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WHAT HE CONFIDES (What He Wants, Book Twenty-Four)

Page 2

by Ford, Hannah

  I frowned. “You mean like an IUD or something?” I stood up, untangling myself from his body. “No way. Nope. Not unless you tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “What’s going on is that I need to watch out for you.”

  “By making decisions about my birth control? That’s ridiculous.”

  “It’s not ridiculous, Charlotte. My entire life is about keeping you safe. That is my first priority, and I will continue to do that, even if you have a problem with it.”

  “I’m not going.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Not until you tell me your reasons.”

  “You are going.”

  I picked my purse up from the desk and got ready to walk out of the office. This was bullshit. I was willing to deal with his walls, with his demons, but I wasn’t going to let him make decisions about my health, about my body. Not without an explanation. He was acting insane, and I’d hit my limit for insane.

  But when I got to the door, a soft beeping sound echoed through the room, and when I tried to turn the doorknob, it didn’t budge. Instead, a red light shone on the keypad.


  I swallowed as my pulse pounded and shivers skittered up the back of my spine. I tried the door again, even though I knew there was no way it was going to open.

  “It’s locked, Charlotte.” He was right behind me, his voice deep and close, and even though he wasn’t touching me, I swore I could feel his hands on me. His mere presence was so overpowering, and his frame towered over me even though I stood almost 5’9”. And yet he was so light on his feet, so graceful in his movements that I hadn’t even heard him as he approached me from behind.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, tried to gather my thoughts.

  He reached out and touched my shoulders lightly. My body tensed. Not because the touch was unwelcome, but because I wanted him so badly.

  Every thought in my head told me to demand he unlock the door, to demand he let me out of there, to tell him to go fuck himself when it came to his insane gynecologist appointment.

  But when it came to this, he owned me.

  I could tell myself it was wrong.

  I could tell myself it was fucked up.

  I could tell myself I should run.

  But when he talked to me in that commanding tone of voice, when he touched me, when he kissed me, I was helpless.

  He reached out and undid the fishtail braid I’d arranged my hair in that morning, his hands sliding through the strands as he unweaved them. My hair fell in soft waves over my shoulders, and he pushed the hair away and over the front of my shoulders.

  Then he kissed the back of my neck. The kiss was gentle, his lips soft, but before he pulled away, his teeth nipped at the sensitive flesh, letting me know that there would be nothing gentle or soft about what he was going to do next.

  “The problem with running, Charlotte, is that it makes me want to catch you.” His hands slid down my arms, which were still covered by my sweater. When he got to my hands, he pushed my arms up, one by one, then skimmed his hands back down my sides.

  Goosebumps bloomed all over my body, and my toes curled inside my shoes.

  “And I will always catch you,” he whispered right in my ear, his lips against my lobe, sending currents of erotic pleasure ricocheting through my body.

  He grabbed my sweater at the bottom and pulled it off, tossing it on the floor as if it were a piece of discarded trash instead of a piece of designer clothing that probably cost hundreds of dollars.

  “I’m going to have to talk to my assistant,” he murmured. “Buying things like that that cover up this curvy body.” His lips brushed against the back of my neck again, and his tongue skimmed over my collarbone, warm and wet and good.

  A whimpered moan escaped through my parted lips.

  “When you make sounds like that I get hard, baby. It makes me want to punish you even more than I already do.” His hips pushed into me and I felt him against my ass, rock hard though his pants.

  He pushed my arms back down to my sides, then guided my hand behind me and placed it on the front of his pants. “Do you feel what you do to my dick when you cry like that?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  His hands reached around to the front of my body and he started to unbutton my pants, slipping the button through the hole and then sliding the zipper down agonizingly slowly. His fingertips skimmed my stomach right above my panties and I inhaled, sucking a breath through my teeth at how good it felt. My pussy throbbed and burned, my desire for him making me wet.

  He tugged my pants down until they rested right below the curve of my ass. Then he cupped the globes of my ass cheeks, one in each hand, squeezing them tightly, his thumbs sliding over my flesh, rubbing as he squeezed.

  Then he finished removing my pants, leaving me there in just my bra and panties. The air conditioning vent was right above us, and as the cool air moved over my skin, I shivered.

  I was cold, and my nipples made little points through my bra.

  Noah’s gaze traveled over my body and when he saw how hard my nipples were, he smiled an evil little smile, the kind of smile you gave someone when you knew you were about to have your way with them.

  He pressed me up against the door, my cheek rubbing against the heavy oak. Electricity flowed through my synapses, anticipation and eagerness pulsing through me.

  “You will do as I say, do you understand, Charlotte?” His hand tightened around the back of my neck.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.” He pulled away and I instantly wanted him back on me. “On your knees.”

  I dropped to my knees automatically, waiting for his instructions.

  His office phone buzzed from his desk, and the sound of Ciara’s voice came echoing through the speaker. “Mr. Cutler?”

  Noah’s eye twitched in annoyance as he walked back to his desk. “Yes?” he barked into the speaker.

  “Your eleven o’clock is here.”

  “Cancel it.”

  “But it’s with Donovan –”

  “Cancel it. And hold my calls. I want no interruptions until I say otherwise.”

  There was a pause. “Yes, sir.”

  Noah disconnected from the call and looked back at me, still kneeling waiting for his instructions. He tossed me the hair tie he’d been holding, and it landed a few inches away from me on the floor. “Put your hair up,” he growled. “I don’t want anything keeping me from seeing your body.”

  I tied my hair up into a loose ponytail, and watched as he finished loosening his tie and slid it through the collar of his shirt with a whooshing sound. He wrapped one end around his hand, fisted it and lashed it against the side of his desk.

  I jumped, the sound sending spasms of fear through my body. It was clear he was testing something out, was trying to see if his tie would inflict the kind of pain he was hoping for. The thought of it lashing like that against my skin made my chest tight with fear even as my pussy flooded with warmth and need.

  But Noah frowned, apparently deciding that the tie wouldn’t suffice for the kind of punishment he was planning.

  So instead, he wrapped the tie loosely around my neck, holding it like a leash. “Crawl,” he commanded tugging on the tie gently, leading me toward the side of his office, where the door that led to his room of torture was located.

  He entered a code on a sleek black keypad, and a clicking sound echoed through the room.

  He led me inside.

  The room had changed since the last time I’d seen it. The bed was still there, and the chest of instruments. But there were also more contraptions, ropes and pulleys, a swing hanging from the ceiling, and something looked like a stockade.

  I tried not to think about them, hoping he would spare me the worst torture for today.

  He led me over to a spanking bench.

  I kneeled on it. It was a padded bench, and when my body was bent over the top part, my ass was forced high in the air.

  I watched as Noah moved to t
he chest of drawers and pulled out a whip and a pair of handcuffs.

  He placed the handcuffs on the bed, holding the whip as he circled the room, moving toward me. I closed my eyes.

  “Do you know why you’re being punished, Charlotte?”


  “And why is that?”

  “Because I was bad.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t… I wouldn’t go to my appointment.”

  “You need to understand that when it comes to your health, I always have your best interest in mind. Do you understand that, Charlotte?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The first lash of the whip licked my ass, red hot pain searing my skin. “Oh!” I cried out. “Please, Noah.” I ground my teeth together.

  But my pain and begging only turned him on.

  He lashed me again.

  And again.

  He decorated my ass with blow after blow, the whip getting a work out as each blow got harder. I closed my eyes, listening to it slide and whisk through the air, clenching my teeth when the pain got too much.

  He varied the intensity, moving to different parts of my ass, and I was thankful for that, that he was mixing up the blows, but eventually he’d worked over my whole ass.

  I begged him to stop when my eyes started to fill with tears, but he was being so harsh with me I wasn’t sure he cared.

  “You make me hard when you cry, angel,” he growled, before whipping me again.

  Finally, he was done. He pulled me off the bench and pushed me back onto my knees. I stared up at him as he began to unbutton his shirt, the expanse of his hard chest coming into view. He guided my hands to the button of his pants, made me undo it and pull the zipper down until his cock sprung from his boxer briefs.

  When he was fully naked, he fisted his cock, giving it one long stroke. I loved seeding him hard, loved seeing how excited I made him, how turned on. As much as he was the dominant in our relationship, whenever I saw him like this, so hard and masculine, so turned on because of me, I couldn’t help but feel that I was the one with the real power.

  He leaned down and kissed me hard, his tongue tangling with mine. I kissed him back, not caring if he would punish me for being too eager. I wanted him. I was hungry for him, needed him to fuck me, to punish me, to hurt me.

  When he gave me pain, he was connecting with me.

  And I wanted to connect with him so badly.

  He led me to the bed and pushed me down onto my stomach, so forcefully that I bounced.

  I was lying across the bed horizontally, and he pulled my arms back hard, then cuffed my wrists with the handcuffs he’d placed on the bed.

  My arms were now forced behind my back, my wrists cuffed together.

  “Jesus, you look so fucking good like that,” he whispered roughly from behind me. His fingers skated over my pussy, parting the folds, testing me to see how wet I was, my body letting him know that no matter how much I begged and protested, I was enjoying this just as much as he was.

  He slipped a finger inside of me, up to the knuckle, rubbing inside of me, over spots that were deep and sensitive.

  “You like that, baby?” he demanded.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You like being filled deep like that, don’t you?”


  He moved from behind me, and I could feel him walking away from me. I twisted my head, trying to see where he was going, but I couldn’t. I was tied, my movements limited, and because of that he was out of my line of sight.

  Prickles of anticipation slid up my spine, and I tried to control my breathing, to calm my heart, even though it felt as if it were going to burst from my chest.

  When he came back, he laid his body on top of mine, pulling my hair as he covered me.

  “Noah,” I moaned. “Please, what are you –“

  “Shh.” He silenced me with another kiss. We moaned into each other’s mouths, and I felt his cock pulsing between the crack of my ass as our kiss made him even harder than he already was.

  When he pulled back, he grabbed my legs and bent them at the knees, placing my feet against my wrists.

  Rope scraped against my ankles, and panic, raw and sharp, seized my chest. He was going to tie my ankles to my wrists, effectively hogtieing me, leaving my ass and pussy open to him, rendering me completely helpless and unable to move.

  “Noah, please,” I pleaded, but he continued tying me, and I knew he wouldn’t stop unless I safe worded. My safe word was right there on the tip of my tongue, my instinct to say it strong, but my instinct to trust him even stronger.

  My pussy beat with an intensity I’d never known, so strong I could almost feel my clit pulsing.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Noah whispered.

  I heard something start up, a vibrating noise, and then something hard pushed against my pussy, spreading me.

  “Noah.” I tried to clamp my legs together, but it was no use. I was tied up, my legs spread apart, leaving me unable to do anything but whimper.

  “It’s just a vibrator, Charlotte. Do you feel it?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. My cheeks stung with humiliation as the vibrator began to feel good inside of me.

  “Does it feel good, baby?”

  “Yes,” I admitted, even as tears dampened my cheeks and shame flooded my body.

  He held my hips and then I felt the head of his swollen cock press against my ass.

  I gasped and clasped my hands together. Was he really going to push into my ass, to fuck me there when I had a vibrator in my pussy?

  “Charlotte. Do you trust me?”


  “Say it.”

  “I trust you.”

  He rubbed his cock against my ass, pushing the head just a tiny bit inside of me, not much, just teasing me, getting me ready for him.

  The whole time the vibrator in my pussy kept me spread, my clit wet and pulsing.

  I closed my eyes as he continued to rub his swollen cock over my ass, keeping me breathless with anticipation, never giving me any clue or idea when he was going to push inside of me.

  “Do you trust me?” he demanded again.


  He placed both of his hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks and getting me primed for him. His thumb dipped down and slipped gently in between the vibrator and the side of my pussy, and he slid it back and forth, getting the pad of his thumb wet with my juices.

  Then he slid his thumb over the crack of my ass, lubricating me with my own arousal.

  He held my ass cheeks open as he began to penetrate me with the tip of his dick. He went slowly, excruciatingly slowly, and I wondered if it was because he’d decided to be nice, or because he knew that going slowly was its own kind of torture.

  As he pushed, getting deeper and deeper, I forced myself to relax as he pushed past my body’s natural resistance, accepting him into my most private spot.

  “That’s it, baby, let it happen,” he soothed from behind me.

  He stretched me around his thick, hard cock.

  “Almost there, just relax.”

  I gave myself to him, even though I was hogtied and had no choice. I trust you, I thought over and over again in my head, the words becoming a mantra as he pushed deeper into me until he’d made me take his cock almost all the way into my ass.

  “Shit,” he groaned from behind me with one final push.

  He held me like that, my ass impaled on him, not moving, letting me stretch out around him.

  Then he began to fuck me, slow at first, keeping my ass cheeks spread so he could go deep.

  The vibrator buzzed inside of me, and I started to breath heavily.

  Every so often Noah would rub my pussy and then rub my juices over his cock and along the crack of my ass, mixing them with his precum and lubricating me.

  “God, you are soaking wet.”

  I was. I could feel it, my pussy throbbing, beating, begging for more.


; “Please, fuck me.”


  “My ass.”

  “Yes, baby, just like that.”

  He held my ass open as he began to fuck me faster, harder, until his balls were slapping against me and my body was shaking. He pulled on my hair so hard that my upper body raised off the bed, my tits bouncing as my nipples brushed against the fabric of the comforter.

  It didn’t take me long to come with him fucking me like that, and when I did, it was one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had, the feeling of being stuffed in both holes making the experience stronger as every sensitive nerve ending burst with pleasure. Ecstasy streamed through my veins, taking over my whole body.

  As soon as he felt me start to orgasm, Noah came too, spurting hot warm cum into my ass. I felt it filling me, felt stream after stream of it hitting deep inside me, and the feeling of it, of the dirty wrongness of it, made my pussy spasm again as another orgasm took over my whole body.

  Finally, when we were sated, Noah pulled out of me slowly, then removed the vibrator from between my legs.

  He untied my ankles and uncuffed my wrists, laid down and pulled me close to him on the bed.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “Yes,” I said honestly. A warm ache had settled between my legs, a soreness from being stretched everywhere. It was the kind of soreness I knew would be with me for a while. “But it was nothing I couldn’t handle.” I laid my head against his chest and closed my eyes.

  A comfortable silence settled around us, as Noah played with my hair, loosening my ponytail and letting the strands fall through his splayed fingers.

  “There were paparazzi outside,” I said finally.

  “I know. I’d been planning to get rid of them before lunchtime.”

  Lunchtime. When I was supposed to be here. That was Noah -- always protecting me, always looking out for me.

  I propped myself up on my arm and looked at him.

  There was a tiny mist of sweat on his chest, and I leaned down and ran my tongue over it, loving the salty taste of him, knowing that he was sweaty because of what he’d just done to me, from the exertion and arousal of fucking me hard and deep.


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