Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2

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Duty Bound: Bound and Tied, Book 2 Page 9

by Myla Jackson

  Jake had gone through all the scenarios Honor suggested except one. “Marriage? I’m too young to get married. I haven’t sown all my wild oats.”

  Rosalyn shrugged. “Then take her back to Idaho Springs. I’m sure one of the saloons would love to have a pretty young blonde for the miners. She’d bring top dollar.”

  Jake glared at Rosalyn. “She’s mine. Besides, I thought you were her friend.”

  “I am. But us women have to be practical. When we can’t find suitable employment…” She turned away from Jake. “We take what we can get.”

  “Damnation!” Jake thundered out of the cabin, breathing fire. He marched across the distance separating the two cabins and flung the door open to the one he’d built.

  “About time you got back over here. Untie me at once,” KC demanded.

  “Not until you agree to marry me.”

  “What?” She jerked against the ropes binding her wrists. “I will do no such thing. I don’t even like you.”

  “I won’t untie you until you agree to marry me.”

  “Fine. Then I’ll just die, because I refuse to marry a man who treats a woman like a prize pig, trussing her up to a bed because he can’t reason with her.”

  “You want persuasion?” Jake’s anger shifted into determination. Marrying KC was the only answer to this dismal situation. He couldn’t turn her loose on a hundred dirty miners. He couldn’t stand the thought of their hands groping over her creamy white skin, their dicks driving into her over and over…

  “Damnation!” Jake stormed out of the cabin and paced the distance between Zach’s cabin and his.

  “Did you ask her?” Rosalyn stood in the doorway, Zach and Honor hovering over her shoulder.

  “She refused.” Jake pushed his hands through his hair, standing it on end. “That stubborn fool refused.”

  Rosalyn’s brows arched. “I’m betting you didn’t ask nicely.”

  The woman might as well have poked him in the eye. She was right, damn it. “I told her she had to marry me or I wouldn’t untie her.”

  Zach leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, laughing out loud. “My friend, you’re in way over your head with that woman.”

  “Shut the hell up.” Jake dove for his friend, fists raised.

  Rosalyn stepped between them. “Fisticuffs will do nothing to make KC change her mind.”

  “She won’t have me.” Jake stood with his fists still raised, the need to punch something, someone, so strong he shook with it.

  “Do you think you stole her virginity, Jake Thompson?” Rosalyn jabbed her finger into his chest.

  Jake clenched his teeth. The woman didn’t know how close she came to being punched. “Damn right I do.”


  He frowned. “Wrong?”

  “If she hadn’t wanted it as badly as she did, she would have put a stop to it long before you penetrated her.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jake pushed his hand through his hair again. “She wanted it?”

  “You had her so worked up and ready, she wouldn’t have stopped you no matter what.”

  “I did?”

  “Jake…Jake…Jake…” Rosalyn shook her head. “You have to convince her she wants you again.”

  Zach whistled. “If you don’t marry KC, I’d say marry this one. She’s good.”

  “Don’t confuse him, please.” Rosalyn dismissed Zach with a wave of her hand and bent close to Jake.

  His head was spinning with the possibilities Rosalyn filled him with. “You think if I get her all lathered up again, she’ll say yes?”

  “Please.” Rosalyn rolled her eyes. “You have to be sincere, you have to want to pleasure her. You have to show her how good it could be between the two of you.”

  Jake’s frown eased and a smile curled the corners of his lips. “KC was right. You are good at this. You could hire out as a marriage doctor or something.” He turned toward his cabin. “You really think I can convince her without the ropes?”

  “Leave her tied for a while, until you get her softened up.” Rosalyn winked. “It could be very sensuous.”

  “It is,” Honor agreed, her face flushed.

  Zach glared at her.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You were the one who tied me up. I wouldn’t be pregnant now if it weren’t for the ropes and your powers of persuasion.”

  Jake’s eyes widened. “That’s right.” He laughed out loud. “I can do this.” He took a few steps toward his cabin and stopped.

  “Go on,” Rosalyn pushed.

  “She likes you there.” He held out his hand. “Come with me.”

  The woman hesitated and then nodded. “Okay, but only for a little while. You really can do this without me.”

  “Thanks.” Jake practically pulled Rosalyn’s arm out of her socket, taking off with his long stride.

  When Jake burst through the door, KC had just about had enough.

  “I’m back,” he called out.

  “I’d stand up and cheer, but seein’ as I’m all tied up, I’ll pass,” she said, her tone biting. The room had warmed enough to take the chill out of the air, but not out of her heart.

  “KC, I’m here too.” Rosalyn stepped through the door, her silhouette defined by the moonlight in the yard outside.

  “Oh, thank God. Then you can untie me so that I can leave.”

  “Sorry, sweeting. I can’t.” Rosalyn felt her way along the side of the bed until her hand found KC’s face. She smoothed her fingers across KC’s brow. “You can’t go storming off into the night. It’s too dangerous after dark.”

  A scraping sound preceded a flare of light, and Jake set a flame to a candle, the soft glow lighting the room so that KC could see Jake’s and Rosalyn’s faces.

  “If you’re not going to untie me, then leave.” KC turned her face away from Rosalyn. Had everyone turned against her?

  Rosalyn touched her cheek. “We will if you really want us to.”

  “I do.”

  The other woman smiled down at her. “I don’t think you really do.” Her hand slipped lower and she caressed KC’s neck.

  Jake stood to the side, his eyes fixed on KC, his hands clenching and unclenching, a muscle jerking in his jaw. A shiver shook his frame as he stood in his wet clothing. With his long reddish-brown hair hanging down to his shoulders and the shadow of a beard stubbled across his chin, he looked like a mountain man come to claim his woman.

  Despite her vow to remain unfazed, a thrill swept over KC’s body, warming the damp trousers in places still tender from last night’s foray into the depths of passion.

  Her heart banged against her ribs and she tugged at the ropes binding her. “I’m still wet and it’s getting cold in here. Untie me so that I can at least get into dry clothing.”

  “I’ll get wood for a fire.” Jake spun on his heels and headed for the door.

  “No.” Rosalyn’s command stopped him in his tracks. “I’ll get the wood. You undress her.”

  “But…” He stared at Rosalyn.

  KC’s eyes narrowed as a look passed between the two. She didn’t trust them.

  As Rosalyn walked to the door, she leaned close to Jake and whispered something in his ear.

  He smiled and nodded.

  Anger spurred through KC. “I thought you were my friend.”

  Rosalyn didn’t turn, her laughter following her out the door. “I am, sweeting. You’ll see.”

  Alone with Jake, KC glared at him. “I’d rather you left and let Rosalyn undress me.”

  “I’m only loosening the ropes until we can get you out of the wet clothes.”

  “I can undress myself, thank you very much,” she said tartly. Her cheeks flamed with the thought of Jake disrobing her. She couldn’t risk it. Her body couldn’t resist Jake when his hands or lips touched her.

  Jake reached for the rope at one of her wrists and untied the knot.

  KC came out swinging. “Let me go, you oaf.” She walloped the side
of his head before he could pin her hand against the mattress. Holding her with one strong hand, he used the other to flick the buttons loose on her overcoat and then her shirt, one at a time. His knuckles grazed her breasts with every movement, stealing her breath away.

  By the time he tugged the shirt out of her breeches, she was gasping, that low ache throbbing between her legs.

  Damn him.

  She couldn’t give in to him. Couldn’t let him win. He didn’t really want her and guilt was no foundation on which to build a marriage. Besides, she couldn’t marry a man she’d only known for a day.

  “I won’t marry you,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Did I ask you just now?” He spread her overcoat and shirt open and stared down at her breasts.

  Had it been any other man, KC would have cuckolded him for leering. But Jake’s gaze wasn’t a leer. It was more in line with reverence. “You have beautiful breasts, Katherine.”

  “KC. My name is KC.”

  “Not when you look like this.” He reached out with his free hand and traced the swell of one breast to the point of her nipple.

  The tip contracted into a tight nub, and KC had to swallow hard on the moan rising up her throat. She wanted him to kiss it, to take it into his mouth and suck on it.

  A wash of moisture trickled between her legs.

  “I’m going home to my father,” she said, her father the furthest thing from her mind.

  Rosalyn entered carrying several logs and dumped them in the fireplace.

  “Can you help me here?” Jake lifted the wrist he’d been holding.

  Rosalyn dusted her hands off on her skirt, grabbed the sleeves of KC’s shirt and overcoat and pulled them toward the end of her arm.

  While Rosalyn had KC occupied on one side, Jake untied the other wrist, sat her up and yanked the coat and shirt down her back before KC could take another swing at him. Her hands were caught behind her back, trapped in the sleeves of the shirt.

  She struggled, powerless to do much with her hands and arms pulled tightly behind her. “I can’t believe you’re helping him.”

  Rosalyn turned KC’s face to her and smoothed the loose hairs out of her eyes. “It’s all for a good cause, sweeting.” She pressed a kiss to her lips, sliding her tongue along the compressed line between them.

  KC refused to respond. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re no better than the enemy.”

  The other woman’s laughter trilled through the air, and her hand swept down over KC’s shoulder and lower to tweak a nipple. “You do have lovely breasts.”

  Jake moved her hands one at a time, securing them to the bedposts, forcing her to lie back.

  “I’ll hold her leg while you untie.” Rosalyn trailed her fingers over the insides of KC’s thighs, the feeling like butterflies tickling her through the damp trousers.

  KC squirmed, her hips bucking. She told herself because she wanted loose, when in fact she wanted Rosalyn’s hands on her pussy, stroking that special place that made her lose herself.

  Jake worked the rope free around her ankle and removed her boot and sock.

  When he let go of her to drop the boot to the floor, KC tried to kick him, but Rosalyn leaned harder on her leg.

  “Uh-uh. Not yet. We’ll untie you when you’re not so angry.”

  KC’s lips pressed together hard. “I’m not angry,” she said through her teeth.

  “Oh yes you are. But you won’t be for long.”

  “Why? What are you going to do? Knock me out?”

  “Better.” Rosalyn’s fingers found the buttons on her trousers and loosened them one at a time. When she had them all free, she slipped her fingers inside to the furry mound of hair covering KC’s mons.

  KC sucked in a deep breath. “You aren’t playing fair.”

  “All is fair in love and war, sweeting.”

  Rosalyn parted KC’s folds and slid a slender finger inside to stroke the little nubbin of sensitive skin.

  KC moaned, her hips rising to meet Rosalyn’s hand.

  “Do you two mind?” Jake had untied the other ankle and was pulling off her other boot. “I could use a little help here.”

  Rosalyn stood straight and grabbed one of KC’s pant legs while Jake grabbed the other. They pulled the wet fabric down over her legs and tossed it to the floor.

  Naked, her legs free, KC clamped her thighs together. She couldn’t use her hands to cover any part of her body, and she felt completely exposed and vulnerable to Jake’s hungry gaze.

  And it was hunger in his eyes. Ravenous, burning light shone down on her from his gray eyes, sparking a fire deep in her core.

  Her pussy throbbed. She wanted to spread her legs and let him take her hard and fast. To ride her like he had last night. But where would she go from there? She couldn’t stay here. Wouldn’t stay with a man who thought of her as a pathetic former virgin who couldn’t make her own way in the world.

  “Let me go.”

  “I will. When the time is right.” Jake looped the rope around her ankle, careful not to make it too tight that it would burn her skin. He turned to face her, his hands going to the buttons on his shirt.

  KC’s eyes widened. “And when will the time be right?”

  Rosalyn went to Jake and brushed his hands away. “You’ll know.” She flipped each button open, one at a time, her hands slow and steadily moving downward to where the shirt disappeared into his trousers. “You could do with a few lessons in the art of seduction, Jake Thompson.”

  “I’m all yours for the teachin’.” He held his hands out to his sides and let her undress him.

  KC’s head lifted off the bed, her gaze drawn to the two in front of her, envy burning a hole in her gut. She wanted to be in the middle of them, wanted to feel Jake’s hard body against hers and Rosalyn’s gentle fingers roaming all over her skin.

  “You discard the shirt first. Let it fall from your body slowly.” Her hands pushed the fabric up over his shoulders, sliding down his arms, the garment going with her.

  His shirt fell to the ground, exposing his tanned, muscular chest, broad shoulders and narrow waist.

  KC gulped, words she’d prepared to say drying up like water in a desert. Her tongue slipped across her lips, dampening them. She strained against the bindings holding her hands, her knees falling apart. Cool air brushed against the moisture at the apex of her thighs. She couldn’t even finger herself while Jake and Rosalyn touched each other.

  “If this is supposed to inspire me to stay, it’s not working.”

  “We move on to the next article of clothing. The trousers. I like to think of this as the second course.” She leaned forward and sucked his nipple into her mouth.

  Jake hissed, grabbing her hips and slamming her into the ridge pushing against the buttons of his fly. “You have too many clothes on.”

  “This isn’t about me.” Rosalyn slapped his hands away from her hips. “We’re here for someone else entirely.”

  “Hello?” Anger surged in KC. “I’m in the room too. If you’re here for me, you could at least talk to me, not about me.” When neither looked her way, she huffed. “Wish I had my pistol. I’d shoot you both.”

  “My, my, she’s got quite the temper, don’t you think?” Rosalyn smiled at KC. “Perhaps this little show is making her warm.” Her hand moved down to flick the buttons straining against his dick. When she released the last one, his cock sprang forward into her palm.

  “Ummm…quite the beast, aren’t we?” Rosalyn knelt before him, still fully dressed, her hands running the length of his shaft.

  KC dug her feet into the cotton ticking of the mattress to scoot up higher in the bed, the better to witness Rosalyn as she wrapped her lips around Jake’s cock.

  “Sweet Jesus.” KC strained against the ropes, her mouth watering now. She’d taken Jake in her mouth like that last night and knew what it did to him. It made him mad with desire. She’d been the cause, not Rosalyn. Now Rosalyn was going to pleasure him and KC had absolutely no sa
y or involvement in their lovemaking. She dragged in a breath and let it go, her pulse pounding against her eardrums. What did they want from her? She couldn’t take much more of this.

  As Rosalyn’s mouth slid down over Jake’s member, KC squeezed her eyes shut hard, her heart beating so fast she thought it would explode from her chest. “Please. Just go away. I have no desire to watch as you fuck another woman. It’s not going to make me marry you. I don’t know what you hope to accomplish.”

  “Perhaps we’ve tortured her enough. Shall we let her join us?” Rosalyn’s soft words penetrated the darkness behind KC’s shut eyes.

  “I’m ready.” Jake’s words were spoken in a low, husky voice that sent a shiver across KC’s naked flesh.

  Still, she didn’t open her eyes, unwilling to be teased and disappointed yet again. “When will this nightmare be over so that I can leave?” she whimpered. The rustle of movement was her only answer.

  The bed sank beside her and smooth, delicate fingers slid over her belly and up to her breasts.

  The end of the bed sank as well, rough calloused hands spread her legs wide, and Jake settled his long form between them.

  She thought to kick him, but knew it was useless. After the little show he and Rosalyn had put on for her benefit, she was ashamed to admit she wanted him in the worst way.

  With her eyes squeezed shut, KC let her body feel what they were doing to her. For the first two seconds, she remained rigid, struggling to retain some semblance of independence and dignity.

  But as soon as Jake’s tongue lapped at her pussy, her resolve crumbled and she melted into a raging, burning pool of sensations, each exploding in violent bursts at her core.

  KC moaned, her hands tugging at the ropes binding her.

  Rosalyn’s fingers tweaked her nipples and then her sweet mouth closed over one, sucking it into the warm moisture where her tongue played with the hard little tip.

  Jake licked a path to the center of her folds and toyed with her clit, swirling, nipping and sucking on her until she rose up off the bed, her heels pushing hard into the cotton ticking. Anything to get closer, to prolong the exquisite pleasure.


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