On My Knees

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On My Knees Page 2

by Stone, Ciana

  Layla cast one more look behind her and ran headlong into something big and solid. The impact sent her careening backwards, smack on her ass.

  She shook back her hair, looked up and screamed.

  Chapter Two

  I admit to being pleasantly surprised by her reactions thus far. She’d displayed the confusion and fear I’d anticipated, but had demonstrated more courage than I’d expected.

  Like her attempt at escape. I’d wondered if she would try and now I had my answer. It pleased me. If she’d turned out to be a woman who fell to pieces, crying, and wailing and showed no spine, I’d have sedated and returned her.

  However, there she was, barefoot and still muddled from the after effects of the drug; running toward what she hoped was freedom.

  I understood the feeling. It’s why I’m here on the ranch I started before Texas was part of the United States. This ranch affords me and others like me a measure of freedom that doesn’t exist in many places. Here we don’t have to hide what we are. We don’t have to face the look of fear or revulsion on the faces of the people who don’t want our kind, the preternaturals, or “The Seven” as they’ve labeled us, to be part of society. That label was bestowed by The Directorate, a body formed by the humans. They felt The Seven to be the most appellative, as there are seven species of preternaturals.

  The world governments of Earth think the enclaves we have established, such as this one, are our way of cooperating, of segregating our kind, the preternatural beings who call Earth home, from the general population until humanity is ready to accept our existence.

  Let them think what they want. Since I agreed to allow my land to become a sanctuary, this Texas enclave has become a profitable business and base for all our kind in the district I command. We live by the rules set down by the Council. It is a safe haven for all who accept to call it home and be ruled by me. This ranch, Sanctuary, is as much their home as mine.

  Would she? She’s not like us. Well, she is more than she realizes. She will be of great use to us. However, that’s not why I took her.

  That was just for me.

  Augustus watched from the side porch as Layla raced toward the driveway. He’d expected her to try to escape. What he hadn’t counted on was her running into Conner. He chuckled at the comical sight.

  Layla was looking to the side and ran into Conner at full tilt. Seeing that Conner was in one of his animal forms, namely a very large bull, the impact sent her flying backwards to land squarely on her ass.

  She must have surprised Conner, because he was partially transformed when she looked up. Which meant she saw a powerful naked man with the head of a bull.

  Augustus bounded off the porch as Layla scrambled to her feet. He expected her to run from Connor. Instead, she ran straight at him, fists flailing.

  Connor reacted by grabbing her wrists. That stopped the attack of her fists, but did nothing to stop her from kicking at him. By the time Augustus reached them, seconds later, Conner had her dangling off the ground, her wrists captive in his big hands and his arms stretched out in front of him.

  Augustus allowed himself a laugh. She looked like a hooked fish, flapping on the end of a line. And cursing a blue streak.

  “This yours?” Conner turned his head to look at Augustus.


  Conner lowered Layla to the ground and released her. By then he was fully in human form. She drew back her fist and punched him in the stomach then jumped to the side, fists clenched and chest heaving.

  “I don’t know what the hell that is.” She jerked her head to the side to indicate Conner. “Or what the hell you have in mind, but I can tell you now that I’m not interested. I’m leaving and you better not try and stop me.”


  “Or I’ll…I’ll…just believe me, it won’t be pretty.”

  Conner laughed, earning him a look of scorn from her hot enough to burn. “I mean it.” Layla’s voice was rough with fear. “Stay the hell away from me.”

  She took a step back, then another. When Augustus made no move toward her, she pivoted and broke into a run.

  Conner watched her race to the driveway then turned to Augustus. “You going after her?”


  “Gonna let her run herself out?”

  “Something like that.”

  “You think this was a good idea?”

  “Seemed so at the time.”

  Conner shrugged. “You must have a powerful hankering for her to go to all this trouble.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Whatever.” Conner turned away. “Yell if you need a hand. Or horn.”

  Augustus smirked and turned to watch Layla’s progress. The driveway of the house connected to a main drive, which was at least two miles long. At her current speed, and barefoot, it would take her a good twenty minutes to reach the public road. Fifteen maybe. She was traveling at a fairly swift pace.

  Still, no need to hurry. He’d be waiting for her when she reached the road.

  Conner’s question turned his thoughts inward. In this instance, he’d acted unilaterally, seeking council from only his two closest friends, Conner and Gabriel. They'd expressed concern but had not challenged his decision other than to admit that they did not understand the reasoning behind it. He wasn’t sure he fully understood it. All he was sure of was that the moment he saw her on the morning news show, he’d known she was meant for him.

  Nothing was going to stop him from making her his.

  Not even her.


  Layla winced and stumbled as a sharp rock stabbed into the insole of her left foot. She couldn’t let the pain slow her down. She had to get away.

  Damn it all, how long was this drive? Surely, it had to lead to a real road. A road with cars she could flag down and get a ride. She just had to keep running. No matter that her legs were getting tired and her feet hurt. She had to escape.

  From…hell’s bells, what was that thing? Was her mind playing tricks on her? She’d have sworn it was a man with a bull’s head. Well at first, anyway. Then it became a man. A naked man.

  A naked man with really big muscles and a really big dong.

  Just had to notice that, didn’t you? The little voice in her head voiced the one question she’d rather not have to answer. Well sure, she noticed. It was kind of hard not to.

  She cut a look behind her. There didn’t seem to be anyone following. That was odd. Why kidnap and tie her to a bed only to let her run away?

  Not that it mattered. All that mattered was escaping. Relief flooded her as she rounded a bend in the road. There was a gate in the distance. A big thick metal affair. And there appeared to be a paved road outside the gate. Freedom was in sight.

  She picked up her pace. Almost there. Relief threatened to rob her of strength. Then adrenaline fueled by fear kicked in. Augustus suddenly just appeared out of thin air in front of her, leaning back casually against the gate.

  “Going somewhere?” He asked in a lazy drawl as she stumbled to a halt in front of him.

  “Home,” she whimpered, despite her resolve to be brave. “I want to go home.”

  “You are home, Layla.” He pushed away from the gate and took a step toward her.

  “No.” She raised her hands, as if that feeble act could keep him at bay. “Please. Let me go.”

  “I can’t do that.” He took another step closer.

  “Why? What do you want from me?”


  Before she could react, his arms were around her, his body pressed tightly to hers, and his lips claiming a kiss.

  She should have fought. Should have kicked and scratched, bitten and clawed. Yet the moment their lips met, something stole over her that was stronger than fear. Lust. Sexual need with a power like nothing she’d never imagined claimed her and had her pressing tighter against him, hungrily accepting his kiss.

  It wasn’t until he pulled back that reason returned, and with reason came shame,
which naturally spawned anger. Layla tried to jerk away, but his arms were too strong.

  “You’re mine, Layla.” His voice was the fabled call of a siren, promising pleasures man – or in her case, woman —never dreamed. It nearly smothered her anger.

  Nearly. There was enough left for her to glare up at him. “I don’t think so.”

  “You will.”

  “Not in a hundred years, buddy.”

  “Only a hundred?” He smiled, revealing model perfect white teeth and two very sharp canines. “I can wait.”

  She was only dimly aware of his last words. The sight of those fangs had reality slipping away. For the first second in her life, she fainted.

  Chapter Three

  What a weird dream. My brain must really be scrambled from all the excitement to dream that up. Of course, it might make for a good book – woman is abducted by Mr. Super Sexy and taken to some remote location where she discovers he’s a Vampire who makes her hotter than a star going nova.

  Maybe I’ll write down some notes about that. Later. Right now, it’s nice just to lie here and be lazy.

  Did I forget to turn off the television? I can hear it. Someone talking about something called The Seven. Preters? Predators? Seven Predators? What is that? A sports team? A new band? Some terrorist group?

  No matter, I need to think about the dream. Maybe I should write a book about it. A cowboy Vampire.

  Nah. Someone’s probably already done that.

  Wonder what time it is? Don’t I have a flight somewhere today?

  Oh, shit!

  Layla’s eyes flew open. She was not in a hotel room. She must be in shock to have forgotten, even for a Nano—second what was happening.

  She was lying on a long, deeply cushioned sofa, covered with a soft spread. The room she was in was enormous, with four big couches and at least a half dozen deeply padded chairs. A huge fireplace of stone dominated one wall. The wall adjacent to the fireplace boasted of floor to ceiling windows through which she could see land that stretched out in seeming endlessness beyond the trees that sheltered the house. It was like something out of a magazine advertising a ski lodge with a rustic feel and plenty of space.

  Augustus stood in front of those windows, with two other men. One of the men looked like the thing she’d run into earlier. Tall and powerfully built, he had a thick head of golden brown hair that brushed the tops of his wide shoulders. The other man was shorter with a build like a swimmer and hair as black as a raven.

  Both of the men appeared to be younger than Augustus. She wondered who they were and what they were discussing.

  Like you don’t know how to find out?

  Layla slammed her eyes closed again. She hated that voice. It was the voice of temptation. She’d battled it her entire life.

  Granny had told her that it was her gift, but that she had to use it wisely and never for personal gain. Did that count now? If she opened herself to pick up their thoughts and feelings, would that be selfish? After all, it if helped her escape it wasn’t doing harm was it?

  She counted down from ten, trying to relax, and then lowered the barrier, opening up to receive impressions.


  What? That wasn’t right. She took in a slow deep breath and tried again.


  What the hell?

  She opened her eyes to find all three men watching her. She blinked and rolled over, turning her back to them. That had to be the best course of action, right? Surely, they couldn't have sensed that she was trying to eavesdrop on their thoughts.

  And it's smart to turn your back on someone who kidnapped you, right?

  Shit, that inner voice sure knew how to cause a knot to twist in her gut. Layla threw off the spread, rolled over and sat up. The men were still looking in her direction. Now what?

  "I'm ready to leave."

  The Bull Man cut a look at August and smirked. The raven-haired man didn't react at all. Augustus just stared at her for a long moment then gestured toward her. "Gentlemen, meet Layla Storm. Layla, I believe you've met Connor." He gestured toward the giant who nodded at her with another smirk.

  "And Andre." He gestured toward the raven-haired man.

  Andre inclined his head. "Miss Storm." His voice carried a heavy accent but was melodious and soft.

  Layla's upbringing stepped in and she nodded to the men. Her mother would have slapped her upside the head if she'd demonstrated impoliteness, even in this extreme circumstance. "Gentlemen. I'd like to say it is a pleasure but …"

  She paused for dramatic affect and then bounded to her feet. "…I've have enough of your company so if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving now."

  Connor outright laughed as she cut Augustus a look she hoped spelled that he better not try and stop her. She marched to the door, flung it open, and cut a look back into the room.

  She should have stopped moving. For the second time since she'd been wherever she was, she ran right into something. Hands grabbed her upper arms to stabilize her and the touch sent something sizzling through her that almost made her eyes roll back in her head.

  Bliss. It's the only concept that came to mind. Bliss. She damn near passed out it was so strong. Had the hands not released her she might have. She looked at the owner of the hands and consciousness threatened to flee.

  "Holy shit."

  It was an Angel. An honest to goodness Angel. With white wings, long flowing blonde hair, and a body that looked like it had been carved by Michelangelo, he was almost too beautiful to be real. However, there he was, looking at her with a smile on his face.

  "And hello to you, too." The drop-dead male Angel greeted her.

  "Oh, this is too … are you real?"

  "Yes, I assure you I am. I'm Gabriel."

  Hold the deal Lucille! "Gabriel? As in Archangel Gabriel?"

  "Well, I am an Archangel and my name is Gabriel but I assure you I am not the Archangel on record within the Christian tome."

  Layla was at a loss for a moment. This was freaking incredible. And slowing you down.

  "I'm Layla and I have to go now so – hey hold on, if you're an Angel then tell that Vampire to let me go. I don't belong here and I want to leave."

  Gabriel smiled and shrugged. "Sorry, he kind of calls the shots around here."

  "Say what?"

  He looked around her, into the room. "Augustus, I realize you're a man of few words, but you could have at least done her the courtesy of explaining where she is and what this place is."

  Layla turned her head and smirked at Augustus who had a bit of a frown on his face. "Yeah, really."

  "Very well."


  "Please, come in and have a seat and I will explain."

  Layla hesitated. She was curious but she also wanted to leave. Remember what happened last time? Her inner companion had a point. As incredible as that kiss had been, she didn't think she was ready for a repeat performance. She had no desire to be charmed or whatever it was called, by a Vampire. She had things to do and places to go.

  Nevertheless, she was curious and she could spare a few minutes, especially if it gave her fodder for a story. "Fine." She returned inside the house and reclaimed her seat on the couch. "So…?"

  Gabriel entered and she watched as he crossed the room to take a seat on a sofa on the wall adjacent to where she sat. Layla craned her neck and leaned to one side, trying to get a look at his back. He'd folded his wings and she wondered how they connected to his body. She bet he had to have his clothes custom made. And how did he manage to get a shirt on like the tight white t-shirt that clung to his muscular body?

  "I can stand if you prefer." His voice carried a hint of amusement.

  "Oh, sorry. I'm so sorry. I just … oh hell, I just was trying to figure out how you get into t-shirts and how your wings connect and—"

  "Would you like to see?"

  "Oh yes!"

  "So you're not interested in hearing about where you are." Augustus' voice pulled her back from th
e sudden tangent she'd embarked upon.

  "Sorry." She directed her apology to Gabriel rather than Augustus.

  "Later." His smile and the accompanying wink sent a fleeting feeling through her. Of being a kid and having a "thing" with a friend, something only the two of you shared. She wondered what caused her to feel that way and then reminded herself to pay attention to the matter at hand.

  She turned her attention to Augustus but refrained from making eye contact. She'd already figured out how detrimental to her mental processes that could be, not to mention the havoc it wrecked with her libido.

  Andre and Connor took seats but Augustus remained standing. "What do you know of the Preterhumans or The Seven?"

  "The what?"

  "Preterhumans or The Seven as is more commonly used."

  "Nothing." Layla could say that with complete honesty. "I mean, I heard you mention it when I awoke but I don't know who or what it is."

  Augustus cut a look at Gabriel. "Perhaps we should ask Severin, Darius, and Xavier to join?"

  Gabriel cocked his head to one side and then nodded. "Done."

  "Who are they?" Layla turned her attention away from the smiling Gabriel who gave her a wink. "Severin, Darius and Xavier? Are they the Seven?"

  August turned his attention to her once more. "When we decided to make our presence known publically, the governments of the world formed a Directorate to deal with … negotiations. As there are seven distinct races among us, we were labeled "The Seven," for brevity I suppose.

  "Hold on. Make your presence known? As in announcing that Vampires and Angels and…" She cut a look at Connor. "And whatever he is, are real?"

  "Yes. As I stated, our people are of seven races or clans of what humans call preternatural or preterhuman. I am Vampire, and before you ask, no I was never human. Yes, I can "make" a Vampire and yes, Vampires can breed. We are not "undead" and aside from a few who do not have the age or strength, we can withstand daylight."


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