The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3)

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The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3) Page 9

by Cilla Lee

  “Yeah” I manage to get out and he starts to move faster, the slapping noises of our bodies echo in the small bathroom. Heavy breathing and my whimpers of pleasure that I'm trying to keep in check so we don't wake his Dad.

  “Fuckin’ love your pussy baby” he pulls me back harder onto his cock and thrust deeper. “Can you feel that baby, feel how hard you make me” he thrusts hard and I scream “That's it baby, I wanna hear you come on my dick” his pace speeds up and I can feel the building in my body the tingle that starts at my feet, the heat building and rising. He reaches around and rubs my sensitive clit and I come hard my inner muscles clenching his cock inside me “FUCK yes baby” he thrust a couple more times and he comes, filling me with his essence grinding his cock on my sensitive walls. He pulls me up so I'm leaning against his front and kisses the top of my head his cock still in my pussy. “Come on, I'm fuckin’ wiped out let’s go to bed” he says as we step out of the shower and I look at him “What?”

  “I'm not sleeping on the bed I told you that”

  “Baby it's late and I've got work in three fuckin’ hours don't bust my balls” I roll my eyes because he does look tired

  “Fine but you get a new bed if I'm going to move in, a brand new one”

  “You got it, now come here and go to sleep” I lay next to him and within minutes he's asleep a soft snoring coming from his perfect cupids bow lips, his two-day stubble giving him a GQ runway look (fucking gorgeous). I stare at him for ages before I fall to sleep (dreams really do come true)

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I dropped Lilly off at her shitty motel room and the Prospect was still there, at least he can do one thing without fuckin’ it up, I give him a chin lift when we pull up “Prospect......she good” I ask him and he nods

  “Yeah man she was pissed at first but she calmed down after a while” I walk with Lilly to her room and the midget opens the door and jumps into Lilly's arms and they whisper to each other

  “Get all your shit ready baby, I'll be back around one to get all the stuff to my place ok” she nods, her sister staring at us both but not saying anything “Later baby” I kiss her on the lips (fuckin’ love her lips) and I walk to my truck.

  “You need anything else man” the Prospect asks me

  “Yeah head over to mine, got new furniture being delivered today, need you and your brother to move my old shit out and set the new stuff up”

  “We need the keys”

  “Nah Tiny's still there he's waitin’ on ya”

  “No problem man, I'll head over now” I get in my truck and head to work.


  “We havin’ lunch at The Grill today” Colt asks me

  “Nah man got plans” he looks at me

  “You got plans with who?”



  “Nunya fuckin’ business that's who” I give him the finger and he laughs. Colt’s phone rings and he pulls it out of his trousers and smiles, I no it’s Niya by the way he smiles at his phone.

  “Hay baby what's up”


  “Did he threaten her or something” I hear him say and look at him

  “Baby let’s not panic ok if something happens we'll deal with it but for now you two just stay inside and lock the house up ok”

  “Love you to baby” he hangs up and he looks at me

  “What was that about?” Tank asks him

  “Brandy's ex had flowers delivered”


  “He's the one that beat the shit out of her”



  “What ya ganna do?”

  “Nothin’, I can do anything until he makes a move”


  When I pull back up to the motel the girls door is open and I get out of my truck, Lilly smiles and I almost come in my pants (fuck she’s gorgeous) “You got everything baby” I ask her and she blushes and I pull her to me and kiss her “You thinkin’ dirty thoughts baby” I ask her and she nods makin’ me smile more. I push her up against the wall and kiss her hard and deep, she moans and I grind my dick on her pussy

  “Stryker” she says all breathy, her face flush

  “You look good baby”

  “Ahem” someone says and I turn to my right and see her sister starin’ at me

  “Tink” I say givin’ her a chin lift

  “Stryker” she says soundin’ pissed off

  “So, you ladies ready” I ask them both

  “Stryker, we don’t have much just our clothes” Lilly says

  “Good come on than, got a surprise for ya” I help her with all of her shit and put it in the back and Tink looks at me givin’ me the stink eye, but she doesn’t say anythin’. The drive to the house is in total silence but I hold Lilly’s hand needin’ to touch her “When are you workin’ again baby” I ask Lilly

  “Tomorrow night why?”

  “Thought we'd have dinner on Friday night that’s all”

  “Like a date” she says and I pull her hand up and kiss it

  “Yeah baby like a date” she smiles and I swear if Tink wasn’t in the car I’d pull over and make her fuck me

  “Oh, that's sounds's just”

  “It's just what?”

  “We were going to go to the movies” Tink says from the back

  “I like the movies” I tell her, even though I haven't been since Colt and I were teenagers

  “You like the movies” Tink asks me and I look at her through the rear-view mirror


  “What was the last movie your saw?” she asks

  “You know I liked you better when you didn't talk” I say to her and Lilly slaps my arm

  “Stryker that was mean” I growl

  “Forget it Lilly, you go out with Stryker, I'll find something to do” Tink says and I look at Lilly, I can tell she wants a date but she doesn't want to leave her sister out

  “Why don't you come with us on the date” I ask her

  “On your first date, you want me to come”

  “Why don't you ask Jaxson to come with us a double date” Lilly says and I roll my eyes, it’s bad enough her fuckin’ sister was cock blockin’ me, now I've have to spend time with the fuckin’ Prospect, I growl again and Lilly smiles.

  “NO” is all she says and I look at Lilly

  “I thought you talked to him last night”

  “No, why would I talk to him”

  “Tink” Lilly says

  “Just drop it Lilly, dam” she says and I watch her lean against the window, as we pull up to the house I see the van sittin’ in the driveway

  “Come on baby your ganna love the surprise” I walk around and open both of their doors just as the Prospects walk out

  “Prospect move the girls shit inside” I tell them and they both walk over and start lifting the girls bags and I turn the girls frownin’ at me.


  “You don't have to be so rude’ Lilly says to me

  “To who?”

  “To Jaxson and Jordan”

  “The Prospects” I say lookin’ at her

  “They have names” I nod my head

  “I know”

  “Then why don't you use it” I walk over to Lilly and pull her to me

  “Because there fuckin’ Prospects”

  “That doesn't mean you can talk to them like that” she says soundin’ annoyed

  “Baby a Prospect has to earn his colors and there happy to do it for me”

  (fuckin’ apologize, over my fuckin’ dead body)


  “Fuckin’ hell will freeze over baby, now drop it” I say louder makin’ my point clear


  “Good let’s go” I pull Lilly to the house and Tink follows

  “You need anything else” Jaxson asks

  “No, you both just head back to the clubhouse”


  I show
the girls around the house and then head upstairs to their rooms “Here you go Tink” I say “This is your room” I open the door for her and she steps in, she doesn’t say anything she just looks around “Bathrooms just across the hall ok, get settled” I pull Lilly with me to our room “You ready baby” I ask her kissin’ her shoulder

  “Stryker, we only left like four hours ago, I know what your room looks like” I smile and open the door, she steps in and stops. I'd ordered a huge black leather King size bed all new bedding blacks and greys new rug bedside table lamps dresser everything “OMG Stryker what happened?” I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her

  “Got a new bed just for you baby”

  “But it's too much”

  “You don't like it”

  “Oh Stryker, I love it” she’s quiet and I slowly turn her around

  “You don't like it”

  “No, I really do, it’s just no one has ever done this before. I feel a little overwhelmed”

  “I told you I take care of mine baby and you wanted a new bed so you got a new bed”

  “How? When?”

  “When you were in the shower”

  “But how?”

  “The Prospects baby”

  “We'll thank them for me”


  “Please for me”

  “Fine I'll say thank you to them ok” she smiles at me and I pull her in and kiss her walkin’ her backward towards the bed “Christening time baby” I tell her and she laughs kissing me back harder

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  After Stryker left Tink and I were in her room hanging her clothes up “So how long are we going to live here?” Tink asks me and I look at her

  “Look Tink I know this isn’t what we talked about getting our own place and all but Stryker’s…...well he’s just”

  “Forget it, I know you like him”

  “I do a lot”

  “It's just you don't know him, then you spend one night with him and the next day your moving in together”

  “I know... he's just so intense....and, I really like him and smell” I take a deep breath in “smell that clean no mold and no police raids” she looks at me

  “How do we know he doesn’t have police raids, he is in The Devils Soldiers mc Lilly, for all we know he might have a cache of guns or drugs around the house huh”

  “Guns and drugs Tink really”

  “What you don’t know?”

  “I think your over reacting just a tad” she rolls her eyes at me

  “I’m just saying we know nothing about him”

  “Tink you have to trust me”

  “I do, it’s him I don’t trust”

  “Please Tink, I really do like him” she frowns at me

  “He's an ass” I smile at her statement

  “Yeah, he is that and he’s pig headed to, I tried to tell him no loads of times but he just didn’t listen”

  “What?” she says looking worried “He didn't force you did he” I look at her and I shake my head

  “No Tink he didn't force me”

  “Than if you said no”

  “Not in the way you’re thinking, I meant he just wouldn’t let me say no to him helping that’s all”

  “Oh, good so I don’t have to sleep with a knife under my pillow” I laugh

  “No Tink no knife”

  “Good cause I’ll go all crouching tiger on his ass if you want” I laugh at her

  “Slow down hidden dragon, Stryker’s great you’ll see, so tell me why didn't you talk to Jaxson” she shrugs her shoulders

  “I told you Lilly he's not my type that's all” she sits on the bed folding her t-shirt

  “Did he spend all night with you”

  “No…. well yeah, but in your bed”

  “And nothing happened”

  “No Lilly nothing happened”

  “Did you want it to”


  “Come on Tink you can't say he's not good looking”

  “I didn't say he wasn't”


  “Ok but this is between us”


  “I came out to see if you were ok and as I was walking past the girl’s bathroom I heard a woman moaning”


  “So, I opened the door and seen Jaxson with Bambi up against the wall”


  “He was fucking her against the wall”

  “Oh, Tink I’m sorry”

  “For what?”

  “Because I know you like him” she rolls her eyes at me

  “It’s fine Jaxson's not the right guy”

  “I can't believe he was fucking Bambi”

  “Well he was”

  “Fuck Tink I really am sorry”

  “It's fine I’m over it”


  “It's nothing Lilly” but I can see she's hurt (god I wanna kick Jaxson in the balls)

  “You know what Tink theirs plenty of fish in the sea” she smiles

  “Yeah there is” just than the doorbell rings

  “Who do you think that is” she asks me and I shrug

  “No idea, come on” we walk down to the front door and I open it and see a blonde with huge tits a tight short red dress leopard print stiletto’s and more makeup than you can shovel on staring at me

  “Who the fuck, are you?” she says pushing past me

  “Excuse me who are you?”

  “this is my man’s house” she says

  “Tiny” I ask her

  “No, Stryker you, stupid bitch now who the fuck are you two sluts... STRYKER” she yells

  “I think you should go or come back later” I tell her and she turns to look at me

  “I'm not leaving you two bitches in my man’s house, now where the fuck is he” she runs up the stairs and we run up after her and she stops just inside of mine and Stryker's room.

  “What the hell?” she says looking a little stunned

  “Look you need to leave” I tell her, she sees my clothes on the bed and walks over to the window opens it and then grabs my clothes. I run at her just as my clothes go flying out the window

  “You, stupid bitch” I scream at her and I tackle her to the ground, we start wrestling. Tink comes over just as the bitch punches me in the face and I feel my lip explode with pain “YOU BITCH” I yell at her and punch her back, I get her on her back and punch her over and over. I watch as her face swells from the constant punches, Tink kicks her ribs and she screams louder. I hold her hair and the three of us are screaming at each other, she tries to get up but I grab her top and rip it, she pulls my hair trying to hit me in the face but I get lose and jump up. Both Tink and I start kicking her everywhere, I kick her square on the face and feel her nose break with the force of my kick, she screams and a pain shoots up my foot when we hear a loud bellow.

  “WHAT THE EVER LOVIN’ FUCK” is yelled and the three of us stop and look up, Stryker’s Dad is standing there looking at the three of us (god dammit)

  “You, cunt get the fuck out of my house and don't come back” he says to the women on the ground, she looks at him blood dripping down her face from her nose and she's crying holding onto her ribs

  “But” she says

  “No fuckin’ buts get the fuck out” she gets up and runs to the door crying, her clothes are ripped her hairs a mess a black eye already forming and there’s blood and scratches on her arms and neck. Once we hear the front door close he looks back at me and Tink smiling

  “Always hated that cunt, you two good” he asks us and we both nod “Come on first aid kits in the kitchen” he walks off back down the hall. Tink and I look at each other, she has scratches on her arms like mine from the talons on the big boobed bitch, my lip is bleeding and I know I'm going to have a bruise on my cheek. I go to walk and I feel a sting radiate throughout my foot

  “Dammit” I say trying to put pressure on my foot and I hiss

You ok Lilly”

  “I don't know, I think I might have broken my foot on that bitches’ face” Tink smiles

  “Haven't had to kick ass like that for a while” she laughs and then so do I, as we walk into the kitchen, Tink's holding me up. Stryker's Dads standing with his back to us

  “Sit” he says and we both sit as he pulls down a first aid kit “I see you two can look out for yourselves, been doin’ that awhile I'm guessin’” he goes over to the freezer and gets out an ice bag and hands one to each of us

  “For your face and hand anything else sore” I look at my hand, the knuckles are all bruised red and swollen.

  “I think I might have broken my foot”

  “Want me to have a look”

  “Um sure” he sits on the chair next to me

  “Leg up here” he taps his knee and I lift my leg, he pushes one part and I feel a pain shoot up my leg “Don't think it's broken, but it could still be fractured”

  “Shit I can't afford the hospital” he laughs

  “Don't worry darlin’ got a doctor who can come and have a look”

  “Thanks, Tiny” I say

  “What'd that cunt want anyway”

  ‘Stryker” both Tink and I say in unison and he laughs

  “Whatever she said it's a fuckin lie, cunt can't open her mouth without lying”

  “Who was she?” Tink asks

  “Just a hang around”

  “A what?”

  “Someone who comes to the clubhouse to party, don't worry she won't be back” just than we hear a car pull up outside and I move my hands under the table “He's ganna see 'em darlin’” a bead of sweat runs down my back, I have no idea why I feel nervous I just do. Will Stryker hate me for fighting his.... I don't even know who she was, he walks in and stops


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