The Dom with a Safeword

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The Dom with a Safeword Page 11

by Cari Silverwood

  Panting, she let Jude tuck her into his chest and arm, pat her head and murmur sweet words against her hair.

  When they freed her from the cuffs, she only lay there on the hard table, curled up on the crumpled tablecloth. She filled her lungs with air then exhaled, while her eyelids flickered at the mind-blowing memories of her Q-induced orgasm. She didn’t want to move.

  “Come on, little girl.” Q leaned over her and kissed her, softly. “Come with me and Jude over to the couch. We’re going to cuddle.”

  “Cuddle?” She blinked up at Q and frowned. “You okay?”

  “Yes, gorgeous.” She smiled big and wrapped a lock of Sabrina’s hair around her finger then tugged. “Come on, or I’ll have him all to myself.”

  Sabrina followed Q, a little wobbly on her feet. Jude wrapped his arm around her waist, steadying her. He sat down on the big couch in the living room, pulling Sabrina down with him then tucking her under his arm. Q sat stiff on the other side. Sabrina peered at her over his chest. She looked uncertain, uncomfortable. Did she regret what they just did?

  She reached over Jude and grabbed Q’s hand, pulling her toward him so their hands rested together on his stomach. Q gave her a small smile.

  A contented sigh escaped Sabrina as she rested her head against Jude and enjoyed the warmth of Q’s hand in hers. This was the most satisfied she’d felt in a long time.

  Was that what it would take to get her to enjoy sex? An orgy? No, there weren’t enough people to qualify. But whatever it was…it was amazing. Being pinned down, Q’s mouth on her, an orgasm that left her limp and whimpering.

  Q…God she could do amazing things with her mouth. She gazed up at her friend dreamily. Such beautiful lips. She licked her own, fighting back the urge to ask for a kiss.

  Jude had certainly given Q one to remember. He’d kissed her like he owned her. A thought struck her and she huffed.

  “Q,” she whispered harshly. “You let him plunder your mouth but not me!”

  She grinned and flicked her gaze to Jude before answering. “The Dom makes the rules, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 8


  As Q brushed her wet hair, she typed in her password one-handed. She logged into instant messenger, without sitting at the desk. No time for that – she had to find something crappy to wear so they could go help Jude paint. She wondered if he’d left her a message while she was in the shower. Anticipation rose as she waited for the program to initiate.

  His last message had been sent about two minutes ago.


  You’re still naked, aren’t you?

  She barked a laugh, blushing as she tried to think of a response. She typed.


  And wet.


  Hot, naked and wet. That’s an ideal combination.


  Kind of cold, actually. Too bad Sabrina’s not available to warm me up. Maybe I should jump in the shower with her.


  If you do, bring a camera.




  Oh come on, I’ve said worse to you in the past few days.

  She shifted where she stood, thinking about all of the naughty IM-ing they’d done lately. He was sexy, clever, funny and perverted. Keeping him at arm’s length because he was leaving at the end of August wasn’t working. She was a little smitten.


  True, but you should still make an effort to be a gentleman.


  Sure, but don’t expect me to be a gentle man.

  She grinned at the screen and shook her head.


  Now quit bugging me so I can find something to wear to your house. We’ll be there in 45 minutes, unless you keep talking.


  *sigh* Fine, I’ll go get things ready. It’s not my fault you keep talking to me. You could just ignore me.


  You’re a hard man to ignore.


  Good. Then my work with you has been successful.


  Bye, sunshine.


  Remind me again why I shouldn’t spank you for calling me that?

  She changed her settings so she appeared offline to him. It was either that or they’d keep chatting all day. It had happened before. Hopefully he’d see it for the bratting it was and punish her for it later.

  Another conversation popped up.


  You there, Q?

  She thought of ignoring him, but he could see she was online. Why hadn’t she blocked him after their last conversation? Because she was too polite, that’s why. She’d acknowledge his greeting then get rid of him quickly.




  Coffee tonight. 8 pm.

  Old habits were apparently hard for him to break. He was still bossy, even though he’d given up the right to be. A cold anger formed and she pushed it down. It was just his way, she couldn’t hold it against him.


  Can’t. Have a date.


  You do? With?


  A new Dom.

  His end became quiet and she drifted over to her closet, wondering if he was mulling over what to say or if he’d gotten sidetracked. Lately she’d had the impression he wasn’t very happy with his little slave anymore. He’d been hinting at wanting her back, but she was deliberately playing dumb. She wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to keep exploring things with Jude and Sabrina, even if they were ending after the summer. Was a Dom in the hand worth more than something intensely interesting, yet very temporary?

  She grabbed an old concert t-shirt off of the floor, out of the clean pile, and a black bra and panty set out of her dresser. In the middle of getting dressed she heard the bleep of the message alert. While yanking the t-shirt over her head, she walked to the computer.


  Do I know him?

  She sighed and typed a message. Why was she bothering with this guy again?


  No, hence the word “new”. He’s not from around here.


  Are you fucking him tonight?


  I’m going to his place. But that’s none of your fucking business.

  There was another lull and she cast around the room for shorts before remembering she didn’t own any. She grabbed scissors out of her desk drawer and looked for the jeans she’d decided were too short the other day. Was she really going to wear shorts? She never wore them out of the house and had thrown out the last pair about a year ago. Laughing at her own painful modesty, she hacked the jeans off at the knee. She slid them on, the pale skin of her lower leg making her feel more than naked.

  She wandered back to her laptop, grabbing her makeup and a mirror on the way. Waterproof mascara in case it was as hot as the weatherman said it would be. Was the old house even air conditioned?


  As a friend I’m just worried about you playing with a stranger. Do you need someone to safe call? Give me his address and call me every hour so I know you’re okay.

  Um... was “fuck, no” too harsh a response?


  We have someone playing with us that I know well. Thanks for the concern.


  Good. Who’s the third? I really miss playing with you sometimes.

  The brush banged against the wall before she realized she’d thrown it. Seriously?


  None of your business. You have an obedient little toy to play with, what do you want me for?


  Sometimes a man likes a challenge. A girl with a little spirit.


  You thought I was too much work, remember?


  Maybe I was wrong to be so lazy.


  Don’t fuck with me.

  She slammed the laptop closed, growling. There was a time she’d have done anything to please him
, but his betrayal still stung too much for her to disregard.

  Catching her reflection in the mirror, she stopped herself. Today wasn’t the day to worry about Nico being a jackass. She pushed thoughts of him away. Jude’s strong hands and pretty mouth quickly came to mind. She glanced down and wished she’d made the shorts shorter.


  How they were supposed to concentrate on painting with Sabrina dressed like this was beyond Q. As Sabrina knocked, Q’s gaze slid over her curves, all very distracting in the spaghetti-strapped navy blue sundress. Her hair was up in its customary messy bun, with tendrils of it brushing the back of her neck and shoulders, drawing attention to her sexy tattoo. Looking that mouth-watering and seeming so oblivious about it was just cruel. She’d give it no more than an hour before she pinned her down somewhere and did an underwear check. It was only fair.

  After a moment, the ornate door swung open and Jude was there in all of his shirtless, muscled glory. His chest and abs were amazing, but it was his arms that made her drool. It wouldn’t take much effort for him to overpower her. She forced herself to look him in the eye, but she’d already been caught checking him out.

  “See something you like?” he mocked.

  “The washboard just reminded me I have some laundry to get done.”

  “Yes, I wondered about that. You’re wearing shorts instead of long pants today. Your knees are mostly showing. Very risqué. It’s a laundry issue? And here I thought you were just trying to distract me from painting.”

  “No, if I was trying to distract you, you’d know it.” She smirked. “And I got the memo on the way over, that my shorts are too long. I just cut them off this morning. Apparently I should have looked up how to make cut-offs online, because Sabrina thinks I did a piss poor job.”

  Jude smiled and winked then turned his attention to Sabrina. “You also look delicious, as usual, Jersey girl. I’ll have to make sure to give you all of the high parts to paint.”

  She laughed and eyed him coyly. “I’m the shortest. Why on earth would you have me paint the stuff that’s higher up?”

  The look he gave her left little mystery to his intentions. “Because that little dress will look even sweeter when you’re up the ladder.”

  “You’d better not try peeking up my skirt!” Her mock glare was flirty, but she slapped his chest all the same. Her hand lingered there and she gazed up into his eyes. A moment later, the spell broke and she shrugged. “It’s an old dress so I don’t care if it gets covered in paint. Unlike our goth friend here, I don’t see any point in owning clothes that aren’t pretty.” She turned to give Q a bratty look then asked Jude, “Do you have scissors handy? I'm going to fix Q's shorts for her, so she looks like a normal person.”

  Q rolled her eyes and shook her head in feigned disbelief. Her roommate had made snarky comments about her old concert t-shirt on the car ride over too. Apparently she should have consulted her before selecting a painting ensemble.

  “I’m all for that,” he answered. “There are scissors with the painting tape.” Chuckling, he led them through to the back of the house, to a large room with cathedral ceilings. A big bay window with a vast and comfy-looking seat drew her attention. The view was of the spacious backyard that ended at a distance in greenbelt. The shed where he’d scared them the first night they met was in view.

  “The scissors are there.” Jude pointed to sturdy-looking wooden scaffolding that stood against a side wall. “This is the color I’m doing,” he announced. Q turned as he opened a paint can and revealed a rich cream color. “With ochre accents.”

  As she stood in the middle of the room with her arms folded, Q watched Sabrina fiddle with various painting implements. She chose a roller. “Are you going to keep fucking around, or are you going to cut my shorts?” If they looked dumb she wanted them fixed now.

  Grinning, Jude reached up and grabbed the scissors then held them out to Sabrina. He leaned casually against the wall beside the scaffolding.

  Sabrina’s blush reached her hairline. She met Q’s gaze contritely. “I was joking. You do look like a normal person. I like you even if you do dress like a freak. It’s part of your charm. I wouldn’t actually want you to change who you are. Even for me.”

  A warm fluttering in Q’s chest started as she looked into Sabrina’s eyes. The temptation to tell her again that she loved her was strong, but she resisted. Repeating it would just make her look pathetic, since Sabrina obviously wasn’t ready to reciprocate. The silence was getting too long to be comfortable. Time for a distraction.

  With a glance at Jude, Q shrugged. “Put the scissors down before your arm gets tired. She’s too chicken to follow through with her threats most of the time. She’d have to touch me and that scares her.” She swallowed a grin and hoped Jude was watching Sabrina, because this was going to be fantastic.

  “Chicken?” Sabrina growled. “I’ll show you chicken.” She stomped over to Jude and grabbed the scissors out of his hand. “I try to tell you that I accept you as you are, and you mock me. Do you think I’m just some cutesy doll that you can play with? I’m just as tough as you are, you know. Just because you can get me to kneel at your feet doesn’t mean I’m a doormat.”

  “I appreciate the fact that you don’t expect me to change who I am for you, Sabrina. And I know you’re not a doormat. But the fact remains that You. Are. Chicken.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She stalked over to Q. Crouching beside her, she opened the scissors and slid them up the outside of Q’s thigh until the denim was caught between the blades. She paused and looked up at her uncertainly, as though waiting for her to object.

  “Do it.” Jude’s voice was low.

  The feel of the cool metal against her skin made Q’s breathing uneven and sent thrilling shivers through her. Maybe she shouldn’t have marked “no” next to knife play. But having Sabrina do this was a bad idea. Making an excuse to have her close was one thing, but she was dizzy from the mix of dominant and submissive feelings rushing through her.

  Scissors running along her bare skin. Sabrina kneeling shyly at her feet. Carefully, Sabrina cut upward until most of her thigh was visible. She cut around the front of her leg next, leaving the white pocket hanging out the bottom of the leg hole. As the scissors approached her inseam, Q wished she had something to grab onto, to steady herself.

  As though her thoughts were audible, Jude’s big hands wrapped around her upper arms from behind, making her feel both safe and a bit trapped. She hadn’t even noticed him move in their direction. Q licked her lips and exhaled, realizing she had been holding her breath for too long. Squeezing between them, Sabrina cut away the fabric from the back of her thigh, and then Q felt her plant a kiss there. She squeaked.

  Sabrina moved back into view and frowned up at her. “Did you just squeak?”

  “No, it must have been a floorboard.” Sabrina kissed the back of her thigh? That was more than a little shocking.

  Jude snorted. “That was Q. Whatever you just did, do it again. I liked that noise.”

  Sabrina cut the other pant leg faster. Had she had freaked herself out? When she was done, Sabrina stood back and admired her handiwork. As Jude let go of her arms, Q looked down at herself.

  “Wow, Sabrina.” Q grimaced. “Now they’re much... sluttier. You like?” She turned a little to give her roommate the full effect.

  “You started it.” She smiled. “Besides, they’re not really slutty. The back doesn’t even show cheek.”

  The banging of her heart must have been heard by neighbors a block away. She fought to erase the kiss on the back of her thigh from her memory, but the tingling there still hadn’t subsided. “Fine. Whatever. Are we going to get any painting done today? Poor Jude has had to suffer through our shenanigans enough.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” he drawled. “This is much more entertaining than painting.”

  Q chuckled and threw a roller to him.

  With three of them working, getting the first coat on the
walls didn’t take long. The open window made for a cool breeze, and when they were done they sipped the sodas Jude had brought them while looking for spots they’d missed.


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