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Void's Psionics

Page 13

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “I trust you.” Oliver then closed his eyes and eased the mental block.

  The loss of sensation returned when brought within Netul’s mind. Again he could see psionic energy. “Defense is the code all warriors adhere to. We are not killers though to protect we often must kill before innocents are slain. Before we begin, you must fix an image of the barrier within your mind. Make a flat wall to stop incoming threats. Angle it back to reduce the impact and divert the energy being resisted up and away or aside. Make two walls angled together to made a wedge to cut. Make a sphere to completely encase from all sides. But be warned, a barrier can only resist with the power you place on it. Taking the brunt will crumble if you use the same amount to angle it away.”

  “Like an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object will create total devastation, but if you can divert the unstoppable just a little you can let it keep going on its way till it runs out of steam.” Oliver spoke in thoughts.

  “A very understandable metaphor and highly accurate.” Netul raised his four digit right hand. “Gathering to a point is mandatory for projection as it adds an anchor for the mind so a stray thought does not corrupt intent. The palm is the most ideal though some can focus to their feet or other part of their body.” Oliver couldn’t help noticing the two thick toes on Netul’s feet. “The struggle you have is barriers require even distribution over the area you designate or the result will cause a collapse and struggle to maintain, requiring more energy than necessary.” Through the eyes of a Creelin, Oliver watched and felt how Gathering went smoothly down the arm and warmed the hand rather than the vibration and not entirely pleasant sensation he was used to. Rising out of the palm was a controlled bubble reminiscent of a net. It began expanding into a simple square to continue growing and expanding evenly.

  “I wish I could see this in through my own eyes. Through yours it seems so easy.”

  “But you can. We were waiting for you to think of it actually, My Friend. As you already tell human and Creelin are closely united in that we see in similar spectrums of light, though we can see darker in the light spectrum, but not by a gross amount. All you must do is Gather to the point your eyes create light. Now just be patient and watch what I do and how I think.”

  Through the melding of consciousnesses Oliver saw how Netul pictured a simple square and mutated the net into a five pointed star. The square netting followed and changed shape, still gradually expanding. As it did, the warmth in Netul’s hand grew minimally. So smoothly done Oliver would not have seen it had he not been taking it all in.

  “Let me try now.” Oliver was returned safely and took a deep breath to shake off the feeling. Calming, he turned up the flow till Netul began to brighten with yellow light, but as it happened Oliver at last saw psionic energy. Netul sitting in a shirt and pants did little to not sizzle with an aura. He kept holding up a barrier between them. Oliver looked down at himself in Gathering and he too soundlessly was surrounded similarly. Able to see what he was doing now, Oliver took another breath to let it out, enough to puff the cheeks. “Alright.”

  Trying to remember how it felt wasn’t simple in practice. The net that came from his hand was a mess filled with countless loose ends and breaks. Going slow and methodical with aid of the chip he began lowering the gathering point till his hand was warm and not stinging as if asleep. It took more than an hour and from there he began unknotting the mess one line at a time.

  It wasn’t even near fixed by the time of the flock of Salamanders arrived led by the biggest one his chip told exceeded the record by ten percent mass. Netul allowed use of the indigo shield as he was not yet ready to deploy barriers in combat, but he was to fly. Trying out his eyes in heavy Gathering made fighting so much easier. The flock didn’t stand a chance and went to feed lesser Beasts, but not before he got the skull of the big one and all the brains. Those were hardly as appetizing compared to the stronger, but every little bit added more.

  It took another two days to at last get the hang of creating solid barriers, but was still forced to sleep levitated.

  Netul attacked him with bolts of lightning, forcing Oliver to throw up multiple barriers instantly at the most random moments. None were life threatening, but they hurt. Hyperawareness was growing and he began to block each time there was even a slight rise he could see or feel as he kept up constant Gathering enough to keep the eyeballs alight.

  Three days before the Cerberus arrival Netul said “Good enough. Your barriers come easily and strong, but we can refine later. Now we begin discharge. Have your hand stiff and focus to the palm like you would with a barrier, but instead of making a net, imagine a single speck of fine sand floating above. Will all the energy into that miniscule point. Concentrate.”

  A blink preceded a grin as the foundation of making barriers laid a piece to the missing puzzle to complete it. Taking the advice to heart Oliver did imagine the tiny point which became the focus where a bright blue ball of plasma concentrated and grew in size. A warning glance flashed between the couple and before either could warn, Oliver lowered the intensity to a ball that would fit comfortably in his hand. Callier commented “Impressive control. I was about to stop its growth.”

  “Now you have the concentrated form humans call a kinetic blast. On contact with solid objects it shall release all the energy in an instant. The amount you hold can level a large building or three. To safely send it so you are not caught in the danger radius you must use telekinesis. The energy will recognize you so adding motion won’t let it detonate, but be warned that if another used telekinesis on it in your hand, it will explode.” Oliver swallowed as Netul told the danger. “So be careful. To reduce risk in a dangerous battle it is wise to use less energy and launch it as soon as possible. If you are a master like me, you can fire four thousand blasts per minute. Two from each hand. You can let it safely dissipate, but the moment you sent it from gathering over a hand, it will hold itself till it detonates.” He silently moved to the edge and gestured Oliver to follow, still holding it. He then pointed a claw. “Send it to where you slew the first Thunder Lizard.”

  Holding the palm stiff he turned it flatly to the kilometer away charred area. He used his hand as a guide and used his mind to simply sent it off at the constant speed of an arrow. Kinetic blasts had no mass so adjusting for gravity was not needed. Oliver put his hand down and his jaw dropped as when it hit dead center, there was a flash in the darkness, but he had excellent night vision and zooming sight with the chip showed “That made one hell of a crater!” he chuckled. “Now I see why Steven loves explosions.”

  “It does exhilarate. But you see the size of the destruction to the scale of what you held. The proportions are always the same. Kinetic blasts are always roughly nine hundred and forty six percent the size of the launch. Now I want you to sit here and fire in that same area to learn the appropriate levels required for what you need at any moment. Learn through trial. When I am satisfied we will do a kinetic stream. A beam of superheated plasma in other words.”

  It took roughly twelve tiring hours with two breaks to hunt more strange Beasts. Kinetic blasts required much energy and letting it loose was immensely draining.

  When he began feeling out precise quantities Netul brought him water and said “Now you may learn the final step. A kinetic stream works on the same principal of a blast, but rather than releasing all the energy at once, you concentrate it to heat matter with a circular beam. Think of it like an endless tube your energy will flow through. It will dissipate in distance, but that is normal. It is safer than holding a sphere, but much more exhausting as it all is released as you send it, requiring constant Gathering and sending. If you stop, the stream is interrupted. Blasting destroyed areas, but the stream will pierce any object eventually.”

  “Like my weapons?” he meant it as a joke.

  “Of course, but to destroy Solarian forged weapons will need the power of a star’s worth of energy focused completely on it for many thousands of years.”

��Well that makes me curious. Why aren’t there more weapons found with the remains humans discover?”

  Netul gave him a hard look before deciding that information wasn’t dangerous. “Because bonded weapons rapidly degrade without constant energy once bound to an owner. It was to ensure an enemy couldn’t steal and use it. The weapons you found were yet to be bonded. For instance, should you die, your three items would degrade into a mound of metallic dust. Forging them was difficult and only sworn warriors carried them. Since they could not be lost once the Voidium cube completed the standard aspects of the Valek, spares were rare. Battleships carried few unbound weapons in event of being stranded and young were raised to adulthood. That is the reason Solarian weapons are not commonly discovered.”

  “Makes sense… So a kinetic stream works like blasts?” Netul inclined his large head. “I’ll start slow and work my way up.”

  Hand stretched out stiff while sitting and legs dangling over the ledge. Taking it easy he watched invisible energy leaving his hand in a perfect circle, completely straight and fizzling out after a few meters. But as output increased a narrow beam left the palm and widened in diameter while growing longer. Engorging like a penis of plasma.

  Sweat poured down his face before creating a straight beam up into the starry sky wider than he was tall, wider than the day he witnessed Jake Dorgen unleash a stream. When it could do no more Oliver stopped and fell back breathing in deep gulps, so expended his eyes went back to normal. When he could breath he asked “How did I do?”

  “You did well, but have much to improve.” Netul said after a moment.

  “Damn, if that didn’t make you bat an eye as it scared me, just how powerful are you?”

  “Very. Would you like a demonstration to see how much difference separates us?”

  “I would like that very much.” Oliver sat up, finding a bit of a second wind.

  “Netul…” Callier’s tone was of warning.

  “All will be well. I will not harm anyone or destroy this planet or any other. The Archivers will not have cause to interfere as I need no authorization to demonstrate to a pupil so long as no one will be harmed.” Netul figuratively smiled and stopped as another mind made contact.

  “Authorization is approved, Beyleez. Aim here to allow safe demonstration.” An image of the currently seen stars appeared in their minds with a white circle to aim. “Approval granted on basis to teach control as the pupil develops. Mastery is paramount for his potential. Teach by example. You are approved.” And it left.

  “Who the fuck was that?”

  “Archiver Fenri. At least one Archiver watches us at all times during this allowance with Renee’s absence. It is to make sure we adhere to the bounds set forth. Are you at ease, Callier?”

  “I am with the allowance. Demonstrate the world cutting stream.”

  He nodded as he flew out of the cave under his own power without wearing his armor. Even narrowing his eyes, Oliver found it difficult to look at the tiny form of Netul. A sense of foreboding made all the hair over Oliver’s body stand on end. The cause came from feeling Netul’s energy from his chip’s reading that he was two hundred kilometers away. And it wasn’t weak either. The sensation was stronger than the time his eyes turn crimson.

  That all paled as a kinetic stream over a hundred kilometers across beamed out to space, completely making Netul disappear in the light of the kinetic stream that held form further than the chip could measure, the beam flying at the speed of light.

  A Creelin chuckle brought him back to reality as his mind had basically come to a complete stop. He didn’t notice Netul had stopped and was back in the cave. “Impressed?” Netul’s eyes danced a light blue green.

  “Uh… I’m at a loss. Ask me when I realize what just happened… damn I’m glad I haven’t pissed him off.” He told himself and the pair left laughing. Oliver spent the next few hours trying to wrap his head around the magnitude and control of Netul. Seeing how it held a perfect shape at such an immense size made him realize the rippling disturbances he had been able to make were sorely lacking.

  He had work to do.

  The Cerberus scent was closer than ever. Oliver glanced behind up over his shoulder to find Netul and Callier floating size by side in their glorious golden armor. They both carried their well earned ranked shields and had reminded him this battle was his alone. Eating so much these weeks was enough that they didn’t need to control the hunger lust, but it was still stronger than any other creature’s scent. A quiet sniffing was loud in Oliver’s pointy ears, the rest was silent in the jungle. It reminded him of Elder Scythe teachings to let the forest’s deathly silence notify of danger. It had gone too quiet and was the warning. Many Beasts had long since fled the area for their lives. Those that couldn’t didn’t move or make a sound to draw attention.

  Oliver drew his sword and readied the shield.

  Silently extracting itself from the forest completely submerged in darkness was the Cerberus. Like the ancient myth humans fantasized, it was a canine of three heads. It had three heads of a wolflike creature and a black coat with six reflective icy blue eyes. Its size, unlike most other Beasts, wasn’t large. It’s shoulders only came up to mid thigh on Oliver. Battle scars showed this Beast was incredibly ancient, as Beasts don’t die of old age. Death only comes if forced. Through glowing eyes behind the mask the neural chip flashed. ‘Warning! Warning! Retreat.’ Thankfully it didn’t blind, The warning flashed over the Beast’s back. Invisible psionic power rolled off it like a tsunami continents wide and would devastate all in its path despite appearance.

  A stealth predator, it silently lowered its heads and flattened their ears while pulling back razor sharp teeth with points as if filed. These were natural fangs.

  About to attack, it’s perfectly adapted black coat began to illuminate in patterns and streaks of red. A deep growl resonated from its barreled chest and leave the heads upon wide shoulders. Claws dug deep. Ready.

  Suddenly it flew forth, one head had growing orange light lift from its throat to loose a torrent of fire while on the other Gathered lightening. The middle head though controlled the body. It’s speed was faster than even Oliver’s. Had he not known what the Beast could do he would have been ended right there.

  Barely a centimeter was spared from the combination attack. But he didn’t get away completely as the head able to control fire latched its smoking maw on his cape and his feet went out from under. A downward slash in the fall cut off a hind leg. Also caught off balance the Cerberus’s left head’s jaw unlocked. Just in time as the right’s lightening came around.

  Both rolled and got up. Damn, my legs… they never moved that fast before and still wasn’t enough. Have to end this quick before my legs buckle. The Cerberus moved somehow faster even without the missing left hind leg. Rather than sidestep as it was expecting he jumped around, bringing the curved blade sharply down, able to cut through the spine easily. It howled in frustration as it could not hold itself up on two legs.

  Not wanting to make it suffer, Oliver flashed around and plunged the knife under their howling throats.

  Breathing hard and in serious pain from cramping legs, he watched as life left the deadliest among the deadly. He knelt saying “Thank you.” Before cleaning the bones and sitting down on a large boulder. Three fist size morsels laid in the shield and at first bite he could taste the pungent flavor and was pure ambrosia. Each bite was savored as he could not even compare the quality of others. It was in a league of its own despite the sizes. As if all he had been eating was fast food and suddenly received the ultimate cuisine made by a master chef’s expert’s hand. Not even halfway through the first the Creelin pair dropped beside him. “I can practically taste the essence. I can’t even compare.”

  “You did well, not even my speed could dodge them.” Netul openly admitted. “But you must rest. I heard muscles overly strain. The other will arrive in four hours thirty six minutes. This time you will have strength aplenty to not need weapons. Thi
s was the largest Cerberus. Its essence will increase yours more than most.”

  After eating and resting Netul was proven correct. Two accurate, concentrated kinetic blasts destroyed it.

  Six and a half months passed following the same pattern. Sleep, hunt and learn. Serious and subtle changes gradually became apparent over the course of time. Power increase began slowing down as the body could contain only so much. Physically little changed except that now Oliver had no unconscious control to stop his eyes from glowing. Only a strong will managed to look normal, but only in the iris. Absolutely nothing could be done to stop a soft golden mist from falling from his eyes. Just like Creelin with an overabundance of psionic energy. Callier told him it was natural and only when the limit is reached will the glowing smoke cease increasing, but will never go away except when releasing all the bodily energy.

  Yet the greatest benefit was his eyes were dawn to the same cluster of stars every time a break was taken and he felt a tug drawing him to it growing desperately stronger. He didn’t know how it worked, but knew without a doubt the sensation would lead directly to Renee wherever she may be. She was the vibrant flower and he the bee. How it was possible was unknown. Just that it was.

  When voiced, Netul and Callier shared a laugh and explained it was natural for true Matches were always drawn together. Especially Solarians with the most ideal genes.

  Training was harsh to put it mildly. He learned how Phantom’s could go invisible by using a barrier to allow light to pass. Also how to shield other’s from sensing his power to keep others from scratching their arms off. Hardest though was telepathy. That took fourteen entire weeks to achieve. But the harshest was in learning how to combine the three arts simultaneously. Flying, reading minds and shooting streams. But it did pay off as he was refrained from using weapons during the remaining time for hunts. Eleven other X-Rank Beasts were more deadly than the Cerberus, but he won.


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