The Billionaire's Legacy: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 5)

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The Billionaire's Legacy: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 5) Page 5

by Erika Rose

  “Stefan where the hell are you?”

  “I’m getting out of the city. I need to think.”

  “Bullshit! You’re running from responsibility. Roman gave you work and you blatantly ignored it!”

  “It was mind-numbing crap any one of his lackeys could’ve done. I’m not wasting my Friday playing lapdog to Roman.”

  “Dammit Stefan, you’re really trying me this time. How many times do I need to make it clear to you that either you work or I stop your trust fund?”

  Stefan was angry before his father phoned and his threats just made it worse. “You know what dad? Stop threatening me! If you want to stop the goddamn trust fund then do it, but stop holding it over my head like a goddamn axe.”

  Tommy Kelson’s voice was low as he answered. “Don’t tempt me Stefan.”

  “I’m not. Tell Roman I’ll be in the office Monday and play lapdog then. Bye dad.”

  Stefan switched the radio to loud rock music as he followed the road to South Hampton. He wasn’t lying; he needed to get out of the city. He needed to get Sasha Morris out of his mind and decide if he really wanted to do something with his life.

  He had no idea how he was going to get Sasha out of his mind and no idea what he wanted to do with his life. Maybe a few drinks with his friends would help him work through the shit-storm that has taken over his mind.

  His phone rang again and Stefan wanted to ignore it thinking it was his father when he noticed Sasha’s number on the screen.

  “Sasha?” Stefan answered the call.

  “I’m free tonight.”

  Three words were all it took for Stefan to turn his car around.


  Sasha waited but Stefan didn’t answer.

  “Stefan? Did you hear me?”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven pm sharp.” With that, he disconnected the line.

  Sasha smiled at Kris who sat beside her. “He’s picking me up at seven pm.”

  “Sasha, I must say rich playboys become you.” Kris laughed. “You haven’t been this excited in ages. Well, you were close to this when we went to that legal seminar last summer.”

  Sasha playfully slapped Kris. “That was a good seminar.”

  “Right.” Kris rolled her eyes. “And Stefan is a good lay?”

  Sasha giggled. “Maybe?”

  Kris laughed again. “God you’re a bad liar. You’ve got smitten written all over your face.”

  At Kris’s words Sasha sobered. Smitten? She couldn’t be not after one night? No, she wasn’t smitten she was just enjoying a brief fling with a really hot guy.

  “Don’t worry Kris, I’ve got this.” Sasha said as she moved to her study desk. If she was going to spend the evening with Stefan and with the rest of her weekend planned out, it would best if she put in some study time now.

  At 7pm the buzzer buzzed. Stefan was on time. Sasha checked her make up in the mirror before she grabbed her purse and headed downstairs to meet Stefan.

  He stood against a midnight blue limousine wearing a tux. “Sasha.”

  As she walked towards him she was glad she had decided to dress up. She wore a dark blue dress that flowed softly over her curves ending just above her knees. There was a deep V in the front giving him a glimpse of her cleavage.

  His eyes cruised over her body and Sasha felt herself heat under his gaze as she took his hand.


  He grinned at her before opening the door and helping her to step inside. Sasha had been in limousines before so it wasn’t new to her. The fact that Stefan had gone through the trouble of getting one for the evening meant more to her than the limousine itself.

  “Where are we going?” Sasha asked noticing the privacy glass was raised.

  “Nowhere, everywhere, anywhere….” Stefan said moving closer.

  Sasha gasped as she felt his hand sneak between her thighs even as his mouth closed over hers. Need thrummed between her legs as Stefan’s finger brushed over her panty. Their tongues dueled and stroked as Sasha weaved her fingers into his hair.

  “Stefan,” she gasped as he pushed the slight fabric of her panty aside and slipped a finger inside her.

  “Yes, Sasha?” He asked completely composed.

  “Here?” Sasha asked, her breath coming in short gasps.

  “No, but I couldn’t wait any longer to touch you.” Stefan said as he took her bottom lip between his teeth and softly bit down.

  The sensation of pain combined with the pulsing of his fingers deep inside her nearly had Sasha apart.

  Vaguely Sasha thought of all the other times she had been in a limousine; how stiff and formal it had felt. This was anything but stiff and formal.

  Sasha tried to remain composed but as Stefan drove her higher she felt her legs weaken and open even more to him.

  Stefan withdrew his fingers and smiled smugly at her before reaching for the glasses of champagne Sasha hadn’t even noticed. “Would you like something to drink?”

  Sasha narrowed her eyes trying to place him. She never knew what he was going to do next; she was still deciding if that infuriated or excited her. For now, she decided to humor him and accepted the glass. “Yes, thank you.”

  Stefan’s pale green eyes watched her over the glass. Sasha could see he thought he had the upper hand. Before the night was over she would shock him, she vowed to herself.

  “Where are we going?” Sasha asked conversationally as she glanced out the window, they were heading to upper Manhattan.

  “Nowhere and everywhere.” Stefan repeated.

  Sasha shook her head knowing he wasn’t going to reveal their destination, at least not yet.

  They pulled up outside a nondescript brown sky scraper on Park Avenue. Stefan got out first. “We’re here.”

  Sasha got out and frowned looking around. “Nowhere and everywhere?”

  “Exactly.” Stefan smiled taking her hand and leading her inside. The foyer was bare except for the security guard sitting behind a desk. “Mr. Kelson.”

  Stefan nodded in his direction before stepping into the elevator and pulling Sasha along. He pressed the button for the top floor and Sasha stood quietly as the elevator travelled thirty stories north.

  When the elevator doors opened Stefan took her hand, but instead of leading her towards the apartments, he led her to the fire escape.

  Sasha confusedly pulled back.

  Stefan smiled broadly. “Two more floors to go.”

  Sighing Sasha followed Stefan up two flights of stairs until he opened a door.

  It was magical, romantic, and unlike anything Sasha had expected. In the center of the rooftop there was a gazebo draped with fairy lights and table set for two. Champagne chilled in a wine cooler and bouquets of flowers surrounded the gazebo. It was like their own little romantic paradise on top of the world.

  “I know you’re used to the best and I know I should feel honored for having you beside me tonight, so I wanted to make tonight special.”

  Sasha glanced to the gazebo again and back at Stefan. “This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Stefan shrugged. “I aim to please.” Taking her hand and leading her toward the gazebo.

  He poured them both champagne and sat down across from her at the table.

  “Do you live here?” Sasha asked looking at the lights of Manhattan.

  “No, but my parents do.” Stefan answered easily.

  Sasha nodded, remembering his father had a number of companies in Manhattan.

  He opened the silver cloche revealing an assortment of take-out. Everything from hamburgers and Chinese to sushi and pasta. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted to eat, so I got anything and everything.”

  Sasha laughed and reached for a burger. “I haven’t had one of these in such a long time.”

  “Well it’s processed meat and cheese and fake bread, but it always hits the spot.”

  “Exactly.” Sasha answered, t
aking a bite. She relished the taste of cheap tomato sauce and processed burger. “If only my mother understood that. She always makes me feel guilty for eating this.”

  “We all have our little secret indulgences.” Stefan said reaching for the carton of chop suey.

  As they ate and watched the lights flicker over the city Stefan was the first to speak. “I’ve been thinking about what you said.”

  “What did I say?” Sasha asked wiping sauce from her chin.

  “About me needing to prove myself?” Stefan reminded her.


  “I think you’re right but I can’t prove myself doing something I hate.”

  “How do you mean?” Sasha asked leaning forward.

  “Like this morning, Roman dumps a bunch of mind numbing paperwork on my desk that an eight-year-old could manage.”

  “That’s rough.” Sasha said empathetically.

  “Exactly, I’m not proving anything by doing that.”

  Sasha shrugged. “So, do prove yourself by doing something you enjoy.”

  Stefan thought for a moment. “I’m not sure what that is.”

  His honesty made Sasha tread carefully. It was easy for her, she had known since middle school she wanted to become a lawyer. She had never wondered what she wanted to be. “What do you enjoy? Hobbies, specific interests, anything?”

  Stefan sighed. “I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it. And now my dad’s all over me for not being Roman’s lapdog. Honestly I don’t know how I’m going to figure this out.”

  Sasha leaned a hand over his and smiled. “You will, you just need to dig a little. I can promise you that once you do something for yourself it’ll be worth it.”

  Conversation flowed easily all through dinner, covering topics from food preferences to music and humanitarian causes. By the time the champagne was finished Sasha glanced at her watch and was shocked to notice it was already past midnight.

  “Stefan, I really need to get home, I need to be up early in the morning.”

  Stefan glanced at his watch and widened his eyes. “Shit, is that the time?” he asked confused.

  Sasha laughed. “Why do you look so shocked?”

  Stefan pursed his lips before saying honestly, “I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time talking with a girl and actually enjoyed it.”

  Sasha smiled. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  After blowing out the candles and collecting their things they headed back to the limo. The ride back was fraught with desire and sexual tension but neither moved. When the limo pulled up in front of Sasha’s apartment she felt sad to leave.

  She considered inviting Stefan up but knew if she slept with him again tonight he would just lower her defenses even more. She needed to keep some distance between them to protect her own heart.

  She reached for the door but Stefan pulled her on top of him, fastening his mouth to hers. Heat shot through her as he roughly squeezed her ass while his tongue assaulted hers.

  By the time he let her go, Sasha was breathless and aroused.

  “Now I know you’ll be thinking of me this weekend.” Stefan smiled flashing his perfect white teeth as he helped her straighten herself.

  Sasha bit her lower lip as she climbed out of the cab watching Stefan. “Bye.” She didn’t risk a sentence as she was sure it would’ve ended with inviting Stefan up.

  Stefan laughed. “Bye Sasha.”

  Sasha watched the door close and the limousine pulling away from the curb, how was she going to get that irresistible man out of her head?


  The cold salty breeze licked at his face dragging, him from his sleep. Stefan rubbed his hand over the stubble on his chin and remembered where he was.

  Last night after dropping Sasha off he knew there was no way he was going to get any sleep. His body was throbbing for her by the time they stopped at her apartment. He knew he could’ve convinced her to invite him up if he wanted to, but for some reason he didn’t.

  In the recesses of his mind he knew it was because he was respecting her, something he had never considered with another girl before. He had never thought twice when he wanted to seduce a woman and he never let an opportunity pass him by.

  Instead of spending the whole night thinking about Sasha and her delectable body only a few blocks away, he had driven to his beach house in South Hampton in the early morning hours.

  He glanced at the cold cup of coffee on the small side table. When he had arrived, he didn’t feel tired so instead he’d opened the sliding doors to smell the sea and made some coffee. He must’ve passed out shortly after, the cold coffee testifying to the fact.

  He pulled out his phone and checked the time. It was almost nine am. Perfect, that meant he was in time to crash breakfast at Anna and Cayden Lee’s.

  All his friends had fallen in love and settled over the past year and Stefan was the only remaining bachelor in the group of five friends.

  Cayden and Anna had gotten engaged over New Year’s and to celebrate everyone had gone over for a champagne breakfast the following morning to celebrate the engagement and to nurse their hangovers.

  Somehow months later an impulsive breakfast had become tradition. Every Saturday morning whoever was around would pitch up at Cayden’s beach house and everyone would help to prepare breakfast while they caught each other up on their lives.

  Stefan hadn’t been by for a Lee breakfast in quite some time and was looking forward to it. After a quick shower and shave, he grabbed a fresh cup of coffee and stood on his back deck overlooking the ocean as he sipped it. Stefan had always loved the beach house in the Hamptons but for some reason his mother didn’t.

  When he was young they would come out here every summer and stay for eight weeks. Those eight weeks a year were the highlight of every year for Stefan. Eight weeks when he could see his father every day. They would go fishing and play ball and generally just goof around, something that never happened in the Park Avenue apartment. There, business always came first.

  As soon as Stefan finished school, his father wanted to sell the beach house. Stefan had objected and bought it with money from his trust fund. Even all these years later it was still his favorite place in the world.

  A figure came jogging towards him and waved. “You coming to breakfast at the Lee’s?”

  Stefan laughed as Garret jogged backwards waiting for an answer. “Yeah, you?”

  “Yeah, Skye’s just finishing the little man’s feed then we’re on our way.”

  “See you there.” Stefan shouted and drank the last bit of coffee in his cup.

  He still couldn’t believe that serious Garret had gone and found himself a wife and was now a father. Both suited him, Stefan thought watching his friend jog towards his house on the other end of the beach.

  Female voices chattered about the baby and feeding schedules even as they gossiped about FAWN’s latest rival on the music scene. HONIE, young, blonde and a voice that was nothing spectacular.

  Cayden, Seth, Cole and Garret were standing on the back-deck drinking beer when they spotted Stefan walking through the door.

  “Well I’ll be…” Cayden called out. “Anna get out the good stuff; we’ve got a full house this morning. Stefan’s here.”

  Stefan stood in his spot just beyond the door where he had been standing for the last five minutes watching his friends. “Hi everyone!”

  “Stefan! It’s good to see you,” Anna laughed. “Although I’m not taking out the good stuff since I only have good stuff.” She answered glancing at Cayden.

  FAWN sat by the kitchen island on a stool holding little Duke. The little man was almost four months old and already a looker like his mom. “Hi little man,” Stefan said tickling the baby’s soft cheek with his forefinger. Stefan glanced up to see that Garret had moved inside and was now standing with his arm around Skye’s shoulders. Stefan met his proud gaze. “What are you so smug about? There is no way thi
s kid is related to you. He’s too cute.”

  Everyone laughed and took turns hugging and welcoming Stefan. God, it was good to be back with his friends, Stefan thought as he was handed a beer.

  “You know one of these days your women are going to start nagging about breakfast beers.” Stefan said holding up the beer.

  FAWN had given baby Duke back to Skye and had joined them on the deck with her hands on Seth’s shoulders. “I can’t speak for them, but in my opinion nothing starts a weekend like a breakfast beer on Saturday morning.”

  Seth smiled at her fondly before tugging her hair closer and kissing her. “See, that’s why I keep her.”

  “So, what brings you out this weekend?” Cole asked seriously. “Roman giving you trouble again?”

  Everyone had moved outside and platters stacked with scrambled eggs, bacon and fresh fruit were piled on the table.

  Stefan shrugged. “I just needed to get away and besides, I don’t think Roman is wrong for giving me trouble most of the time.”

  Rose, Cole’s fiancée, who was normally reserved, laughed. “Look Cole, he’s growing up,” she chirped fondly.

  Everyone laughed before Cayden turned to Stefan with a serious expression. “What’s going on Stefan, you don’t sound like yourself.”

  Stefan watched as Skye burped baby Duke and Rose refilled everyone’s glasses with champagne except Skye’s.

  “I don’t know, just something someone said this week had me thinking.”

  “Someone?” FAWN asked, twirling her pitch-black hair. “That’s sounds more to me like some girl.”

  “It was a girl,” Stefan held up his hands. “Before you start planning another engagement party or a wedding it’s not serious, we just had one date.”

  “What did not serious girl say?” Rose asked, biting into a piece of sliced pineapple.

  Stefan tried to word the sentence in his head. With his gaze over the water he noticed a couple of dolphins playing in the surf before he turned back to his friends.


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