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Drinyian Page 1

by Ann Cory

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  Forbidden Publications


  Copyright ©2006 by Ann Cory

  First published in 2006, 2006

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  A Forbidden Publications production, November 2006

  Forbidden Publications

  PO Box 153

  East Prairie, MO 63845



  Copyright © 2006 ANN CORY

  Cover Art by ML BENTON © 2006

  Edited by RENE WALDEN-WILSON—No copyright assigned.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, please contact the publisher via regular mail.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

  ISBN: Not Assigned



  Ann Cory


  She walked toward his bedchamber. Each step was light and languid, as if walking on clouds. An unseen force beckoned her forward, pulling at her very being. It taunted her and promised forever pleasures. A cool breeze brushed against her body, and when she looked down she realized there wasn't a stitch of clothing on her.

  Slowly, she made her way inside. A faint gasp escaped her lips. There, lying on the enormous four-poster bed was the only one who knew how to bring her to a thunderous orgasm, time and time again. He pulled back the velvet covers and gestured for her to come closer.

  "My lovely bride, I knew you would return."

  Chapter One

  Jaden put down the mythology book she was reading and tied her long, auburn hair back into a loose ponytail. Soft tendrils swayed against her face as she looked around her studio. Gray skies stared back at her from the small oval window with sheer scarlet drapes. She was in the mood to sketch.

  She walked over to the stereo and chose a Beethoven CD. Classical music uplifted her spirits when she was down. Her favorite pastime involved drawing majestic gods and bringing them to life.

  To her, they represented a beautiful, yet haunting strength, sheer wisdom beyond her own imagination, and flawed characteristics that were consistently overlooked by those who worshipped them. She'd spent weeks doing research on Drinyian, and was ready to sketch his portrait. There had been something special about this particular god, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Something about his eyes ... mysterious and brooding. They told a story, one that touched her heart and at the same time, made her weak in the knees.

  Jaden slipped a thick painter's shirt over her blue t-shirt and faded jeans to keep them clean, then did inventory on her assortment of pencils. She chose one with a point fine enough to work on the details of Drinyian's exquisite face. Everything needed to be just right.

  She placed her easel in the corner of the room and adjusted the lighting. An exciting energy raced through her veins. A smooth, untouched canvas always filled her with inspiration, and today was no exception.

  An invitation to her tenth year school reunion lay on a nearby table. Several of her friends had begged her to go, but it wasn't something that interested her. She longed for a different life. One where she was a lady and treated as such. Jaden wanted the kind of man that inspired her muse, a man of power, distinction, and a keen eye for beauty. She longed for a man to take control of her body in the bedroom and satisfy her unselfishly.

  The men she dated in the past were too soft, almost boring in their flirtatious overtures. A beer and a kiss was their idea of foreplay. An ordinary sex life wasn't the key to unlock the many secret desires she held. If she ever found the right man she'd never let him go, regardless the cost or sacrifice.

  Jaden closed her eyes and imagined Drinyian's face. He was the God of seduction. Few books wrote about the time when he ruled the lands from Mendonia to Bestile. His castle was the grandest and his festivals filled with song, dance, wine, and women. She envied the ladies who had the luxury of sharing his bed. The pleasure cries of their orgasms rang in her ears and brought her out of the daydream.

  As she started work on His Majesty's eyes, she was compelled to draw them as if they could see right into her world. She sketched the basic features of his face and planned to fill in the details with careful attention later. It wouldn't do any justice to him if she rushed the work. She wanted his portrait to be better than all the rest. A man known for the art of seduction should be given all the bells and whistles. Her muse was on fire and she eased through the sketch with a skilled hand. Every so often she would stand back and look sharply at her work. So far she was pleased.

  The shape of his face was slightly square, complimented with high cheekbones and a strong chin. His eyes were stern with thick pensive brows that she imagined gave a thousand charming looks. She pictured them an icy blue with gold flecks along the iris. How his eyes would turn mischievous in his bedchambers with a whip in hand. Jaden's thighs quivered at the thought of her bare ass slung over his bed awaiting several snaps of a delicious leather crop.

  She shook her head and put her focus back on the picture. His lips were full and she swept the pencil along to make a slight beard. It helped give him an imperial look. As the pencil glided across the canvas it felt like someone else guided her hand, making his features realistic.

  Jaden spent hours perfecting the sketch, and when she stepped back for the final time, a proud smile spread across her face. Never before had she drawn any of the gods so life-like that they threatened to step off the page. She found it difficult to tear herself away from the intensity of his eyes. They looked at her with lust, beckoning her to go down on him with her hands bound and a silver chain clamped to her nipples.

  "The things I'd have you do to me,” she said in a deep, wanton voice, pretending he could hear. “I'd let you have your way until your cock was spent and you couldn't move a muscle.” Jaden gasped and blinked her eyes. She swore his lips curled into a knowing smile. No, she was too close to the painting. Her eyes were deceiving her. She laughed and dismissed the silly notion. Once she added color to the portrait, she was positive it would be her most cherished masterpiece. Still, the realism shocked her. If only he were real.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest and a deep sensation started at the pit of her stomach, growing stronger each second she stared into his eyes. She longed to caress his chiseled face with its fine mustache and well-kept beard.

  Instinctively she reached out and brushed her fingers against his cheek. Jaden pulled back quickly. Goose bumps started from the base of her neck and spread to her toes. She swallowed hard and shook her head. How could it be? Instead of the texture of the canvas, she'd sworn her fingers had touched flesh. Jaden brought her fingers back up to see if she was hallucinating, when her knees buckled. She fell to the floor, her mind flooding with darkness.

  Chapter Two

  Jaden awoke in a glorious ballroom. Candle chandeliers hung f
rom the ceiling, and the walls were covered in extravagant art. Live music played with the sounds of violins, a piano, and French horns. The entire scene was right out of Medieval Times and she wondered if she were dreaming of a Renaissance Fair. She looked down at her attire and noticed her once bare toes were encased in velvet shoes with tiny beads along the top. Her t-shirt and jeans gave way to a splendid gown that was lighter than she'd expected. Yards of burgundy material flowed with puffed sleeves etched in thin gold ribbon. Impulsively she twirled to the music, her dress swishing about her ankles.

  A booming voice nearly knocked her over with its deep baritone. “Good evening, my lady."

  She turned and saw a figure hidden in the shadow of a statue.

  "I dare say you are an exquisite vision to behold. Please, I would be honored if you would dance with me."

  Out from the shadow stepped a glorious man dressed in a flowing blue robe with green embroidered leaves and oversized cuffs. He reached his hand out and smiled. Jaden did a double take. His eyes were familiar. Icy blue with deep gold flecks.

  She didn't mean to stare, but he looked like the God, Drinyian from her sketch.


  She didn't know what else to do but accept his offer. His voice sent thrills through her body and she squeezed her thighs together. As she slipped her hand into his, an electric charge went up her arm and exploded throughout her chest. All at once she felt like a schoolgirl dancing with her crush at the prom. But it couldn't be the real Drinyian, he was after all, a God. It had to be a dream. One she hoped to have again.

  Several of the guests stared, smiling and nodding their head in approval. They surrounded them as he led her to the middle of the ballroom floor.

  "I've not seen you here before. I would never forget beauty such as yourself."

  Heat coated her face and she resisted a girlish giggle. Instead she cleared her throat and tried to pretend she was a regular at such gala events.

  "I come and go as I please."

  He pulled her in close, resting one hand on her back and the other pressed firmly against her palm. His fingers were thick and powerful next to hers.

  "I am usually made aware of all the beautiful ladies of the kingdom. But no matter, you are here now. The evening has improved all ready."

  Jaden tried to keep up with his formal dancing, but ended up stepping on his toes. She hoped he couldn't tell with his large boots that looked five times the size of her own shoes.

  "A lady uninstructed in dance? How can this be?” His eyes twinkled as he spoke.

  "Is it that obvious?"

  "I'm afraid it is. I can only hope I'll be able to walk tomorrow."

  She bowed her head. It was humiliating to know she was making him look bad in front of his people. “I apologize. I'm used to slower ballads."

  He removed his hands from her and clapped them together. The sound reverberated for a short moment and the music stopped.

  "The lady requests a slower song to be played."

  The band of gentleman bowed their heads and adjusted their instruments. “Yes, sire."

  Jaden gasped at the mere mention of his name. It was one thing to think it, but another to actually hear him be addressed as such. She liked the way her dream was going and didn't want to wake up anytime soon. Her body trembled as he held her again, this time pulling her tight against his massive physique.

  "I hope this tempo will do."

  Chapter Three

  A beautiful harp and violin accompaniment played and she closed her eyes. The music was hauntingly sweet and brought tears to her eyes. Each gentle note was a reminder of her loneliness and the suffocating hold of her humdrum existence.

  He raised her chin until she looked at him. “You look unhappy. Are you displeased with this choice of music?"

  "No,” she whispered. The tears fell down her cheeks despite her inner pleading for them to stay put.

  "Have I done something to offend you?"

  She shook her head. “The music moves me. It touches my soul. I—I can't explain it fully. These are not tears of sadness, but of happiness."

  Jaden closed her eyes and pressed tight against him. If only this were all real. In his arms she felt safe. He trailed his hand across her back and faintly touched his lips against her forehead. The tiny hairs of his moustache tickled, but she refused to move. When she opened her eyes, colors blurred all around her.

  "Steady. I've got you."

  She smiled and inhaled the faint cassis fragrance of wine that lingered on his breath. The magnitude of his protectiveness turned her on.

  "You dance gracefully to this melody."

  "Am I dancing? I feel like I'm floating."

  Jaden rested her head against his soft robe and watched through glazed eyes at the other dancers. Ladies in their extravagant gowns with their hair swept back in an elegant fashion, and the gentleman dressed in classy outfits with stark white stockings. Everyone smiled and enjoyed the music as they held their partners close. She could get lost here forever and not have a care.

  Drinyian stroked her back, relaxing her tense muscles.

  "Do you mind my touching you this way?"

  A million voices answered him in her head, but she found it difficult to say anything intelligent.

  "Hmm mmm."

  Again his lips pressed against her forehead and when she looked up, his thoughtful eyes stared into hers.

  "May I steal a kiss from your rose-red lips?"

  She nodded and tilted her head up. Jaden watched his mouth close in on hers before she shut her eyes tight. Full lips, the same as she had drawn them on the canvas. The moment of contact felt delectably real. His lips grazed against hers, abrasive at first, and then softened. She wrapped her arms around his neck and slaked her tongue inside his mouth. A fervent need gripped her and she groaned. Her dress felt too tight and confining as blood rushed from her head to her toes. She started to lose her balance again and held on to him fiercely.

  Drinyian pulled away and smirked.

  "I see you are an eager one. I like that in a woman. I wonder if you can handle a firm hand."

  It hadn't been her intention to show her weakness for him, but she wasn't about to refuse a God anything he wanted.

  "You make it hard for a girl to resist,” she said, her voice drunk from his wine kisses.

  "I have something I'd like you to see. Follow me."

  He took her hand and led her from the dance floor and out of the ballroom. All eyes were on her, especially the ladies with their looks of envy. Drinyian's stride covered a lot of ground in a short time. Jaden struggled to keep up in her shoes. A large staircase with a burgundy rug down the middle greeted them and she followed, admiring the lovely tapestries along the way.

  When they reached the top she took a deep breath. Guards were posted along the hallway dressed to the nines in their uniforms and shiny silver hats. She couldn't tell if they were watching her or not. Drinyian slowed his pace to accommodate her petite steps.

  At the end of the hall he stopped and pushed opened a large iron door.

  "After you."

  Jaden stepped in and smiled in awe. The spacious room housed beautiful dark mahogany furniture, with tapestries and paintings galore. A fireplace along the wall gave off a sultry reddish glow and she noticed a pair of glasses on a small round table. Drinyian swept in behind her and reached for a crystal decanter. She watched as he poured a dark russet colored liquid inside both glasses and handed her one.

  "Shall we toast?"

  Jaden felt like a princess from a fairy tale, even though she didn't believe in them. Never before had she been treated to such luxurious things. She felt like royalty herself, dressed in a stunning gown, and at the side of a handsome god. He was charming and treated her well. What more could she possibly ask for?

  Without thinking, she held up her glass and clinked it against his. She brought the glass to her lips and swallowed it all in one shot. The fiery liquid burned all the way down her throat and bubbled in he
r stomach. A sweet aftertaste coated her tongue and she was struck with a brief memory. Had she tasted this drink before? She waited patiently for him to finish his.

  "Would you like another glass of port?"

  As dizzy as she was, Jaden decided another would be too much. She was a lightweight when it came to alcohol.

  "No, thank you. It was very good, though."

  "It's our finest liquor. I came up with the ingredients myself. I call it Juice of Jaden. Sometimes I have a glass to help me relax."

  Before she had a chance to ask, Drinyian put down his glass and disrobed. She was surprised to find he wore nothing underneath. He displayed his raised cock proudly and eyed her with a boastful look. The length was beyond impressive.

  "My dear, look around. This could all be yours.” He stretched his arms out and turned a full three-sixty.

  Jaden admired the rest of the room's décor and let out a low whistle. It was a room fit for a queen. “You would give me all of this?"

  He reached out and traced the gold etching of her neckline. “Yes. This castle. These rooms. This cock. My heart."

  Jaden blinked several times. Each time she expected the scenery to fade away and leave her alone in front of the easel. This was the sweetest daydream she'd ever had and would be sorry when it was time to join the real world again. How could a God be interested in her? She was nothing more than a mere mortal with a beginner's talent for sketching portraits. Life was not a fairy tale. Still, Cinderella started out as an illusion and the prince ended up loving the real her, so maybe her velvet slippers would let her stay out later than midnight.

  Drinyian moved close. “I offer all I have to you. It's yours for the taking. All you have to do is say that you'll be my wife."

  "I'm umm ... not sure that I understand."

  He took hold of her hand and kissed her knuckles. From his pocket he retrieved a ring and slid it onto her finger. “I want you to be mine. I want your body to belong to no one else but me."


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