Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven

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Blissfully Hers: Bliss Series, Book Seven Page 21

by Hall, Deanndra

  Then she moves toward my feet and I feel myself starting to slip. “Now, let’s see what I can do with this.” Untying the twine, she slowly tightens it toward her. “Oh, my. Look at your balls, submissive.”

  I do as I’m told and I feel a little sick. The skin on my sack is stretched out at least two inches farther than usual, and the pain … There are no words. I close my eyes to it until she barks, “Look! I said look at them. Aren’t they beautiful?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” My voice sounds foreign in my ears, and there’s a ringing there that won’t go away. I glance from my nipples back to my balls and to my nipples again, and somewhere during that time I notice that my cock is so hard that it’s bouncing with my heartbeat. As I watch, she tightens the twine just a little more.

  My mind goes blank―totally and completely blank. It feels almost as if my soul is rising from my body. Am I dying? There’s a lightness about me that’s unfamiliar, and the sound of her voice is far away. I can still feel the pain, but I seem somehow disconnected from it, almost as though it were happening to someone else. I hear her say, “Submissive, blink twice if you can hear me.” I try to make my eyelids flutter, but I’m not sure they do. “Good, good.” That’s all she says.

  I don’t know how many seconds or minutes go by before I feel something odd. I can’t even describe it. It hurts in a weird way, but it also feels good, and I’m trying to sort it all out when she says, “Here we go.”

  A pain shoots through my dick unlike anything I’ve ever known, and everything stops. It happens again and again, and I’m floating, sailing, listening to the crackling and buzzing and wondering how my body can survive it all. With every snap, I feel my limbs stiffen, and that causes me to jerk, which only makes my nipples and balls hurt worse. Oddly, I don’t really care anymore. The pain is so intense that it has consumed me, and I’m buoyed by it. Over and over the shooting pain hits me, and then it stops. Another sound replaces it, something familiar, and in seconds, another sensation hits―a vibrator traveling up and down the length of my shaft. The odd feeling is still there, and I hear her say in her far-away voice, “Submissive, I want you to come for me. You only have a few minutes in which to accomplish this. Think about it.”

  Oh, god, I want to. I really, really want to. I know what that’s going to mean when my body starts to convulse, and I don’t care. Propelling jizz across the room is my only thought, and I feel the orgasm coming on, that point of no return, building in my aching balls. When it finally hits, it’s everything I feared, the pain increasing until I can’t breathe, and a weird fullness in my balls that defies logic. Her voice says, “Ah, there we go! Good boy!” The weird sensation is moving up and down, and I still don’t know what that is.

  It’s still there when I feel the pressure on my sac start to abate, but when the clamp jaws open, blood rushes into the skin and I hear myself scream. Seconds later, the stretch disappears from my nipples, and when she takes the first clamp off, I scream again―same with the other. “Breathe, submissive,” I hear her say. A big gulp of air fills my lungs and in seconds, the buzzing in my head stops. “Look at yourself, submissive. Take a good look.”

  Shaking my head to clear out the fuzz that’s filled it, I look down the length of my body. My balls look pretty much normal, although they’re red. No wonder there. My nipples are another story. They’re red, angry, and the length of my thumb. They look like tiny dicks. Wait―dick. That’s when I look at my cock.

  There’s something sticking out of it. “What the hell?” I hear myself whisper.

  “It’s a urethral sound. I didn’t want your cum leaving your body, so I put that in. Did you feel the shocks from the electroshock toy?”

  That’s what I was feeling. She was shocking my cock? Holy hell. I want that thing out of it, but I watch in horror as she draws it out and runs it back in, almost like she’s jacking off the inside of my penis. “Oh, god,” I hear myself moan.

  “I think it’s sexy as fuck, me fucking your hard cock. But I can’t leave it in there if I’m going to fuck you, so I guess I’d better take it out.”

  I’m exhausted―mentally and physically. I feel the steel rod leave my body but I don’t even get a chance to take a deep breath before she’s moving around again. Cold lube is hitting my asshole, and she shoves a butt plug into me. I don’t know if I can stand anything else. And then she touches the plug.

  It begins to vibrate against my prostate and my dick goes rigid again. Oh, god, no. I don’t think I can do this. Climbing up onto the bed with me, I watch as she reaches for another vibrator and begins to stroke it up and down her slit. God, I’m so fucking hard I can barely stand it, the vibrator in my ass doing exactly what it’s supposed to, watching her make herself come, and as soon as she does, she climbs up and mounts me.

  Those tits bounce as she rides me and I’m lost in the sight. Fuck, I want to feel her gripping me forever. “Oh, Mistress, may I come, please?”

  “No. You’d better not or we’ll have to start all over again. You don’t want that, do you?” she asks, breathless and slamming against my pelvis.

  “No, Mistress. But I need to come. Please? Please, may I come?” I’m whining and I don’t really care. My balls feel like they’re the size of two grapefruits, and the need to thrust my hips is overwhelming.

  “No. I’m not ready yet. You’ll have to wait.” I’m not sure I can, but she’s insisting, so I try. I really do. I don’t know how long I wait before I hear her say, “Oh, god, I’m going to come. Don’t you come until I tell you it’s okay, you hear me?” I nod wildly. “Oh, yeah, you’re so fucking hard, baby. You’re hitting so deep inside me and it feels so good. So good, submissive. You like it when your mistress fucks you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” I can barely speak. All I can do is work at keeping myself from shooting off.

  “Mmm-hmmm. I love it. I love … Oh, yeah,” she moans as her hips thrust. “Now, come for me, submissive. Fill me up.”

  I swear there’s a quart in there. It just keeps flooding inside her, and I don’t really understand what the hell is going on, but the release is amazing. I’m still hard and throbbing when she falls onto my chest. Once again, I can’t wrap my arms around her, and I hate that, but her weight feels good. I just close my eyes and try to enjoy the weight of her body. Rising just slightly, she takes one of my stretched-out nipples into her mouth and sucks hard, then does the same with the other one, an exquisite pain I really don’t want to lose. Then she relaxes on top of me and I lie there, heart still pounding, cock still hard, thankful for her, for the pain, for the flood of emotions I feel. I feel. I feel more than I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m not numb anymore. I can feel.

  I don’t know how much times passes before she rises again. “Let’s get you out of these restraints, okay?” I can do nothing but nod. I feel them released on my ankles and then on my wrists, but I’m powerless to pull my arms down. Doesn’t matter. She pulls them down and drops them at my sides on the bed. “There we go. You were phenomenal tonight, submissive. I really didn’t think you could take that, but you did.”

  I can barely hear my own voice when I ask, “You’re pleased with me, Mistress?”

  “Very. I made your body do some amazing things tonight. And shocking your dick with that sound, yeah. That was fucking awesome. When you came, your nipples stretched out impossibly far and it was incredible. I’ve never been so turned on before. Watching you suffer and come apart got me off like nothing I’ve ever known.”

  She really is pleased with me. Will she ever do this to me again?

  God, I hope so.

  I can’t believe I feel that way, but I do. She snuggles up beside me and it takes every ounce of strength I have left to wrap an arm around her. “I’ve got something to give you before we leave tonight.” Oh, please let it be a collar, my inner submissive begs.

  “Yes, Mistress?”

  “It’s your instructions for the next few days.”

  Not what I was hoping for,
but I’ll take it. “Yes, Mistress. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

  “Good. That’s a good boy. About ready to go? I know you’ve got a plane to catch in the morning.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Is there anything you’d like to say to me?” she asks, and I know what she wants.

  “Yes, Mistress. Thank you for torturing my balls, my nipples, and my cock, Mistress. The pain was unbearable.”

  “You were in subspace pretty deep. I realized that when I asked you to blink and your eyelids just fluttered.”

  So that’s what subspace is! That feeling of disconnection and floating! I get it now. I read somewhere that it’s endorphins. “Mistress, is that hard to do? Go into subspace?”

  “It’s hard for a lot of submissives, but you did it without having to be coached. I suppose I gave you enough pain that you had no choice. And that sound sticking out of your dick was gorgeous. You have no idea how helpless and sexy you looked. Amazingly helpless and sexy.”

  “Thank you, Mistress. I’m glad I could please you.”

  “You did. I’m going into the bathroom to clean up. You do the same out here and we’ll talk about the next few days.”

  Dani’s back in charge. I like it. No, I love it. I love her. By the time she gets herself cleaned up, I’m halfway dressed, so I sit on the side of the bed and wait for her. After digging around in her bag, she produces a box about half the size of a shoebox and hands it to me. “Here you go. There are instructions in it, and some things you’ll need. I expect compliance. The only excuse is if Boone has you doing something for work. If so, I’ll text you and you can do it later. Got it?”

  “Got it, Mistress.”

  “Good.” She’s quiet for a bit before she says, “Brandt, just so you know, submitting to me only makes me see you as sexier, not less of a man, and certainly not less masculine. God, watching you … So sexy.”

  “Thanks.” When she takes my hand, I smile at her. “Confession time. I love watching your tits bounce.” She laughs loudly. “Well, I do! They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You’re all I want.”

  “You’re all I want, babe. Nobody else. Just you.”

  Tell her, dumbass! Tell her NOW! But I can’t. “Just you for me too.”

  “Good. So let’s walk to the cars and say our goodbyes. Come on.” Standing, she reaches for my hand and I take hers. There’s a peace that falls over me when I squeeze her fingers. For that brief moment, she’s mine. Now, if I can just hold onto her.

  And that’s the big “if.”

  Chapter Ten

  I stuff the box into my suitcase along with my clothes and head to the airport. The plane is a top-notch private jet, with a bar and an attractive attendant. I can see that Boone barely notices her. With all my leftover horniness from the night before, I notice right away.

  We land and I wonder what Santa Fe is going to look like. It looks pretty much like I thought it would. Virtually every house and building is designed to look reminiscent of a pueblo, their reddish pastel exteriors all similar. I really didn’t expect that. We bypass the downtown where I’m sure there are more styles of architecture and head out toward what I have to assume is the far side of town.

  When we roll up in front of the Lawson’s building, I gasp. It’s beautiful. While it’s very similar in nature to the rest of our buildings, it’s designed to fit seamlessly into the landscape while still standing out in style. I hear the smile in Boone’s voice when he asks, “Like it?”

  I nod. “Oh, yeah. It’s amazing.”

  “The inside is even more amazing. Come on.” As soon as the front door opens, there’s a collective sucking in of breath as everyone working on the displays turns and sees Boone standing there.

  “Mr. Lawson! We’re so glad you’re here!” a young, beautiful woman, very muscular and tan, says loudly and rushes toward us. She takes Boone’s right hand in both of hers and shakes it heartily. “So glad!”

  “I’m glad to be here, and it’s just Boone. You must be Natasha.”

  “Yes, sir! I am!”

  “This is my brother, Brandt,” he says, and I extend a hand toward the young woman. She treats mine just as she had Boone’s.

  “Glad to have you! We set up a little reception for you in the back. It’s not much, but we wanted to welcome you to the store. This is the first time you’ve been here since the building was completed, right?”

  “Yes, and they did an amazing job on it,” Boone answers with a nod.

  “They did. Come on.” She leads the way and we follow.

  There are homemade desserts, coffee, and soft drinks. As we visit with the employees manning the area, others come in and out, introducing themselves and chatting briefly before going back to work. The atmosphere is so … relaxed. Everyone seems thrilled to be working here. They’re all smiling, all happy, and I happen to know they’re well-compensated.

  We’ve managed to scarf down far more than we should’ve before Boone says, “Well, somebody give us the grand tour!” Two hours later, we’ve seen the whole store, and it’s time for a late lunch, after which we go back to the store.

  I spend the afternoon talking to the warehouse people, both shipping and receiving. To my surprise, they understand the whole concept of the way our system works, and they also seem to fully understand and be able to use the computerized distribution system. There’s nothing to teach them―they’ve learned it already, and I feel so much better about it.

  We have dinner with Natasha, Chad from shipping, Aaron from receiving, and Rebecca from customer service. We laugh and talk and have a great time until Boone says, “Lawd, we’re exhausted. We need to get back to the hotel and get a decent night’s sleep. Thank y’all for your hospitality.”

  “Yes. Thank you so much. It’s really been great,” I echo as we’re leaving. These are truly nice people, and this was a pleasant way to spend an evening.

  The ride to the hotel is uneventful and, just as I suspected, it’s a huge luxury property. We have a suite, and my room is enormous. I’m sure Boone’s is even bigger. There’s a sofa, and a fireplace, and a mini-bar. Very nice. My first act is to hang up my clothes so the wrinkles start to fall out of them, and there it is. The box. I’m curious, but I finish what I’m doing before I take it out of my suitcase. A shake gives me … nothing. It makes no sound, but I can tell there’s something in it. She didn’t tell me to talk to her before I open it, so I just pull it open with trembling fingers.

  There are smaller boxes inside it, and each one has a day of the week on it, tonight through Saturday. That’s pretty clear. I leave the others in the box and pull out the one marked Wednesday. It’s not taped, and the top comes right off.

  Inside is a note and a flash drive. Interesting. Unfolding the note, I take a deep breath and read.

  Good evening, my beautiful Panther. By the time you read this, you’ll be in Santa Fe. I hope you have a good time and enjoy being there for Boone. I’m sure you’re in an extremely nice hotel, one with a Smart TV in every room, and you can stick the flash drive into it and watch. Please watch it and follow my instructions. When you’re finished with it, take it to a hard surface and destroy it, please. And know that I can’t wait until you come back home.

  Mistress Danielle

  Sure enough, there’s a USB port on the side of the TV, so I turn it on, slip the flash drive into it, and go through the menu until I find a way to open the file on it. As soon as it comes up, I panic and run the volume down so Boone can’t hear it. It’s Dani, sitting on the edge of her bed in a very, very revealing outfit. With a smile, she starts to speak.

  “Hello, Panther. I hope you’re having a good time. As you watch this, enjoy and know that I wish I could be there with you. So let’s get started, shall we? First, you need to undress. Pause this and do so, please.”

  Okay. That’s easy enough. It only takes me a minute or two to get everything off. Remote in hand, I hit Play again and see her there, still smiling. “Ah. Bare. I like it.
I want you to lie down on the bed and stroke yourself. Slowly, Panther. Make this last.”

  And then she surprises me as she lays back on her own bed, slips off her lacy thong, and begins to slowly move her finger, pleasuring herself as I watch. She’s brilliant and this is amazing. As she fondles herself, she talks to me. “Oh, babe, this is so good. I’m thinking about you, and I can see you smiling at me as you fuck into me. You’re stroking into me nice … and … slow. Yeah, just like that,” her voice drones as my hand slides up and down my hardness. “I know you’re bound to be hard, or at least I hope you are, and I want you to think about how you’d feel inside my softness, how hot and tight I am. And wet. I’m so wet, Panther. Your mistress is wet for you, baby.”

  Jesus, I wasn’t expecting this to be so fucking hot. I mean, yeah, it’s her and she’s hot, but still, on the TV in my room? Amazing.

  “Still hard and working it, babe? I want you to come for me, Panther. Let go and give your love offering to your mistress, my sweet boy.”

  Well, that does it. I explode, squeezing my cock tightly and milking it for all I can get from it. Her voice is soothing and yet erotic as my body begins to return to calmness, and I let out a huge sigh as my hand falls to the mattress. “Good job, baby. I hope that helped you. If you’re able, please text me or call me. Kisses, my beautiful dark Panther.”

  Oh, damn. I’ve made a mess. It’s like there’s cum everywhere, and I’m not sure how I made all that. I think it would qualify as a “copious amount.” It takes me a few minutes to clean myself up, and I drop back onto the mattress and roll to my side before I pick up my phone and send her a short text. Very inventive, and very effective. I enjoyed that. You available for a call?

  My phone rings almost instantly and I’m smiling when I answer it. “Hey, beautiful!”


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