  “No. I can’t say that I have.”

  “I haven’t either,” Zoey spoke.

  “It’s a story about a warrior and the beautiful princess he was going to marry. The warrior was so in love with his princess that he was afraid other men would be taken by her beauty, so he hid her away in that sea cave right over there.” He pointed. “Then one day, a Kona storm came through and the princess drowned. The warrior took her body and buried her where the top of that rock is over there. Because he was so heartbroken and grief stricken, he took his own life by jumping from the top of the rock.”

  “Wow,” Zoey spoke. “How tragic.”

  “I’ll leave the two of you alone for a while. When you’re ready to head back, just let me know.”

  “Thank you, Ano,” I spoke and then glanced over at Zoey. “You don’t by any chance see the warrior and his princess around here, do you?”

  “No.” She laughed.

  “I now know why Nora wanted her ashes scattered here.”

  “Why?” Zoey asked.

  “Because of my father. He was so heartbroken after my mother died.”

  She placed her arm around me and laid her head on my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Carter.”

  “Let’s get these ashes scattered. Shall we?”

  I took off my shirt and Zoey slipped out of her shorts and tank top that was covering up her bathing suit. I grabbed her hand and we walked into the water. It wasn’t possible to swim to the rock, so I turned the box over and let her ashes out into the water. We stood there and watched them drift away from us and towards the rock.

  “She’s here,” Zoey spoke. “She’s standing on top of the rock.”

  “I really hate that I can’t see her.”

Close your eyes, Carter. You’ll feel her presence.”

  “Goodbye, Nora. May you rest in peace,” I spoke.

  We got out of the water, grabbed our towels, and laid them down in the sand. I glanced over at Zoey and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear while I smiled at her.

  “What?” She smiled back.

  “Is it too early in our relationship to tell you that I’m in love with you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I won’t scare you off or anything?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should try telling me and see what happens.”

  “I love you, Zoey.” I ran my fingers through her hair.

  “I love you too, Carter.” She brought her hand up to my face.

  My smile widened as I leaned in and softly brushed my lips against hers.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Carter and I spent two full weeks in Hawaii. We didn’t plan on staying that long, but we were having so much fun, we decided to stay. We went from island to island, stayed at various high-end hotels, went on an open-door volcano helicopter ride, swam with the dolphins, went snorkeling, visited some art galleries and museums, went on a sunset dinner cruise, attempted to surf, shopped, and spent quality time on the beautiful beaches. But nothing was better than all the sex we had. It was the trip of a lifetime and I had never been so happy.

  It was our last morning in Hawaii and we were lying in bed, our bodies snuggled against each other’s.

  “I’m thinking about moving,” he spoke.

  I lifted my head from his chest and looked at him.

  “What? Why?”

  “I think it’s time for a change. A new start in a new place.” He smiled.

  “Where are you moving to?”

  “Same area. Different building. I have options.”

  “You mean you have buildings you already own.” I grinned.

  “That too.” He smirked. “There’s only one problem.”


  “I want someone to move in with me, but I’m not sure if she wants to.”


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