Odd Girl In

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Odd Girl In Page 6

by Jo Whittemore

  I sidled closer to Parker. “What is triska … what do I have?” I whispered.

  “The fear of the number thirteen,” he answered with a grin.

  Ms. Success returned, pen and chart in hand, shaking her head. “You kids today are so soft. When I was your age, the only things I feared were war and my Aunt Betty’s parrot.”

  “Her parrot?” asked Nick. “Because it was mean?”

  “No, because it was dead.” Ms. Success scribbled on the chart. “I played with that thing for hours before anyone told me.”

  “Oh,” said Nick, looking as disgusted as Parker and me.

  Ms. Success shook her head. “I should have guessed after I tossed him in the air and he wouldn’t fly. But when he hit the dirt, I just figured he was really full of birdseed.”

  “Okay, that is disturbing,” I spoke up before she could continue. “But I’m glad you, uh, survived.”

  Ms. Success grinned and waved me away. “Go on, you. Take a seat next to Trevor.”

  I hurried to the back before she could change her mind, and dropped my stuff on the desk beside Trevor’s. I let out a sigh of relief. From where I was sitting, I could see the names on everyone’s shirts.

  “Hey.” Trevor leaned toward me. “Trevor the Clever.”

  I just blinked at him. “Alex the Confused.”

  Trevor laughed and pulled away. “I meant my nickname. It’s a mnemonic device. You know, something to help you remember. I’ve got one for everyone in the class.”

  I laughed too. “Oh! That is clever, uh, Trevor. But I knew about you even before I got here. A couple of kids from my school have a crush on you.”

  As soon as I’d said the words, I knew I’d broken the Holy Code of Girl. “I mean, uh, not crush. They just think you’re cute.” I bit my tongue. “Or maybe not even cute. Just not ugly.”

  I turned away and craned my neck to see if the seat next to Emily was still free.

  “Wow. Some girls think I’m not ugly,” said Trevor. “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment. What school do you go to?”

  I jumped on the opportunity to change the subject. “Weber, the one near the paintball course.”

  His face lit up. “I love paintball! Does anyone ever—”

  “Trevor! Alexis!” barked Ms. Success. “Don’t make me strain my singing voice.”

  Trevor and I stopped talking, and I put my backpack under my desk. He glanced around and whispered. “So if you go to Weber, it must be Emily and Chloe who like me, huh?”

  And we were back on that. I smiled and put a finger to my lips. Then I leaned forward and listened as Ms. Success talked about teamwork.

  “Nobody can tackle every challenge alone,” she said. “Try moving furniture by yourself. Or building a house. Try choosing a new exotic pet to cheer up your aunt.” She shook her head. “For the record, monkeys are a bad idea.”

  I exchanged a mystified look with Trevor, and the rest of the class buzzed with confusion until Ms. Success clapped her hands.

  “The point is … all of those tasks are made easier when you have help.” She glanced across the room and frowned. “Unless you’re partnered with someone eating their own hair and looking out the window.”

  Everyone followed Ms. Success’s gaze to a blonde girl in the far corner who seemed to be mentally miles away.

  Ms. Success cupped her hands over her mouth and called to her. “Come back to us, Shelly. Your parents are paying good money for that star T-shirt.”

  When Shelly realized we were all watching, she let her hair fall from her mouth and straightened up to face the front of the class.

  “Now,” said Ms. Success. “Teamwork …”

  The lesson continued for half an hour until it was time to break. As we followed the rest of the class outside, Trevor pointed out the tricks he used to remember their names. Meanwhile, my brothers did what they did best and mingled with the other students. Parker made the guys laugh and Nick made the girls blush. Even Chloe.

  For my sake, I really hoped she’d fall for Nick and forget all about Trevor. That way, there’d be no drama between her and Emily. Unfortunately, Chloe sauntered over to Trevor and me as soon as she spotted us.

  “Hey, guys! I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” She smiled at both of us but her eyes quickly flitted to me.

  “Nope,” I said. “Just discussing teamwork and how great it is.”

  “Excellent!” Chloe scooted onto the bench between Trevor and me. “What are you doing for your teamwork assignment?”

  Before I could answer, she groaned and shifted back to her feet.

  “Emily the Strange is coming. I’ll talk to you guys later.” She leaned toward me and mumbled, “If you join an interesting group, let me know.”

  I nodded and Chloe waved to Trevor before sprinting away. Emily glanced after her, shrugged, and held a white paper bag out to Trevor and me.

  “Want some? I made them myself.”

  She opened the bag and revealed a bunch of wrapped candies smelling strongly of chocolate.

  “Yum!” I grabbed a couple and so did Trevor.

  “Thanks, Emily!” he said.

  I popped one into my mouth, chewed, and then stopped. It wasn’t just chocolate. It was chocolate-covered cheese. I tried not to breathe through my nose as I swallowed.

  “What do you think?” asked Emily, bouncing on her toes. “I call them ‘cheesocolates.’”

  Ordinarily I might have said something sarcastic, but she looked so hopeful.

  “Mmmm.” I rubbed my stomach. “Unique.”

  Trevor swallowed hard and gave her a thumbs-up. “Where’d you find the recipe?”

  She blushed. “Actually, I got the idea from you.”

  I groaned, remembering Project Trevor.

  “From me?” he asked.

  “I’ve seen you eat Cheetos dipped in pudding,” explained Emily. “I figured you must like the contrast of salty and sweet so I thought I’d make it more portable.” She thrust the bag at us. “Here. Take some more!”

  Trevor and I didn’t budge.

  “Maybe you should save those,” I said. “You know, for a special occasion.”

  Emily waved the thought away. “Go ahead. I’m making more for Chloe’s slumber party.”

  “Really?” I raised my eyebrows and Emily frowned. “I mean, does the world really … deserve them?”

  “I have an idea,” said Trevor. “My mom’s a chef and I help her in the kitchen sometimes. Why don’t we all make some desserts?”

  Emily’s face brightened and she turned to me with a pleading look. “Yes! It could be your teamwork assignment!”

  Even though I imagined at least a dozen ways this could end badly, I sighed and nodded. “All right.”

  “Great!” Emily hugged me, then advanced on Trevor, who was too busy pawing through her candy to notice.

  Before she could hug-attack him, I yanked her away by the back of her shirt and shook my head. Trevor glanced up just as Emily was smoothing her top down. “So, um, we’ll meet at my place tomorrow evening?” she asked.

  “Sounds like a plan!” he said.

  We followed the crowd back inside for the rest of our lesson. When it was finally winding down, Ms. Success called my brothers and me to the front, and I silently recited my mnemonics so I wouldn’t forget them.

  Shy Shelly, B.O. Bobby, Tan Dan …

  “All right, Evinses.” Ms. Success rubbed her hands together. “You’ve met your classmates. I want you to point them out and tell me one thing about each of them.”

  My thoughts came to a grinding halt and I turned to Ms. Success. “I thought we just had to learn names.”

  Ms. Success wagged a finger. “I said I expected you to know your classmates, Alexis. Why don’t you go first?”

  There was no way I could say what I knew about each person. All of Trevor’s mnemonics had been helpful but not particularly insightful. I couldn’t say Dan spent too much time in the sun or that Bobby smelled like an armpit. />
  “Uh,” I said and pointed to Shelly. “That’s Shelly. She has blonde hair.”

  “And?” prompted Ms. Success.

  I stared at Shelly’s desk for clues. “Well, she’s not afraid to use pens.” I held up a finger. “Which is saying something because the pen is mightier than the sword.” I paused. “That also means she’s probably not afraid of swords, so if you were going into medieval battle—”

  Ms. Success closed her eyes. “Move it along, Alexis.”

  “Right.” I blushed. “Next to Shelly is Jules,” I said. “She likes to wear, um, jewels. Probably diamonds, since they’re a girl’s best friend. As are dogs.” I frowned. “Oh, wait. Dogs are a man’s best friend. So maybe cats—”

  Nick leaned over. “Stop babbling.”

  I struggled through the rest of the names and facts and then Parker went, followed by Nick. And, of course, they both brilliantly rattled off the names and different facts for each student.

  “Well done,” said Ms. Success, sending us back to our seats. “Class, your assignment that is due next lesson is teamwork. Keep it fun and keep it legal.”

  With a wave, she turned her back to the crowd, and there was an instant shuffling of papers and scraping of chairs as the class gathered their things to leave. My brothers and I hadn’t even stepped away from our desks when Ms. Success called our names.

  “Come join me for a quick powwow,” she said.

  “Great,” muttered Parker. “I wonder what this could be about.” He gave me a pointed look and I shoved him.

  All Nick had to do was extend his massive hand, one toward each of us, and Parker and I fell silent.

  As soon as everyone else had left, Ms. Success gestured for us to grab the desks closest to her.

  “I’m not an idiot, kids,” she said. “I know Alexis doesn’t have a fear of the front of the room, and frankly, I’m offended that you’d try and stump me with triskaidekaphobia. Nobody is afraid of snack crackers, Triscuits or otherwise.”

  Parker opened his mouth but then clamped it shut and nodded.

  Ms. Success continued. “Alexis, I’m disappointed that you didn’t try harder to get to know your classmates, especially since you’re struggling with social skills.”

  I stared at my hands. “Sorry, Ms. Success.”

  “Work on it.” She moved on to my brothers. “Nick, I didn’t hear you participate once in class. Did you even read the chapters?”

  “I, uh.” He stuttered for a moment, then said, “I didn’t have time.”

  Ms. Success didn’t look remotely sympathetic. “Set a schedule and find some time for reading, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And Parker,” she said, “I’m lethal with a high heel. If you interrupt me during class again, I’m not above decapitating you with a Jimmy Choo.”

  Parker nodded. “Yes, Ms. Success.”

  “Those things being said”—she faced us and allowed herself a small smile—“I was impressed with your over-the-top entrance. You rolled with the punches and became the Energetic Evins. You were also supportive of each other, which, I understand from your father, doesn’t happen a lot.” She flashed us a thumbs-up. “Keep up the good work.”

  We grabbed our things and headed for the exit. As soon as we reached open air, Parker gave an all-over body shudder.

  “That woman is intense. I think my hair’s standing more on end than usual.”

  “And where am I supposed to find more time?” asked Nick, yawning. “I can barely stay awake for school as it is.”

  I snapped my fingers. “I know just the thing. Wait here!”

  I hurried back into the building and went down the hall to the faculty lounge. I checked to make sure the coast was clear, then I poured a cup of coffee and walked toward the exit as fast as the sloshing liquid allowed.

  Just outside Ms. Success’s office door, I heard voices. Emily was talking to her stepmother.

  “I’m not sure if he’s doing it out of pity, but it’s a start,” said Emily. “I mean, he notices me now.”

  I pressed my back against the hallway wall. She was talking about Trevor. With Ms. Success. I never would have imagined the two of them in a conversation like that.

  “If he was smart, he would have noticed you the whole time,” said Ms. Success.

  “He is smart,” said Emily. “I’m just …” She paused and made an exasperated sound.

  Ms. Success answered with a clucking tongue. “The next words out of your mouth better be positive ones. Nobody insults my kiddo.”

  I stared into the coffee cup I was holding and bit my bottom lip. Emily and Ms. Success were having a mother-daughter moment. I’d always wondered what those were like. Now I kind of wished I’d gotten to know firsthand.

  When I walked past the office, they were too busy laughing together to even notice me.

  Chapter 7

  Of course the teamwork project wasn’t just as simple as meeting at Emily’s house. I was required to arrive half an hour before Trevor so Emily could go over the ground rules with me.

  “Let me do most of the talking,” she said. “And if I say something funny, laugh heartily.”

  “Laugh heartily?” I repeated. “As in, clutch my belly like Santa Claus?”

  “No, do this …” She slapped her thigh and demonstrated an over-the-top laugh that almost looked painful.

  “I’ve never laughed that hard,” I said. “Even when Nick brushed his teeth with bodywash.”

  Emily groaned in aggravation and wandered into the kitchen.

  “You know Trevor isn’t expecting you to be a comedian,” I said, following her. “Or anything else you aren’t.”

  Emily checked her reflection in the toaster and applied more lip gloss. “I just want to offer something that Chloe doesn’t. I want him to think I’m unique.”

  “Oh, you definitely are,” I said.

  She frowned at me. “Not unique like a circus freak, Alexis.”

  “Fine, but all joking aside, you do stand out,” I said. “In an ambitious way. I can’t think of anyone else who would buy ingredients for a hundred different desserts when she’s only making one.”

  I gestured to the kitchen counters, which were covered with spices, fruits, and all kinds of other baking ingredients.

  “I don’t know what Trevor’s planning to make,” she said. “And I don’t want him to think I’m unprepared.”

  The doorbell rang then, and Emily practically jumped out of her skin. “He’s early!”

  “Well, your stepmom did teach him time management skills,” I pointed out.

  Emily flashed me an annoyed look and ran to the door.

  “Hey!” said Trevor when she let him in. He smiled at her and waved to me. “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought the ingredients to make my mom’s famous carrot cake.” He gestured to the paper grocery bag in his arm.

  The tiniest flicker of annoyance passed over Emily’s face, but she forced a smile. “Mind? Why would I mind? I mean, it’s not like there’s dozens of groceries waiting in the kitchen.”

  She let out a laugh that was probably meant to sound casual but came out kind of crazy. To show my support, I slapped my thigh and said, “Ha!”

  Trevor stared at both of us. “So the kitchen’s through here?” He started down the hall, but Emily grabbed his elbow.

  “Hey, let Alexis take that bag.” She took it from Trevor and put it into my arms. “I wanted to show you something in the, uh, bathroom. It’s that way.” She pushed him in the opposite direction of the kitchen and turned back to me.

  “Get rid of all the food!” she hissed. Then she hurried to join him.

  I stood there for a second, holding Trevor’s groceries and wondering just how I’d become Emily’s lackey. Then I headed to the kitchen and gathered up armfuls of unopened ingredients, shoving them into the biggest empty space I could find—the dishwasher.

  I’d just started laying out Trevor’s items when I heard him and Emily approaching.
r />   “Isn’t that something?” she asked Trevor.

  “Uh, yeah,” he said. “I never noticed how much a flushing toilet sounds like the ocean.” He gave me a strange look and I smiled.

  “So what are we cooking up?” I asked.

  “Oh, right. Voila!” Trevor reached into his back pocket and pulled out an index card.

  He rattled off the list of ingredients while I grabbed the matching items. Or rather, while I tried to grab the matching items. Every time I reached for something, Emily would dart forward and snatch it away.

  “Here are the carrots, Trevor!” she announced, followed by:

  “Got the milk!”

  “All eggs accounted for!”

  “Pecans coming right up!”

  Just to throw her off, I grabbed a dog toy from the floor. Emily yanked it from me and, before she realized, presented it to Trevor.

  He looked at the squeaky newspaper, smiled, and said, “Uh, maybe we can read The Daily Growl later.”

  Emily blushed and laughed. “Whoops!” Then she whirled around and fixed me with a frown. I shrugged innocently.

  When it came time to start mixing the ingredients, Emily sidled up to one side of Trevor so I moved to the other.

  She glanced at me and snapped her fingers. “You know what? We should both bring a dessert to the party.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Huh?”

  She nodded. “Alexis, why don’t you go ahead and start one too?”

  “Uh, because I can’t cook,” I said. “And because we’re supposed to be practicing teamwork, remember?”

  Emily crossed her arms and gave me a condescending smirk. “Oh, Alexis, don’t you see? We are. We’re working together to get twice as much accomplished.”

  I shook my head. “Unbelievable.”

  Clever Trevor sensed the girl trouble brewing and jumped in to help. “I can go between the two of you,” he said, turning to me. “When I’m done helping Emily with a step, I can go over it with Alex.”

  Emily’s smirk flattened, but Trevor couldn’t see it with his back to her.

  “That’s okay,” I said. “I’ll try doing it on my own.”

  Emily flashed me a grateful smile and took Trevor’s arm. “Let’s get started.”

  “Uh, okay,” he said, giving me a shrug.


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